
Passion makes fools of the wise.
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Roundhorn Rager
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Romantic Red Rose
Electrician's Emblem
Leather Aviator Satchel
Bramble Mantle
Viridian Scale Greaves
Bleak Birdskull Wingpiece
Black Linen Wing Wraps
Black Linen Tail Wrap




4.4 m
3.96 m
455.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 26, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Frigus'Celeri Karma


. "B-But," stammered the orange Coatl, "You and I...we got along so well! I thought what we had was real!"
A sharp laugh burst from Frigus'Celeri Karma's throat. It echoed in the secluded glade that he and the Coatl had been sharing some picnic foods in. He towered over the Coatl, feeling a surge of power well up in his heart as he met those devastated eyes. Oh to see those eyes, those absolutely heartbroken eyes in that monster.
His lip curled. "Me? Get along with you? Pah, what nonsense! How could I possibly get along with such an...ugly...soul?"
The Coatl sputtered. Frigus'Celeri Karma seized on his opportunity. He lunged forward and caught the Coatl in his claws. He could see the feathers molting in fear before his eyes. He lifted the fool off of their paws.
"You didn't tell me about your...mate," purred Frigus'Celeri Karma, "Oh I'm sure she is so worried about you...wondering when you will get back to her and the hatchlings..."
"W-Wha-" gasped the Coatl, "How did you-urk!"
Frigus'Celeri Karma's throat vibrated with the force of his growl, "Shut up...filth...Your disloyalty...you reek of it...it is disgusting...To think I even shared a single cricket with you in a meal..."
The Coatl was struggling desperately. His eyes were bulging with with the whites exposed. "P-Please...Frigus!"
Frigus'Celeri Karma's lips pulled into a smile. "You don't even know what that word means...it means 'cold.' I hate it that you are even speaking my name. You don't have the right. My name feels so dirtied coming from your traitorous tongue. You know what? It might be a mercy if I-"
A strong bark sounded from behind Frigus'Celeri Karma, "Karma!"
Frigus'Celeri Karma did not release the Coatl but he turned his head slightly. He recognized that voice. It was his cousin Audens'Cor Ladarius. Frigus'Celeri Karma thought, well blast.
He wasn't going to be able to properly punish this traitorous player that he held in his claws. Still, he needed to let the hapless fool know just who was in control. His claws closed on the Coatl. The shocked gasps were music to his ears.
Frigus'Celeri Karma purred, "Why Ladarius! How are you this evening? Wonderful night for a picnic, eh?"
Audens'Cor Ladarius stalked closer with heavy paws crushing the grass. "I was told I would find you here," he said, "Mane'Solis said that you were out...eliminating evil..."
Frigus'Celeri Karma was tickled that Audens'Cor Ladarius was being so oblivious. Oh if only he could see the jealousy in the struggling Coatl's eyes. Frigus'Celeri Karma had to settle for quickly sending his cousin off. "Now we can't all be Shadebeast slaying heroes like you. Which, why aren't you defending mother and homeland?"
Audens'Cor Ladarius snorted. "I was asked by your mother to find you. She needed to speak to you about something important regarding tonight's patrol. Should I tell her that you're busy leading fools by their snouts?"
Frigus'Celeri Karma smiled. "You know me so well...cousin."
Oh to see that realization click in that Coatl's eyes, thought Frigus'Celeri Karma, thank you cousin! Frigus'Celeri Karma tilted his head and sighed. "Ah I wish there were more...consequences for cretins such as this piece of filth...He has a family you know...and what is he doing? Trying to flirt with me as if he is single...so disgusting. As if I would even be interested in such a disloyal beast!"
Audens'Cor Ladarius rumbled, "Let him go Karma. I think he has learned his lesson."
Another sigh erupted from Frigus'Celeri Karma, "And that dear cousin is where you are wrong. He won't stop with me, no. He doesn't understand what he has...or values his oaths...despicable. I would be doing his offspring a service by...removing him from their lives. Their mother could find an honest...decent...respectable dragon..."
Audens'Cor Ladarius stamped his paw down. "My Aunt, your mother, didn't rescue you just so that you could exact some personal vendetta on every idiot to find you attractive."
Frigus'Celeri Karma winked at Audens'Cor Ladarius. "Jealous much?"
A thunderous growl answered him, "Home. Now."
Frigus'Celeri Karma dropped the Coatl and released a sigh, "Ah what do you know. You probably won't ever find a mate because of all of that blood matted into your fur. By the way, why are you bleeding again?"
Frigus'Celeri Karma walked up beside his cousin and together they abandoned the shaken Coatl in the meadow. Frigus'Celeri Karma tilted his head, expecting his cousin to divulge the answer.
Audens'Cor Ladarius sighed. The limp was obvious in his right foreleg, where there was a bleeding lash mark across his shoulder. "The Hunters weren't successful again. Prey has been scarce. I took Tenebris'Terra's ire in Leanne's place."
Frigus'Celeri Karma's eyes softened. "You can't keep doing that...your body will bow to her eventually whether you want it to or not..."
Audens'Cor Ladarius answered, "If I do not, then Leanne has even less chances of being successful in the next hunt because she will be injured. I am the Captain of the Day's Watch. I can heal on duty. No dragon or beastclan is fool enough to challenge the Crystal Spire..."
Frigus'Celeri Karma winked at his cousin. "Careful," he purred, "You might end up eating those words. I make it my profession to remind dragons of that."
Audens'Cor Ladarius stared at Frigus'Celeri Karma and shook his head. "You are on a whole different level of despicable."
Frigus'Celeri Karma whimpered, "Ouch Cousin!"

Additional Information

arcane_2.png ....
The New Age

The Night's Watch
. . . . frarcane_left_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyoi.png frarcane_right_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyp0.png

The Titan Age
Frigus'Celeri Karma was not hatched in this bygone era.

The Pantheon Age
Frigus'Celeri Karma was not hatched in this bygone era.

The New Age
Frigus'Celeri Karma was hatched as the result of a punishing spell cast upon his father, Earnest, by some vengeful nature flight druid. Given the unpredictable nature of his father, Frigus'Celeri Karma was abandoned. The little guy wandered empty wastelands, with nary a soul for company. When his strength began to fail his frail body, Frigus'Celeri Karma was visited by the visage of grace. There was an agony hidden in her violet eyes, as if she knew the pain of loss all too keenly. He dragged his body toward her and felt her armored paws, so tenderly, lift him into her soft plumage.
She was Luna'Spiritus, the Night's Watch Captain of Sanguinem Luna. He will always remember that day fondly. To him, Luna'Spiritus became the mother he always needed. She was firm but nurturing and loved him just as much as her other children, like Mane'Solis.
Frigus'Celeri Karma and Mane'Solis became inseparable. They were the best of brothers and always got into mischief. Both were raised knowing only the reign of Tenebris'Cor and Tenebris'Terra. The Patriarch Arcyng may as well have been a myth to Frigus'Celeri Karma.
Usually it fell onto their older cousin, Audens'Cor Ladarius, to step up and defend them when they got into trouble. Frigus'Celeri Karma knew he wasn't related to them by blood but he was touched that they would go to such lengths to defend him. In the end, he would always do the same for them too.
Ever since his days of abandonment, Frigus'Celeri Karma has become a cold and merciless individual in his heart. He despises Earnest and has been known to lash out randomly. That randomness is often revealed to not be random at all. He is able to sense disloyalty in others. When he feels that disloyalty, his ire is known in the savage and merciless attacks that he unleashes.
When he is on duty for the Night's Watch, he is the one hiding in the shadows. When an intruder enters Sanguiem Luna Clan territory, he strikes swift and cruelly, the sadistic thrill of the fight will light up his eyes with an eerie cyan glow.
The only ones that are spared of his savage side are Luna'Spiritus, Mane'Solis, Audens'Cor Ladarius, Ardens'Cor Leanne, and his other siblings. He adores his closest adopted family with everything that he has. His loyalty to them knows no bounds.
One of the things that always fascinates Frigus'Celeri Karma is the situation surrounding Divinus'Ignis, his would be adopted father. He never knew the Imperial but always heard the stories that his mother, Luna'Spiritus, would tell. He always wonders about the horrors that could inspire such a dragon to sacrifice himself for the good of all.
Perhaps, one day, he would be able to ask. He works diligently with his family to try and find Divinus'Ignis to free the mighty Imperial. It is hard work and more often than not the results seem so impossible. Then Frigus'Celeri Karma reminds himself of who he is. If anyone could find a missing dragon imprisoned in crystal for fighting a mighty would-be leader...practically a traitor...then wouldn't it be delicious karma to see that traitor rise again?
While Frigus'Celeri Karma delights in creating misfortune for others in romance. He is not interested whatsoever in it for himself. If a dragon even dare ask, he will answer with a derisive and snide remark designed to shoot down the dragon who asked it with a devastating blow. Other times he has purposefully placed himself in the path of disloyal dragons to expose their awful treatment of their mates. Usually once he has revealed to them the folly of their ways, he destroys them. Many have learned to stay away from the romance subject altogether when it comes to Frigus'Celeri Karma. He has destroyed many dragons as a result.

Roundhorn Rager
The perfect companion to Frigus Celeri Karma. This Roundhorn Rager is just as eager as its master to charge into the fray and lay waste to all. Of course, this proud creature is highly sensitive to when a dragon or other beast tries to grab its chains. More often than not, Frigus Celeri Karma has butted heads with it for touching the chains. It has become a common sight in the clan to see Frigus Celeri Karma arguing with his familiar, insisting that he did not intentionally touch the chains. Despite this, the pair make up in the end to jump into the next battle.


Customization Goals

Adopted Mother:


Adopted Brother/Best Friend:

Adopted Cousin:
Audens'Cor Ladarius

Adopted Cousin:
Ardens'Cor Leanne


Cold Swift


FREE-guz SELL-air-E CAR-mah

Physical Sornieth Species


True Species

Naturam Monstri
("Elemental Monster," Cursed Toad)

Gene Plan:

Apparel Plan:
Night Sky Tail Bangle

The Word Around Sornieth

Not From Anywhere
Magna'Mater wrote:
She's trying to make bio layouts again!
3d3c7953a408f38cb5029826b8f55967fe8c516c.png Not from Anywhere
Magna'Patrem wrote:
Run for your lives!


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Questions Asked and Answered

MotherOfOmens wrote on 2020-05-07 17:37:16:


A festive and jolly Imperial lay herself next to the Skydancer..
Karma, why do you enjoy bringing misfortune to disloyal dragons in romantic relationships? Doesn't it get.. tiresome? Shouldn't dragons figure out their own personal relationships on their own?

((Heads up, your girl picked a real Grinch to pester. xD Honestly, what is with everyone wanting to tangle with Karma?))

Frigus'Celeri Karma produced a low growl in his throat.

"To ask an ignorant question like that, maybe you should get your snout out of the holiday Eggnog and think about all of the harm you are inflicting upon others."

He turned his head and stared at the Imperial female with a ferocity that could curdle milk. His next words came out as a derisive hiss, "That high and mighty tone you take is sickening. When you know nothing."

He rose to his paws. His baleful teal gaze smoldered. Any worse and lightning would've sprung forth from his eyes. Drops of saliva shot from his maw when he spat, "I despise dragons like you."



Drawn by Preachwire



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