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Serrated Snake
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Gilded Compass
Golden Fillet
Golden Harvest Bracelet
Golden Hoard
Golden Harvest Tail Twist



Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


5.14 m
4.33 m
713.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 02, 2023
(11 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


"Money is the lifeblood of the world, and the pathways along which it flows are the world's arteries."

"Thus, the center of the world is a heart made of gold."

"I shall, by whatever means necessary, become the sole heart that pumps money around the world."

"And, when the moment comes, that heart shall cease beating by my will alone."

"How bold," the green Skydancer seated across the table says, stirring her tea with a teaspoon, and fixes him with an appraising gaze he cannot quite decipher. "You intend to... hold a monopoly over the world's treasure. I suppose you are not the first with such ambitions, but how would you go about achieving that?"

"Are you doubting my ambition?"

"No, of course not, your ambition is not the one I am calling into question - I am just thinking about the logistics. With the amount of treasure in circulation, finding every single piece of currency in the world and keeping track of it is... difficult, at best, is it not? Not to mention treasure and gems not recorded down, or transferred as part of under-the-table deals, alternate forms of payment, other Clan's sizeable hoards, et cetera," the Skydancer takes a sip of her tea after blowing on it, and sets it down with a clink. All of this is said with a rather curious tone that betrays a sense of naivete and ignorance. Even he can hear that her posh accent slipped to something more low-class for a split second. "So. How would you control all of that, across all eleven regions?"

Hmph. Zhen eyes his own tea, still untouched, and back up at the Skydancer. The fact she would dare to offer such inferior tea to someone such as himself is insulting at best. She couldn't even be bothered (or maybe even afford) to change from her well-worn archer's outfit into something more befitting a meeting with himself. What does she know about finance? "I have it handled. Don't worry about it," he says with a smile, and sees the Skydancer dip her head in acknowledgement.

"Ah. I see. Thank you for your time."

Zhen turns to leave, and does not see the narrowed, frigid green stare drilling into his back, nor the small, self-satisfied smirk that flickers across her normally stoic demeanour.

"You drugged his tea," Maria Starling says to her boss, who in turn is writing several letters to her contacts.

"Nothing major - just something that would make him mildly irascible, and his ego did the rest. A shame he didn't touch it. Then again, the tea was of... questionable quality, at best, so nothing much wasted."

"Should I stalk him?" Maria questions, looking out the window and keeping her eyes fixed on Zhen, who is conversing with Polaris. Judging from the latter's body language, she does not seem too enthused.

Ava Starling sets the Crowned Roc quill she reserves for clandestine correspondence down and starts placing the letters into envelopes. "Hmm? No. As my right hand whose obvious specialisation lies in skulking around, setting you on a complete stranger I ostensibly know mostly nothing about and who'd just happened to arrive unpredicted here so I can keep an eye on him is not the wisest decision. I'm waiting until it's confirmed that he's staying, and then possibly give it a day or two more to not make it completely obvious it was a reaction to his unexpected arrival. Even then, I might ask her instead."

"Why me?" Hatsuyuki asks, with genuine curiosity in her voice. The Undertide is here only because she had been following Zhen around of her own volition, and had come here to rush to Ava to ask her about the whole affair.

"I've heard of him from my contacts - the scion of a wealthy banking family, who fancies himself as an upcoming entrepreneur, and whose avarice knows no bounds. He sees any competition or potential rivals as major threats to be eliminated; I am honestly shocked he did not recognise me given that Delta is well known in criminal circles, and I do have businesses that are strictly above board within the Windswept Plateau. I suppose he just dismissed everyone except for immediate competitors within the Sunbeam Ruins for now." Ava pauses and takes a sip of tea. "Now, with all that in mind, take a guess."

"...I'm not an obvious spy?"

"Mhm. Firstly, you were already following him. Since you shrank yourself and fled upon the risk of being noticed, you essentially portrayed yourself as a a young dragon who was just curious about the new arrival. If you wish to sell that better next time, gather a group of other hatchlings and follow him. When he spots you, giggle and run away - once you've separated yourself from the group, continue tailing him as per usual. Do it as soon as possible, however, because trying to employ such a method when the novelty has already worn off will be even more suspicious."

"So... essentially pretend not to be spies, and that we're not worried about his presence?"

"Exactly. Assuming he is well-versed in subterfuge, the kneejerk reaction of sending spies would instantly tell him outside interference is a genuine worry for whoever ordered the stalking, and that therefore someone wishes to stop him from achieving his goals. Hence the meeting - by deliberately portraying myself as an archer attempting to break into the upper echelons of society, I removed myself somewhat from his suspicions," Ava finishes sealing the final envelope, and readjusts the woolen overcoat she's wearing. She didn't wear this to the meeting despite it being her favourite, because it's obviously made of some of the finest wool available, so having it back is nice. "Seeing as how the main point of my job is to remain connected with and/or spy on people as well as amass as much information - and dirt - on other people as possible, I would rather not let him know this tidbit first. Or the contents of the letters."

"Are we allowed to know them?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure. They're just letters to my contacts telling all of them to blacklist him, and warning them of his rather single-minded ambition. I do not wish to lose any control of my section of the market, after all."

Ava is many things, after all, and though she may disguise it with calling it flattering names such as "business savviness", "nipping the problem in the bud", or "attempting to usurp my monopoly", the simple fact of the matter is that she is petty when she wants to be.

Golden Kitsune
- expy of pantalone from genshin ig
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