
So long in this cold dark, through echoes and through fears.
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Sinister Presence
Warped Bangles
Pearl Roundhorn
Woeful Hood
Proto Wings
Ravenskull Broadsword
Dented Iron Belt
Dusk Rogue Vest
Dread Dancer Tailspine
Burrowing Arm Chitin
White Linen Arm Wraps
White Linen Leg Wraps




4.67 m
3.87 m
896.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 30, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Dark Sclera
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Silverglow Meditate
Flame Bolt




  • none


Breeding ban
A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune. In the center the vine wraps around a golden symbol in shape of a fire rune.

A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flower puds.


Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.


Unknown hatched in a cult and she was one of their many experiments. The cult attempted to create the ultimate lifeform by fusing unhatched dragons with demons. They hid within the fire domain believing the nearness of the molten heart of the world around there would help them reach the creatures of the Underworld. Many of their experiments didn’t survive, most of them died soon after hatching assuming they hatched in the first place and those who survived for longer were weaker than normal dragons lacking magic, senses, sentience or being badly mutated. Unknown was the first successful creation, a fusion between a dragon and a demonic siren. However, the cult could not celebrate as the international police had caught wind of their activities and they raided the base. To keep the police from confiscating their creation the founders of the cult opened a portal to the Underworld and tossed Unknown there before making their escape.

Unknown was very young when she was tossed to the cruel and unforgiving Underworld, she had just about learned to walk. Thankfully the fire magic of her dragon half and the subconscious knowledge her demon half possessed helped her to keep herself alive. Her voice was the greatest of her weapons against other residents of the Underworld. With it she was able to force others to move to the beat of her singing and being the one to control the flow of the battle she was able to best almost all of her enemies that were plenty in the world of demons. Her battle prowess was well known among the demons of the Underworld and eventually the ruler of the world heard of it. Fearing the dragon-demon hybrid might eventually threat them they decided to take away her voice and to make sure Unknown didn’t come take it back they barred her entry to other areas of the Underworld.

The voice was the most precious thing Unknown had and she was furious to have it been taken from her. However, with the entry to the ruler’s area being barred she was unable to go get it back, and even if she was able to get past the gate she would have been stopped by the demons on the other side now that her main weapon was gone. She could not do anything and as she was trapped in the area she was in the rage within her grew stronger. She swore she would eventually get past the gate, march to the ruler to get her voice back and make them pay for taking it away in the first place. Until that she just waited. If she was ever given a name, it became mere forgotten memory during that time.

Unknown had been waiting for her change for ages, in the Underworld it was impossible to tell how long exactly. During that time her rage had not cooled down one bit, in fact, she had gotten even more furious. Eventually she heard someone call for her and following the call she eventually found Paz, a talking skull. Paz offered to help Unknown reach her goal and in turn he didn’t ask much; just to be taken with her as he couldn’t really get anywhere, being just a skull and all. He had also fallen in love with Unknown’s voice and wished to hear it once again. Unknown accepted the deal and Paz led her to a place where she could get herself a weapon, a sword. After that the skull used his voice to break the barred gate and the duo started their march towards the ruler.

The rage that had been building up over the time period fueled Unknown and she sliced her way through the demons the ruler sent to stop her. The further she got the more desperate the ruler seemed to get but no matter what they tried she was not stopping. Hoards of demons, ambushes, assassination attempts and even kidnapping of Paz were not enough to slow her down. Unknown just marched forward furiously eliminating any and all foes that attempted to stand in her way. Nothing was able to stop her, not when she found a way to force the enemies move to the beat of her inner song. She made her way from one subworld to another and eventually she was face to face with the ruler themselves.

The slaughter that had led Unknown to where she was now standing had not satisfied her fury, it had just grown stronger. Knowing their minions stood no chance the ruler themselves rose to answer to Unknown and the two engaged in a fierce battle. The ruler was stronger than any of the demons Unknown had encountered thus far but even they were not able to resist her ability to force them to move to her internal beat. After a long battle the ruler fell, Unknown got back her voice and Paz and to finish it all off she eliminated the ruler. They had made a mistake when they took her voice away, and now they paid for it.

Killing the ruler created a power vacuum in the Underworld and the lesser demons started to fight one another trying to fill the spot. Unknown let them battle, she was not interested in taking the spot and neither was Paz. Though having gotten her revenge on the ruler Unknown was not satisfied, she was still hungry for more. She had not chosen to be trapped in the Underworld, she had not chosen to be created as a mix of dragon and demon. She wanted to make her creators pay for what they had done to her. However, her creators were safe in another world, in a place Unknown was unable to reach on her own or even with help of Paz. She had to wait someone to break the barrier between the worlds, and so she waited building up her rage like she had done once before.

Small pile of orange petals.

Iron frame that is melting hot at the bottom. Inside it a flame, orange on a dark orange and brown background.

A light orange curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is an orange glass fire rune.
Name origin:
Named after a character from
Metal: Hellsinger.

A light orange curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.


Unknown is a fusion between a dragon and a demon and such she doesn’t really fit any of the breeds. Shortest description one could give of her look is mix between skydancer and one-headed aberration. She is fully bipedal; her legs have two toes with short claws while her arms have five fingers with longer claws. Her body is solid muted red in color while her wings are ragged, lack feathers and are about same shade as the rest of the body with the back of the wing being slightly darker while the underside is slightly paler. She has short brown mane that reaches from her occiput to her shoulders and rests against her neck while at the very tip of the tail she has few brown hairs where tail tuft would be. On her head she has massive pale split horns that both curve to the sides and to the front where they turn up. She has three eyes that are naturally dark orange in color. However, when furious the irises turn bright orange as her internal fire magic ignites with the rage.

During the time spent in the Underworld Unknown has made herself an outfit out of clothes she has occasionally found being manifested in there. Her face is mostly covered by a muted blue hood and her body and tail are protected by muted purple vest and cloak respectively. On her hip she has dented iron belt, red demonic sword Terminus on the right side and Paz’s skull on the left side. Both her legs and arms are wrapped with white wraps and the arms are also protected with muted brown bracers.

Unknown has impressive vocal range both when speaking and when singing. Her voice can sound almost angelically harmonic or demonically rough and she can easily move from one to another. Despite of that she speaks very rarely and usually lets her companion do most if not all of the talking. When she happens to talk, she has deep voice and dark British accent.

Small pile of orange petals.

Unknown is not the most complex dragons around. Partly due to being part demon and partly due to having lived her early life in a world where everything tried to kill her she is quite violent. When facing an obstacle her first instinct is to get rid of it either by sword or fire. Talking is not even an option even if the obstacle was able to talk. Along with being rather violent Unknown is also very vengeful and determined. If she feels having been wronged she will make the guilty pay and she won’t stop until she reaches that goal no matter what it takes. No one is safe when she is out for vengeance and it is better not to stand in her way, even by accident.

Unknown has very little experience when it comes to social situations and all the experience she has is very negative. Because of that she is not the type to seek out company and she is very unlikely to accept offered company either. She may tolerate others near her if they don’t seem to cause harm to her but she is fast to get violent if she feels being mocked, analyzed or insulted. Sympathy and empathy are not things she possesses or even knows about and pity is a thing she is unable to feel. As a dragon-demon hybrid she also just prefers not to interact with other dragons, or even beastclans, and it is wise to respect that.

Unknown is accompanied by a talking skull Paz who helped her to get her voice back in the Underworld. During the journey to restore her voice she grew quite attached to the skull and taking him away from her is a sure way to anger her. Paz is a smooth-talking entity who fell in love with Unknown thanks to her voice and the skull is usually the one to do talking for his partner. As he is just a skull Paz needs Unknown to move though he is able to levitate. He is also able to be in tune with Unknown’s internal song and he can assist his partner by shooting fire balls to the beat. He can shoot both regular orange fire and hotter blue fire and he can also create a fire tornado once he gets into the flow. Along with helping Unknown to battle he, as an old and knowledgeable skull, also shared his knowledge with his partner and he may tell their occasional company when they managed to anger Unknown. Paz in turn is way harder to provoke, almost impossible.

Small pile of orange petals.

Unknown is a fusion between a dragon and a demonic siren, and as she was made to be the “ultimate” lifeform she is quite powerful. With her voice she is able to force creatures near her to move to the beat of her song, and during the time she was missing her voice she learned to do that with her internal song. She can shoot fire balls, create a temporal copy of herself that is also able to do the same though it can’t move from the place it was created in, create a temporal firestorm to circle herself and use her sword to shoot ranged projectiles. Along with the fire magic she is skilled sword user and despite of her ragged wings she can fly without problems. She is also very skilled singer with very wide range.
A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.

Wishlist/Notes to self:

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Exalting Unknown to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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