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Personal Style





2.94 m
4.28 m
236.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 10, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Paxon is a subdued, calm dragon, and was the first to decide he wanted to stay with Blazewing long-term. They have a relationship similar to siblings, and he helps with the daily communications of the lair, making sure that the various correspondence that is needed to keep the lair running gets where it needs to go.

Blazewing is a bit of an oddball for a Fire dragon, and is more interested in the chemistry of things used in forging than in forging or mining. She started gathering everything she coultd think of to try as quenching baths, flux, and so on, and she figured out that a lot of the magical herbs didn't really do much for the metals, but they tasted nice, and developed her "teas" as a hobby.

She never intentionally recruited dragons, and she has the same difficulty of lack of tone and so on as any other Fae dragon, but her choice of words is a lot more expressive than most, and she has a Spiral-like tendency to dance in the air when she is excited, so it isn't as hard to read her as most Fae, and her enthusiasm is infectious.

The first dragons to come to the lair were mostly just curious. A Fae lair carved into a cliff instead of made of sap is already a bit of an oddity, and the stories about size-shifting beverages being served with cookies and cake just sounded completely unbelievable. But when they got there, they found that the stories were true, and while many left (and spread the reputation of the place), some stayed, and so the lair grew, with a highly varied population.

While not all the dragons fit into these categories, there are several Wings that have formed from dragons who find themselves to have similar traits and tastes, and they tend to reside near each other in the lair. They aren't hostile to each other, they just know that these are the dragons they can geek out to and not bore them. :-J

A Light dragon named Cervantes is the historian of the lair, Paxon continues to keep track of the day-to-day workings, Milan handles connections with other lairs, and so on, and there are a fair number of other dragons who either settle there permanently or for a time before moving on.

Hatchlings are raised in an environment where they live with or near their parents, but are largely free to explore most of the lair and nearby area, and any of the adults are willing to teach them whatever they are able to, but the adults rarely try to direct them in any particular direction, which means youngsters have to find their own direction in life or a mentor who is willing to give more in-depth advice.

The Wings are:

Flickering Flames: These dragons have colors in the yellow-orange range and a tendency to approach their flight's usual tendencies from an unusual direction, like Blazewing's interest in the chemical aspects of forging instead of, you know, forging. Still interested in metalwork, just not in the usual way. Their magic, if any, is always tinged with fire, even if the effect is purely cosmetic.

Blood, Snow, & Ash: These dragons have a Black/White/Red color scheme with those colors in any order, and tend to find mates with a matching order, which means this wing usually breeds true. They are the protectors of the lair, but unlike Guardians, they tend to work in specific types of protection over a larger range, and their protection is not always physical. It could be, but it could also be emotional, economic, or other forms of protection. This applies generally, but like anyone else, they do focus more on people and things they care about.

Walking Rainbows: This is a grouping that is only loosely tied to the clan. It is composed of dragons whose natural coloration includes a complete spectrum, which rarely breeds true. They have a mysterious connection, and can feel when another is nearby. They are friendly to one another, but each feels themselves being pushed toward an unknown destiny, and some of them worry that not all of those destinies will be compatible.

Magma Hearts: These dragons have at least one black and at least one vivid orange or red in their color set. They take their pursuits very seriously, whatever they are, and are the most devoted parents in the clan. They frequently have extreme fire resistance and/or earth magic that lends itself more to lava than to rocks.

Searing Roses: The fire roses have colors in the red range, and are exceedingly passionate about everything in life, having both beauty and sharpness. They live to the fullest, and while their emotional responses are appropriate in type, they are considered somewhat extreme by others. If a Fire Rose is happy, they have the uninhibited joy of a child, but very few would want to be the target of their unmitigated anger.

Opposites Attract: These dragons find themselves attracted to mates whose traits are a balance to their own, and they mate for life. Their mate has colors that are within X steps of opposite to their own (don't have to be XXX, but each color has to be within range, thinking three steps either way works), none of the same genes, and a personality that is a balancing opposite to their own. Each pair creates a lineage (I only plan to have my Stock The Pond pairs in this). Their children tend to leave the lair to find their own paths, and rarely follow the mating habits of their parents. If they do follow the same inclinations, it will form a lineage for as long as that continues.

The Apaivam Lineage: This lineage is derived from Blazewing herself, and is further documented by her mate, Gaoithe.
Profile info for each Wing

Flickering Flames- Bright oranges and yellows

Polychromic Haven dragon of the Flickering Flames wing.

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

Flickering Flame dragons have the tendency to approach their flight's usual tendencies from an unusual direction, such as a Fire dragon being interested in the chemical aspects of forging instead of the forging itself. Still interested in metalwork, just not in the usual way. Their magic, if any, is always tinged with fire, even if the effect is purely cosmetic.

Magma Hearts Bright orange or red with black/dark gray

Polychromic Haven dragon of the Magma Hearts wing

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

Magma Hearts take their pursuits very seriously, whatever they are, and are the most devoted parents in the clan. They frequently have extreme fire resistance and/or earth magic that lends itself more to lava than to rocks.

Blood, Snow, and Ash Black/White/Red in any order.

Polychromic Haven dragon of the Blood, Snow, and Ash wing

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

Blood, Snow, & Ash dragons are protectors, but unlike Guardians, they tend to work in specific types of protection over a larger range, and their protection is not always physical. It could be physical protection, but it could also be emotional, economic, or other forms of protection. For example, one could be a physical protector of hatchlings, protector of self-esteem, or protector of free trade. Everyone affected by the concept is protected, but like anyone else, they do focus more on people and things they care about.

Searing Roses- Reds

Polychromic Haven dragon of the Searing Roses wing.

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

Searing Roses are exceedingly passionate about everything in life, never doing anything by halves. While their emotional responses are appropriate in type, they are considered somewhat extreme by most others. If they are happy, it is the uninhibited joy of a child, but very few would want to be the target of their unmitigated anger. They tend to be artists or performers, and some of the originators of this wing were outcasts before coming to the Haven.

Opposites Attract

Gen 1 Polychromic Haven dragon of the Opposites Attract faction, Amethyst line.

Amethyst > Me!

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

The Opposites Attract wing find their partners among those who are utterly dissimilar to themselves, resulting in the widest range of traits in their offspring. They place importance on personal relationships over group affiliations.
This is a Stock The Pond Project dragon!


Polychromic Haven Departed

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

This dragon's traits did not draw them into one of the established Wings of the Haven, but they are free to choose any of the philosophies there, or forge one of their own!

Apaivam Family Line

Gen 1 dragon of the Apaivam lineage, born in the Polychromic Haven

Blazewing > Me!

There are some dragons who, instead of hatching to the joy of their families, awaken with no knowledge or connection to their parents, if in fact they did not spring directly from their element. While many go on to do great things, it is a lonely start. One, who awakened in the Firelands and named herself Blazewing, chose to make sure that none of her descendants would have the same experience.

From her studies of language, she ran across a term that appealed to her: "Apaivam", meaning "From One". She chose this as the name of her family, and thus was a new lineage formed.

Apaivam dragons have two distinctive traits, one intentional and one seemingly branded into their bones:

The first is that they never forget their family. They may choose never to interact with them, but it is taught to them from the youngest age to know where they came from and make sure their children do as well. This comes with no obligation beyond remembrance, however.

The second is that they have an unusual perspective on things. They don't diverge entirely from their expected nature, but they rarely go about their pursuits in a conventional manner, either focusing on a different aspect of their flight's or breed's focus, or using it in highly unusual ways.

This particular dragon was born in the Polychromic Haven, the clan that Blazewing founded, and thus grew up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

Blazewing is the founder of the Polychromic Haven, and was closely followed by Gaoithe, a desert-born Skydancer. Neither of them grew up with families, so they are supportive but somewhat chaotic parents.

Their children tend to follow the philosophies of one of the various wings, but which one varies by the individual. The most common is Flickering Flames, but any of them are possible. Regardless of whether they follow any of the wings, they all tend to inherit a skill and interest in communication, with the Fae learning her tricks of intentionally showing tone and body language and the skydancers being talented in reading people by body language, even without checking their energy.

While they love their children deeply, the pair will not interfere with them following their own paths in life, only hoping that they will know they are always welcome back in the Haven if they choose to visit or return.


Born on Halloween:

Samhain-born: This dragon was born under a strange sky, and has an eeriness about them beyond that which is normal for their other traits. Perhaps they can see into the darkness more than others, perhaps their magic can touch things that most cannot even perceive, and perhaps their dedication edges into obsession, and what they might do to achieve their aims can be more unsettling than inspiring... only time will tell.

Born on Christmas:

Light in the Darkness: This dragon hatched in the depths of winter, and always keeps the warmth that both lets dragons survive that time, but celebrate the year past and the coming year. They are more resilient in situations that would make most dragons despair, and can spread that determination to their companions, always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Born on New Year's:

Dawn of the Year: This dragon was born at the turning of the year, and has taken on some special energies from that. They are especially good at taking raw materials and making a solid beginning to things, whether that is physical construction, research, or social connections.

Born April 1:

Spirit of Whimsy: The day this dragon was born, everyone found themselves in a playful mood, and this carried over to the hatchlings' personalities. They all have a tendency to put a wry spin on things, and can find the humor in any situation.

Prospective Scries:




Vaizel's Offspring:

Polychromic Haven Departed

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

This dragon is not of any specific lineage or affiliation in the Haven, and thus did not default to any of the philosophies of the Haven, but may have chosen one on their own.


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Gen 5 Vitali's Warrior!
Vitali > Jayant > Emmel > Basilah > Vaizel > Me!

Vitali is a guardian dragon with a strong warrior instinct and a desire to protect others. Instead of taking a charge herself, she vowed to have hundreds of descendants to send across Sorienth who are trained and ready to become their own clan protectors. Those from Vitali's bloodline have become part of a large coalition of warrior dragons, devoted to defending their chosen clans as well as sending their own children out into the world to continue the legacy.
ja7LBPj.png Generation 5 Avariel lineage!
Torrin & Bright > Tauriel > Laina > Basilah > Vaizel > Me!

Avariels are children of the Elemental Plane of Air, guided by goddesses of the Sun and Moon. They are powerful mages and warriors known for their glass weaponry and wind-singing, and most importantly, the runic symbols that mark each of their clan. Helmed by Bright and Torrin, remarkable mages each in their own right and chosen by the gods, they've provided a safe haven for their family, and over time, have helped their line spread across Sornieth.

To be listed on the family tree, this dragon must have Runes as their tertiary gene.

Generation 5 Archangel Lineage!
Blessed by Suzaku (Unregistered)

Faith & Omen > Rafiel > Laina > Basilah > Vaizel > Me!

This family of dragons descends from Faith and Omen, an angel and a fallen angel who were cast out onto Sornieth and cursed to live as dragons for their crime of becoming romantically involved. This family tends to have few offspring-- the more greyscale they are, the less the curse seems to affect them!

Generation 5 Witch's Heart (Carrier)

Sybil > Prustil > Amadora > Asthor > Vaizel > Me!

Would you kill for a very important and precious wish? A Witch's Heart is a blood-red gemstone, said to be able to grant any single wish without fail, and it is searched for and coveted by many but the demon who created it tricked dragon kind and placed it within their hearts. to use it is to die and now those who carry this legacy must train hard to protect themselves.

To be listed on the family tree, this dragon must have a tertiary color between Rust and Carmine and be trained to level 20.


Shilmai's Offspring

Polychromic Haven Departed

You have encountered one of the diverse offspring of the Polychromic Haven! This lair has many different philosophies represented, so the young grow up in a safe yet chaotic environment, encouraged to find their own path, for the adult dragons around them were always willing to teach, but rarely to guide. Having now left the Haven, they must find their own way in the world, although they are always welcome to return to their ancestral home if they wish.

This dragon is not of any specific lineage or affiliation in the Haven, and thus did not default to any of the philosophies of the Haven, but may have chosen one on their own.
ja7LBPj.png Generation 7 Avariel lineage! (unregistered)
Torrin & Bright > Hope > Luca > Thespa > Aerdrie > Celestina > Shilmai >

Avariels are children of the Elemental Plane of Air, guided by goddesses of the Sun and Moon. They are powerful mages and warriors known for their glass weaponry and wind-singing, and most importantly, the runic symbols that mark each of their clan. Helmed by Bright and Torrin, remarkable mages each in their own right and chosen by the gods, they've provided a safe haven for their family, and over time, have helped their line spread across Sornieth.

To be listed on the family tree, this dragon must have Runes as their tertiary gene.

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Exalting Paxon to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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