
Failure preludes success? Nonsense - failure isn't an option
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Energy: 22
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Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Mirror
Female Mirror
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Personal Style


Black Cat
Cobalt Halfmoon Spectacles
Veteran's Eye Scar
Basic Book Collection
Bleak Birdskull Necklace
Navy Aviator Scarf
Jade Dinosaur Wing Guard
Silver Steampunk Vest
Posh Tailcoat
Jade Dinosaur Tail Guard
Posh Tail Spat
Navy Arm Wraps
Posh Pants
Posh Spats
Navy Leg Wraps




Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


6.19 m
8 m
665.39 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 04, 2020
(4 years)


Mirror icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Mirror
Max Level


jQV3PFS.png Morrow _____ CEO • Admin Offices

"I don't believe in luck, I believe in hard work and my team's skills. And I'll build this company on that sure foundation."

ambient description and mood or really whatever you want


Lore & Stories
Link 1
Link 2

formidable | cunning | analytical

Class: Admin

Nickname: "The Boss"

Favorite Color: Navy

Ferberus Bleak Birdskull Necklace
Black Queen Chimera Fangs
Pale Lightning Glass Silver Pocketwatch
Black Wolf Pelt Seeker Orb




Most mirrors prefer to work in packs, side by side with their clan, their allies, their family. Most mirrors shy away from positions of leadership, relying instead on the will of the group. Morrow isn't your average mirror.

That isn't to say she dislikes teamwork; in fact it's quite the opposite. But if you're looking for the top dog, the head manager, the boss of this territory, you're looking for Morrow.

Both Morrow and Shimmerleaf are from the same backwater town in the Highland Scrub
- town is old and run down, main feature is a massive junkyard of scrapped parts and broken machines
-- name of town? Junkyard Junction, usually called the Junktion (or the Junk-tion?)... hmm that's got a nice ring
-- a place where machines go to die
--- many residents there don't care for modern technology, some outright despise it (Shimmerleaf's parents)

Morrow grew up as a street kid, eventually found a job and worked her way into management at (insert local business).
- wild child, but probably met some wise old mentor who happens to be a retired warrior, and who teaches her all sorts of combat moves.
- met Shimmerleaf through the shop or connections
-- Shimmerleaf was part of an "underground" group of mechanics/nerds, was fascinated with mechanics and dreamed of being an engineer. His parents were part of the faction who hated technology and thought dragonkind was better off without it
-- perhaps Morrow was able to get them a private hideout? off the record, of course
--- of course his parents eventually find out and disapprove of their son's activities, and we get an epic confrontation that ends with Morrow and Shimmerleaf escaping into the wilderness on the back of a half-finished mech

Personality: always appears confident, calm, collected, and acts with decisiveness.

About Failure:

Despite favoring a saying that "failure isn't an option," this is not a claim that she or VoltiTech are completely infallible. She knows all to well that mistakes, and subsequently failure, are an inevitable and natural part of learning. She might have high expectations of every employee but those expectations are nothing compared to the criticism she imposes upon herself. If she demands the best from her employees she expects nothing less than perfection from her own decisions as CEO.

Of course such standards are impossible to maintain, but through every stumble, fault, or incident, she notes what went right or wrong and keeps moving forward. Supporting her employees, planning better workplace practices, making things right when something goes awry. The employees know Morrow has their back, and Morrow places her trust with all of them. Failure isn't an option - why? Because she isn't working alone. The individual strengths of every employee intertwine into a powerful force not even the Shade could shatter. "Failure isn't an option" - or in other words: "I know you've got this, believe in yourself and your abilities."

  • Origin of name: play on words, eg 'bone marrow' and 'tomorrow.' Thus, name means 'conqueror of tomorrow'
  • Has rightfully earned her additional nickname, the 'Spreadsheet Queen'
  • Keeps an odd collection, mostly made up of mementos from fallen enemies...
  • Anyone demanding to speak to a manager will get more than they reckoned for
  • She believes in hard work over all else. Thus anyone, dragon or not, may find a job at VoltiTech so long as they are willing and able to do their share.
  • Quite a few interns are intimidated by her. And rightly so, for she is both a powerful warrior and a shrewd employer.

60444234.png ShimmerleafMate
While technically mates, Morrow and Shimmerleaf act more like business partners due to their personalities. But this isn't bad - rather, it shows just how deep their dedication is to the business they've built together. They'll support each other through anything.
60444234p.png ShimmerleafMate
While technically mates, Morrow and Shimmerleaf act like business partners due to their personalities. But this isn't a sign of disinterest - rather, the relationship showcases their raw dedication to the business they've built together. Each has a deep respect for the other's skills, and they'll support each other through anything - because neither can pull this off alone.
60444234p.png Shimmerleaf / Mate
While technically mates, Morrow and Shimmerleaf act like business partners due to their personalities. But this isn't a sign of disinterest - rather, the relationship showcases their raw dedication to the business they've built together. Each has a deep respect for the other's skills, and they'll support each other through anything - because neither can pull this off alone.
60444234p.png Shimmerleaf | Mate
While technically mates, Morrow and Shimmerleaf act like business partners due to their personalities. But this isn't a sign of disinterest - rather, the relationship showcases their raw dedication to the business they've built together. Each has a deep respect for the other's skills, and they'll support each other through anything - because neither can pull this off alone.
Ferberus Void / Familiar
Visual O---- I---- D---- (Virtual? Device? Drone?), more commonly referred to as "Void."
- possible backstory: while still in hometown, Morrow is training in wilderness (with a mentor??), is ambushed by a rogue Ferberus and barely manages to take it down, then finds a Ferberus kitten. Brings it back with her. (possible cybernetic implants installed after an accident requires it to undergo emergency medical care? Modern Morrow has some way of seeing things from Void's perspective. Could just be a collar w/ camera)
36710876.png DragonRelation
backstory/description here

___Favorite Food

___Name of DishInsects, Meat, Seafood, Plants
A wonderfully delicious description of said dish goes here.
Amber Algae Amber Algae Amber Algae Amber Algae Amber Algae


Morrow aka "The Boss" basics:
Spreadsheet queen, cunning & results-oriented
If Morrow decides to do something, that's what will happen unless data proves otherwise
prefers minimalistic layouts but has an odd taste in knickknacks/trinkets: takes trophies from fallen enemies and victorious battles
absolutely LOATHES karens and has zero patience for them - anyone walking in demanding to speak to a manager is going to get more than they reckoned for
absolutely oozes confidence

I imagine she's almost always got a little smirk on her face; not a cocky grin but a confident & proud one cause believes in herself, and her team
- when the smirk is replaced by a more reserved, calculating expression you know she's gotten serious

maki's coliseum build guide


Round Bio Icons made by Limanya. Recipe inspired by MercuryShep's recipe thread.
"Theme" music graphics made by Diamondsuits.

Everything below this needs redone or relocated
OLD, bad writing beware:

While Shimmerleaf is off in his own world creating the technology that powers the clan, Morrow gets down to business scheduling maintenance and assigning daily tasks to the employees. To the clan's knowledge, no dragon has yet matched her skills in management and spreadsheet creation - rightfully earning her nickname, "The Boss." She might strike newbies as being cold and calculating, but veteran members know that despite her business face, she truly cares for the well-being of her workers. After all, happy dragons make productive employees.

Origins: The Creation of the Voltitech Corps

Very early on, Morrow discovered she had a knack for business. As a child, she would collect rocks and trade with other hatchlings for interesting trinkets, and then trade the trinkets for books. As a juvenile, she observed that recapturing escaped familiars was rather profitable - especially if no one knew she'd let them out in the first place. But when her enterprising antics finally grew to be too much for the rest of her old group to handle, she decided to set out across the desert in search of some way to start her own business.

As she was headed across the Charged Barrens towards the Lightning Farm, she chanced upon a lone fae who seemed to be heading the same direction, albeit rather slowly due to his small wings and cumbersome toolbag. After stopping for a brief chat, Morrow learned that the fae, whose name was Shimmerleaf, had a rather similar goal as herself. Though instead of starting a business, he simply wanted a place to tinker and test his various inventions. Sensing an opportunity, Morrow proposed a mutually beneficial partnership - she would help Shimmerleaf start a workshop where he could create to his heart's content, and she would build up a company around his innovative technology. Of course, Shimmerleaf gleefully accepted the offer, hitching a ride with her to start their joint business venture.
* This needs redone, changed lore so that they grew up in the same town. Additionally, a few other dragons/friends might have left with them

With newfound enthusiasm, the two changed course for the sparsely populated mesa north of the Lightning Farm, scouting for a location with plenty of growth potential and access to resources. While seeking shelter from a passing sandstorm, they stumbled into a dusty cavern that appeared to be an entrance to a long-abandoned lair. Intrigued by the heavy mechanical door which obstructed the passage inside, the two set up camp and began to explore the area. As Shimmerleaf launched an investigation to decipher the door's opening mechanism, Morrow surveyed the nearby land and noted the abundance of natural resources (at least as reasonably abundant as resources are in a desert). Depending on what lay further inside, she determined that the old structure could make an excellent base of operations.

After returning to the entryway to report her findings, she found Shimmerleaf eagerly fluttering around the door with his tools and muttering to himself as he oiled gears and snapped wires into place.

[Long story short, they settled into the den and Morrow began recruiting employees.] (wip, expand more later)

Random Progen
Triple Basic --> Pinstripe/Blend/Spines
Never scattered
1/11 with color combo, 75 exalted (last checked 6/20/2022)
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Exalting Morrow to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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