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Personal Style


Spectral Fuchsia Grasp
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Shackled Book of Fairytales
Cerulean Vapor Mask
Unicorn Guise


Skin: Arcane Alterations



6.71 m
4.38 m
672.35 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 30, 2023
(11 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Nocturne
EXP: 77 / 5545




  • none


Likely staying
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune. In the center the vine wraps around a runestone in shape of an arcane rune.

A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flower puds.

General Hazardous Environments Worker

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Rune and his three brothers hatched during light’s holiday when the hatchery was full of hatchlings to play with. All four though preferred to keep their distance from others because as nocturnes they had natural instinct to mimic their coevals, Starfall was the most extreme example of them. Vash likewise had very strong instinct Rune often feeling like the younger brother mocked him while Seek, the oldest brother, seemed to have least problems with the natural trait. Outside youngest two, Rune and Vash, the brothers were not that close but they all seemed to share interest towards the arcane arts, and once they were all old enough they all decided to move to the Observatory to study.

In the Observatory the four were sorted into one of the four houses and outside of Rune and Vash they all ended in different ones. Rune was named after Runesworn and on that front he ended up in the right place, meanwhile Seek, named after house Starseeker, ended up in Dreamstrider instead while Starfall went into Seek’s namesake. The second oldest nocturne though ended up leaving quite soon as he felt overwhelmed by the amount of dragons around him. Others had easier time with their instincts and were able to do well enough, except Vash who was like a copy of Rune doing everything he did, at times he even repeated his words right after that. Rune was annoyed by that but he was sure either he got used to his little brother’s habits or Vash learned to control his instincts better. All he had to do was wait and see which ended up happening.

Rune’s studies went well enough, he was not outstanding but he managed to pass the courses. Practical stuff was simultaneously his strength and weakness. He had no difficulties causing reactions but those reactions were often stronger than what they were meant to be. He often used too much whatever he was supposed to use and that often caused some kind of explosion which then meant that the class ended early and he or the entire class had to clean up the mess. Rune’s accidents were so common that he gained a nickname “Blast” because of them and received fair share of mockery from his class mates. Some focused only on his propensity to accidents while others mocked him for Vash be like a clone of him. Even Seek expressed his disappointment with his younger brother but he was more subtle and felt less meanspirited, Rune had heard rumors that he received some mockery for being in the “wrong house”.

Rune did not let the bullying to get to him although it made him a bit unsure of himself. Luckily Vash remained by his side encouraging him to push forward. After weeks of studying, and blowing stuff up, Rune had started to get an idea of what he should and should not drive towards when it came to specializing. It was clear he should not work in labs nor should he do magical experiments, teaching was also off the table. He had no clear interests that could lead him like in case of Seek nor had he any special skills or strengths. However, he was resourceful and had a lot of experience when it came to neutralizing and cleaning accident sites, for someone of his age, and so in theory he had potential to be accepted as hazardous environments worker, or HEV worker for short. Biggest problem with that path was what those dragons did as their main work.

HEV work was dangerous and as such it was mostly reserved for criminals and other trouble maker, and those few lunatics who wanted to specialize into studying dangerous things. HEV workers were roughly split into two camps; general and specialized and the latter one was then split into subcategories. All work included working in dangerous environments be they sites of accidents, like lab or magic accident, areas with dangerous amounts of magic or other radiations, meteorite crash sites or areas with foreign lifeforms, and the work could then be anything from neutralizing and cleaning to evacuation and studying. Specialized ones were naturally specialized to do something specific while general ones did all forms of work and often filled in if there were no enough specialists.

Because of the nature of the work HEV workers were rather rare considering how important they were. Partly because of that and partly because he didn’t feel like being good for anything else Rune decided to aim to that career. The higher-ups were rather unsure about Rune’s decision because he was so young and though prone to causing accidents he was not problematic. They listed all the things that could happen when working in hazardous environments ranging from extreme mutations to parasites and possession to even death. Rune had done his homework before approaching the supervisors and he knew that already. He told he wanted to deal with dangers because he found the work important. The supervisor seemed to notice Rune’s secondary reason, it would make sense if they could read minds, but didn’t mention it directly. They gave Rune one day to think his decision through and if he still wanted to risk his life like that then they would accept him. Rune had already made up his mind and instead of re-evaluating himself he asked if Vash wanted to follow him. The younger nocturne had followed Rune like a shadow throughout their lives and he seemed to want continue doing so.

The next day Rune and Vash joined the HEV workers and took the crash course on how to deal with all kinds of dangers. If their previous class mates had been mean the ones on the crash course were straight up malicious. Interacting with them was not fun in the slightest but Rune understood why they behaved like that. Vast majority of them were criminals who were forced to risk their lives against their will as a form of punishment. Rune and Vash had both joined the program of their own accord and they had right to leave if they so wanted. The criminals had no such option and Rune felt kind of bad for them, Vash not so much.

After the crash course had been finished and all the new recruits had gotten some practical experience in controlled environment it was time for real work, as on the field experience was the best teacher. Oculus of the Eleven had reported having sensed massive energy surge on the northern side of the Focal Point and it had requested Observatory to send a group to investigate it. Rune and Vash were part of that group along with another novice, few scientists and older HEV workers who were different levels of mutated. All of them had protective gear to keep them safe and most of them had grimoires as familiars Rune and Vash included.

It was not clear what had caused the magical surge but according to the scientists the phenomenon could be related to what caused the ground to rise and islands to float. Magical surges like that usually happened when something prevented the magic from releasing properly and it usually balanced itself out with time. That release though took a form of an explosion that often created new islands to float around the Observatory, assuming the landmass didn’t just shatter, and that explosion was the reason why the group had to release the magic carefully. With how close to the center of the region they were the explosion could seriously damage civilians and settlements nearby. Rune listened the scientist explain what the situation was and was quite intrigued by it. The Dream Wood from where he was from likewise experienced rising-ground phenomenon though because the area was so far away from the Observatory the magic was not that strong and that caused the ground to rise more slowly and less explosively.

The group arrived to the site where the strong magic could be felt even through the protective clothes. The source seemed to be underground and the group started to investigate if scientist’s hypothesis was correct. The older HEV workers organized the group and they were scattered to cover as much ground as possible. It was Vash who managed to find the source of the energy; inside the ground there was a magically charged meteorite. It had probably hit the face of the cliff and gotten stuck as the ground had risen around it trapping it. During the time it had been trapped inside the earth it had absorbed magic and it was now about to explode because it had not been able to release that magic. The group had to get the meteorite out without exploding it and after that they had to let it release the magic without casualties. All of that was easier said than done.

The meteorite seemed extremely reactive and as much as dropping a bit of sand on it could cause it to explode. The HEV workers tried to figure out a way to get the large space rock out as carefully as they could. The best method they could figure out was to carefully move the earth that trapped the rock while also keeping up the pressure up with spells. Once the meteorite was free they would fly it above the sea and let it explode in there. With the plan figured out the group got to work Rune and Vash being tasked with keeping small rocks from hitting the large one.

The group had to work very carefully and as such the process took a lot of time. It was about early evening when they had reached two thirds of progress, they had started during early afternoon, and it was clear the group was starting to get tired. The older workers reminded the younger ones to stay sharp and Rune was doing his best to do so despite of how tired he was already, and the helmet did hinder his sight a little. Vash and the other novice seemed to be getting tired as well and Rune hoped things would start to speed up now that they were halfway done. The older HEV workers opened the ground little bit while also keeping the pressure up, like they had done for hours by then, and as the ground moved small rocks fell from it, nothing new on that front either. The sound of falling rocks usually ended fast because the young dragons caught them fast but this time the sound kept going for longer. Rune could not see the rocks and thus he couldn’t catch them. He though heard them hit the meteorite and his heart skipped the beat as the large stone exploded.

Rune was feeling a little funny by the time he regained conscious. He was not sure what had happened but his helmet was broken and the clothes and the grimoire were slightly signed though not badly. Rune took a look at his surroundings and noticed he was still on Focal Point though the blast had shot him quite a distance. He could barely see the blast site in the distance being alight by a pale moon light. The Sun had set ages ago. A friendly voice asked if Rune was alright and he could just about see a spirit that had seemingly gotten infused with machinery the group had had with them. The spirit told he was Delta and that he had dragged Rune from being stuck between two pillars of earth to a safer place while he had been out. Rune thanked the spirit before asking what exactly had happened.

Rune’s grimoire managed to explain that the meteorite had exploded and Rune had been blasted away from the site. Luckily for him his arc had followed the edge of the Focal Point and he had managed to avoid the cold waters and sharp peaks of the sea. He was slightly mutated, his face now had difficulties in staying physical, but otherwise he was alright. Rune asked what had happened to others and the grimoire told it had called for help. The help group had found Rune already but had left him on the ledge while they searched for others, they would take them all to the Observatory at once.

As Rune waited for the helpers who he barely saw scour the sea in the distance he talked with Delta who was curious of the living dragon. Rune told him why he had decided to take such a dangerous job and from where he was from while the spirit told little bit about himself. The spirit was left there once the helpers came to pick Rune up and as the nocturne was being carried away he wished him good luck. That luck though came a bit too late, at the Observatory Rune was told Vash had died in the accident and the other novice was badly mutated. The experts had survived with less injuries. Seek heard the news fast and he came to see his brother. He had since changed his breed due to finding the instinct potentially distracting and Rune took a moment to realize who had come to see him.

The older brother seemed to be as devastated of Vash’s death as Rune was and he took that out on him. He demanded to know why Rune had dragged him to such a dangerous job and Rune was in no state to answer. He had studied psychology and he was able to realize his brother was not being directly hurtful, he was just venting his own feelings, yet his words still hurt the younger brother. Seek told that Rune should have thought about Vash when he picked up his career because he knew the younger brother would follow him into the depths of Wyrmwound and back. Rune did his best to see Seek’s words as his grief but he agreed with what the older dragon said. Seek was about to keep on venting when Rune’s supervisor arrived and asked the scholar to leave.

The supervisor asked the expected questions and Rune did his best to answer. He was still processing what Seek had said and he was not sure who had missed the stones, for all he knew it had been him which would make him responsible for Vash’s death. The supervisor told Rune to not blame himself proving his assumptions of mind reading. They explained that accidents were more than expected on that field and a dragon who could not live with that should not work on that field if there were other options available. The supervisor suggested Rune to find himself another job as he was not a bad dragon and such should not danger himself like that. Rune though could not turn away now, not after Vash had died.

The supervisor seemed to understand Rune’s point of view and they suggested him to take a place as a standby HEV worker, basically someone who didn’t live in the Observatory but somewhere else and arrived to the scene if it was close enough to their residence or base. They were crucial in keeping certain situation from getting out of hand while the main units were still on the way. They explained that position would keep Rune away from his bullies which could take jabs at him for getting his brother killed. That was so deep thought Rune had not even thought about it yet but after hearing it he realized that was something he feared. He thanked his supervisor and promised to consider the option.

Rune wanted to continue his work but he soon realized he did not want to stay in the Observatory. Like he had feared his bullies were eager to tease him over what had happened and waited near the gear room in order to make fun of him. Rune had thought about getting his gear but with the bullies in there he didn’t dare to get close and even Seek asked him to not approach the place, an indirect way of saying “I don’t want to lose you as well”. Rune decided to return home to make that as his base but he needed his clothes, he could not arrive to a scene without proper protection. His grimoire suggested him to wait until the bullies got tired but Rune didn’t want to wait that long, with how many bullies he had they could just take turns and camp near the room. He had not been good with much but he had been good with improvising, he could make himself his own protective gear.

Rune packed up his stuff and decided to return home. On his way he met Delta who had decided to settle in the wood and the spirit escorted the nocturne to the lair where the resident asked what had happened to him or Vash. Residents were devastated to hear of Vash’s fate, especially Starfall who had become an obelisk since leaving the Observatory making Rune the only brother to have kept his original breed. After that Rune made himself a nest and made it his base after which he made himself a protective outfit. It was not as good as what he could have gotten in the Observatory but it was good enough for him. After that he stayed in the lair waiting for nearby incidents and once on the scene he would make sure no one would experience what his brother had.

Small pile of pink petals.

As far as Rune had heard the life in the wood was quite peaceful especially when it came to environmental hazards and it seemed to be true. Though being relative secluded and quite wild place the wood was not that prone to hazardous incidents, most of the alarms he received were for events in the Focal Point proper, near the Astrolodome, around the Forbidden Portal and in Elena’s lab but the hazard mainframe didn’t even react to the last ones. Rune though happily helped the alchemist clean her messes, mainly because he didn’t really have better things to do.

Night of the Nocturne had just ended and Rune was checking if the mimics had caused any damage to the clan and the nearby areas, not that the mimics had ever much of a problem in such a secluded area. He was just about done with checking the border of the main settlement when one of the crystals floating around him started pulsating rabidly. He had ten crystals following him they all being connected to the hazard mainframe in the Observatory. They glowed if the mainframe detected a hazard and pulsated if Rune was already in right region, and the pulsating crystal happened to be the Focal Point crystal.

The crystal moved towards the detected hazard though being tied to Rune’s cloak it didn’t get that far. Rune checked the direction of the crystal and compared it to the constellations above. If his calculations were correct the detected hazard was not in the Focal Point proper like it usually was, instead it seemed to be on the northern corner of the Dream Wood landmass. Rune was not sure what had happened there; he had not seen any meteors fly towards that direction and there were no settlements in that area. He though considered it important to check what was going on and he let the crystal lead him to the detected hazard.

Rune moved by teleporting forward little by little. That way he moved faster but also avoided teleporting into a danger. While he was making his way towards the area he contacted the HEV unit in the Observatory through telepathy and asked for more information. Apparently there was a small forest fire detected, and since its hazard level was low the main unit decided to remain in the Observatory until Rune checked the situation in more detail or failed to report anything at all. Rune understood the mission and turned his attention to the area in front of him as he approached the hazard area.

Like the Observatory had said there was, or more closely had been, a forest fire in the north-east corner of the Dream Wood. It was midwinter and that made the forest not that flammable. Few trees were singed which had released small amount of magic though nowhere near dangerous levels and the undergrowth was smoldering slightly. Rune reported that to the Observatory as he extinguished the small fires. The HEV supervisor asked Rune to figure out what had caused the fire as they were very unlikely to the general area. Rune promised to do just that.

The forest had burned in a clear line as if something had ignited it as it had moved through. Rune followed the singed trail trying to catch up with the thing and eventually he spotted footprints on the burnt ground. They were fresh but Rune had feeling they didn’t belong to the mystery creature. First of all they seemed to belong to a coatl, secondly they didn’t follow the burnt trail exactly and thirdly they had started in the middle of the trail as if they had spotted the trail and started to follow it like Rune was doing at the moment. The HEV worker decided to follow the footprints because of how fresh they seemed to be and soon enough he spotted some pixies and a floating grimoire near a tree. The pixies were first to spot Rune and before he even saw the dragon he knew Seek was behind the tree.

The brothers asked the exact same question from each other. Rune told what his mission was while the folklorist told he had come to find a firebird, Midnight had told something like it would appear in the area. That was helpful information for Rune but at the same time it was a little worrying; firebirds could be very destructive if not taken care of. The HEV worker asked the folklorist if he had seen the bird and he said no after which the nocturne asked if the researcher wanted to join him on the search. The brothers were not in the best of terms, Seek was clearly annoyed by the fact that Rune had not gotten himself a new job while Rune felt uneasy near Seek’s grimoire as it had belonged to Vash before him. Seek wasn’t thrilled by the idea but he accepted the offer.

The brothers followed the burnt trail in awkward silence keeping an eye out for anything that even remotely looked like a firebird. Seek’s fairies made sure the search didn’t happen in a total silence but Rune found their gossiping distracting and slightly mean, Seek clearly didn’t like it any more than his brother. Eventually the group arrived to an area where the singed trees were still slightly warm and smell of smoke was strong, the fairies were the first ones to spot the latter one. With the group getting closer to the source the brothers spread out a little to cover more ground while also ceasing any unnecessary noises.

Eventually Seek shouted he saw something and soon enough Rune saw the same thing; a fiery figure attempting to escape the dragons. Rune rushed forward in order to catch the creature, if not to take it into custody then to check what it was exactly. Seek joined the chase and the brothers attempted to stop the bigger fiery creature with spells. They were able to catch up with it thanks to teleporting but despite of its size the creature was agile and managed to evade the dragons easily. It ran fast and made long leaps which forced the dragons to make long teleporting jumps to keep up. They were both strong with magic but eventually the chase started to wear them both down.

Seek managed to teleport in front of the fiery creature and hit it with spells. That didn’t stop it and the coatl tried again and again. He managed to get the fiery creature between dragons which allowed Rune to catch up with the two. The creature seemed to notice it was being cornered and it attempted run through Seek who, unlike Rune, was not protected from fire. Rune though had gotten close enough to cast his own spells and he lifted ground to wall the creature before enforcing the prison with few shields. As he got closer he lowered the prison so that the hole in the “ceiling” was below the two dragons and after checking his brother was alright the two peaked into the hole.

What the two had managed to capture was not a bird, it didn’t even seem to have any wings. It looked more like a fire elemental that was in shape of a sandsurge dragon and when it talked it became clear it was more dragon-like than what the two smaller dragons had expected. The creature tried to jump out of the hole but it was stopped by the shields. When it realized it could not get out it started to beg the two watching down to it. Rune was still catching his breath, the helmet protected him from magic, gas and similar things but it was not great for exercise performances like the recent sprint, and so Seek did the talking instead. He asked what the creature was sounding a bit disappointed by the fact that it was not the firebird. The creature either didn’t hear Seek’s question or it chose to ignore it, instead it just asked to be let out as it didn’t want to be taken back to the “prison”.

Seek glanced to Rune who had stopped panting. The nocturne told the creature that they didn’t plan on imprisoning him, they just wanted to make sure he doesn’t burn their home. The creature looked up to the brothers silently and Rune attempted to ask if he had a name. The creature was silent for a moment before saying he was Fire, Rune couldn’t tell if he had made that up on the spot or had its creator been very uncreative with names. Seek ignored the uncreative name and asked where Fire came from and what he did in the wood. The answer was not clear but it sounded like he had escaped from a lab or something. It though was unclear where that lab could have been, it certainly was not in the clan as someone would have noticed a massive fire creature run away, there also was no trail anywhere near the lair.

Fire begged the brothers to not take him back to the lab and Seek turned to Rune to ask his opinion with his eyes. He himself looked indifferent. Rune wondered if he should report to the Observatory but that could get Fire contained and he clearly didn’t want to experience that. Rune had interacted with Delta enough to understand the value of being free, even if the tangled spirit seemed to go overboard with his views. At the same time though he had to think of the safety of the local ecosystem and the clan that lived in the middle of all of that.

Rune asked if Fire could control his power which seemed to annoy the elemental creature. He explained that he could not let him go if he could not be sure he didn’t burn the clan to the ground, and he explained that constant fires would no doubt catch Observatory’s attention eventually and that could get him contained. Fire was silent for a moment but he eventually turned his fires down as to show he could handle them. Rune asked if that meant the elemental being will constrain his powers and Fire gave a very annoyed affirmative answer. Rune removed the shields and lowered the ground to let Fire go. He asked him to take care but the spirit ran away so fast he could not be sure he heard him.

The brothers walked home together in awkward silence, if one ignored the fairies. They could have teleported home but they were both a little tired after the chase. Eventually Seek asked for Rune’s attention and he just about managed to say “thank you” for having saved him from the fire spirit. Rune said what he did was nothing and continued that the folklorist had done more than he had. The brothers fell silent after that. Eventually Rune decided to ask what Seek was planning to do since they had not found the mysterious firebird. The folklorist didn’t know for sure and just said he’d probably visit Midnight for inspiration. Rune wished his brother good luck and they went their separate way once they reached the lair. Once there Rune reported to the Observatory that the source of the fire had been a repel fire spirit which he had managed to neutralize, the supervisor accepted the report.

Small pile of pink petals.

Greyish purple stone frame filled with pink glowing runes. Inside it a shooting star, pale pink on dark pink background.

A pink curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a pink glass arcane rune.
Name origin:
Named after one of Arcane Houses,

A pink curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Rune is an arcane nocturne with purple body that has skink pattern. His underbelly and spines are bright blue and his wings are purple with bee wing -like structure. As a dragon who works in hazardous environments his body has experienced few mutations. His head is just a sparkling purple mass of half-liquid half-solid state all the way to his shoulders from where he has grown about ten purple ethereal hands which he can move freely. His legs, arms and tails are in similar state though not as extreme. They appear fully solid unless touched or moved. On the undersides of his wings he has sparkling dark purple burn marks. Rune’s claws glow bright blue and radiate strong energy. They both alight the immediate area and repel any dangerous magic or energy. He enchanted his claws himself to have them protect the areas of his body that are not protected by his protective gear and they also act as his light source in low-lighting areas. His eyes are common pink in color and have yet to experience any significant mutations.

Rune has a very simple getup for someone working on his field. He wears a black hazard mask on his face, the same he had during his first gig. The mask helps his mutated head to stay in shape and the trunk on it filters out strong magic and radiation thus keeping the face and internal organs safe. The filtered energy is released through the pipes on the sides of the helmet. The eye lenses on the helmet protect the eyes from bright lights and radiation while also allowing him to see in low-lighting. When Rune fixed his helmet, he modified the jaw part to be openable so he can eat without needing to take the helmet off. The less professional part of his getup is the cloak he wears to protect himself. It is just a piece of fabric he has wrapped around himself but it has been enforced with so many spells that its color is ever shifting. The cloak is fireproof, repels radiation and strong magic and creates a forcefield to keep too cold or too hot air from hurting Rune. On the hood there are holes for helmet’s pipes. Along with the helmet and cloak Rune is surrounded by ten floating crystals, one for each arcane subregion. The crystals are connected to the hazard mainframe in the Observatory and if there is a case the crystal corresponding to the region starts glowing. If Rune is already within the region the crystal instead pulsates rabidly and moves towards the site. The crystals are tied to the cloak with magic and can’t float further than five meters from it.

Rune is a friendly speaker who is great at articulating what he wants to say. Due to having studied in the Observatory for extended amount of time he may use some words that are unfamiliar to majority but he knows what words need explaining and is always ready to provide one. By default he is easy to understand but his helmet may muffle his speech at times. He has a clear American accent.

Small pile of pink petals.

Rune is rather calm dragon who values his flight greatly. He is not the best when it comes to magic or science but he is able to live with it and he won’t complain when he has to clean the mess he may have caused. That is to be expected. He is self-aware and knows his strengths and weaknesses. He is not great with things requiring precision but he has patience and he is able to work well under pressure. He is also quite resourceful and creative in his approaches. He considers safety important, even when or because he has past of being the one causing dangerous situation, and he is willing to put his life on line to make sure others remain safe. After his field of work cost the life of his brother he has been even more dedicated to his work and he feels slightly offended when others tell him to not risk his life like that. He feels that would be same as running from the mistake he has done, and as a dragon who always deals with his mistakes he can’t allow that.

Rune is not the most social dragon due to his mimic instincts and bullying he has received, but he can act in a group well enough and he is friendly to others. As a patient and calm dragon he is hard to provoke and rarely if ever gets mad at others, even when it would be justified. He tends to be more on the passive side but engages in conversations and games if asked to. He is more active in work where cooperation is crucial and when there he is makes sure everyone else knows what they are doing. As a nocturne Rune has a natural reaction to mimic others. His instinct isn’t that strong and he can remain as himself when near others, most he tends to mimic are random movements and stretches.

Rune doesn’t have a standard familiar and is instead accompanied by a grimoire Edda, a standard company to a dragon in his field of work. Edda is an old sentient book that acts as mentor and coworker to its dragon company. Over the years it has existed it has absorbed a lot of information and when needed it shares that with Rune through telepathy. The information can be anything from ways to solve a problem to spells to use and from opinions to emotional support. It can also help with spell casting on its own and it can absorb energy into itself. It can then manifest that energy into a piece of paper so the dragon can deal with it properly. Edda can float without problems but it has troubles moving fast on its own and as such it often takes hold of its dragon company with a chain so the dragon can pull it. Edda sees Rune as its student and is very fond of him while Rune sees Edda as his secondary supervisor and such someone higher. He though respects the book greatly.

Small pile of pink petals.

Rune studied in the Observatory and as such he has learned a lot of spells, though with most he wasn’t particularly good because he struggles with using right amount of magic often using too much. He can levitate objects and change their sizes, even multiple at once, he can turn items into others, create holographic starmap, name few dozen constellations, stars, planets and other space objects and he can transform few elements into other by using alchemy. For his job he has learned spells to materialize energy and magic into crystals, move ground that has been infused with arcane magic, create pressure, anti-gravity, anti-momentum, anti-magic and anti-radiation fields as well as fields that prevent changes in temperature and keep weather effects from hitting the shielded object. He can use magic to light up the area and he can use it to defend himself against all kinds of threats. He can fuse items to make up weapons and he can enforce items with all kinds of spells to protect them and the creature using them safe from all kinds of threats. He can also teleport quite a distance. With one jump he can move about one kilometer and he can spam the teleportation spell few dozen times before getting tired. He can also create portals for others to use and they can be placed about as far from each other as he can teleport on his own. He can also use telepathy.
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.

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