
Head Mage
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Runic Bat
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Magician's Staff
Magician's Cloak
Magician's Herb Pouch
Glowing Red Clawtips
Black Cat
Magician's Cobwebs
Magician's Hat
Scarlet Satin Tunic


Accent: Leafy Seadragon


Scene: Autumn Clearing


3.62 m
3.28 m
868.58 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 15, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Skydancer
EXP: 352 / 27676


Head Mage

"Love can be magic. But like magic, it can sometimes be an illusion."

Marigold was born into a clan in the plague flight. While growing up, she began to develop a strong affinity for magic. Despite the non-combative roles taken by most of the other skydancers she knew, Marigold began to study to become a mage. Already having an affinity for sensing magic, she used that to increase her awareness of what her teachers were doing, a feat which enabled her to learn magic faster than the others her age. Over time, she became stronger and stronger until finally she decided to leave the clan and make her way in the world.

Traveling across the land, she continued to study magic with different clans until finally she arrived at a small clan in the Sunbeam Ruins where she believed her unique talents would be of use. Almost immediately she was named the head of the mages, and as time passed she grew more and more into that role as others joined or were born who had the same talents. Although she loved to learn, Magnolia found herself semi-reluctantly taking on a teaching role. She taught Aqua and Merlin before sending them off to continue to teach others, giving her more time to study. While she does enjoy discussing theory of magic with any of the mages in the clan, Marigold has little time for others. She particularly dislikes Blueberry as the Seer bothers and annoys her. His mysterious air, rather than being intriguing, gets on her nerves more often than not and she cannot stand being around him while knowing that he might not be telling her everything he knows.

Marigold was more than content to study when she was asked to guide a visiting skydancer from an allied arcane clan around the lair. When she saw him, Marigold felt something that she normally only experienced while doing research. During his stay, they became closer until finally they formed a nest with three hatchlings. After they had grown, however, he returned to his clan leaving her heartbroken. Vowing to never lose her heart in such a way again, Marigold threw herself back into her studies without a second thought.

As time passed, she grew closer to one of the healers in the clan, Heliotrope. While the vain pearlcatcher often got on her nerves, there was a certain attraction to him which Marigold couldn't ignore. After some time, she formed a nest with him, however their three hatchlings were soon grown and the two parted ways. Despite their briefly intimate relationship, Marigold remained on good terms with Heliotrope. The decision to simply remain friends was mutual, and Marigold was glad of it as she often couldn't stand the other's shallow attitude, especially regarding their hatchlings.

One of her children with Heliotrope had soon decided to leave for their allied clan in the Starfall Isles. Before long, she received a surprise visitor. The skydancer who had been visiting the clan, Apollo, had decided to move back when his clan decided to break up. At first she was uncertain of what to think, however over time Marigold slowly began to forgive him for leaving all those years before. While the two are close and have had many nests since Apollo's return, Marigold refuses to have any form of permanent living situation, still wary of heartbreak.

Hobbies: Marigold always enjoyed collecting various items which could help her with her spell casting, however once she began having so many nests her instincts began to kick in. Now she also keeps an eye out for anything which could amuse a young hatchling.

Name Origin: Named after the flower due to her beautiful wings.





hoard_active.png Belongings
Webbed Paw Diaphanous Wing Jasper Ancestral Incense Firestarter Jeweled Octoflyer Beak Phytocat Toy

Lair review by Petall
Marigold is a beautiful dragon! I love all of her oranges and golds! The stripes, curcuit and accent blend so well to create such a unique pattern with the bits that are peeking out of the apparel! If more of her natural colour was showing, I feel like it would be too easy to get the full picture - now it's just a delightful swirl of oranges and golds, and I adore it! Her apparel is also fantastic! It's all witchy and autumnal! Reading her lore, Marigold certainly sounds like she's made her way in the world! She's learned magic, established herself as head mage, and have a number of children! Her relationship with Apollo sounds sweet, and I hope she can learn to trust again.

Lair review by Phoenyxx
This lady is just right up my ally: a SD, female and 7 years old - she would fit right into my council. I adore her colours and genes, and normally circuit is not my favourite gene - but she really makes me like it. I love the green tones that her primary gene gives off, it really pairs well with her apparel you gave her. I love the layering of apparel from different sets, it really not only fit her colours but it also really fits her role in the clan as a mage, and the magician set is one of my favourite older apparel- it is just to good. I also have to highlight the accent, i love the colours and textures it adds to the feathers around the face especially. I also like the layering of the mage cloak under the magician cloa, it fits with her profession but gives a nice texture to her apparel.
Marigold has a very halloween-y look and the red claws over yellow talons (i know it's caused by the circuit gene) is so cool! her accent is very fitting with her colors and it gives her wings and tail a nice touch of light orange. All her magic studying really paid off now that she's the head mage!
May I just start by saying you have a wonderful lair, I got utterly lost while clicking through all your dragons and opened so many of them up into new tabs, narrowing them down is a real challenge ^^ Marigold is such a gorgeous witchy dragon. I adore the apparel layering you have going on here, sticking the scarlet satin tunic underneath the magician's cloak makes it look so wonderful by covering up that weird bare part it has on the side, it's such a genius layering that I might just have to mimic it in some way to use that piece. The glowing clawtips are also an EXCELLENT decision, I'm pretty sure its meant to be her magic but it also just looks like she's got painted nails and its so pretty. As a side note I adore her circuit and how you've made a non tech dragon with it. Kudos also to her wonderfully matchy familiar. RiptailShredfang

By: Piktsy
A flash of light startles you, seeking refuge behind a thick marble column. Ahead you see a clearing void of trees and another flash of light that originates from the empty grove. You dare to venture further, feeling a sense of ease the closer you get to the light source. Another flash of light blinds you momentarily, but as the prismatic dots clear from your eyes you can see a autumn colored dragon stirring a rather large cauldron.

Books orbit her head, seamlessly floating until one is called to attention, opening in front of her eyes to the correct page before resuming their circular pattern. Each time a book opened itself for the dragon, a new ingredient from a seemingly endless supply cabinet behind them was dropped in to the cauldron. Each time a burst of light that didn't seem to bother the dragon at all blinded you.

"I see you dear, if not with my eyes then with my soul. Do not be afraid, dear one, I am not an evil hag. I am Marigold, gentle mage of my clan."

You breathe a sigh of relief, stepping out from your newest hiding spot, a gnarled tree that served as an archway in to this makeshift mage's den. The mage continued her potion until the smoke turned a solid white and she stood back with a satisfied grin.

"It's not all glamour and mystère, my dear." She said with a chortling laugh. "Although I can whip up elixirs to calm the worst infections and love potions to woo the most stubborn of souls, this concoction is merely for better health. Toothpaste."


By UnseenRangerGal:

By Yajani

Eventually: falcon, peregrine, runes

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