
Level 10 Tundra
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Sentient Alloy
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Tundra
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Black Protective Eyewear
Violet Flower Crown
Viridescent Harvest Bracelet
Golem Gauntlet
Prismatic Silk Scarf
Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes
Prismatic Silk Sash
Mage's Walnut Socks
Classy Cane
Grove Sylvan Twist
Lightning's Charm


Accent: Proud Flowerpot


Scene: Progression of Flowers


4.13 m
2.97 m
249.67 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 12, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 10 Tundra
EXP: 302 / 27676




  • none




potted peacevine iron gear luminous almonds

Pending Art

Pending UMAs
reminder to self to PASTE THESE INTO KYM'S BIO LOL

Mar 06/24
Imperial Cosmos
850g, paid, run 2
payment pm:
- for itman

Probably not getting printed, but keeping here just in case:

Nov 29/23
Gold Circuit Promo WCM
500g, unpaid, run 1

Electric Wormhole
850g, unpaid, run 1

TOP - short [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=fallout whisper] [item=fallout whisper] [item=fallout whisper] [nextcol] [size=7][font=times new roman][color=darkgreen]Name[/color][/font][/size] [size=3][color=saddlebrown][i]quote[/i][/color][/size] text [/columns] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Character Notes[/b][/size] ♫ • [b]OOC Notes[/b] • BOTTOM

TOP - long [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=7][font=times new roman][color=darkgreen]Name[/color][/font][/size] [color=transparent][size=1]==============================[/size][/color] [size=3][color=saddlebrown][i]quote[/i][/color][/size] [nextcol] [item=fallout whisper][item=fallout whisper][item=fallout whisper] [/columns] [img][/img] text [img][/img] [size=4][b]Character Notes[/b][/size] ♫ • [b]OOC Notes[/b] • BOTTOM

[*] Riftworks: Phthalo/Mist/Overcast, Koi, Arcane eyes, male owned by [url=]kirmon64[/url] Phthalo/Mist/Overcast Flaunt/Flair/Koi Arcane primal male [url=]AH Search[/url] [url=][img],47122,19450,1753,1098&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [morphology=3392729] Nest Rentals [url=]Triskele[/url] [url=]Active[/url]


----Horizontal Dividers----















The arcane dragons of the Starfall Isles are dreamers. They prefer the allure of the unknown and mysterious nature of the magical energies that bind the universe together. Of all the dragons, arcane dragons are the most curious, pursuing their theories and their dreams, often oblivious to the effects that their dogged pursuits may have on the world around them. Meteors and runestones are their favored treasures.

The earth dragons of Dragonhome are monument builders. They prefer the consistency and enternal memory of the stone they shape. Of all the dragons, earth dragons revere their ancestors the most fervently, and remember the most about the First Age. Gemstones are their favored treasures.

The fire dragons of the Ashfall Waste are metalworkers. They prefer to be as passionate and intense as the flames they coax. Of all the dragons, fire dragons are the most temperamental, and their red-hot fury knows no peers. Rare metal ore, weapons, statues, and tools are their favored treasures.

The frost dragons of the Southern Icefield are collectors. They prefer to be as rigid and cold as winter's chill. Of all the dragons, ice dragons are the most unemotional, carefully preserving the world around them to be later analyzed and catalogued. Fossils and artifacts are their favored treasures.

The light dragons of the Sunbeam Ruins are philosophers. They prefer to be unbiased and logical, revealing the nature of the world as does the rays of the sun. Of all the dragons, light dragons are the most scholarly, holding the pursuit of truth as the highest virtue a dragon might aspire to. Scrolls and relics are their favored treasures.

The lightning dragons of the Shifting Expanse are engineers. They prefer to be quick and intuitive, to better harness the power of the tempest under which they make their home. Of all the dragons, lightning dragons are the most ambitious, changing the world to adapty to them, rather than adapting to the world. The copper wire, tools, and reactors are their favored treasures.

The nature dragons of the Viridian Labyrinth are druids. They prefer to be as wild and primal as the ancient forests they call their home. Of all the dragons, nature dragons are the most nurturing, enjoying the care and cultivation of flora and fauna, spreading an overgrowth of life where once there was none. Seeds and rare flowers are their favored treasures.

The plague dragons of the Scarred Wasteland are survivors. They prefer to be as strong and adaptable as the plague they spread. Of all the dragons, plague dragons are the most savage, and celebrate the cycle of life and death by constantly pitting themselves against the other elements. THe bones and armor of their enemies are their favored treasures.

The Shadow Dragons of the Tangled Wood are tricksters. They prefer to be capricious and fickle, like the flickering shadows they manipulate. Of all the dragons, Shadow Dragons are the most enthralled by games, and delight most in winning, even if it means underhandedly. Game boards, tokens, and pieces are their favored treasures.

The Wind Dragons of the Windswept Plateau are explorers. They prefer to be joyful and care-free, like the gentle and playful breezes that whisk them to new lands. Of all the dragons, Wind Dragons are the most friendly, eager to become a small part of every community they encounter before they eventually and inevitably leave, following the currents in pursuit of a new adventure. Maps, compasses, and feathers are their favored treasures.

The water dragons of the Sea of a Thousand Currents are oracles. They prefer to be as fluid as the waves and currents of the oceans. Of all the dragons, water dragons are the most mysterious, predicting the many futures that may come to pass, but revealing nothing of what they divine to outsiders. Shells and magic orbs are their favored treasures.

The dragons of the System Archives are compilers. They prefer to be as diligent and methodical as the computers they maintain. Of all the dragons, they are the most analytical, cataloging events and predicting trends based upon the data they have gathered, but rarely involving themselves in the affairs of the rest of the galaxy. Data strings and memory crystals are their favored treasures.

Links With Others

Hella out of date, Future Kirmon pls fix

• Shadow - The Defiance (Moonkeep & satellite groups)
- general infodump
- Acadia sends Runners over to Eclipse (and vice versa probably)
- Sparks is in direct contact with Eclipse (or at least the Sound) most likely??
- Graygarden trades w/ Eclipse bc of Sparks. a lot of contraband probably goes through them for that sweet $$$?

• Light - Sunsong Eyrie
- Hatya does the underground railroad stuff w/ Acadia
- probably trades with Graygarden due to relative proximity

• Wind - Cierzo Wisps (smugglers, merchants)
- they sell things to Mizar's Goldwood
- part of the Runner network - not actively like Acadia, merely a waypoint
- close trading ties with Graygarden; Owsley's herbs often go through them. Charlie smuggles stuff to/for them as well. Graygarden sells their produce to the Wisps.

• Wind? - Tempest Chase (nomadic mercs)
likely had dealings with pre-coup Goldwood (hired to deal with the local Talonok?)
possible link to Mizar's Goldwood?

• Fire - The Division (formerly warlike clan that's trying to be more peaceful.)
-have maybe heard of what's happened to Goldwood; likely reacted negatively
-possibly some reaction from their Zoe to Mizar's takeover

• Nomadic (currently Plague) - Totemclan (peaceful, but ready and willing to retaliate if attacked)
- maybe allies with Valewind's Goldwood; cut ties with Mizar's due to newly militaristic regime? Possibly Alcor cut ties with them knowing it would just be a headache later on due to conflicts?

Lore Notes

unhooked plot hooks

what is percival planning
why did giada scout out goldwood
murderbot leaving/being sold? art?
harv's pearl/memory crystal - metabolas/eyre memories. link to something? Gadgeteers as actual aliens and not Second Age people? Or as the Mars humans?
Anesidora/Asche link, possibly Calypso's Ace and/or Moonbaby too

Kaden/Alister/Rayna, Ratchet

Note to self -
Have something happen and Kaden/Rayna flee Goldwood while Rayna is preggo. Either falling out with Alister or he guards their escape?
They go north towards nature for whatever reason, pursuit by drones? Maybe Kaden did something that hurt their operations pretty bad?
They land on an island in the channel to rest once they think they've lost the pursuit and Rayna lays an egg/nest there (so ratchet is nature born)
Island was closer to light territory but because of ley line fluctuations or whatever ******** it was nature for a bit (maybe the nest elements were split??)
Drones catch up, Kay and Ray split up maybe? Ray goes to fight while Kay moves the eggs, or Kay goes to distract them while Ray moves the eggs
Ratchet's egg is left behind, or separated in some way. Possibly because nature egg in light clutch so blends in with foliage in the chaos.
Thinking end result is that they both escape, but remain separated. Kaden ends up with ratchet's egg, but is separated from it later on for some reason. Possibly hid it somewhere? Or just after ratchet's hatching the drones caught up or something.

Thinking Kaden did something that was a big deal - result is that Mizar hunts him. Perce can be the one in charge of that to parallel canon. Need to think of a thing that's that important though. Or that enrages Mizar enough at least.
Kaden is awol from that point and ends up as vagabond cryptid - do a thing like fixit au probably.
--- damage eardrum(?) To cause balance issues. Enemy grabbed his head in their jaws and broke the horn/ripped external ear on that side too

Then need to figure out Alister and Rayna...

Whatever the thing Kaden did was, Alister didn't know about it? So Mizar or whoever left him unscathed - maybe he accidentally/unknowingly tipped Mizar off to the thing? Like mentioning that Kaden was going somewhere at x time which he thought was innocuous but turned out to not be. So Mizar thinks he's on her side and Kay/Ray think he betrayed them.
(Or... Retcon Perce somewhat and have Alister trust Perce when he shouldn't have?)
Or have Kay/Ray think he's dead? Basically a lot of misunderstanding/assumption all around (this way, joyful reunion lmao)

Can't go back to Goldwood obviously...
Maybe keep Ratchet with her? They could both be at Graygarden? Almost like a Shmi/Anakin kind of situation? Maybe have her be disabled due to injuries from the drones...?
Doesn't feel quite right though, hm. Think they should be separated.
Could go to Acadia? Or be trying to track down Kaden...?
Or take advantage of the whole "dragons don't die generally" thing? Have her be wounded but healing, but wounded in such a way that she has trouble getting food, or is stranded somewhere because wing injury... So eventually she hibernates. Could then either have her get found by xyz person/faction later, or her mates or Ratchet go on a quest to find her
Do bio as like a survival thing as she works out how to deal with her situation?
OH if I change her to obelisk... Work that into the story somehow. Like she hibernates in a place that transforms her, or an earth mage finds her and saves her by turning her into stone like the first obelisks or something.

Thing that pisses off Mizar
- Kaden accidentally frees a bunch of drones or slaves?
- accidentally blows up the barracks (Or on purpose?)
- causes some issue with an envoy/diplomat from somewhere? And whatever this envoy was doing was important
--- something to do with Nyne?
- sabotages some important part of the drone training? Difficult to do something like the Spawnship, though
- one of the above but Perce frames him?
- comedy of errors, multiple things combined?
- some device fails and injures Alcor or whoever, Mizar gets real mad
- accidentally injures Mizar, Alcor assumes it's on purpose?
If Kaden is a repairman... Lots of stuff that he has access to that he wouldn't otherwise. Could even say he stole/accidentally stole some important plans or something? And Alister is involved with something else and never gets involved with Kay/Ray escaping, someone (Merak?) Watches his reactions to learning they're gone and decides that yeah he knew nothing about this.

Orvus/Zoni, Ratchet and Clank

Condensed Plot Notes

- zoni accidentally let the shade in/alternatively grew the universe from within the shade itself. or accidentally drew it toward this universe from elsewhere.
-- shade may also/alternatively have something to do with the zoni home dimension? is in contact with it too, originates from it, is a broken/empty timeline version of the home dimension?
- clock is designed to keep the shade out, to make a universal barrier. the barrier is not perfect bc universal scale, so shade incursions still happen. however there are many local deities that make barriers of their own, covering the places they have dominion over for extra protection.
- therefore the spaces between starsystems/uninhabited starsystems is a lot more dangerous. (involve halcyons as protectors for this?)
--- future kaden does Something that shoots holes in a barrier(s) bc matchy? (wormhole related stuff?)
- clock is in a stable time loop, she was made from the Indexer who was in turn made from Sornieth's robots. so sornieth is very important. (ofc its not just the indexer, its other things too and all of them are as important. but plot is on sornieth, so.)
-- important that the keeper was made from life native to this universe? Zoni cause issues with their very presence so anything they could make themselves would have the same problem. But an upgraded life form native to the universe doesn't.

- sigmund is from an alternate, now destroyed timeline. the timeline that starchild destroyed when she fell.
--- sornieth may be more susceptible to this kind of thing bc of paradox issues re indexer/the damage that the warring gods caused?
- sigmund is trying to find clank now bc they need him to be the zoni nexus before they fall apart
- klunk is from way in the future and is a clone of clank. probably doesnt even know wth sornieth is never mind visited it. probs doesnt look a whole lot like a fae anymore. cyborg/maybe full robot/mishmash of a whole bunch of different life types?
--is missing the soul-seed that clank has so does not register to the zoni in the same way. could force it but it would kill/destroy him and fk up the zoni pretty bad so its a last resort and maybe not even worth anyway

- clank is avatar/seed/fragment of Orvus' soul. Orvus killed himself/got himself killed in order to do some handwave thing that kept the Shade out, so Clank was his method to ensure the Zoni could survive.
(then he manages to use it to resurrect so its a moot point but a backup is nice)
-- used Sornieth specifically bc of the Indexer/weaker barrier? To make Clank easier to find for the other Zoni. Also there was some probability that Clank would increase the probability of the Indexer existing? two birds one stone
-- alternatively it was random - maybe something to do with the First Age dragon gods fighting?
-- or there was a point where the barrier was stronger so used that time/place - Gaster involvement?
--give Clank some kind of "earthly mission" beyond being a Zoni fragment - VEGA, Indexer? Indexer = helping J and co, so involve in future DBH esque plot?

- clank possibly living at graygarden, left original clan to find the thing he knows he needs to find. mollys assistant maybe?
rac meeting tba, probably involve caravan or slave ratchet being bought by graygarden

note/concept: Second Age destruction was on purpose/to cause a stable time loop? Second Age must end for dragons to rise, dragons must rise so they can make robots, robots must exist to become the Indexer...

Doomguy & co, link with Calypso 'verse?

well... if pentagram verse has stable time loop and fr verse does too....

vega from second age as usual, keep that
hayden originally one of vega's builders but also from the future? another destroyed timeline ..??? maybe a timeline where the second age never fell? would be a Dark Timeline probably where they're like, constantly on the run from the shade.
doomguy could easily also be from that timeline
doomguy/hayden sent back together?
or doomguy is modern sornieth guy who is a shadeslayer and got effed up somehow? but also then he's really overpowered... unless he gets sent to the future...??

kirmon stop writing got dang timetravel plots

or... doomguy from calypso verse too? makes him a human(oid) which adds to the power level tbh being able to smite dragons. def gonna be dimension hopping/time travel with doomguy regardless tho so... we circle back around to the Dark Timeline. maybe from some farm world/outpost until the shade showed up?

reason for hayden (and maybe doomguy) going back/sideways? hayden was/is an ends justify the means/needs of the many kinda guy so... perhaps it was meant to save people?
WAIT maybe... tie in with stable time loop of second age destruction idea? hayden going back somehow causes reactor meltdown..???
vega... linked with indexer in some way?? hmmmm. well. if its a similar thing to father, then... the hayden that came back from the Dark Timeline influenced the Golden Age hayden, maybe brought with him a fragment of DT vega/father? maykrs as the corrupted DT future humans?

--Notes from Vega's bio--
• VEGA is not a dragon, or even close to a dragon. He's the supercomputer coordinator of the Keres colony, and draws power directly from a tear in spacetime that leaks the Shade in. Despite what one might assume from being very literally Shadetouched, he's a kind, cordial fellow with no ulterior motives.
• The Keres colony was founded by a group of Second Age people during their Golden Age, about 50 years before the Grand Reactor meltdown. After losing the magical power transference from their Homeworld (Sornieth), the colony started to fall apart; Keres is geologically and magically inactive and too distant from the sun to make much use of solar power. Thus, out of desperation they eventually turned to using the Shade "energy" (or rather the reaction of it to normal matter) for power.

• In case it's not obvious, "Keres" is just the FR version of Mars. It's basically identical in all ways to make my life easier :D

• The colonists built their city about fifty years before the Grand Reactor underwent its meltdown; they watched in horror as their Homeworld was ruined by the explosion. They never tried to return, believing that nobody could have survived - by the time they realized differently it had been generations (and by that point the Gladekeeper/Plaguebringer were ravaging the planet). The Kerens have been watching from afar for thousands of years, wary of the dragon gods and the creatures made in their image.
• The more humanoid beastclans on Sornieth are the descendants of Second Age peoples - the Keres colonists are too of course, but due to living so long apart the two groups have few similarities anymore. The beastclans have very little in their histories that hints to this thanks to the two consecutive apocalypses they survived through. The remainder of their involvement has been reduced to myth metaphors and a strange tendency for Second Age ruins to react favorably to them.
have the mars-humans look like stereotypical Greys/LGMs?? since they are humanoid scifi aliens - like how their Sornieth descendants are humanoid fantasy creatures.

i like the idea of vega only allowing a descendant of the second age peoples inside his complex - that is, one of the humanoid beastclans. (harpy, maren, centaur, serthis). was gonna use that for acadia but it might make sense for vega as well?
or possibly just anyone with sufficiently low levels of shade-taint he lets through? hm

hey note to self shade power = basically contained vacuum decay

(With sword and shield of adamantine strength, the Doom Slayer set to banishing all that were left unbroken by his savagery...)


actually AC verse desmond (or esamas desmond, anyway)

wakes up beside? under? the world pillar - in a cavern underneath, grand temple-esque? volcanic rock with bonkers huge magical crystals poking out of it - an unnatural cavern, dug out by the second age ppl 8 millennia ago
wakes up in a wc body, is weirded out but then decides its pretty damn cool after all

world pillar is the anchor for the world barrier
the grey exists here too and through that the grand temple/world pillar are like... connected or something
there's a solar flare on sornieth too - but the world barrier, world pillar stops it - and leaves desmond behind after the lightshow passes
the second age ppl used the gray/calculations as ... not a predictor of the future, like the isu did, but as... maybe processing? they probably tapped into it a lot more than the isu did, maybe w magic they could have more control of it.
turned the whole world into a... satellite dish for it, kind of thing, with the world pillar as the antenna. probably at least some of their VR was less VR and more... living in the gray itself.

sornieth also... could really do with a brotherhood, couldn't it. hmmmm
(zach/tori as recruits...? and maybe even fornax??)

the second age tech probably responds to him like it does to beastclans, despite him being a dragon?? something to do with detecting his aura rather than biology - the people were masters of genetic engineering after all, they couldn't rely on biological signatures so went with some aura or mental thing instead

Headcanon Dump

@Rivershard wrote on 2021-08-25 18:57:03:
Talonok language, unlike Draconic and most Beastclan tongues, lacks any neutral third-person singular pronoun, instead having two: one for Corven and one for Raptorik.
This, of course, poses a problem for mixed-species clans and events. The most widespread method of resolving this in Talonok clans is a ritual welcome in which the visitor is offered a choice between a small fruit and a bit of meat. They are then given a guest sash which is tied on either the left or right side, representing their choice and their pronouns. Most visiting non-Talonok are completely unaware of the purpose of this greeting and the existence of this system.
The use of left/right sash symbolism has also spread to Talonok who have undergone magical alteration to the point their species is not obvious, as well as to transclade Talonok.

CrystalClock wrote on 2020-10-11 09:33:43:

With Riot of Rot coming up, it got me thinking of the Plague Flight and I remembered the headcanon I made for Plague cities.

In the Scarred Wasteland, the cities are quite literally alive. Its buildings are made of flesh and bone, fueled by a vast network of veins and arteries. These living buildings are genetically engineered using Plague magic to suit the needs of dragons.

Though one would expect these living cities to be a vile mess, the truth is that much like an actual body, the fleshy interior is invisible from the outside. This both serves to prevent infection and to make the city pleasant to look at. A skilled Plague architect can construct beautiful monuments able to be appreciated by all in Sornieth.

A lot of infrastructure in Plague cities are more or less enlarged versions of existing animal organs. Giant hearts beat all throughout the city to provide buildings with nutrients, their sound filling the whole city with a slight rhythmic thump. This heartbeat can be unsettling for those not used to it, though is often a source of comfort for Plague dragons. Enormous stomachs digest raw materials into a useable fuel source. Fields of black leaf-like appendages are designed to capture as much light as possible to provide further nourishment.

Plague cities can have a problem with infections. Left unchecked, they can easily destroy entire buildings. Many skilled Plague mages spend their time away from battle working to identify viruses and bacteria which have managed to slip past the city's immune system.

Your Weird FR Headcanons

Mediscoot: I like to think when a dragon goes through a breed change, they retain characteristics from the breed they were. Maybe an extra set of horns, or feathers. Maybe their size is weird?

Aquafilia: Gaoler speak of the Moon as a great warrior who every month is devoured by the Shade and then fights free again

LuckOfTheClaws: All breed lore is an exaggerated stereotype of what that dragon is like, and most dragons personalities do not have such extreme traits.

SmudgedSkies: the Fae have a hierarchy similar to their namesakes
(a personal headcanon of mine is that two powerful courts are the Luck Court, referring to Azymith, and the Glitch Court, referring to Naomi)
Gryphling wrote on 2022-01-06 17:53:56:
I have some thoughts about the differences and similarities between Nature and Plague:

• In my mind Plague flight healers don't just wait and see if their patients survive without help (rude). Instead they will inoculate their hatchlings with small doses of diseases early in order to build up immunity, and take pride in having kick-butt scars. Prosthetics imported from Lightning and Wind (patchwork wings) are in high demand for those who can afford them.
• Nature healers are more about concocting herbal medicines (potions, balms, and poultices) and making sure wounds disappear completely. Very skilled at stitches and can even encourage limbs to grow back or be replaced with symbiotic plant matter.
• The Behemoth is a superorganism with roots that stretch through the entire Viridian Labyrinth. This is kinda supported by the world map, but I'd like to take a step further and propose that most of the trees in Nature territory are the Behemoth's suckers. They're all connected as a single organism via the roots, like the Trembling Giant forest in Colorado, USA. Bladed Flatleaves come grow from it seasonally, and the One Seed is a very rare fruiting body of the Behemoth.
• Likewise, Plague has its own superorganism in the form of an enourmous, underground fungal colony, similar to Oregon, USA's "Humongous Fungus." It spreads through the sand and soil, turning it red, and grows up into plants and kills them for nutrients. The All-Seeing Shrooms are actually the fungus's fruiting bodies, which grow seasonally. Of course because it's a magical fungus it can also grow the occasional eye or weird claw.
DoubleO wrote on 2022-11-06 14:18:44:
prehistoric Sornieth thoughts
I've been thinking about prehistoric Sornieth and very slowly drawing concepts of it in Krita, so streams of ideas are hitting me hard like a train wreck every few hours, so I'm gonna... UNLOAD everything into one post.

All of these are based after the pillar shattered, so basically the veryyyy beginning of the Fourth Age when the Shade returned and the ancients were just barely being created and forming their own societies.

Unfortunately, no art because everything looks like super bright red, cyan, lime green squiggly lines over the world map.

But for a read, it's a long list:

Ancient Sornieth was an apocalypse. The Shade just returned to the planet, all pollution from it is fresh. All ancients had to deal with that. All of them. Even the tiny Veilspun.

Ice was the most infested. If the icefield was bigger in the past, with its maximum possible size being half the planet, then that means it would've had the most Shadebeasts and the Gaolers had to clean almost two continents' worth of horrors to get rid of the Shade.

Prehistoric water was extremely polluted. Plaguebringer and Gladekeeper were fighting alone for an entire era, and then the Shade came back. That ocean should be filled with shadebeasts, algae, aquatic plants, diseases, and contagions. Heck, maybe the wandering contagion had MEAT islands in there.

So when Tidelord came out of the pillar, his main priority would've involved not only reclaiming his home but also purifying it.

In other words, no matter how cool or amazing the water ancient could look like, just remember that its first job in life was to roleplay as an algae eater fish inside a giant aquarium...

except the aquarium is an entire ocean.

No Twisting Crescendo. We don't actually know when this hurricane was created, but the story events of BOTE show us that the Windswept Plateau is actually a windless region without it. There was a full month without wind, to the point where dragons had to re-activate the Aergate to get around.

But if the Aergate exists, that means the plateau was also windless during the age of the sky dinosaurs.

Maybe the only reason it was "wind" territory because the wind ancients built wind machines or tornados/twisters inside it? It does have a lot of open space. Don't tell me there's not at least one wind tunnel somewhere.

Wind ancients look like jets in the sky. Despite everything looking like the apocalypse, travelers would've regularly seen wind ancients clearing the dark skies, which likely would've caused a visual effect similar to how we see planes split clouds.

The Windsinger DID create the first wind dragons to cleanse the Shade-infested skies, and said they would be "painting" them.

Given how the Shade is described to leave dark blots in the sky, so every time a wind dragon would destroy it, it should look like they're leaving a path of clear sky and color - as if they're painting.

Hewn City and the Tangled Wood ruins were not covered in shadow yet. The World Map says the ruins existed before the land was covered by shadow, meaning that they would've looked mostly intact and unobscured up until Shadowbinder returned from the pillar, and whatever catastrophe happened at Hewn City.

Hewn City had Sornieth's "second sun". This was pointed out by a previous *thread in 2021, but generally speaking, Hewn City has a lot of Shadow-like traits like sunken ground, mixed yellow/purple grass patterns, etc. And based on its proximity to the portal, it likely was a sun-worshipping structure - the opposite to the moon one in Shadow flight.

Though I don't think anyone figured out what it actually looked like yet.

Here's the thing: All concentrations of light are orbs, not liquid like shadow, so there shouldn't be a glowing sun symbol carved into the ground.

Instead, there would've been a HUGE orb of light in Hewn City, which might've been able to shine light through the portal. Possibly atop of the well-like structure at its center?

edit: Using an edited image instead of the map to explain what I mean. re-doing art. Map for now.
Custom Location: imagine an orb above the "well"/circular structure here

There's more ideas/guesses. Banescales probably lived in a much taller volcano (before erosion eroded it down), lower ocean levels (icefield that hasn't shrunk yet) might've meant Earth and Arcane flights had connecting land, etc.

So I'm going nuts with what prehistoric Sornieth could look like. Anyone else ever think about it?

*Also, on the other theory thread: Does anyone remember the discussion thread where people noticed Hewn City looked a LOT more like Tangled Wood (same cloudy effects, etc.) after the world map update? There was a theory where it was very likely shadow flight (veilspuns) intentionally blasted shadow goop all over the city and that's why the portals were shut down? Because I'm noticing some more evidence for that theory and I really want to re-read some things.

earth - pillar
fire - metal
water - life
wind - spiral
light - truth
shadow - spirit
lightning - clan
ice - cloud
nature - venom
plague - blood
arcane - time
shade - chaos
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Exalting Kirmon to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be longer than 2 characters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.