
Have you heard of the great Ruoigu?
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Skykin Planesrunner
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Butterfly's Kiss
Wooden Pipeflute
Canorous Vest
Canorous Spats
Canorous Cap
Blooming Woodbasket


Accent: Coral Shoal


Scene: Redrock Cove


29.75 m
16.51 m
6941.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 28, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Imperial
EXP: 47 / 5545




  • none


Staying for now
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune. In the center the vine wraps around a runestone in shape of an arcane rune.

A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flower puds.


Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Komuso and his older sister Snugooi hatched during earth’s holiday with three other hatchlings. While the five resided in the hatchery their caretaker Kaamos told them all kinds of stories from the eleven gods to clan’s five guardians and from historic events to made-up stories. Out of the hatchlings Kosumo was most likely the most interested about all the stories the old tundra told them, especially the stories about clan’s guardians were his favorites.

After getting old enough Komuso left the hatchery with his coevals and everyone went their way to figure out what to do with their lives. Komuso didn’t have any idea what he should do and followed his sister and the three spirals to the library hoping a book would give him some ideas. He glanced the sections of the library followed by few books in mythology and history sections but ultimately he didn’t feel any kind of spark. He glanced the painting of Ruoigu, clan’s main guardian, decorating the library and hoped the mystical reindeer would lead him to right path as he left the temple.

Komuso and the others had left the hatchery the day earth’s holiday had stopped, and soon after that the clan received few visitors from fire. The situation seemed to be rather awkward all around as the clan had tightened its borders not that long ago, and the visitors seemed to be a bit confused by the security measures. The clan had also been warned about bounty hunters and that made some of the residents wary of the guests, which naturally made them feel even more awkward. Kosumo, or anyone else for that matter, didn’t seem to know why the warning had been given, and those who did refused to give additional information.

Komuso wondered if clan’s guardians had given the order, as it was given few nights before Kosumo had hatched and his mother was clan’s priestess, and he visited his father-figure to ask his take on that. Kaamos told that the clan had been more open before the order was given, and though the timing was a bit odd he was sure the request had not come from Kupari. He though suggested to ask the priestess herself as Kaamos himself didn’t go out that much. Komuso didn’t really want to bother his mother. He had barely seen her and he assumed she was busy. At the very least she had an important job. He asked if there was anyone else he could ask and the tundra mentioned he could try talking to older dragons in cafeteria or during gatherings. He could also try asking Azul or Svecica. Komuso thanked the tundra and left to see if he could find anyone.

Information was hard to find. Svecica was able to tell that clan’s leaders had had a meeting before the order was given and Azul mentioned that Kupari was not part of the meeting. She though visited clan’s port few nights later, quite unlike of her, though the messenger was sure the leader meeting and Kupari visiting the port were not related. Sad Komuso went to the cafeteria where he decided to chat with the visitors. The tension had lowered after few nights but it was still confusing and the visitors were happy to hear they were not the only ones feeling like that. Komuso talked with the visitors they ending up sharing myths from their homes. After that they talked about their origins and how true they were, and Komuso couldn’t answer when he was asked how true the five guardians were. He had not felt their influence.

Later Komuso met with Snugooi at the familiar keeper’s den. Komuso had arrived to chat with the Beastclan members and they had ended up sharing their legends and myths. Meanwhile Snugooi had found her calling that being marine biology she being second of the five to do so. The first had been Valkyrie who had decided to become a powerful mage before she had even hatched. Snugooi didn’t have much business at the den, though she considered getting another familiar to help with her coming work, she had just come to see how her brother was doing. He was fine though a little lost. After Snugooi told she would get her own lab near clan’s port and what she was planning to do Komuso asked if Ruoigu had led her to that path. Snugooi was not sure and gave a vague “maybe”.

After the fire visitors moved to the Great Furnace Komuso started to visit Snugooi’s upcoming lab he lending a hand with building it. When not feeling like doing physical work he hanged out with Beastclan members, mostly fauns, who gave him one of their pipeflutes so he could maybe try musical career. Komuso couldn’t really see himself as musician but playing the flute was nice way of distracting his thoughts from the fact that the guardians didn’t seem to help him, even when he so prayed.

Some time after that a bounty hunter managed to sneak into the lair and they were captured. Komuso was watching the trial where the clan asked Ruoigu to help make the right decision but beyond that the spirit was not contacted. Komuso had started question the existence of the five guardians. His clan mates believed to them, some more some less, but no one had said they felt their influence. After Finlande went missing and the border guards started to grow tired of the bounty hunters attempting to enter the lair he decided to visit the priestess to ask if the guardian spirits were real or if they were just made-up stories.

Komuso was a bit nervous as he approached the sanctuary. He had never been in there, when he had asked for Ruoigu’s guidance he had asked that at one of the shrines outside. In the sanctuary there were eleven stained glass windows depicting the eleven elemental deities and below the Arcanist one there were five small statues depicting clan’s five guardians. From that Komuso understood that the elemental deities were more important yet the clan talked more about its five guardians. Kupari was in the sanctuary seemingly giving offerings to the five guardians, most likely to keep mimics out now that they were running wild for few weeks.

Komuso felt like he was bothering his mother and hesitated to ask for her attention. He though had come all the way to the sanctuary door and he should go in. He called for his mother who seemed surprised to see him. The place felt holy and Komuso asked if he was allowed to enter. The priestess was fine with that and Komuso walked to his mother avoiding the hole in the middle of the room. As far as he knew it was used to release dead spirits by burning the body. After Komuso got closer Kupari asked if something bothered him and Komuso struggled to form the questions he wanted to ask. He didn’t know exactly what to ask so he just said he wanted to talk about the five guardians.

Kupari asked what he wanted to know and she seemed to get a little confused when Komuso asked if they existed. Komuso explained that where the existence of the elemental deities was undoubtable, they had magic after all, the five guardians didn’t seem to do anything. He also asked why they needed them when the eleven seemed to be more powerful. Kupari explained that the deities were more powerful, but they also had more to do, whole regions to maintain. They had no time to keep an eye on who died, who got lost and what region got corrupted, unless it was very important area to them. The clan lived secluded between the heart of the arcane domain and the edge of the dragon world as a whole, meaning there was a chance they’d be ignored if something happened. The five guardians were able to help the clan in that case.

Komuso asked why the guardians let bad things happen, like the bounty hunter sneaking in and a resident vanishing. Kupari explained that the guardians protected the clan from destruction, not bad things. Those needed to happen or else the dragons, or other civilizations, could grow twisted. Komuso then asked why no one seemed to feel the influence of the guardians when the deities’ could be felt. The priestess told the guardians were old, older than the youngest deities, their energy was different to the dragon magic which was why most dragons couldn’t feel it. She though did and she assured they did what they saw fit. That was when a candle in front of Ruoigu’s statue started flickering that being followed by Nagir’s and Ealga’s and eventually Idja’s and Eahket’s candles joined the dance. That was weird as neither dragon felt any kind of wind. Komuso also thought he saw statues' eyes lit up. Kupari watched the flames dance and she asked Komuso to leave. He turned to do so as the priestess started to mumbles an ancient mantra.

Few nights later Svecica announced a conference to be held and Komuso joined others as they came to hear what the matter was. Once everyone was present, except the border guards who were busy and Finlande who was still missing, Karmiini started the conference and told that the guardians had demanded something from the clan. By the sound of it that had never happened before and dragons seemed confused. Once the crowd had done whispering among themselves the chairdragon gave floor to Kupari who announced that the guardians demanded one to be exiled. Apparently the guardians condemned “her” actions and demanded “she” left the clan and the wood entirely. When the crowd asked who that “she” was Kupari named Naru who demanded explanation.

After a lot of back and forth it was revealed that Naru had kidnapped Finlande and tried to use her to tear down reality or something. She escaped when her father told where the older dragon was being kept and apparently the now-exiled nocturne left the wood with the skydancer she was keeping as prisoner. The event didn’t really affect Komuso directly but seeing the guardians take action inspired him.

While he had talked with the visitors from fire and the Beastclan members who lived in the clan, he had learned of their myths, legends and guardian deities, beings he and others didn’t know of. His clan had its own guardians that were unknown outside the clan and he decided he wanted to spread their story to the wider world, along with other guardians he had heard of. He left his home in order to see more of the world, and more importantly collect and spread stories of all kinds of guardians. He decided to travel the coasts of the Starfall Isles to stay close to the guardians that looked over his home, and to have easy way of travelling using Mosaic’s ship, and to be able to check his sister when he felt like seeing familiar faces.

Small pile of pink petals.

Greyish purple stone frame filled with pink glowing runes. Inside it a shooting star, pale pink on dark pink background.

A pink curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a pink glass arcane rune.
Name origin:
Named after a character from Okami.

A pink curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Komuso is an arcane imperial with pale blue body having pale wave like stripes while his underside is transparent with bluish green liquid inside. The liquid doesn’t glow and it doesn’t connect to any organ meaning it cannot be spit out. His wings and hair from mane to tail tip to short beard and leg tufts are dimly sparkling and golden in color though they turn bluish grey at the tip, excluding the wings where the two colors are flipped. However, because of the body spell his sister bought him as a farewell gift both the hair and the wings are blue at their tip and edge. The same spell also gives his antlers their pink tip, blue base color and it gives his wings the coral and blue colored fish-shaped flaps. Komuso’s antlers are somewhat short and branch outwards symmetrically, and his ears have slightly darker backside. His eyes are slightly darker than common eyes and he has painted the area around them black to make them stand out less from the mask he wears.

Komuso is a travelling bard and he has dressed lightly to make travelling easier. He wears green and orange vest, hat and spats, on his side he carries his pipeflute which he uses to attract listeners, and animals for some reason, and on his waist he carries a basket of plants for the animals that arrived. On his face he wears a black butterfly mask to keep animals from landing on it. He also has a lot of coral jewelry and he gets more every time he visits his sister.

Komuso is calm and polite when speaking and he generally knows what to say. He is rather formal with his speech but as he has travelled and interacted with all kinds of dragons, and other creatures, he has learned to spice up his delivery. He is decent at mimicking dialects and he has quite wide vocabulary. He has clean Japanese accent.

Small pile of pink petals.

Komuso is quite spiritual dragon. He doesn’t devote his life for serving a higher power but he is curious of them and how they affect life of the mortals. Despite of that he is also critical of them. He respects every myth, legend and guardian spirit he hears of and he is willing to share their story. However, he won’t worship them unless he has gotten proof that they are real and do their part. Once he has gotten the proof he will show his respect to the being, if in their area of control, and he may pray them if need to be. When it comes to the elemental deities, his belief is solid. Though spiritual dragon sharing myths and legends around Komuso doesn’t demand, or even expect, that his listeners show respect to the being he is talking about. He treats them as stories shared around and if someone sees them as something more then he hopes them best of luck with getting in contact with the being.

Komuso is a social dragon but he is usually not the one to stand out. He likes calm and relaxing conversations where parties give each other time to speak before sharing their takes, and such he can be totally silent even though he is with someone. He talks when it is his time talk. That is usually when he is sharing stories to those who came to listen, during which he can keep talking till his story is over. Still, he still listens what others have to say, even in the middle of the story, and if someone has questions he tries to answer them. Komuso is generally kind, polite and considerate, though he rarely brings up his own wants and needs. He, though, has no problems with seeking answers to his questions.

Komuso doesn’t have a partner that travels with him and he doesn’t really want one. His pipeflute tends to attract animals from insects to birds and mammals to reptiles and they are enough company for him.

Small pile of pink petals.

Komuso has very basic magic skills. He can create arcane fire when in need of light, levitate items and even change their sizes but not much else. When it comes to other skills, he is decent at cooking and singing, and he knows how to make fire without magic. He can play pipeflute quite well and he is good with interacting with animals, mostly because his playing keeps attracting them. He is also decent at telling stories but the delivery tends to lack some flare, which is why he prefers not to be tasked with sharing epics.
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.

Wishlist/Notes to self:

Fill the frames.

* Undreg yrittää selvittää Tilian tilannetta, ei selviä -> Naru
* ryöstö
* Richard huomaa Finlanden kadonneen ja kysyy hänestä Azulilta, Witchiltä, rajavartijoilta ja Tadalta
* Tadaborgite ei näe Finlanden paluuta vaan Kaima tapauksen
* Richard hakee apua Midnightilta -> selvittää sieppauksen, Tada kertoo kaimatapauksesta Tinkerille ja Borgitelle
* Richard pyytää Undregiä auttamaan Finlandea, Undreg lähtee selvittämään sieppausta
* kuulee olennosta Nagan mielenhallinnan kautta -> Naru kiinnostuu
* (taikapeili oli aikoinaan yritys 4. seinän läpi), dregi mainitsee Finlanden kyvystä Lifelle tuodessaan tämän hoitoon (22.11.)
* Tinker kyselee Finlanden kyvystä, Yannis saapuu ja kertoo että kolmikolle on asetettu löytöpalkkio, vartioinnin vahvistus (24.11.)
* Kronk poissa ryöstön ja kyselyn aikana, pääosin vahdissa sen jälkeen
* Borgite lähestyy Marjattaa Kaimatapaukseen (ja Dion kuolemaan) liittyen
* Virallinen varoitus palkkionmetsästäjistä 26.11, ei lisätietoja.
* 28.11. kids hatch.
* Fyinser ja Fidneisera ottavat yhteyttä Kupariin Sisin avulla 30.11. (varoittavat tulevasta koska Kohtalotar)
* peilin tilannut pakenee palkkionmetsästäjiä ja antaa peilin Hillolle turvaan (Rock), häneltä Pixille (6.12.) ja sieltä Undregille (huomaa alempana)
* Naru ja Valkyrie tapaavat 4.12.
* Undreg saa taikapeilin Pixiltä (8.12.), aktivoi sen Narun kanssa
* Jatkavat tutkimista, Undreg pitää liian suurena uhkana, Naru jatkaa
* Snu:n meri labran rakennus alkaa (10.12. valmis 14.2.)
* palkkionmetsästäjä hiippailee pesään rajavartijan taistellessa toisen kanssa, äkkää Yannisin ja Kalanin, Max vangitsee -> Max vanginvartija (16.12.)
* Palkkionmetsästäjän oikeudenkäynti 17.12.
* Naru tajuaa että hän voi tarvita Finlanden miekan avatakseen 4. seinän ja että Finlande on haluttu, päättää siepata Finlanden sekä turvallisuus syistä että kokeita varten, Undreg tietää (18.12.)
* Puolanka tutkii katoamista, Pix pääsilminnäkijä + Valenca ja ehkä Fiona
* huhut miksi varoitus palkkionmetsästäjistä
* Milla kuulee, että Rickyllä on palkkio, lähestyy
* Borgite lähestyy Marjattaa palkkiosta
* rajavartijat alkavat väsyä palkkionmetsästäjistä
* Suojelijat vaativat Narun häätämistä (24.12.)
* Kuparin vaatima palaveri (26.12.)
- kupari vaatii Narun karkoitusta, Itameri samalla linjalla
- Naru paljastaa peilin ja Finlanden voiman
- Kronk kertoo syyn kolmikon palkkioon
- rajavartijoiden ahdinko tuodaan esiin
- Undreg kertoo missä Finlandea säilytetään
- Naru lähtee piilottaakseen Finlanden paremmin
* Komuso inspiroituu suojelijoista, aloittaa matkustelun
* Sagwa aloittaa amulettien teon piristääkseen isäänsä
* Marjatta päättää muuttaa Sisin luo auttaakseen palkkionmetsästäjä asian kanssa
* etsijät toteavat että naru on siirtänyt Fin:in toisaalle
* Richard pyytää Kronkia auttamaan ottamaan yhteyttä Finibeen, Witchi vihjaa Fyinsering suuntaan Kuparin kautta
* On huipulla keskustelun ajan, Milla huolissaan
* Naru lähestyy Valkyrieta, joka alkaa antaa duolle ruokaa klaanialueen ulkopuolella
* Finlande pysyy vangittuna, Marjatta muuttaa Sisin luo, Ricky pysyy kotona

Brain, why are you like this?

"Bio is too long"

Tinker +Festival of five
Alfa +Festival of five
Kupari +Festival of five
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Exalting Komuso to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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