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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Deep Space


12.11 m
5.6 m
6876.99 kg


Primary Gene
Bar (Gaoler)
Bar (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Bee (Gaoler)
Bee (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Underbelly (Gaoler)
Underbelly (Gaoler)


Apr 12, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Gaoler
Max Level




  • none


{ pronunciation guide }
Nicknames: Mr. Perfect, Doorboy
• The Great Seal

Snail Husk Greatowl Feather
Apatite Enchanted Remains
Intact Stone Relief Stone Fertility Statue
The Messiah
Persona 3 OST - Mass Destruction
Persona 3 OST - Burn My Dread -Last Battle-
The one keeping Purgatory from colliding with the world of the living, his body and soul a vessel serving as the gate that keeps Nyx in, and the despair of dragonkind from reaching out to her.

Minato Arisato is the Great Seal of reality, keeping the world from falling apart. It's a lonely, thankless job, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Well- okay, if he could, he'd certainly like to go back to his friends, but- hm. He can't, so there's not point in thinking about it. He'll cherish the memories he made with them, for all of eternity.

He only had one year with them, but that one year was the best year of his life.

Minato had always been a lonely and quiet dragon, ever since his parents died. He moved around a lot, never really staying long enough to truly make friends, but that was fine with him. He didn't miss it all that much in the first place- or, at least he thought so at the time. Truth be told, he'd been depressed, and somewhat passively suicidal, but at the time, he didn't really think too much about it. It was just how it was, you know?

Then, the year before his death, he moved back to his hometown. He's long forgotten the reason why, really, but that doesn't really matter, does it?

What does matter is that he met his team- no, his best friends in the entire world. People he would consider family, and would- did- die for.

It started out as a simple investigation of demonic forces- forces that most dragons could not stand up to, let alone see, but he, he could see them. He could fight them, and so, he was recruited into the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, also known as S.E.E.S. He didn't really join with any particular goal in mind, or because he cared all that much about their goals. They just asked him to join, and what reason did he have to refuse? He didn't really mind either way, so why not, right?

He just never expected to grow so close to all of them.

He'd never felt so alive as when he was with the members of S.E.E.S., didn't even think that was possible. Fighting demons together, forging bonds, training together, getting stronger; it opened his eyes to what it meant to live- actually live, rather than just drift listlessly through life as he had been doing. Sure, he stayed quiet, and he probably never would become a party animal or anything, but he- he treasured the bond he had with his team. He loved them. He'd do anything for them. The ones who died, he'd forever remember, and the ones who lived, he'd forever protect.

Which is why he ended up sacrificing himself to stop Nyx.

It was partially their fault that she came out to begin with, really; one of the dormant Employers of the world, the one who would bring death to all sentient life should she be reached out to. Long ago, the being responsible for calling her, the one fueled by all the universe's misery and despair, heralding the wish of death, was split into 13 demons in hopes of keeping it from calling out to Nyx. Unknowingly, they had been killing these demons, slowly but surely rebuilding the being responsible for reaching towards Nyx.

When they killed the 12th demon, they sealed Sornieth's fate of doom. The 13th demon, an incomplete version of death, emerged from Minato, as it had been sealed inside of him without his knowledge. However, they didn't realize it at first, since the 13th demon had taken the form of a dragon, and, as a result of being sealed inside Minato, forgotten it was a demon at all. Briefly, it became their friend under the name of Ryoji, but one of their team members, after a few weeks, recognized what he was. With it, Ryoji's memories came rushing back, and although painful for both the group and Ryoji, as they had become good friends, it became clear that Ryoji's mere presence alone would call death upon all living beings, and there was nothing they could do about it. The end of the world was soon approaching, with Ryoji lamenting that they could not stop it.

However, they were given a choice; if they killed Ryoji, their memories of fighting the demons would be erased, and, until the end of the world, they would be able to live as normal dragons. Alternatively, they could let Ryoji live, and on the night of the end of the world, they could attempt to confront Nyx to stop her from ending the world. He warned them, however, that Nyx was far more powerful than they could ever imagine, and that it would be a fight they couldn't win.

Still, they all decided that they had to try, and refused his offer.

And on the brink of the end of the world, they confronted a now-demonic Ryoji, who was made to call Nyx, as well as Nyx herself. As Ryoji predicted, they were unable to stand up to Nyx. She was too strong, and all they could do was uselessly struggle against the inevitable, Sornieth and Purgatory slowly merging. One by one, they fell to Nyx, the end of the world nigh.

But Minato, who had just learned of the beauty of life, wouldn't let it happen- no- couldn't let it happen. His friends, all the bonds he forged in that one, single year, he wouldn't let them die. He wanted them to live, to be happy, to continue experiencing the joy of the living.

He was the last one standing, the only one left who could stand up to Nyx, and using the power of the bonds he'd made throughout the year, he cast one last spell; a sealing spell so powerful, that not even Nyx could escape it.

He used all of his life force to turn himself into the Great Seal, and trap Nyx in Purgatory alongside himself. He became the gate that keeps the being of dragonkind's despair from reaching out to Nyx, and to keep Nyx from hearing its call.

The world was saved.

And, despite his best efforts of clinging to life, Minato died one month later, his soul taken into the Great Seal to fully complete it. That was his fate, and he accepted it.

It may seem grim, but all in all, Minato is fine with it. If he tries, he can watch the dreams of his friends, his conscious drifting between dreams and reality. Just a metaphorical step to the left of his current state, so to say. He's happy that his friends get to live their lives, that they get to be who they want to be. They don't know that he can see glimpses of them during their sleep, but that's alright.

The dead in Purgatory are unable to communicate with him, with the exception of Tiegla and Menhir, who, as wardens of Purgatory, are part of Purgatory itself. As it turned out, it was with their intervention that he was able to cast the Great Seal, so he's... fine with them. They're company, even if he can only communicate a little with them at a time before he grows weary, the seal sapping him of his power. He sleeps a lot, as the seal, sometimes years at a time, as the warden duo has informed him, but, well. That's okay, he supposes. He'll be here for all of eternity, after all.

As long as dragonkind- his friends can enjoy the beauty of life, he's fine with it.

His fate is his own, and he's grasped it with both his claws without hesitation.

Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Male, Trans
Orientation: Aroace
Partner(s): None
Art by 2BDamned. "Minato thinks about the reason for his sacrifice and Hank immediately screws with it."
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