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Personal Style


Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Winter Wolf Cape


Accent: Tangled Trickery



6.26 m
5.77 m
672.97 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 13, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



4th Gen Naomi

Naomi > Willow > Minoa > Lulani


Grotesque-L.png Lulani Grotesque-R.png

Bound to Aamon


"I accept what I've become..."

Unstable and uncontrolled magic caused chaos and disaster in the clans she sought shelter in and ended in the clans exiling and hunting her as a monster. her odd looks and the disaster that followed her gave them the justification they needed and she lived on the outskirts of dragon society until he came, until the attack, until she found her place with monsters...

Incomplete, rejected and cast out. This child, like many of its brothers and sisters from the tower, was sent away to be disposed of by the alchemist's right hand, only to be dropped at an unsuspecting clan's doorstep as a secretive act of compassion. These children grow up unaware of their heritage, its mark only visible on their bodies. Some grow up to be monstrous and warped due to their unstable nature and magic, while others manage to lead more stable existences and hone their fluid magical nature into something solid, and entirely new.
Bio snippet by Mir

Her first memory is of a small dragoness scowling at her "Failure! Another failure!" she hissed and turned away "Take it away." was thrown over her shoulder as she stormed away.

The fae she was laying tucked against seemed to radiate anger, so much anger, as the male that was not far away, a wildclaw, looked disappointed as she was taken away. she fell asleep as she was taken by an unknown dragon to a clan, the clan did not take pity on the monstrous child nor did they give her the chance to grow within a clan. chains bit harshly into her wings and scales as she was left in a cave, the only interaction the wolf like child was given was when the warriors of the clan brought her meat or the occasional prisoner and the beating she was given by them, called names and otherwise abused as she grew up she became the monster the clan had treated her as, death, and bloodshed was a way of life to her, pain a welcome friend.
She began screaming when she realized how badly it disturbed the clan, screaming in a way none had ever heard and no creature could replicate exactly. it was when the clan's hatchlings started going missing that the entire clan came to demand her death, blaming her for the hatchlings' disappearance.

"Stop this, Beast!" The clan leader, a particularly hefty bogsneak demanded.
"Stop this!" she mocked him, mimicking his voice.
His face turned an ugly red, made worse by his natural scale color "Leave our hatchlings be!" he demanded again "They are innocent!"
"Innocent? As you once were and possibly would be still had they, but given you the chance?" a voice whispered in her mind.
"Hatchlings are never innocent. isn't that why you chained me?" she mocked viciously.
"What did you do with our children?!" a small, fat tundra screamed, her voice annoyed the beast like dragon.
"Gone. You should be happy, you can stop thinking the hatchlings are holding you back now." she sneered.
"Monster! Beast! Abomination!" The clan cried as she looked on curiously.
"Egypt, I demand you execute this monster." an equally ugly, far too thin, tundra snarled.
The bogsneak looked at her almost sadly "I will take council and decide what to do."

The dragons left and once again she was alone, but this time she had the undeniable knowledge that they would kill her.

It was that night that the dreams started, dreams of a massive, dark wolf looking creature creeping through the undergrowth on surprisingly silent paws and watching her with large, intelligent yellow eyes. this went on for several nights as she waited for the clan to remember her again and decide her fate, the dreams became her escape, something for her to look forward to as the day faded to night and she could afford to let her guard down.
The wolf creature didn't show it's self to her right away, following her from the undergrowth near her cave in the dream, when she finally saw something it was a large buck deer looking at her with oddly yellow eyes. she stopped and watched the drake for a long moment before the sun coming in through the cave's mouth woke her, she put the dream out of her mind when day shone into her prison as clan dragons came and went from her cave.

One night, a month after these dreams began, she finally came face to face with her dream companion, it was a full moon when she thought she had woken up. moving the cool metal of the chains that touched her scales was a demented comfort to her as she shifted a bit before standing, she walked toward the entrance to the cave and was shocked when the chains seemed to curl around her wings and move so she was free to move and leave.
Free. Free. Free. She was Free. the thought continued to bounce around her head as she walked from the cave and continued without knowing where she was going or why. she ended up in a large clearing where a drake wearing leather, leaves, branches, and vines, a wolf pelt, as well as a mask over his face. the masked drake looked at her and motioned silently for her to sit with him, she paused before going toward him to sit to his side; she watched him carve a beautifully detailed wolf mask.

"Tell me, Little One, what is it you wish for?" he asked calmly.
"Freedom. Power." she hesitated and fell silent as the thought crossed her mind Love. Affection. Companionship. she dared not say it.
He chuckled "I can give you this, your Freedom, power, companionship." he met her gaze seriously "The question, Little One, is; Are you willing to pay the Price?"
"Price?" she asked.
"Everything has it's price, the power you seek for revenge, the love you long for, and yes even the freedom you dream of." he said as he stood and dusted himself off "Tell me at the next full moon if you are willing to pay the price; I will meet you here." he said smiling before walking away into the trees.

She woke up more confused then she had ever been.

It was a month like any other although Egypt had apparently decided what her fate would be and it was as she had thought although he made the attempt to frighten her as he told her they would drain her magic to kill her. that night while the full moon sat round and bright in the sky she found the drake again and approached him, sitting beside him again; they sat in silence for awhile before she spoke up.

"What is this price you spoke of?" she asked.
He looked at her "What do you know of Barghests?"
"Of what?" she asked agitated and confused.
"That is what I thought." he hummed and stopped carving his mask to look at the moon and stars "Bound to a Barghest you would have the power to gain your freedom and yest the revenge you desire, but you would have a constant presence with you and be similar to a werewolf." he explained.
"And if I don't the clan that was supposed to be my home will kill me." she hissed.
He nodded closing his eyes "I am aware." he said before opening his eyes and handing her the finished mask, a moonbeam white, eyeless wolf face looked up at her and she looked at him in confusion.
"Sometimes we loose ourselves in the masks we wear and it takes another to remind us of what has been hidden for so long." he said.

She put the mask on, still more than a little confused, when she took it off again her companion was gone. confused and more than a little upset at suddenly being alone she started wandering away, she wandered for a long time before she heard something following her in the underbrush. she started running as fear got the better of her, she wasn't fast enough as whatever was following her pounced and with fear stabbing into her and a scream she woke with a start.

She woke with a start thinking she had just had a very strange dream, looking around she found she was still in her cave and it was still night.
"Try to break free of the chains, Little one."
"What?!" Lulani hissed looking around in a panic.
"Calm yourself Lulani, I am the one you spoke to before while you slept." the voice rumbled.
"Yes, but who are you?" she hissed.
My name is Aamon, I am a... mask maker of sorts." Aamon said.
"I suppose you already know my name." Lulani huffed.
"I do. Now. Break the chains and free yourself."

Deciding it was worth a try or at least better than doing nothing, getting to her feet she saw large white paws where her own claw had once been. she yelped, leaping backward she stared in shock before she looked down to take in the fur that now covered her arms and torso. she tilted her head as a fog seemed to bury her mind for what seemed like a long time, she watched claw tipped fingers found the weak points of the chains and quickly broke the chains that had kept her trapped.
She left the cave, yet didn't leave the clan entirely yet as her mind cleared again and she could think clearly. she smiled and found a place to stay and terrorize the clan that had wanted her death, yes she knew why they wanted her dead, yes she knew she should have left the hatchlings alone, but she could feel no remorse for what she had done as they had come to throw rocks at her.

"What will you do now, Little One?" Aamon asked
"Would you hate me for destroying the clan?" she asked with a hum.
"Not at all." Aamon said "Let them learn what it means to wrong Skinwalkers."

Months after the clan was eliminated Lulani learned mask making from her new companion and found she enjoyed carving masks almost as much as Aamon did although he seemed to enjoy teasing her more than anything even as he poured magic of his own into the masks. her magic was unstable and unpredictable, although it seemed to settle a bit after she was bound to Aamon, his magic seemed to calm her own and allow her some peace from the shade.
They had moved to the Tangled woods to live with a pack rumored to run the woods there, the pack welcomed them. on the full moon Aamon took complete control over their shared form and the pair usually either hunted or wandered, gathering what was needed to continue making masks or simply destroying things as they saw fit.

Finding dragons in the Woods They walked closer hoping to find out what was going on, Lulani and Aamon watched the group kill a serthis and Lulani felt something stir at the bloodshed before her. it was something she had thought had abandoned her after it's long silence.

"Little Shade Demon, control your impulses." Aamon said firmly refusing to allow her to move.
"But-" she started.
"Hello!" called a red imperial "I'm Dissonance!"
"Lulani." she introduced as the Barghest came closer.
"You're one of my pack." he said thoughtfully "Thinking of joining me as a Child of the Night?"
"Yes." she breathed.
"Here, read this and if you still want come on back." he smiled.

Walking away with the book Lulani and Aamon read it cover to cover, Aamon was not overly impressed, but agreed the teachings of the cult were interesting. he did, however put his foot down at being branded or cut open- he would agree to a tattoo... grudgingly.
Returning to the group a day or so later she agreed and allowed them to give her the mark of Ink on her shoulder, finding it amusing that the fur would not grow over the tattoo.

Several days after this Lulani was sitting in a clearing making masks when an idea she had been mulling over struck her and she huffed.
"Aamon?" Lulani spoke up as she worked on a mask, feeling the male's hands guiding her own.
"Yes, Little One?" he said
"With my magic do you think it might be possible to temporarily allow you your freedom?" she asked obviously having thought about this a bit.
"I doubt it. Why do you ask?"
"I know what it's like to be kept in a prison." she said.
Aamon laughed "Lulani, I can see, feel, and interact with things as easily as you can. often I choose not to because it would take your control away for a time." he explained chuckling "The Full moon is the exception, when the moon is full it is my time to run."
"If you are happy then I can accept it." she smiled holding up the finished mask.
"I could have found worse in a mate than you, Little Shade Demon."
Layout and artwork by awaicu
Banners by PoisonedPaper

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