Flexibility and daring are the way to prosper.
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Energy: 46
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0.91 m
1.54 m
2.5 kg
Eye Type
Level 18 Bogsneak
EXP: 88 / 92435
The Wirewalker
Bet you've never seen someone do THIS! A shooting star... Harvest is in disaster mode. She was out on her overhead wires when the meteor passed, and is almost catatonic from Arcane poisoning. Sunscald has been tending to her regularly, though he can do little to cure the root of the problem. Ykkerekk's herbs are much more effective, but they work slowly. * Harvest is beginning to recover, though she remains weak and shaky. She is grateful for Sunscald's presence. * Harvest has finally recovered in full, and recovered her good mood, with the coming of Greenskeeper Gathering. |
Harvest—use of her full name is restricted to the most formal circumstances—is an adaptable and quick-witted dragon bridging the gap between the Forgeworkers and the new "research" division of the clan. Her nearly callous disregard for her own safety sees her in good company with the twins, but she spends too much time down in the lava tubes tinkering with items of golemwork, or out stringing wiring between Yskerryth's buildings for signalling lamps and other infrastructure, to be counted amongst Cindercone's scientists. That the clan, who generally do not remember Lightning fondly, have no desire for her creations seems to have no impact on her activities. When not involved in one of her projects, Harvest enjoys exploring, favoring the breezy walkways and flowering steppes of the Windswept Plateau. She sometimes does a little light scavenging for interesting lost items and pretty rocks, and is not above stealing from hostile beastclans or rival dragons if something catches her eye, though she maintains a good sense of who is a clan ally. Witty, daring, but generally easy-going, Harvest is well-liked by most of the clan even when they find her projects exasperating. She has a particular affinity for her fellow Lightning dragons, who understand more of her projects than the rest, aside from Rain who has some interflight rivalry with her that even Harvest doesn't understand, and Stormweaver, who is often exasperated by her appropriation of clan resources for projects no one else wants. She and Moonglow, who are similar in their size and affinity for clambering around the clan's upper reaches, have a friendly rivalry. Harvest is also close with the handsome—to her view—doctor Sunscald, and they have so far set three nests. Craft Harvest makes small golems, mostly as amusements, and is also versed in repairing and improving arms, armor, and tools. She also delights in stringing cables and cordage from the ramparts of Yskerryth's buildings, both as a conveyance for signals or power, and as territory where she can climb readily between structures. She is favored in this primarily by her fellow small dragons, like Moonglow and the fae, who can climb or perch on the cables, and garners the most hostility from Yskerryth, who is unamused with the additions to his art. Physical description Harvest is a bogsneak in miniature, as is common for those transformed after fledging. She has the rough size and proportions of a tree monitor, and is most comfortable in the upper reaches of the clan's structures or forested areas, though she has grown more at ease on the wing since striking up with Sunscald. She is also an excellent swimmer, utilizing powerful undulations of her body and tail. Her finset includes a short, jagged pair reminisicent in shape of her coatl father's, and a flaring pair on her cheeks like an exaggerated version of a fae's cheek-crests. She has a metallic scent. Combat Harvest is as happy-go-lucky in combat as she is in most other affairs. She has yet to find a set team, but darts unafraid into the fray to lay about with sharp claws and wicked teeth. |
Origin Harvestmoon is a native of the Shifting Expanse, part of a nest produced by her wandering parents. When they left, she remained, taking on a job as a wireworker. A freelancer, she wound up patrolling and repairing the massive cables that link the Lightning Farm for both Tempest Spire and various private entities. Shortly after the transformation of the Crossroads Alchemist, Harvest underwent a spontaneous mutation into a small, tree-monitor-like bogsneak. While she took a while to adjust, Harvest has found her new shape quite well-suited to her work, and has few regrets about the affair. During the upheaval, Harvest found herself yanked unceremoniously through time, and eventually deposited a cycle out. Since then she has hidden out, preferring to avoid various furious clients including Tempest Spire. |
Kin Harvestmoon is the daughter of Flarebreaker, a coatl Plague mage, and Ironwar, a nocturne tomb raider. Previously residents of the Expanse, they both moved to the Viridian Labyrinth, where Ironwar raids ancient jungle temples and Flarebreaker tends to the locals' infections and officiates secret Plague cults. She has two siblings, Sodium, now in service to the Arcanist, and Yellow, a top-tier warrior of the Scarred Wasteland. |
Pizchex is a mith adrift. Clad in the tincloth coat of a workman and with his first-forged weapon and shield, he has gone forth to seek his fortunes outside of his original drift... and away from the constant hazard of the Golem Workshop. It is likely he doesn't much respect Harvest, ranked as low as she is, but he seems fond of her, almost as if the diminutive bogsneak is a pet.(bio overhaul awaiting beastclans lore updates)
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Exalting Harvestmoon to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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