
Level 7 Imperial
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Mesacliff Noble
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Ethereal Entourage
Classy Top Hat
Romantic Red Rose
Regal Masque
Ornate Pearly Necklace
Gossamer Wing Silks
Simple Harp
Off-White Skypost Sandals


Accent: Twisting Melody - M



20.33 m
19.29 m
7242.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 23, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Imperial
EXP: 115 / 11881
Jungle Slash






Storyteller's Strings
"Music is the language of the spirits. Listen to them dance."

Wooden Flute
"If I can bring a little more beauty into the world with my music then that's what I want to do."

Born into a loving clan in the Gladeveins, Odiron spent his hatchlinghood among the glittering waterfalls and luscious exotic vegetation that were always brimming with the caressing melodies of the nearby musicians. As a hatchling, he would always be mesmerized by the beauty of the songs floating around him. The first instrument he chose to play was the harp, a difficult instrument for imperials to play with their short arms, but the moment he picked it up it felt right in his paws. He learned many other instruments as a young boy but the harp was always his favorite. He would spend hours among the flowing creeks whiling away the days writing and playing his music until his parents told him they were sending him to one of the most prestigious music academies in the Viridian Labyrinth, Oakwood Academy of Music.

Life at Oakwood was splendid if you had even half the talent Odiron had going in. He already knew a dozen instruments before stepping foot on campus and had written plenty of his own songs. His professors loved him and so did most of the students who knew him. Some of the top tier music students in his class convinced him to join their small band. He agreed and played with them at campus gatherings and off campus after school hours. As his skills expanded and his music style grew increasingly beautiful, the other male lead in the band, Marcellus, confessed to Odiron that his feelings for him ran deeper than friendship. Startled by this, Odiron tried to gently refuse Marcellus, admitting that he felt nothing more than friendship towards the other dragon. Bitterly disappointed, Marcellus did the unthinkable in his anger and jealousy and stole one of Odiron's songs to play at the gathering for the Dean of the school. Marcellus claimed the song as his own and performed it with the rest of the band, aside from Odiron, in front of the head of the school and royal court musician recruiters there on business. Odiron's song was so magnificent that Marcellus was offered the opportunity of a lifetime by one of the recruiters.

When Odiron discovered Marcellus's betrayal he was furious but refrained from revealing the truth (not wishing to squander the other band musicians' reputations). However, shortly afterwards Odiron confronted Marcellus and the two erupted into a huge fight, at the end of which Odiron exclaimed that he was leaving. Suddenly pale, Marcellus asked him if he meant the band but, in cold anger, Odiron turned away and said, "No, I'm leaving the school and the Viridian Labyrinth." When the realization hit Marcellus he became instantly regretful and began to beg Odiron to stay but the imperial would not be moved. Instead he snapped, "Good luck with your career, Marcellus!"


Lost Lute
"To make my mate smile is the true blessing of humor."

"If you can't bring others to laughter once in awhile, what's the point?"





Brass Cornet
"Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone else is just to be kind."

Finely Crafted Lute
"The music of your heart can bring kindness to those who desperately need it."



The next day Odiron packed up all of his instruments and his songs and dropped out of Oakwood Academy. Then he flew off into the horizon without a plan of where he was going. He traveled through the Tangled Wood and the Sunbeam Ruins performing his songs to any audience that would listen. Occasionally, he'd meet other travelling musicians and play with them but he never stayed in one place long. Eventually he worked up the courage to cross the sea, playing for sailors along the way, until he arrived on the windy shores of the Windswept Plateau. In the land of the wind god Odiron found a different kind of paradise than the Gladeveins. Instead of wandering deltas and lush jungles, he found grassy plains and groves of bamboo taller than himself. He saw great airships, colored hot-air balloons, and dragons flying kites of all shapes and sizes. The music also made his heart leap inside his chest; it was so unique and different from the charming melodies of home. There were new instruments and new styles for him to explore and he was determined to try them all.

His explorations eventually led him to the Clan of the Twisting Lights on the southern coast of the Plateau. Marrok and Alecto, the clan's co-founders and current leaders at the time, welcomed and offered him a place to stay for as long as he wished. Odiron gladly accepted their generosity but was only planning to stay for a short time before moving on again. His music soon became well-known and beloved in the clan. Marrok often invited Odiron to play with him during the clan's campfires where the golden tundra would play to the hatchlings and weave them stories of daring and adventure. Odiron began to feel a sense of belonging in this gentle group of dragons and that sudden uncomfortable urge to leave rose up within him again. It was at this crucial moment that the musician met the dragon who would change his whole world.

Argent was an imperial unlike any he'd met before. She was quiet, mysterious and seemingly emotionless. Her searing blue eyes reminded him of the falling snow in the winter months in the Sunbeam Ruins but her scales shimmered like some sort of silver stone. When he discovered her history of once being a guardian statue of a far-away ancient valley, Odiron was even more captivated by her. He followed her around the clan trying to get her to talk at first, but she seemed to ignore him. There was something distant and searching in Argent's gaze and Odiron had the sense that she wasn't ignoring him because she found him creepy but because she couldn't hear or see him. It was as if she was stuck in another world or another time. Finally, Odiron did the only thing he could think of to reach her; he played to her on his harp.

When the silver female first heard the musician's song, she froze and blinked slowly before turning around and focused her unreadable eyes upon him. For Odiron, it was the first time she truly looked at him but continued to play, intent on his music. After a moment, Argent came over and sat beside him. Her face was still emotionless but her eyes closed and her head gently swayed along with his lilting notes. They sat there, musician and statue, for hours in peaceful silence listening to the endless melodies of Odiron's harp. After that Odiron would walk with her, quietly talk to her about all sorts of things and, this time, she listened in that quiet way of hers. She would sometimes speak or make unemotional comments to him when he was playing or talking that would send him into fits of laughter. Argent would never react to these fits of emotion Odiron displayed so easily but somehow, he knew she wasn't as unemotional as she appeared to be on the outside. Slowly, Odiron began to fall in love with this strange personality he had stumbled across. However, Argent wouldn't (or perhaps couldn't) give him any indication of her feelings towards him in return.

It was then that Argent left on an archaeological dig to discover more about her own past and she was suddenly gone. In her absence, Odiron mourned and, in this mourning, he realized just how far he had fallen for this lovely, unusual creature named Argent. During this time, Odiron composed the saddest and most beautiful songs he'd ever written. Then one day, Argent returned but she was different. She could smile and speak with joy and sadness in her voice. She came back from her journey completely transformed. It was still her but she was no longer trapped by her own emotions anymore. Argent came to him and could finally tell him the truth of her love for him as well. The two soon became mates after this and Odiron finally let go of that urge to leave for somewhere new that had plagued him since leaving Oakwood.

Odiron is a gentle dragon with a kind demeanor and patient personality. He has a sarcastic sense of humor and a love for making others laugh. Marcellus's betrayal in his younger years wounded him deeply but his love for Argent has healed much of that old pain in him. He will often play for Argent when she meditates or is sitting quietly contemplating the state of Sornieth. The two will often share stories of each other's pasts in their alone time and he often tries to get Argent to smile which she usually catches onto quickly and they both end up in fits of laughter. When the two had hatchlings, Odiron was a wonderful father to his three boys and two girls. He wrote many songs for each of his children as they grew up and played them often. He would do anything for his newfound family and wouldn't give them up for the world.



Simple Harp
"Anything worth doing takes time. Music is no different. "

Wooden Pipeflute
"You must listen to the melodies around you if you wish to understand their meanings."





Bio template by Mibella, find it here. Lore by CrazyRedFire.

RP Archive
Hidden in Sliver

~by Mercurysaturn

~by HeavensAxis

~by PhoenixMiko


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