Level 10 Gaoler
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Energy: 50
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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.
10.92 m
4.63 m
5694.52 kg
Phantom (Gaoler)
Phantom (Gaoler)
Spirit (Gaoler)
Spirit (Gaoler)
Blossom (Gaoler)
Blossom (Gaoler)
Eye Type
Level 10 Gaoler
EXP: 1996 / 27676

_________‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ V E R I L E N ; T I T L E
_________ Something about her was off compared to other Mourning Flowers. Those in the Forgotten Realms couldn't tell solely due to not knowing much about them, but there was definitely something. Verilen was different compared to Serifae. She acted more aggressively, more erratically. When she found ways to communicate with mortal dragons –whether telepathically, through writing, or some other way– she always reminded them one day, their souls would go to the Beyond, whether willingly or unwillingly. At times, she would even guarantee she would be the one to take their souls. Serifae seems aware of her rogue behavior, often trying to keep an eye on the older Flower. It only works some of the time, though, and it seems he has a hard time keeping track of her at night, when her fur blends in most with the darkness. Some say that wherever she resides, darkness lies, and where walks, death always follows. |
╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ ![]() "Your soul is mine." ╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯ ![]() ![]() ![]() ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ Gentle Spirit | Warmonger | G1-C Dark Touch | Biting Cold ╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯ Mourning Flowers |
The reason for her behavior isn't quite known, but many, Serifae included, think most of it is because she spent so much time in the Veil. One would think a Mourning Flower like Verilen would not mind not being out in the Waking Plane, but for a dragon who was as restless as Verilen was as a hatchling, it can seem obvious why her behavior and temperament are so bitter and aggravated. She had not been called upon or sent out to help souls for so long, she grew to resent her own kind. Of course, what better way to get back at the Veil than some malicious compliance? When she finally stepped out into the Waking Plane and the Veil told her what to do, she did as told. It was lucky coincidence that she and Serifae had been dropped into a battlefield that had recently been vacated of all survivors who could still move. While Serifae gathered the already lost souls, Verilen busied herself with the survivors. She didn't take their souls forcefully –it was a little too risky and draining to do so– but she did finish the job and take their souls then. Any concerns Serifae had about said dragon having previously been alive, she shrugged off as the dragon simply not surviving. It was true, in a way.

Around Serifae, she acts like any other Mourning Flower, with a touch of morbidity. She could communicate telepathically better than Serifae and was usually able to hold the connection for longer, often using this to tell dragons of their future demise. Something about the look of fear on the mortal dragons' faces is entertaining to her. She ignored the whispers of the Veil, no matter how loud they were or how many times they told her to follow the purpose. She was doing what she was supposed to, just in her own way. To her, dragons were merely vessels to the souls housed within and nothing more. She didn't care about emotions or any connections the dragon may have. She was there for their soul and she would get it one way or another. |
It's said that her touch is colder than ice as she approaches a nearly deceased dragon. Verilen will rest her talon on the dragon's head, slowly tilting it to get a better look. The ones who don't want to quite believe she means ill often say she is apologizing, while the more morbid say she thinking of collecting their skulls. In reality, she just wants to better see the dragon she's taking the soul of. She'll often make it quick for the dragon, but there are times she draws out their suffering just for the sake of it. If she finds a more able survivor on the battlefield, it's said that she can mind control them and use them to help her gather souls. The truth to these words is unknown. Nobody is quite sure if she can control other dragons. Usually anybody who sees her is either dead within the day or isn't believed. |
______ ______A P E R A She had approached him like she did any other survivor who wouldn't survive the night anyway. Looking him over, she reached forward when her talon was suddenly grabbed. Her eyes widen and she quickly bared her teeth in a silent threat. The other Gaoler raised his head, glaring back. "Who are you?" He demanded. "And what do you want from me?" She decided to indulge him, setting up a telepathic link to communicate with him. I am Verilen, she hissed in his mind. And I am here to bring you to the Beyond. You'd do well to respect the Mourning Flower who's come to guide you. Verilen continued to glare at him, narrowing her eyes. "Last I checked, you don't do this unless the dragon is already dead," he snarled back. "What do you think you're doing?" I could be asking the same to you. If you're not dead, why haven't you moved yet? Why haven't you gone back? Are you spying on me? "What use would I have spying on you? Besides the fact you're apparently not against killing unlike the rest of your kind. And the reason I haven't moved is because I'm stuck, in case you haven't noticed the Imperial laying on top of me." She glared at the fallen Imperial, then back at him. She didn't say anything or move for a while. Eventually, she wrenched her talon free from his, before pushing the Imperial off of him. She turned and began walking off. Don't tell anyone, she growled in his mind, before closing the connection. The other Gaoler only sat there, before slowly standing and shaking his fur off. He turned to head back to the kingdom, casting a final look back at her disappearing into the nearby trees, before beginning his trek. She was definitely interesting. |

______ ______E N T W I N I N G "I see fate has brought us together once more," he said. "Maybe that means I can finally give you my name." He gave a small grin. I... Verilen looked at him for a moment. She looked away. I would like that. She finally said, wincing slightly. She hadn't meant to say that. She meant to tell him she didn't want or need to know his name. He sets the flowers down at her feet and she looks at them. "I'm Apera," the other Gaoler says softly. "A warrior, in case that wasn't obvious." Verilen stared. Who are the flowers for? she asked, not quite sure what else to say. Apera smiles. "They're for you, now." He turns to walk away. Verilen's eyes widen as she quickly grabs the flowers to give chase. Wait! she calls to him. If these flowers were meant for your mate, I surely can not take- "Calm down," Apera reassures her. "I have no mate. I collect flowers sometimes and usually give them to the flower shop in the kingdom." Verilen looks down at the bundle of flowers in her talons, before reaching up and plucking a flower from her own mane. She shoves it into the other Gaoler's talons, before running off seemingly in embarrassment. For as sinister as she was, she wasn't good at actual social interaction. Apera stares down at flower in his talons with a smile. Before walking off. Slowly, they got used to each other. Verilen became less awkward when talking to him and seemed to go back to her regular self, albeit a little softer around him. At one point, they finally decided to become mates, at least, unofficially. They would become official with the Veil's help soon. Verilen walked alongside her mate, trying to find a place for their First Soil. It had to be perfect. They eventually found a cave covered in lush moss, hard to notice unless one were truly looking for it. They settled on this location for their First Soil. They spent most of their time in the cave, only really leaving for essentials like food and water. They'd often bring each other food as a way of bonding. A little over a week passed, nine days if Verilen was correct. It was time for the Sacred Planting. Apera found some wildflowers; the same ones he had given her the second time they met and she had learned his name. They were carefully uprooted, a lot of dirt still clinging to their root systems. They would work. The flowers were special to both of them, a symbol of their bond together. As they walk out of the cave, Verilen feels the Veil stretch itself thin, welcoming her and her mate. Gently –gentler than Apera could've ever imagined from someone like Verilen– she dug into the ground by the entrance of the cave they had stayed in. Apera spread the wildflowers out, packing the soil back around them. Verilen plucks some flowers from her mane, gently lowering the roots into the ground and planting them among the wildflowers Apera had brought. As the Veil accepts them both, Verilen gives a rare smile. It seems that, despite her rebellious nature, the Veil cared for her the same as any other Flower. |
__ __ |

Telepathy: While most Mourning Flowers are able to create a telepathic link for easier communication, this is usually done only with other Flowers or with a single mortal, and only when necessary as it can be draining. However, Verilen excels at telepathy and can easily establish mental links with multiple mortal dragons. If only she used this ability to soothe mortals rather than scare them... Mind-control: Her telepathic abilities don't just stop at communication. While not truly mind-control, if she focuses hard enough on one single dragon, she can influence their decisions to her will. She often uses this to help with gathering souls, using the other dragon to locate fallen mortals. There's much better things this could've been used for. |
Affinity to Ice: Verilen is better with ice magic than dark, as evidenced by the dragons she finishes off herself often having small bits of frost adorning their hide. While this seems to be her main method of taking souls from warriors waiting for the end to come, she seems to at least be kind enough to make it quick. Maybe not painless, but she's usually done after a second or two. Minor Time Shifts: Verilen's most draining ability, she can shift time a little if needed. She doesn't do it often as it takes a lot of energy, but occasionally she'll shift time forward by a few seconds to check if a dragon is still alive. She looks for any slight movement when she does this. Even if they were only barely breathing, it rarely ever lines up, so even if they don't move their body, she can still tell by the faint motion of breathing if a dragon is still alive. |
Info for hatchlings' bios:
[center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation 2, Carnations Line[/b][/center]
[font=Copperplate]The Mourning Flowers of Sornieth prowl the lands in search of souls that have yet to cross through the Veil. Leaving behind fields of flowers that defy all logic, they take it upon themselves to mourn for those that have been forgotten or left behind, and their purpose is a heavy one they bear with pride and determination.
They serve the dead before all others and see the world for what it is- [i]an endless graveyard[/i]...[/columns]
Achlorophyllosic kids:
[nextcol][center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation 2, Carnations Line[/b][/center]
[font=Copperplate]Often lacking all power associated with the Mourning Flowers, the Achlorophyllosic are able to take any mortal shape or form. They are hindered by nothing. Many of them are still able to sense the dead, keenly aware of the other side and the souls that are trapped between existences. They hold no fealty, but their blood is strong, and the dead sense it; are drawn to it.
The Flowers still consider them kin, tied together by a thread that cannot be broken, and the Graveyard stands ready to welcome them home...[/columns]
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