
Level 10 Gaoler
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Energy: 47
out of
Ice icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Gaoler
Male Gaoler
Breeding cooldown icon
This dragon cannot breed until Mar 22, 2025 (16 days).
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




Scene: 8th Anniversary


10.26 m
7.5 m
8506.55 kg


Primary Gene
Phantom (Gaoler)
Phantom (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Stripes (Gaoler)
Stripes (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Blossom (Gaoler)
Blossom (Gaoler)


Nov 09, 2021
(3 years)


Gaoler icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 10 Gaoler
EXP: 1270 / 27676


ZfAYwH8.png _____
Generation 2, Gladioli Line

The Mourning Flowers of Sornieth prowl the lands in search of souls that have yet to cross through the Veil. Leaving behind fields of flowers that defy all logic, they take it upon themselves to mourn for those that have been forgotten or left behind, and their purpose is a heavy one they bear with pride and determination.

They serve the dead before all others and see the world for what it is- an endless graveyard...

Intended name: Altair
Soul Trait: Runic
Spiritual Traits: Dark Touch, The Free
Brief lore snippet: (136) (continued: 297) = 432
Gazing upon the lost souls of Sornieth, Altair senses the waves of emotion lapsing through the atmosphere. The way mortals lived was—Intriguing. An everlasting cycle of birth, life and death, with no given purpose other than the one it believes in-if it was to carve a mask. Then, at any moment: That life could vanish. Dissipate, dissolve, be forgotten by the pained world and travel towards the destined veil. All of that gone in an instant. Sometimes, in the cruellest way, like the souls he had met today. Yet, Altair discovers that the mortals pride in their existence. Narrowing his eyes after his ponder, he finally approaches those discombobulating souls, guiding them back to where they should belong.

He shall roam with mortals a little more often. Just to understand more of their complex structure.

. . .

Altair’s soul of Runic yearned to understand more. His soul humming with anticipation, he stalked out, an inaudible silence that crept among the shadows and gazed upon the mortals. Mortals with little time left were his primary subjects: He saw their tender joys with familiars as they spent their last days, smiles and laughter echoing even in the final moments; sorrows as encroaching illnesses crept through the tender inner-workings of weakening dragons, goodbyes that they wished would’ve come so much later; dragons with honour who sought to fight in the name of their higher, fallen and breathing their last breaths, which were once mighty, were now roughened with pain, slowly growing gentler as their time soon came in a bittersweet acceptance that their duty had been completed to the fullest. He could hear their truest thoughts in their purest forms from telepathically within their minds.

So many wonders did Altair see, yet, he would never truly understand or experience these feelings. But with time, empathy bloomed like the grey flowers that patterned his mane, and a seed that was always within him had been nurtured to life. These flowers glowed with a purple essence in the central cores, painted with a brilliant, unforgettable hue, so soft in its nature but bold in his daringness to feel and go beyond in his comprehension of mortal feeling.

He had finally reached a state in where he could almost feel how the mortals felt as they breathed in the breath-taking view of the flowers beneath their feet before they stepped beyond the Veil. The pulsation in his soul, however, urged him to continue on. To discover more, more that he didn’t even know could be known.

Altair returned to the shadows to spectate his latest mortal on the Waking Plane.

There’s the partner in question! ^
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Exalting Altair to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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