cartographer & healer
{From: @SilentWanderer}
Best Friend
Aneirin is organizing his things with Ruby sitting in the curve of his tail. The little chinchilla has her paws on his compass, but tickly whiskers twitching as she sniffs all over the polished surface. The breeze overhead is cool but not enough to dissuade him from his work as he files things away. It's a peaceful scene, until a small, wailing noise breaks the quiet.
The imperial's head lifts, his brow furrowing over his vibrant green eyes. He looks up, and his eyes flash with understanding. He gently sets Ruby aside, before spreading his wings and rocketing up into the sky. He holds out both of his front paws, though truly only needs one, and manages to snag a teeny tiny dragon that was plummeting to the ground.
"Oof!" The small Veilspun wheezes for a moment where he lies on his back in Aneirin's paws. "ACK! Don't eat me--Oh! It's you Annie."
Aneirin flicks one ear, amusement coloring his warm tone as he rumbles, "Charlemagne, what have you gotten yourself into this time?"
"Oh! You know, just got back from a little trip, eheheh," Charlemagne rubs the back of his head with one claw. The branches atop the veilspun's head are flowering, and the delicate scent is pleasant. Aneirin lands on the ground again, careful about his small companion as he does so.
"Did you get yourself into trouble?" Aneirin says, he looks Charlemagne over as he speaks; the veilspun does seem to have a few injuries. He furrows his brow, before gently setting Charlemagne on a branch at eye level. After this, he murmurs a healing spell, and watches carefully as the magic suffuses into the tiny dragon's scales.
"Trouble? Me?" Charlemagne's voice is strained as he laughs. Aneirin eyes him carefully, then turns to look at his bag. He keeps one ear tilted in the veilspun's direction, just in case Charlemagne decides to flit off. "Hahaha! Surely not, these were just um.... you see there were some very voracious sparrows that... um..."
"Perhaps, you shouldn't..." Aneirin turns to meet Charlemagne's gaze again, his claws curled around his bag. He pauses, noticing that the veilspun's eyes are wide and wet with unshed tears. Aneirin blinks, startled, "Ah!"
"I know that I'm weak," Charlemagne says, sniffling. Aneirin feels a stab of panic but doesn't know how to express it. He finds himself just staring impassively at the little dragon, his mind running a mile a minute while his mouth refuses to open. "But I don't - I can't give up. It's- it's my dream."
Aneirin pauses, he doesn't know how to respond for a moment. The quiet is broken only by the rustle of Ruby's paws in the grass and Charlemagne's soft sniffling sobs. After a while the imperial heaves a soft sigh.
"I didn't mean that you should stop," Aneirin says gently, reaching up to gently scoop the veilspun into his claws again. He lifts Charlemagne up so that his snout gently bumps into the veilspun, and he softly huffs at him. A rumbling noise like a purr in his throat, "I was working up the courage to ask if I may join you."
Is it just him, or do the pale scales on Charlemagne's face seem to darken to a reddish purple It's hard to tell, the little dragon is turning away from him and muttering rapidly under his breath. Aneirin can hardly hear him, but he thinks he picks out; "Stay cool Charlemagne - it's fine. A giant, beautiful dragon just asked to join you for adventures. You've got this! You won't mess things up!"
"You think I'm beautiful?" Aneirin asks, the thought makes his heart warm.
"Eh? EH!?? A-aaah! Nuh-nevermind that Annie!" Charlemagne is flustered, his paws flailing in the air in an animated manner. He smacks them into Aneirin's snout, but Aneirin doesn't mind. He can't help the fond warmth on his face as he watches Charlemagne flounder. Cute. "The point is - I ah. I usually fly solo but, I mean. If you want to go, I wouldn't say no."
Aneirin's eyes sparkle, he turns again and shifts Charlemagne into one claw so that he can pull out his map with the other. This he rolls out on the ground, and he watches realization spark on Charlemagne's face. The little veilspun squeaks with delight. Clapping his claws together.
"Annie this map - it's gorgeous!" Charlemagne hops down, wings fluttering to hold himself aloft. "The craftsmanship is exquisite - I've never seen this seal before! Hang on!"
Aneirin feels suddenly bashful as Charlemagne turns his Nature green eyes on him. He busies himself with scooping Ruby into his paws, and pressing his snout into her silky soft fur.
"Annie did you draw this?" Charlemagne says, honest awe coloring his tone. Aneirin jolts, his ears flicking and his eyes widening as he looks over. "You did! This is incredible!"
"It's not finished," Aneirin rumbles, "Just something I do in my spare time. I thought maybe you would enjoy it and maybe some company on your next trip."
"Yes!" Charlemagne shouts, almost before Aneirin has finished speaking. The veilspun's eyes are bright, and he flies up to land on Aneirin's snout. He pats his nose and says with a grin, "I'll accept your company any day Annie! You and me, we're gonna be great! Maybe Roz too, if they want. Oh and Ruby!"
"Mn," Aneirin says, he feels light suddenly. The peace of the day before couldn't compare in all honesty. He likes the company of the little veilspun, with emerald-bright eyes and animated way of speaking. With the scent of his blooming flowers and excitable chatter. He'd take that over silence any day.
My family is very precious to me. Please take good care of my kin and if they ever need to leave your clan, please send them back to their family. If they have any children of their own, I would love to see them, and they will always be welcome in my clan.
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