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Personal Style


Black Wolf Cape


Skin: Forgotten Child



22.67 m
24.11 m
7096.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 07, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Imperial
EXP: 1432 / 11881


GENERATION #3W7WBoCx.pngLorrian8xZKPFV.png Z E L I E V N A ' S LINE
The Beast
I accept what I've become.
I am not a monster/
She paced under the full moon, seemgly alone on this bright night. Her own eggs glowed and reflected off the moonlight."Azenor,calm yourself. You'll only stress out the eggs." her shimmering ghostly guardian remarked watching her with his ivory eyes."You're not the one who had a batch of eggs in a unfamiliar place" she told him sitting down curling her tail over her paws, she was very nervous. "What if i didn't do it right? What if it's the wrong time?" she asked him. "It'll be fine" he assured her laying down right next to him.

Many stressful hours passed as they both waited, Azenor growing tiered even though the night was familiar to her. That was when the first egg cracked, jolting her awake, Radiance next to her his head cocked ,the moonlight glinting off of whatever of his filigree showed through. A little black imperial tumbled out of it, it's wings and the bright peacock on it's wings matching their ivory eyes, "this one looks like you" Radiance chuckled carefully leading them out of the nest as Azenor fumbled with her cards."Ace Of Cups" she remarked with a grin, "Fitting for the eldest of 4".The hatchling began to climb over it's mother and into her paws.

The next one followed suit of her elder brother, her colors duller than his but a icy blue tinted her peacock. Azenor pulled out another one with a smile,"The High Priestess" she remarked. "I take it that one is fitting too?" Radiance asked.

She nodded as the 3rd egg hatched with a resounding crack, much like the first one. Bright indigo contrasted on this one with a bright red, quite likely the most colorful of the 4 eggs so far."Queen of Pentacles" Azenor remarked after pulling it out of the deck, quite satisfied. As the three newly born dragonets began to climb over their mother and fall asleep she watched impatient for the last one to hatch. "Is it okay?" she asked Radiance. He nodded, "Just a little late it's fine" he reassured her.

After a hour or two the egg hatched, another bright imperial tumbling out of it.Azenor quickly pulled out another card, a face of disappointment flickered across her face..."Well? What card is it?" Radiance asked attempting to look over her neck, She quickly put down the card."The Devil" she remarked darkly.
The Devil
Idol.png He hatched in silence and stillness, to all appearance very much dead, his mind however was very active and in the time his mother was working trying to bring life into his small form he saw what most dragons would have deemed a nightmare... demons. two forms took shape, draconic, but unrecognizable the larger of the pair stepped forward and smiled; it was a frightening sight as dozens of sharp teeth were bared to the young hatchling as he coward back with large yellow eyes.

"Do not be afraid small one, you will come to know us as... friends." the larger purred as a colorless black clawed hand ran over his head affectionately.
"Your life will be spared, as is their will, but you will bear their mark." the smaller said softly.
"Yes, My Hound, My Witch. My Demon. Go, Live, but remember; You're mine." The larger smiled toothily again.

He woke with a start, sputtering and coughing up thick black liquid as his memories faded and he turned odd yellow eyes to his mother. his mother pulled him close and held him as he took in his surroundings, he sensed the worry and fear coming off of the dragoness in waves before she pulled him away from her scales and looked at him closer, seeing the extra horns growing in next to his own natural pair. his siblings lay curled against their mother's side and soon he was tucked comfortably beside them as she curled around them.

It was months after that his sisters and brother found new homes leaving him with his parents although his clanmates tended to avoid him as they thought he was cursed or possessed and his behavior really didn't offer much in the way of comfort for them. he was a temperamental creature and an unholy terror, attacking hatchlings his age and playing with them too roughly or sneaking around and appearing in unexpected places he was not necessarily supposed to be. often the clan leader spoke with his parents about his behavior and expressed concern and his mother grew more and more fearful for him as he grew particularly when he expressed an interest in herbs and plants, displaying a talent for making medicines that could sooth aches, poisons that could make a death look as natural as the sun rise or as painful as loosing a limb, as well as poisons that could drive a dragon insane, but found no one within the clan who would teach him.
As he grew into a adolescent his scales darkened to a obsidian and his clan began loosing patience with the destructive adolescent. it was a dark morning when Luna, his grandmother, came to collect him as another witch of the Flower moon she would teach him and let him stay in her clan as well as teach him some control. Lorrian sneered at the thought of the old dragoness teaching him anything and watched the older male that was his grandfather, the older male's features looked similar to his own as the large male looked like a wolf. Lorrian scowled as his mother made a production of his leaving, hugging him close even though he knew she was relieved he was leaving- he was sure of it. he left with Luna and Taeral and took to wandering the woods near by even after being warned more than once to keep to the well marked paths, he wandered far into the woods without a second thought.

He was soon taken under wing by the clan's healer and his grandmother, honing his skills with herbs and gaining new skills to compliment his natural talents with plants. it was well known to him that his clan mates didn't trust him, they avoided him as much as possible and kept the hatchlings away from him, he didn't show that this exile bothered him and kept more to himself. Luna continued to assure him that the clan would warm to him in time as they had his grandfather, but Lorrian was not so confidant as his more destructive and stand offish behavior made him more of an outcast within the close knit clan.
As he was helping Serenity dry herbs for her supplies he listened to the talk of those who came into the healer's den and heard his grandmother talk of werewolves and the attacks there had been on some of the clan as well as random passing dragons, he thought to ask Luna of it later.

"Grandmother, tell me about these werewolves." he said as they were laying down for the night.
Taeral cringed as if an old injury was bothered him and Luna looked at the younger male surprised before she answered "It's nothing for you to worry on, Little Cub. We'll have it handled before long." she assured.
Lorrian scowled a bit at that answer, but let it go.

He took to wandering then, looking for trouble and finding none within the clan's woods, he began wondering if the reports of massive wolves and werewolves was nothing more than a tall tale that his grandmother was humoring. it was months of staying in the clan and finding little in the way of acceptance from any but the other Witchborn, months of work and attempting to change his attitude to something more pleasant proved to gain him some success as the clan slowly warmed.

This would change when he was sent on a mission to help a small town in the desert.

"Lorrian, can I speak with you, Dear?" Luna said looking anxious.
"What is it Luna?" he replied going through herbs.
"We're in private, Dear."
"Sorry Grandma."
"I need you to go to a small town in the Shifting expanse." she said with a sigh.
"Why?" he asked turning to look at her confused.
"They requested a Witchborn's help with a beast, Dahlia is taking care of a clutch, Nikkas is busy with his own task, and I am needed here until Taeral returns." she explained.
"Alright, I'll see what I can do." he agreed excitement jolted through him at the trust his Grandmother was giving him.

He quickly packed herbs and some weapons as well as other supplies he thought he would need for the travel there and his search for the beast that was harming the city. the travel to this town was a long and tiring journey, but soon enough he found the thriving city, it did not look like something was hunting the dragons or making life difficult for them.

Walking into the town and into a Inn he got a room and started toward a Tavern where he would meet the city's ruler, the city it's self was decorated beautifully although the dragons seemed cautious of him as many of them eyed him with suspicion. he ignored it, more than used to such stares as he walked, not wanting to be late to his meeting.
Walking into the Inn he was met with the scent of cooking meats and strong drinks, he looked around until he found someone who met the description he was given.

"Mr. Lucas?" he asked trying to put on the air of someone who had done this or similar before.
"Ah, you must be the Witchborn." Lucas grinned, eyes half lidded as he shook Lorrian's hand.
"I am. What can I do to help?" Lorrian asked.
"Well... now you'll probably think I'm nuts." Lucas chuckled nervously "There's a big wolf and when anyone tries to travel through it's territory it stops them."
"Does it attack them?"
"Not right away, No. it asks them a question and if yo give the right answer it lets you go, but answer wrong and it eats you." Lucas explained.
"Tell me where it hunts."

Lorrian took to searching the areas told to him by Lucas, looking for a large dark brown wolf which would blend in until it wanted to be seen, it was a unnerving thing to think about. the sand was hot on his claws, but yet the sun felt hotter against his scales, uncomfortably so.
He finally stopped in the meager shade offered by a nearly barren tree to regain his bearings and rest a bit before continuing only to find he had lost his way. he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and he turned to see a dark brown wolf rise out of the sand, her smile was something truly frightening to see, a mix of hunger and amusement.

"Answer correctly and I will show you a safe path." she rasped, voice rough.
He scowled, drawing himself up in an attempt to intimidate the beast before him "I am Lorrian of the Witchcbirn and I have no obligation to a Childeater!"
She seemed to pause for a moment as if unused to being refused her game "Then die here, it will be my pleasure to feast."

She lunged suddenly knocking Lorrian over an into the sands, jaws snapped and sand flew, obscuring his vision as the beast attacked. his hands flew up and stopped her snapping jaws from getting too close to his throat as she fought to get to him, when he drew a small knife she leaped away and growled as she crouched low.
Lorrian panted as he watched the beast, fighting her off had taken much of his remaining energy, but he had a weapon now, meager though the small knife might be it was better than nothing. he watched as the Beast paced back and forth, trying to find an opening in his defenses while he pressed his back against the tree in hopes of not being attacked from behind.

Several other attacks from each ended in one more attack, Lorrian though he saw an opening and took the chance only for the beast to turn, lunge, and curl. claws and teeth dug painfully into his arms and shoulder, but his knife, the little gem knife he carried for luck, stayed in his hand and he plunged it into the beast's shoulder, it was not a lethal wound, but it made her back off with a howl of pain.
She seemed to disappear in the sands for a moment and he cautiously walked away from the tree, it was seconds later that he felt pain in his shoulder again and claws digging into his arm. he growled and gathered his magic to him before letting it off in a bright burst which forced the wolf away with a howl of rage.

Lorrian limped away, not caring what direction he was going as pain throbbed through him and his vision blurred, he stumbled and fell several times. after awhile he lay, lacking the strength to get back up, the Beast came back into his view even as black started creeping into the corners of his vision.

"My, you fight well Witch child, Maybe you are worthy of more than your Kin would allow."

Mercifully darkness took him and when he woke again he was in a cavern with bandages covering his shoulders, arm, and torso. he look to the small fire which kept the cavern lit and illuminated the face of the beast as she watched him, amusement lighting her yellow eyes.

"What amuses you, Beast?" he groaned as he rolled onto his stomach.
"You share blood with a cursed one and so share his appearance." she chuckled.
"You are strange, but I suppose I owe you my thanks." he huffed
"You are welcome." she said.
"What are you?" he asked.
"A Barghest, as you are now."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Those descended from the original eight, those who share their cursed blood will spread the curse to their young and to those survive their attacks." she said ominously.

He returned to the clan's territory, but didn't return to the clan it's self, he found the werewolves he had sought after while within the clan and used his talents with herbs to sooth the more violent shifting of those who had not suffered a shift before or who's change hit suddenly. it was far from the life he had imagined and not the one his grandmother or mother had hoped for him, he was sure, yet it was a good life and one he would not have traded as he found his place and the acceptance he had longed for within the pack.
The clan called him The Cadijo and many claimed he was a shade beast and evil, he didn't mind as the clan had never thought much of him to begin with, grudgingly accepting him due to his relation o Luna. he continued as he had been until she came to the pack, the Beast that had bitten him, it had been months since his encounter with her yet he still remembered her clearly. as he became use to his new life within the pack he had accepted more than a few things and wondered how his grandfather put up with the clan and fought his more wild impulses, but he accepted his new life and found it better not to ask questions he would never find the answers to.

Lorrian continued as the pack's healer for a long time, happy to find use for his talents and the acceptance dragons would never give him, yet he grew lonely as his pack mates paired with their mates and he remained alone yet when a she wolf would show him interest he would find her lacking. he accepted that he was simply picky and was not likely to find what interested him completely, he found the disappointment did not last as he resolved to find a tolerable mate.
His interest was peeked when she came to the pack, Sphinx was the one who had bitten him and given him his curse and helped him find the acceptance he had wanted. he let her be as he worked on drying herbs although he did silently wonder why she had found the pack and let his mind drift with silent fantasies and half fogged memories. he was violently yanked from his thoughts when two paws landed on his shoulders from behind followed closely by a weight keeping him pinned, he heard the laughed "Pinned you!" before managing to wriggle free and pounce on his attacker.

Sphinx laughed carelessly as he missed her by inches only to turn and trip her, pinning her with one massive paw on her chest "Now I've pinned you." he taunted not caring that his carefully piled herbs were scattered and crushed. that day was spent laughing and playing a game of chase within the dark forest they called home and ended when neither participant to force their legs to move, laughing as he collapsed next to her near the sea of a thousand currents he looked out at the moon and wondered briefly if he had found what his parents had.
Sphinx laughed softly and pressed into his side, claiming him for her mate as they caught their breath; Lorrian accepted this easily although he would prove his worth as a hunter and defender as he was given chance to. Sphinx still wandered into the desert to lure travelers to their salvation or damnation more often than not yet she always returned to him and he was content with this.

Bio template by LaSilva007. Assets by Poisonedpaper and Kayosa (Orbs).
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