
Art and refinement must serve practical ends to be worthy.
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Southmarsh Podid
Southmarsh Podid
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Energy: 11
out of
Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Ridgeback
Male Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Simple Gold Bracelets
Champion's Weapons
Stoneshatter Drill
Dustrunner's Arctic Bags
Leather Aviator Gloves
Corsair's Seaspray Boots
Leather Aviator Satchel


Skin: Whimsical Night




18.06 m
14.42 m
6912.35 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 22, 2014
(10 years)


Ridgeback icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 18 Ridgeback
EXP: 1221 / 92435
Blinding Slash
Shale Hybrid Fragment
Shale Hybrid Fragment
Shale Hybrid Fragment



The Architect

That doesn't go there, idiot.

Yskerryth has left clan-home to look into exotic materials for some of his more personal projects, taking Comandrus with him. They will likely be gone through the Mistral Jamboree and well into the Season of Water.


Yskerryth is planning to return for the Greenskeeper Gathering with his grandson, where they will weld their walls in place with flowering vines.


Yskerryth's response, upon returning to find the clan pulling themselves back together after the falling star disaster, remarked that he really shouldn't spend any more time away from the clan, and perhaps he ought to take a more advanced role in leadership. He was met with widespread derision, but this does not seem to have phased him.

Yskerryth is Cindercone Clan's architect. He designed and built the aboveground portions of the clan's living-spaces, often singlehandedly. During their time in Derecho Canyon, he made substantial progress on restoring the half-ruined structures, and in the Rogue's Camp, he learned to craft living wood into a formidable palisade. A perfectionist, he regularly revises his older structures, even to the point of tearing them down outright and starting anew—but this is a useful attitude to hold when in the tumultuous lands of Fire, where the ground never stays stable forever.

Prickly, arrogant, and obsessive, Yskerryth has few friends in the clan, but almost everyone admires his work. He doesn't seem to mind, throwing himself into his projects with a passion rivaling any Fire dragon. Some have noticed, however, that he has taken pains to preserve some of the works of the now-departed Dusk, even where he has decried the rest of the structure as amateurish.

Plaguewinds alternates between being his rival and his lover, as both communicate primarily by witty insults. For similar reasons, he has recently attracted the interest of banescale Chlorine. The closest thing he has to a friend is Arietty, who is a wiling assistant in the more delicate work and a somewhat more pleasant banterer. A more unwilling recipient of his affection is the sneakthief Comandrus.

Yskerryth's craft is architecture, and his preferred medium is stone. He draws inspiration from many sources, including the sweeping grandeur of the Sunbeam Ruins and the sleek efficiency of Lightning's machinery, but also the defensive installations of mirror camps and the elevated villages of Cindercone's one-time talanok allies. In the end his creations are aggressive, bold, and yet utterly practical, and he would have it no other way.

Physical description
Yskerryth is a medium-sized ridgeback with somewhat short, rounded wings. His gangly frame and somewhat short bill give him the appearance of a permanent fledgling. His claws are unusually long and straight, and his wings have a shape more akin to a fae than a ridgeback, reminders of his long stint as one during one of the clan's early upheavals. His scent is overlaid with limestone dust and gold, and he has the easy grace commonly associated with Light dragons. He is a competent swimmer, perhaps thanks to his familiar, and quite capable of diving to help finish a project, though he much prefers dry land.

Yskerryth fights with sheer speed and aggression, using wild, powerful claw-strikes. He is a danger to unwary allies as well as enemies, but is surprisingly well-aware of the more stationary parts of the landscape. Valued structures and landforms will be shied away from, while less valuable ones may be toppled to create terrain hazards.

Yskerryth has lacked a formal team since Kellinlii began training on her own; due to his personality and fighting-style, he has had substantial difficulty finding a new one.

Yskerryth came to the clan in its early days as an arrogant and willful young ridgeback bent on becoming an Exalt to Flamecaller. When both of the progenitors, as well as Liglanaerr and Plaguewinds, vanished during the clan's first Riot of Rot, he took it upon himself to take control of the clan, and directly attacked the clan-leaders when they returned.

Yskerryth was transformed into a fae at the end of this, a side-effect of the bootleg scroll Plaguewinds used to become a ridgeback herself. Furious, humiliated, he offered himself to Flamecaller's service, and was refused the honor—since he had attacked Flamecaller's other servants, the Progenitors of Cindercone Clan.

Seasons of hard work seem to have balmed Flamecaller's fury, but Yskerryth never completed his journey to the Great Furnace. A mellower, wiser dragon, he threw himself into building dwellings for Cindercone Clan, overcoming even a volcanic eruption that wiped out much of his work. He was still deep in the project when Cataclysm dragged them all away to Carrion Canyon.

During the crossing, Yskerryth found himself, reluctantly, in Plaguewinds's company. After he was injured, she gifted him a ridgeback scroll, returning him to his original form.

Yskerryth is the middle son of a ridgeback father and a skydancer mother. While most of his ancestry is unremarkable, his paternal grandparents gave rise to several notable offspring, including Derecho Canyon's one-time overseer, Cataclysm. Very little of his further-distant ancestry is ridgeback; instead, imperials and skydancers dominate. He has a little bit of every dragon species, but very little coatl or snapper. Of his own children, all but Leafblaze, now of Northslope Clan, have gone on to serve the gods.

Yskerryth enjoys researching the deeds and doings of his noble family, and is quite happy to share these, though he sours whenever Cataclysm comes up. He is

His grandson, Comandrus, has been caught and imprisoned by the clan for stealing from them.


Breakwater is a sullen, secretive creature that lives in a brackish stream on the clan's eastern border. She is an invaluable asset to Yskerryth, as she is a strong swimmer and has none of his aversion to water. He often sends her to retrieve items, repair underwater structures, or even carve new ones. She cannot speak, but is capable of passing images across the bond, and seems to understand draconic fairly well.

Originally a familiar to a devotee of Flamecaller's who came through Northslope Clan, the podid has been with Cindercone Clan so long that she is largely taken for granted.

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Exalting Yskerryth to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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