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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




10.02 m
6.61 m
10466.72 kg


Primary Gene
Shaggy (Gaoler)
Shaggy (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Spirit (Gaoler)
Spirit (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Wintercoat (Gaoler)
Wintercoat (Gaoler)


Feb 06, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245





Taichi Hirano


. The strong westerly winds carried with it springtime rains and abundant moisture throughout the lands of the Starfall Isles. Even the ever-present Laquearia Caeli, the shimmering fluid-like shield that engulfed the entirety of Sanguinem Luna's island surface known in common tongue as the Ceiling of Heaven, could not resist the moisture that passed through. Or perhaps it was encouraged to. With the new springtime moisture, areas of the island territory that belonged to Sanguinem Luna were flooded with new water and new life. Even the Forest of Whispers, normally somber with the ghastly echoes of disembodied voices, echoed on this day with the cries of dragon and beast.

Two Gaoler males walked along the well-trodden path between the starwood trees that skirted the edge of the Mistbound Marsh. The wetland mired in the worst of the fog stood on their left like a looming beast ready to pounce. The rest of the Forest of Whispers lay to their right and stretched out far beyond their line of sight. The older of the two Gaolers possessed a light and warm tan pelt resembling the skin of a peach with a mane of dark green and underbelly of even darker green fur. His unusual deep emerald eyes regarded the landscape before them with only a mild interest. The traces of sunlight that fell through the Starwood canopy illuminated his creamy antlers in a glorious dappled light. His name was Genkei Hirano.

The younger of the two, named Taichi Hirano, more closely resembled the rich colors of autumn with a shaggy chocolate pelt, spirited shades of orange and red in his mane, and a heavy winter coat of bronze that looked far too sturdy for the mild weather they were experiencing so far. His antlers were a formidable and intimidating obsidian.

The first to speak was Taichi. His tenor voice trumpeted, "Gods am I glad you dragged me out of there Genkei. Kosuke was starting to get under my fur with his constant demands for duels."

A soft hum rumbled from Genkei, "This winter made the two of you quite insufferable. I am just as grateful you agreed to join me."

Taichi produced a heavy snort. "I don't know what you mean. I was on my best behavior."

Genkei answered, "Tell that to the bruises you accumulated from challenging the Shogun's brother. You're still limping."

"Oh be quiet," snapped Taichi, "I only duel those that will make me stronger. Ladarius is the strongest of us Gaolers. A sentinel in all but name! If I could've just got my antlers to clip his jaw-"

Genkei stated, "You were already off balance. He would've bowled you over regardless of your angle."

Taichi demanded, "Well if you know so much, how come you don't challenge him?"

Genkei shook his green mane to the negative. "And inherit all of his responsibilities should I miraculously beat him? No thank you. Ladarius's burdens are well beyond what I have the patience to handle."

Genkei followed up with a snort. He looked to his brother with a mischievous gleam, "No, regardless of your failures to beat him in a duel, you seem to have accomplished your goal regardless little brother. The Shogun seems to have taken quite the fancy to you."

That made Taichi pause. His paws stopped moving and he clawed the sandy dirt. His ears folded and he cast a sideways glance toward the Forest of Whispers. His normally garrulous and boisterous demeanor suddenly sullen, more anxious.

Genkei stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What's wrong Taichi?"

Taichi wanted to continue but he shook his head. He didn't want to voice his concerns to his older brother. "It's nothing. Come on, let's go. We have to get to the southwestern pasture by midmorning."

Traveling along the path was relatively easy. Most creatures that were aggressive preferred to stay in the depths of the Mistbound Marsh. The Southwest Pasture was a fairly large meadow in the Forest of Whispers that the Hunters used to corral domesticated beasts that were used for food and dragonmade products. Taichi could see the pasture further ahead but there was something off. His nostrils flared as he took in a deep breath.

Genkei growled, "I smell it too."

Taichi snarled, "It smells like that lousy monster Ren and Kosuke reported fighting."

Genkei sniffed, "They failed to mention that said monster was a Bogsneak. Look!"

Taichi was already off like a Toridae on the attack. His pelt streamed behind him as his paws carried him silently across the distance. In an effortless leap he cleared the fence that marked the corral. Without breaking stride, he bowled into the intruder, satisfied by the roar of surprise.

Obsidian antlers ripped cloth and pierced scale when Taichi threw the intruder like a sack of potatoes. The younger Gaoler cast a quick glance to the psyworm that fell prey to the Bogsneak. There was no saving it. Lips pulled back in a ferocious snarl, Taichi returned all his fury onto the Bogsneak.

The Bogsneak, a curious fellow garbed in black and gold with magenta wings flared, snarled, "Fool! That was my lunch you interrupted!"

Taichi barked, “Ha! I love it when a criminal confesses! Surrender if you know what’s good for you!”

The Bogsneak male lifted his snout and produced a heavy snort. “Now that’s a laugh,” he declared, “Tell you what. Surrender and declare your fealty to me Gaoler and I’ll forgive you for tearing this sleeve.”

As if to emphasize his point, the Bogsneak lifted his left forepaw to show the tear in his black and gold outfit.

Before Taichi could respond, Genkei was at his right flank. Genkei growled, "We'll apprehend this criminal together, Taichi."

Taichi's paws carried him through the torn grass and disturbed dirt. His eyes never left the Bogsneak. Taichi answered his brother, "Mind your antlers brother. This one is heavier than he looks. I'd wager he's gotten fat from poaching."

The Bogsneak male snarled, "Witless dog! I'm not fat!"

Taichi launched at the Bognsneak again once he was distracted by Taichi's comment. Hower Taichi slammed into the earth with a solid thump. The air was knocked from his lungs from the impact. A pale light emanated from the Bogsneak's eyes and everything within a radius around him was flattened. Even Genkei struggled to move but he seemed to be managing a crawl. Taichi clawed at the grass and earth to try and pull himself closer to their adversary.

The Bogsneak sniffed. "Pathetic. It would seem you two have grown slow and weak from this life of dirt mucking."

Taichi snarled, "Be quiet! It's not like I've become weaker!"

Muscles straining, lips flared and fangs bared in a furious display, Taichi rose to his paws and swiped. He caught the Bogsneak on the snout and broke the Bogsneak's concentration. With the gravity spell released, both Taichi and Genkei overwhelmed the Bogsneak with coordinated strikes.

Forced to retreat, the Bogsneak leapt the pasture fence and disappeared into the Forest of Whispers. All that could be heard was the Bogsneak's voice echoing in the trees, "Perhaps there is still some wolves amongst the sheep. This isn't over..."

A heavy snort erupted from Genkei. "Ren and Kosuke were right, that one is trouble. I'll have to speak to Haruki and find out if that was the Bogsneak he fought before. We would've been in trouble had you not broken his concentration Taichi. Well done."

Taichi's chest swelled. "Ha! That was no big deal! We'll be ready for him the next time he shows his sorry hide."

Additional Information

arcane_2.png ....
The New Age

Hunter - Seeker - Deposed Samurai
. . . . frarcane_left_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyoi.png frarcane_right_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyp0.png

The Titan Age
Taichi was not hatched in this bygone era.

The Pantheon Age
Taichi was not hatched in this bygone era.

The New Age
Taichi is the younger brother to Genkei Hirano, the head of their family. At least if any of their fellow kin survived the fall of Akiyama. Neither of the brothers have felt it necessary to look into the matter, as the scars are too fresh. Taichi likely bears the brunt of the horrors that were unleashed when the Akiyama Empire fell. It is not uncommon to find Taichi twitching and crying out when he is caught in his nightmares. If he is prompted, Taichi will admit that he had to do some mind-blowing things to ensure that the Princess was able to escape. He won't say anything to explain the matter further but there will be a flicker of guilt in his eyes.
Both brothers were hatched in the nature flight, close to the border with the Earth Flight. Taichi will often joke that their parents were always bothered by being hatched with simple brown earth eyes, so they wanted to change it up for their offspring. Which it is not uncommon for Taichi to crack a joke, even in the most inappropriate of times. While this behavior frequently aids his fellow Akiyama survivors in their emotional health, sometimes it comes at the cost of his own. He is a proud Gaoler with enough bravado to crush a mountain so it is unlikely that he will admit it when he needs help.
His spirited, often-ferocious personality drew the attention of the group's new "Shogun" Leanne. It wasn't long before their new leader frequently invited Taichi to be her hunting partner when they were on duty. Their bond grew into something playful, warm, and radiant. However, sharing a nest together didn't quite solidify the bond into marriage. If asked about it, Taichi will brush it off and say that Leanne is free and wise enough to know who would make a better father for her children. However there are those within the clan that wonder if there were other factors involved.
After all, it is a well-known fact within the clan that Taichi has retained much more of his warrior's pride than the other deposed Samurai (or at least he is the one that frequently acts upon it). Within Sanguinem Luna, the Gaolers have formed a miniature community with Ladarius as the leader of the pack. Taichi, as headstrong as he is, frequently challenges Ladarius which has generated some tension within the pack. As Ladarius is Leanne's brother, it can be reasoned that Leanne doesn't want to invite further tension or make it worse by marrying Taichi. At the end of the day Taichi is content to support Leanne however she wishes him to. His source of pride is to help those that he cares about to the best of his ability.

Mantled Foo
Honor the Mantled Foo
Honor is much like his master in that he is a formidable fighter among the familiars within Sanguinem Luna. It is unknown how Taichi met this decorated Foo however many speculate that the two share a similarly unshakable warrior's spirit and it is that kindred spirit that brought them together. Even when Taichi is simply out hunting, Honor will follow and render what aid he can.


Customization Goals



Genkei Hirano

Romantic Interest/Captain:
Ardens'Cor Leanne

Ferox'Anima Dimitri

Cor'Lucet Irwing

Audens'Cor Ladarius


Euric Nox




TAI-chee HEAR-ah-no

Physical Sornieth Species


True Species

Mortal Gaoler


The Word Around Sornieth

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Drawn by ~EchoedSilence



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