
Level 10 Gaoler
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Energy: 50
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Ice icon
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Male Gaoler
Male Gaoler
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Ancient breed emblem
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10.16 m
6.87 m
8738.58 kg


Primary Gene
Phantom (Gaoler)
Phantom (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Stripes (Gaoler)
Stripes (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Blossom (Gaoler)
Blossom (Gaoler)


May 01, 2024
(10 months)


Gaoler icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 10 Gaoler
EXP: 1119 / 27676




_________‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ S E R I F A E ; T I T L E
Those who looked at him would think he was dangerous. His claws were long and sharp, as were his teeth. However, Serifae didn't consider himself dangerous by any means. Yes, he could fight a dragon that was bigger than him and hold his own at least until backup arrived, but that didn't mean he always fought. It was quite the opposite. He'd try to talk his way out of something before resorting to using tooth and talon. It usually worked and in the times it didn't, he was usually able to put said dragon in their place without hurting them too much. In the case it was life or death, though, he would not hesitate for a second before tearing the dragon's very soul from it's shell. It was taxing on him when he did so, dangerous to him, even, but he had to continue his duty at all costs.

"Only time and tears take away grief; that is what they are for."

Gentle Spirit | Battle Born | G3-G CotG G10
Unbreaking | True Loyalty

Mourning Flowers | Children of the Gardens

Stepping into the Waking Plane, Serifae's purpose was made clear: guide lost and restless souls to the Beyond. He knew plenty of other flowers were out doing this same thing and he knew he could do it, too. But he also found that many others were not able to handle the souls of hatchlings. Not just because of the emotional luggage dealing with young, frightened souls often bring, but also because these souls were truly scared. Many passed in confusion and fear, not sure of what was happening. It made guiding them difficult, as they tended to not trust right away. So Serifae decided to dedicate himself to getting as well acquainted with the younger souls as possible.


His job wasn't exactly easy to start with, but with the added challenge of specializing in comforting and guiding hatchlings' souls, it was even harder. But after a few tries, he found it came almost naturally to him. He found that the young ones actually almost looked up to him as a protector. He was able to comfort even the most restless and troubled hatchlings after they've passed, reassuring them that everything would be ok. Tending to hatchling souls required more patience than others. The souls that belonged to grown dragons usually already knew this day would come eventually, especially in wartorn settings or those who were elderly. But most hatchlings he dealt with hardly understood the concept of death and those that did never took the news quite well. It was a scary experience for young dragons who still had so much to give in the world before fate played a cruel hand. He'd simply sit with the souls and wait for them to calm down, letting them have someone they could take comfort in or be near in this time of need.

Serifae could comfort both parents and soul, letting parents know it was never their fault (except in cases it was, but he was never gentle during those times, commiting to one of few situations where he would willingly tear a soul from mortal's body through force) and that their hatchling was in good hands now and would be safe from any further pain. He was usually found laying in fields, eyes closed as he waited for the young souls to be ready to move on. Sometimes a soul would be ready within minutes of him finding it, already coming to terms with what's happened, while other need days or sometimes weeks before they're ready to go on. No matter how long they may need, Serifae waits patiently.


When he first stepped into the Forgotten Realms, he already knew the place was home to many battles. Walking along battle torn fields with Verilen, the one who accompanied him on his journey, he found himself drawn to the younger dragons on the field, dragons that had barely reached adulthood before going off and fighting. He didn't quite know what this war was about; they had yet to step foot in any of the actual kingdoms at the time. But he was able to help calm the souls while Verilen did... Whatever she was doing. They'd also find themselves among the ruins of small villages, either places that had been attacked or caught in the crossfire of battle. Here, the souls of hatchlings were all too common. Hatchlings that hadn't been able to keep up or were caught in collapsed buildings with their families. Whatever the case may be, Serifae was usually found laying in the center of the village, waiting for the young ones to be ready.

He is quite good at communicating with the mortals, all things considered. Maybe it's his specialization in caring for the souls of hatchlings that make mortals trust him more, or maybe he's overall just more friendly. Verilen has a tendency to be a bit morbid in her communication, telling dragons that one day, their souls will be brought to the Beyond, willing or not, and she would do either. More than once has Serifae had to remind her of why they're actually here. Not like she seemed to care... She was always off doing her own thing within the next ten minutes.

He and Verilen were the only Mourning Flowers within the Forgotten Realms. Well... The only actual Flowers at the time of their arrival. The Forgotten Kingdom had a Rooted Flower, Moon, living within the Glitched Palace, but she couldn't do what they did. They still visited her occasionally, mostly because they would be in the grave near the palace guiding souls and she'd come out to watch. Much like Verilen, Moon seemed on the more aggressive side, but even she wasn't as bad as Verilen. But they seemed to get along well enough. They'd invite Moon to their rituals and celebrations, giving her a chance to see what being a Flower was like and experiencing it for herself, even if she couldn't have the full, true experience.
______A R A E

Serifae often wanders graveyards, usually looking for specifically graves to young hatchlings. He'll help guide older souls, but he wants to be there for the young ones, too. They need him, after all. He can comfort them and help them to Beyond. While wandering a graveyard, he found Arae, a Gaoler who was herding a young hatchling out of said graveyard. Serifae approached carefully, which seemed to make the hatchling nervous. The young one hid behind Arae as she turned to look back at him, now aware of his presence. He reached out telepathically to her, lowering his down as he watched the hatchling curiously. Do you need help? he asked her, and he heard her let out a huff of air.

"I don't need help," she said somewhat sharply, turning her head away from him again. "This one just wandered off. Said he wanted to see his brother." He could hear a falter in her voice. The hatchling had a brother who had passed on. Serifae stood in thought for a moment, before deciding to try something.

What's his name? He tilted his head. She stood silently for a moment.

"This one or his brother?" She asked, looking back at him.

How about both? Serifae suggested. She didn't answer for a bit, seeming to decide on what to do next.

"First, what's your name?" She all but demanded of him. "And what are you?" Serifae couldn't help a small smile.

My name is Serifae, he said. And I'm a Mourning Flower. She thought for a moment, before nodding.

"I'm Arae," she introduced herself first before nudging the hatchling into view. Serifae noticed something about the hatchling's aura then, but stayed silent until Arae was finished. "This is Faren. And his brother's name is Revaren." Serifae nodded and then crouched down to look at the hatchling hiding behind Arae's leg, giving a gentle look. He reached out to him telepathically, while making sure he kept linked to Arae so she could hear what he tells Faren.

Hello, Faren, he says softly, and he watches the hatchling shift nervously. He laughs softly. There's no need to be afraid. I will not harm you. Your brother misses you as much as you do. He told me so. I helped him move on to the Beyond, where souls go after they pass. The Beyond is a nice place, so you don't have to worry about him. But... Serifae looks up a little, looking past Faren at the soul he could see, but nobody else could. It seems he prefers to be with you. Serifae whispers with a smile. He watches Faren turn around quickly, and even though the hatchling can't see his brother's soul there, he seems to understand it is in fact there with him. Faren looks up at Arae, who seems to be smiling at least a little. The hatchling grins, and practically hugs Arae before climbing up onto her back, seemingly ready to go.

Arae stays silent for a moment, before speaking softly. "Thank you," she says. "He... He probably needed to hear that. It'll make things easier, now, I'm sure, knowing his brother is with him." She looks at Serifae, nods and turns to walk away. Since that day, they've found themselves meeting at the graveyard often, usually when Faren wants to visit and leave gifts at Revaren's grave. While Faren is occupied, he and Arae talk with each other. Over time, they got closer, and soon, as Faren grew and was exploring, they decided to become mates.
______E N T W I N I N G

Serifae explained the process of how Flowers became mates with another dragon to Arae, and she seemed to know a few remote places that would possible be eligible for their First Soil in the Entwining. She brought him to various places: clearings deep in the surrounding forests, caves nestled in cliff sides, at the top of some old broken down towers. But the place that stood out the most was a cave behind some waterfalls at a lake. The area was beautiful and completely remote. No other dragons knew of it's existence, which came as a welcome surprise. Settling in the cave, now it came time for the Forethought.

They spent this time wandering the area around the lake and observing. Occasionally talking with each other. While out on their walks, Arae would pick up materials, saying they were good for building a nest. They'd find quiet areas in the nearby woods, laying in the grass together and looking at the sky, usually watching the sunset or the stars. Their time in the cave was spent carefully crafting a nest, Arae using the materials she'd gathered on their walks alongside any shed fur from the two of them to make a soft, comfortable nest for their future hatchlings. Their connection grows stronger during this time and soon, it was easier for Serifae to use his abilities to communicate telepathically with her. They spent about a week walking with each other and tying their bond together. And now it was time for the main event.

The Sacred Planting, something Serifae was unsure about. He knew they must plant their flowers, but he was pretty sure this was meant to be between Mourning Flowers. At least, that's what he thought. This was his first time. However, Arae had made a quick stop to the Forgotten Kingdom, buying some flowers to plant among his own. He smiled a little. It should count. The Veil stretches itself, welcoming his mate and Serifae lets out a breath he had no idea he was holding until now. They both planted their flowers, Serifae his own from his mane, and Arae the ones she bought. The roots of the plants entwine, the Veil truly accepting Arae, and Serifae all but grins as he turns to her. He even sees a rare smile on her face as she looks back at him. It was official. They were mates with the Veil's approval.

Satin Violets
Pompom Mums
Blue Rose

ZfAYwH8.png _____
Generation 3, Gladioli Line

The Mourning Flowers of Sornieth prowl the lands in search of souls that have yet to cross through the Veil. Leaving behind fields of flowers that defy all logic, they take it upon themselves to mourn for those that have been forgotten or left behind, and their purpose is a heavy one they bear with pride and determination.

They serve the dead before all others and see the world for what it is- an endless graveyard...
lineage-banner-G10.png AuFnYpS.png

Info for hatchlings' bios:
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation 4, Gladioli Line[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate]The Mourning Flowers of Sornieth prowl the lands in search of souls that have yet to cross through the Veil. Leaving behind fields of flowers that defy all logic, they take it upon themselves to mourn for those that have been forgotten or left behind, and their purpose is a heavy one they bear with pride and determination. They serve the dead before all others and see the world for what it is- [i]an endless graveyard[/i]...[/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] *

Achlorophyllosic kids:
[url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation 4, Gladioli Line[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate]Often lacking all power associated with the Mourning Flowers, the Achlorophyllosic are able to take any mortal shape or form. They are hindered by nothing. Many of them are still able to sense the dead, keenly aware of the other side and the souls that are trapped between existences. They hold no fealty, but their blood is strong, and the dead sense it; are drawn to it. The Flowers still consider them kin, tied together by a thread that cannot be broken, and the Graveyard stands ready to welcome them home...[/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] *
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