
My name is J.E. Coelwyss, head enginner of the Icescale.
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Energy: 39/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Shabby Monocle
Thundercrack Cogspanner
Fossil Facsimile
Tar-Trap Armet
Rose Gold Steampunk Wings
Tar-Trap Spikescarf
Surgestream Coat
Shabby Tailcoat
Ruthless Claws
Dented Iron Boots
Marva's Invisibility Cloak



Scene: Remembrance


4.01 m
4.12 m
565.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 29, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245





Golden Key


Previously he/they, currently she/her (in a boat way)
▬▬ ABOUT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

J.E. Coelwyss, upon being instructed to build a battleship suitable for the Icewarden's forces, became so enamoured with their creation that instead of simply handing it over on the day of it's induction, they gave themselves body and soul over to the machine, inhabiting a mechanical vessel they'd spirited away in a forgotten and easily overlooked boiler room in the heart of the ship. Their mind may be altered, and their body naught but a calcified statue clinging to the floor of the chamber, but to this day they remain the nerve center of the ship, gifted eternal life in the embrace of steel and brass.

At this development, the ship was officially decommissioned by the Icewarden's forces and Coelwyss- now The Icescale, set to be scrapped and dismantled. Though it rebelled, making one last flight to the Cloudscrape Crags, where until recently, she sat dormant, in a sort of "standby."

▬▬ ADDITIONAL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Desert Diadem
Hunter Circuit
"What a curious machine, to take a form so corporeal."

Deep within the bowels of the Icescale, where the walls are warm and shaking with the generation and processing of magicks in her engines, there lay a central room, small, only fifty paces by forty-five, and within that room, A figure sits, wires through its' skin and sinew, eyes glazed yet deadly-focused on the air before it. Dafrendzeig stands opposite her, a hand on the lift gate, the other at the gun on his hip.

"Luminarie neglected to tell me about the body." he mumbled, stepping off of the lift and onto the warm, pulsing floor. It was like it was alive - no, he knew better, it wasn't alive, couldn't be - the room shuddered, and he felt seen. His eyes focused on the figure, surrounded by what seemed to be a cocoon of visible, tangible magic. Its' chest heaved shuddered, a mechanical rattle traveling up its' throat as it spoke. The body spoke - mouth moving, mouthing words as the room itself spoke, the duality of the voices echoing off of the walls of the metal chamber wholly disorienting.

"So you have figured out a way to weasel your way around my security measures. Interesting." it said, craning its' neck to get a better look at him. It wasn't - couldn't be alive, but it was, fixing what he assumed was its' eyes on him as he approached it. "You are all such resourceful little creatures. It almost makes me want to kill you less for incapacitating my guardians."

ADDENDUM- Excerpt from a report on the exploratory mission to recover possible artefacts from the W.F.S.S Icescale.
The inner corridors of the former W.F.S.S. Icescale are not straightforward in any sense, the hallways and catwalks seemingly shifting or departing from the places they are meant to be. We are working off of drafts and blueprints of the original structure, so we can safely assume that in the very least, Coelwyss deviated from their original design before completion of the ship, however- even altercations made to these blueprints to better chart the internals of the ship to what we can observe seem to become more incorrect by the day. [Signed off by Seeker Alstef, 31st Exploratory Expedition, 532 AV]

It's near impossible to shake the feeling that I'm being followed- or in the very least watched by something, and I strongly doubt that it's the rest of my crew. We ascertain the heart of the Icescale- where Coelwyss died- or transferred over- to be close, now. We believe personally that they are deceased, and the ship disabled, from its' current state at rest in the Crags. No word has come back from the second half of our expedition since attempting to find a way to the control room. Word will be sent back upon further discovery. [Signed off by Seeker Alstef, 31st Exploratory Division, 532 AV]

The control room is beautiful- wrought in fine detail and the filigrees that Coelwyss was so fond of in their early works. There's an elegance to it, but the room has a personal, near inhospitable air to anyone else besides its' intended pilot. All panels seem to be functional in the sense that they attempt to carry out their purpose, but return errors or simply light up and go dull again. Power breaker on the east wall seems entirely functional as well, and it seems entirely possible to return power to the ship. It seems to have sustained some mild damage during its' grounding, however, and it may not be possible to return the ship to the Fortress for scrapping or further study. [Signed off by Seeker Duram, 31st Exploratory Division, 532 AV]

After a nearly two days there has still been no word from the party sent to serve the control room- It is with great sorrow that I write that I believe we may have to postpone the expedition or discontinue it indefinitely. The conditions within the ship have not improved, though it seems that power has been restored to the ship in full. I can only but assume that the party sent to the control room has done this- though the lack of word from them is worrying even so. We are to reach the boiler room tonight, and I will continue this report once we arrive.

We are in the heart of the Icescale now. It is hot, and the air near full of steam. It seems that after all these years she still functions, though I fear that something may be amiss. We stumbled upon what we first believed to be a statue of Coelwyss themself, which we later ascertained to be the remains of their mortal form. Attempts to remove the body of Coelwyss from the structure have failed, and it seems to be calcified and fixed to the floor of the ship by some unknown means. There's a socket on the wall above their remains that seems to have space for a roughly dragon-sized figure to be fixed to, though it appears to be missing. Prior study of Sentient-class ships, which Coelwyss had a marked interest in in life- shows that this would contain the "housing" for the soul of the "Pilot". We can, at this point, only assume that the ship has already been looted and their vessel stolen or otherwise removed, though the wall shows no outward signs of damage. [Signed off by Seeker Alstef, 31st Exploratory Division, 532 AV]

We cannot leave the control room. It seems after initiating the return of power to the ship, the locks initiated on the exit doors, and we see no way out. The windows would offer a drop that would mean certain death in this weather, and seem to be reinforced beyond what simple fire and weapons can destroy- understandable for a machine made to fend off cannonfire. A door has opened in a recess in the ceiling, Though it is not small enough for any of us to make our way through. Noises- which we thankfully have ascertained to be mechanical in nature, and are most likely just from the functions of the ship- seem to emanate from it. In the past few hours, they've grown louder, which we hope is a good sign, and that full power will be returned to the bridge so we can possibly unlock the doors or seek another cause of escape. This report will be combined with Seeker Alstef's report upon our safe return. [Signed off by Seeker Duram, 31st Exploratory Division, 532 AV]

Apologies for the time between my last report and now- we have received rather grim news of the crew sent to seek the bridge and attempt to return power to the ship- and I am writing this from outside the ship at a camp a safe distance away. When we awoke at our camp in the boiler room this morning, we saw their supplies and tents and assumed they had found their way back to us. When they didn't join us when we set of on our duty, we went to wake them, and found every one of them dead, and in various states of wholeness. All injuries look to be caused by a dragon, and thank the Gods their deaths seem to have come quickly. It is with great sorrow that we could not bring them with us, as our escape was hasty, as we wished not to fall victim to whoever caused their deaths- which I believe to be the same looter or looters that removed Coelwyss' vessel from the boiler room, however I cannot be sure, and for this reason, I am writing to ask for permission to formally discontinue this exploratory venture and strongly advise against any further ventures into the Icescale, especially without proper firepower.

(In smaller text, in a different hand, at the bottom of the report.)

I wonder now, why we were saved. Even proximity to the ship brings me horrible dreams of running through cramped corridors and being pursued by some beast. I can only assume that this is my conscience for leaving my fellow men behind... though I ponder again why they spared us, and if their deaths were only a warning. [Signed off by Seeker Alstef, 31st Exploratory Division, 532 AV]

Dafrendzeig - Mortal s/o.
Giramyas - Son(?)
Luminarie - Ally, Captain
Radburn and Astharke - Friends(?)

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