
(sun a star on a nothing's back)
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Time Devourer
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Energy: 36/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Ridgeback
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Teardrop Pastel Spinel Earrings
Victor's Skull
Haunted Flame Candles
Runaway Rotclaw
Raven Woodmask
Fiendflesh Spikescarf
Luminous Halo
Murkmirth Halo
Contaminated Halo
Indigo Harvest Bracelet
Fiendflesh Forecallouses
Proto Wings
Carapace Arm
Amethyst Flourish Wing Drape
Indigo Harvest Sandals
Fiendflesh Hindcallouses
Tar-Trap Grimplate
Contaminated Infectalons
Indigo Harvest Tail Twist
Fiendflesh Tailspine


Skin: The Voyager


Scene: Ghostlight Ruins


16.58 m
14.28 m
9475.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 14, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Ridgeback
Max Level
Wave Slash
Field Manual



  • none


  • none



{ vɛːlkuːr̩pɛniː }

x. Czech: great suffering


Alternate playlist
~ written by Lopai (179787)

Between concept and reality lies
The Empty
A hunger immemorial
Poised to devour
All that Was
All that Is
And all that will ever Be


Horrors Beyond v.102123
Primary Gene: Wasp Cranial Hornhelm


Smoky Quartz Memorial Urn
Blacksand Barnacles Weathered Grimoire
Demise of the Big Game Hunter Forgotten Crown


Art by me
Velké Utrpení
~ written by Disillusionist (254672) .x

velkurpeni-pixel-20x20-1-1.png When time begins, so does she—and as the vastness of eternity slowly unfolds, she finds her awareness expanding, attempting to fill the limitless void that is everything.
...Yet also nothing.
Perfection, as still and smooth as a frozen lake, as black and profound as the water beneath winter’s whispers. No hope, no joy; but also no grief or anger or suffering. The universe and time, infinite and unending.
And her, woven into its fabric. It is everything, and so is she.

velkurpeni-pixel-stars-1-1.png The eons trickle by, but to one who was there when it all began, this steady march is meaningless. She contemplates nothing beyond the stillness of a seemingly infinite now.
Stars ignite, swelling into blazing suns before rupturing into titanic explosions of brilliance. Radiant deaths ripple from one end of the universe to the other, rolling like waves without a shore to break upon.
Yet to her, these are mere eyeblinks. Motes of dust suspended in a sunbeam. A single sigh, and they disappear, leaving her incurious and unmoved.

velkurpeni-pixel-halo-2.png More bursts of brilliant light and flame, and more, and even more. What was once a vast emptiness begins filling up with everything else as the universe recovers from its cataclysmic birth.
And as the universe changes, so, inevitably, does she. The light of the stars, once sparse, is all around her now. Within those scintillating haloes, great orbs of rock, of air and of fire, slowly coalesce.
Where she once moved on without a sideways glance, now she pauses, her awareness filtering through those finely woven atmospheres. Myriad worlds, adding color to a previously featureless void. They gleam with something she has never seen before. With indomitable energy. With ambition. And with life.

velkurpeni-pixel-proto-wings-1-1.png The consciousness of others crackles like a fire at the very edge of her awareness. Like the faintest pinprick of light, dimly glimpsed out of the corner of one’s eye; or a whisper in the ear, ghostly and fleeting, before one sinks into slumber.
She pays them no heed at first. But as the great phenomenon called life bursts into bloom upon planet after planet, the rush of awareness increases, till she can ignore it no more.
So she accepts it instead. Minds twinkle across the scope of her perceptions, some of them more brilliant than stars. They are here to stay, the universe has declared by allowing their presence. And who is she to gainsay that which birthed her?

velkurpeni-pixel-main-wings-1-1.png The minds that surround her grow ever brighter. She is content to observe them at first, but then comes the moment: She understands something of those distant songs. Their attempts to reach out, to know—just as she once did, spreading her consciousness through the cosmos, reaching out to the ends of everything.
What spurs her to reach back to them? Curiosity, perhaps, or a desire to fill the lonely void. Perhaps even wonder, the thrill of finding something new.
Her touch upon those myriad minds is, by her reckoning, feather-light. But among those mortals, the effects are electric.

velkurpeni-pixel-feather-wings-1-1.png Excitement! It crackles through the planet, and she can see it clearly, spreading from mind to mind, rooting itself in each consciousness. Fear and awe, terror and pandemonium!
And wonder, so much wonder. The warmth of it rolls through her awareness, and she reaches out again.
Those mortal minds are limited, unequipped to deal with the immensity of who she is. Those fragile brains can glimpse only the faintest facets of her.
But they glimpse enough to grasp the message she wishes to convey. “I am here,” she tells them, in dreams or visions or voices deep inside the soul. “I am here.”

velkurpeni-pixel-eye-1-1.png These beings...The finity of their minds frustrates them. They know she is watching, but that is not enough; they must know more. They must know more!
They want to see and hear, and to understand. Feverishly they work, weaving together all the magic and wisdom they know. Or forging it, perhaps, into a mighty key. One that unlocks the knowledge that lurks beyond the stars.
A perilous ambition: Lives extinguished, minds torn apart, in their desperate drive to reach back.
But worth it, all worth it, when they unlock the cosmic doors.
A shiver in the firmament. Like curtains, the heavens part. They glimpse nebulae, innumerable stars, blazing in the deep black void.
The brilliance moves. And they realize it’s her face peering back.

velkurpeni-pixel-candle-1-1.png Yet they remain no closer to the edges of ineffability. The words god, deity, demiurge barely touch the fringes of who she is.
But there must be a name! The thought is unanimous, eclipsing all those turbulent emotions that spring from the shock of seeing the stars stare back.
A name will not grant them power. It will not give them control. But it generates the illusion of comprehension, a refuge for their overwhelmed minds.
Through fragmented suppositions they sift, hunting for a word they can ascribe to her. An appellation for the astral being who deigned to answer their calls.
Velkurpeni. Many syllables, emerging tremulously from the wreckage of incomprehension. The name grows louder still, voice upon mortal voice taking up the call.
Till the whole world rings with her name. Till it shakes the very heavens. Till it reaches her awareness, and she accepts it as hers.

velkurpeni-pixel-candless-1-1.png The light of reverence slowly dawns. It warms her more than wonder ever did.
Hands upheld in supplication, these mortals beseech her—to shield them from calamity and misfortune. To bestow strength and valor. To share secrets and wisdom.
Grant them aid. Grant them succor. Grant them wealth and pleasure and joy.
With each plea and prayer and paean, they invoke her name. And with each pronouncement of Velkurpeni, she reaches down from the stars.
All these things they ask her—if they are within her power, she grants them. And indeed, why should she not? Against the vastness of eternity, they are but ephemeral trifles.
But the adoration the mortals accord her: That is a treasure no other world has. She holds it close, stoking the fires in her spirit, reveling in the song of her name.

velkurpeni-pixel-candles-smolder-1-1.png With her bounties, the mortals flourish, each generation more powerful than the one that came before.
“Though less wise, perhaps,” she judges—and is surprised by the thought. The heat of it sits like a coal inside her heart, throbbing sullenly and painfully.
Irritation, threatening to flare up into rage.
She tamps it down. Indeed, how can she feel such a thing, let alone acknowledge it? To do so would be to allow that these insignificant mortals hold some sway over her.
She watches them spread over the planet. Each mind more like a greedy, gaping maw in its hunger for more of her wisdom; each pair of hands always reaching out—not pleading, but clawing, demanding.
She grows to dislike these changes. Grows to hate the way they say her name. Where once they spoke Velkurpeni in tones of profoundest reverence, now they screech it relentlessly, as they would give orders to a thrall.
This must not be, and she knows it. All of it must change.
Or if it proves to be impossible, then all of it must stop....

velkurpeni-pixel-smoke-1-1.png She feels it ripples through the cosmos.
The audacity of it...
On that distant world, the mortals work their magic. They reach out to her—not in prayer, not even to demand power from her. No...
This time, they endeavor to take it.
She considers this. She lets the magic seep into her being, and with delicate detachment, she picks the incantations apart. Spells of binding and thieving and compulsion...
No longer content to demand her aid, they attempt to steal it for themselves.
To bind her on their wretched world, that they might use her as they please.
She follows the spell back to its source. She peers into the minds that cast it, searching for the motives behind the words.
She finds none. No desperation, no grief, no love, not even greed.
Only the prideful certainty that declares, “I want it; therefore it should be mine!”
The mortals haven’t yet realized that she has found them, but all too soon...
They will.

export202312280055483557-1-1.png The stars grow dim.
Upon their planet, the mortals look up, and they see that vast, otherworldly face loom closer. But now the veil of nebulae is drawn away, and she shines forth.
In all her grandeur. Her radiance. Her enormity.
The sight of her—too wondrous, too terrible, for mere mortal minds to contain.
Many of them shatter immediately. Reason flees, and they collapse as panicked animals, writhing in mindless terror in the muck. Others clutch onto the rags of their sanity, and they raise their hands to the heavens. Tatters of nigh-forgotten prayers spill tremulously from their lips.
All of it worthless, utterly so, as she gives in to her rage.

export202312272359212854-1-1.png It ignites like a supernova. A blast of heat, hellishly hot, that rips the world asunder.
Winds, searing and freezing at once, scour the land clean. Oceans vaporized in an instant, forest and mountains reduced to dust.
And lives, multitudes of them, snuffed out with merciless swiftness.
She thinks that for a moment after, she hears them: Fragments of minds and souls and memories, still calling out in vain. But the moment passes all too swiftly.
And once again, she is alone.

export202312272306052241-1-1.png The rage ebbs—and where it once felt hot and bright and burning, there is now only leaden coldness, slowly growing tighter as light—and life—disappear from this expanse of stars.
She stares at the space where the planet once turned. How dark it is now, she realizes. How silent.
How empty.
The tiniest bits of debris drift into the blackness—and soon there is nothing, truly nothing, for her to look upon. A scar upon the firmament. A wound inflicted by her wrath.
It is not the enormity that crushes her, but rather the emptiness: Where once there was a planet overflowing with life, now there is barren darkness, where nothing can ever rise again.

velkurpeni-pixel-plague-halo-1-1.png She was above it all.
The thought—no, the memory thunders in her mind, a bright beacon of accusation.
She was above it all.
Yet she deigned to stoop down, to join her mind with those of mortals. To permit them their little foibles, to indulge their demands and dreams.
She was above it all—or no, she should have been. Had she held herself apart from them, perhaps she would never have known the sting of betrayal. The piercing heat of anger. And the cold finality of grief.

export202312280107403037-1-1.png The echoes of her rage give way to a new sound: an elegy for the dead...or a lullaby, perhaps, for those who will never reawaken.
She catches herself pausing at times. Not merely resting, but listening. Hoping...
For her name to be invoked once more by those who dared to reach up to the stars.
For voices she knows she will never hear again.
No more names. No more prayers. No more whispers in the dark.
Her song is profound, but it will neither fill nor replace the void that she has made.

velkurpeni-pixel-shadow-halo-1-1.png The dirge eventually falls silent. But the universe persists, and she, with her being woven into its very fabric, must endure alongside it. That scar she left will fade away, erased by new stars, new worlds, perhaps even new beings.
But the empty void within her remains.
She recalls the spell that first ignited her anger, the spell that sealed her worshippers’ doom. The spell with which they’d attempted to steal her boundless power.
They had indeed stolen from her, aught that ran deeper than magic. A part of her had died with that tiny, once-insignificant world.
She yearns for the grief to fade. For it to heal; and she resolves to hold herself above mortal matters once more.
They vanish so easily, after all. Nothing but stardust in the solar winds.
But if she deigns to weave her thoughts with theirs again, and if—
No, when they disappear...they will leave so many dark, gaping scars in her heart, over and over again.
There is nothing left.


alt + alt ~ art by me


(alts TBA) ~ art by Allocen (231904)


alt ~ art by Noctomnis (135431)


art by TarbaYelemel (284433)


art by Zephrana (49248)


art by TinySatan (77477)


art by Cheitora (250259)

art by Z0RUAS (406240)


art by Chuchuana (38127)


alt ~ art by Straka (450999)


art by StardustRaptor (239886)


alt ~ art by zivsguts (424395)


art by DarkPr0t0typ3 (197895)

art by kiwirot (697668)


moodboard by me using images from Pinterest

alt ~ art by me

alt ~ art by me

art by me

art by me


art by me

base by Flight Rising ~ edit by me


higher resolution of the pixel icons in her lore bullets ~ art by me


wip animation by me

art by me ~ wip art by me (v. 032222)

art by me (~111622) ~ sketch by me ~ sketch by me (101723) ~ sketch by me

Coding and stat bars made by Disillusionist. Vista BGs are from Hazeledpoppy's FR blog.
"Theme" music graphics made by Diamondsuits. Pixel art/emotes made by Dragonwysper.
Broadcast quote from Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves (pg 77)

67350174 G1 Scry

Scrolls - 1657g
Skin - 1500g
Apparel - 73200t - 1424g
73,200t and 4583g total

Summoned to:
- Thorndark Altar?
- Hewn City?
- This place? (Shadow)
- Driftwood Drag?

Vista: Boneyard Vista: Forbidden Portal Vista: Rainy Day
Vista: Battlefield Vista: Blighted Pines Vista: Sunparched Prowl

WitH v3
They heard the distant sounds of
an unholy beast in the skies above,
but they were too scared to listen.
Horrors Beyond v2
Between concept and reality lies the Empty
A hunger immemorial
Poised to devour all that Was
All that Is
and all that will ever Be
G1: What do I See?
What lurks in the spaces
Between concept and reality
She has seen Something there
And she will see no more

Spoiled Landscape Copper Pocketwatch Book of Eldritch Horror Shadowbinder's Tears Depleted Sacridite Fluted Seashell Rippleconch Shalebuck Horn Celestial Horn Sparksylph Husk



Bio graphics

01 x "When time begins..."

02 x "The eons trickle by..."

03 x "More bursts of brilliant light and flame..."

04 x "The consciousness of others..."

05 x "The minds that surround her..."

06 x "Excitement! ..."

07 x "These beings..."

08 x "Yet they remain..."

09 x "The light of reverence..."

10 x "With her bounties..."

11 x "She feels it ripple through the cosmos..."

12 x "The stars grow dim..."

13 x "It ignites like a supernova..."

14 x "The rage ebbs"

15 x "She was above it all..."

16 x "The echoes of her rage..."

17 x "The dirge eventually falls silent..."

the distance between us


High Pitched Fate

Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea

When I Was Done Dying



Black Mambo

Neglected Space

Tloque Nahuaque

Shrieking of Angels


A Knife Now Blackened

A Deeper Dream

Stranded Lullaby

End of the Century
velkurpeni_pixel_20x20.png 01 portrait
velkurpeni_pixel_stars.png 02 stars
velkurpeni_pixel_halo.png 03 light halo

velkurpeni_pixel_proto_wings.png04 proto
velkurpeni_pixel_main_wings.pngvelkurpeni_pixel_main_wings_v2.png05 main
velkurpeni_pixel_feather_wings.png06 feathered

velkurpeni_pixel_eye.png07 eyes
velkurpeni_pixel_candle.png08 lit candle
velkurpeni_pixel_candless.png09 burning candle/s

velkurpeni_pixel_candles_smolder.png10 smoldering candles
velkurpeni_pixel_smoke.png11 smoke
export202312280055483557.png 12 skull

export202312272359212854.png 13 supernova
export202312272306052241.png 14 white dwarf
velkurpeni_pixel_plague_halo.png 15 plague

export202312280107403037.png 16 black hole
velkurpeni_pixel_shadow_halo.png 17 shadow

She's so babygirl

If you've ever made art for her then I just want you to know that I love you, and I scroll through her bio to just Look at it daily because it makes me happy. This dragon (and her art/lore by proxy) means so much to me <3 I appreciate you all greatly
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Exalting Velkurpeni to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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