
Level 7 Imperial
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Nightfall Imp
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Imperial
This dragon cannot breed until Jul 12, 2024 (25 days).
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Personal Style


Silver Steampunk Scarf
Raven Woodwing
Ebony Filigree Breastplate
Ebony Filigree Wing Guard
Navy Aviator Gloves
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Anklet
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Leg Band
Blue Birdskull Wingpiece



Scene: Moonbeam Aqueduct


26.74 m
18.77 m
6622.7 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 31, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Imperial
EXP: 6097 / 11881
Dark Bolt
Dark Might Fragment



Day 1:
I can't even describe how mysteriously spooky it is today! I've seen dragons running around dressed as ghouls, zombies, wizards doing things like bobbing for apples, passing out candy, and carving up orange vegetables. Though I've only just hatched, I must say it is rather spooky here, well less so with my older brother, a nocturne, around. He seems more awake than my younger sister ,another Nocturne. Though when she is awake she's always practicing flying or messing around with younger brother. I kinda got a journal, it had some journal entries from two other dragons, someone called Willowshade and Nightbloom(Whoever those dragons are). I decided to share it with my sister though she doesn't really want to, she just writes jokes and riddles. Well, Happy Halloween! (and Birthday to me).
Day 2:
I still do not have a name, weird, mom and dad are still trying to decide. Literally what were they doing while sitting on our eggs? They at least narrowed down the least so we should have some by tomorrow but for now I'm trying to figure a little more about this cave. Before I snuck out of the Nexting Grounds, I met this Imperial Explorer. I asked him who he was related to, but he did not want to speak about it, weird! I didn't push, so I left him be. After I snuck out, I heard rumors and stories about all sorts of dragons around the clan. One that stands out is this weid story from Nacreous and his "not son". It sounds sorta of like the stories in this journal up until the part Nacreous returned home. But this "not son" Calvus sounds familiar, someone I've heard father mention once. For now, I'm questioning the story of a mirror loving Brightwing. Now to figure out who Brightwing is!
Day 3:
I have followed my father to this Nature clan today, the name is something about the sun and trees, but I wondered why mom hasn't followed. They gave us our names, packed up, and Ghostpetal(my sister) and me left shadow. Apparently the same thing has happened with my older siblings. My favorite sibling so far is Willowshade! She's so cool! Though I have only read about her, she sounds friendly! I can't wait for my wings to develop so I can fly off and visit her at her secret hangout. Apparently it is this weird ruin in the middle of the woods, somewhere near the Behemoth. It takes too long for me to walk to, and the New and Improved Caretaker army won't let me out of their sights. I can't wait to fly!
Day 4:
Ghostpetal always seems to be passing through this weird Nature world, catching on to everything before me. I know I want to explore like her free-will but I'd at least like to know what I'm getting myself into before I do. She calls it the wimpiest, I call it smart! Despite this, we both like to explore and now talk about this weird feeling we share. Our eyes have been bothering us and our body tingles whenever we are in the shadows in the forest. I could have sworn my antlers disappeared for a minute even though I could still feel them. I heard mom once mention something about strange magic! I wonder if my strange eyes have anything to do with it! Whenever I feel this strange magic it always seems to come from the eyes first then throughout my body, usually the markings of the crackle gene on my body. I guess I have more than just flying to look forward to.
Day 5:
There’s only two clan healers in this clan, not sure if that should be an okay or bad thing, but none seem to have any eye drops! My eyes still bother me. Ghostpetal tries to run into the sunlight to avoid it but it’s not like I can find any light under this thick tree canopy! However, this will be my last day in the Nesting Grounds— And now there are so many hatchlings! At least 9 newbies! My favorite hatchling is this tundra with flower eyes! Even her wings have the new gene Noxtide! The leaders and Orpys guard her as the AH would kill to sell her. I saw some dragons head down that road today too. I’m sure they’ll go off to find something with their lives. That’s what worries me about Dom! Sure the deities have mercy when you do well serving them, giving clans the benefits galor(Nature is in second currently), but what becomes of the dragon? Sure dragons of all flights mix and meet each other, but do they fight with or against each other. And if they all behave, to what end. My father says he’ll show me the ranks. I’m worried I won’t be strong enough though, maybe it’s the eyes or the hatchling talking. All I know is that I think I’d like to help protect the tundra too! Goodnight, I start training tomorrow.
Day 6:
I began training today! It was brutal! My muscles are so sore! My dad said that was him going easy on me and soon I'd be able to battle in the Coli! I've been at Gimmer's all day hoping she'd help me out, but she says I just need some conditioning. While I was there, I saw the leader, a mirror named, Lavender. She was with the other hatchlings watching over one of her own. She told my father something about that little Tundra. He nodded and told her something about a trainer with the Dryad Detectives. Apparently she's not going to be in my father's classes, weird, I thought everyone had to. At least she won't feel sore!
Day 7:
I’m a week old, or just one day from having a reasonably excuse for getting out of my father’s class! I would much rather go to the ruin and meet my sister, Willowshade, than stay around and try to tach the hatchlings how to be a battle dummy. I haven’t noticed the soreness in my eyes as all I can feel is the burning of my muscles. At this rate, I’ll probably end up with more scars than dad. My older sister, Willowshade, seems to have a taste for blueberries. Interesting. Everyday, when I walk to Glimmer's, I hear dragons exclaim at a recent proposal made by everyone's coolest dragon, Adams. He's even part of the coolest guild, the RAIDERS(sounds way better than a Traveling Truffle, no offense to you explorers)! I hope I can find the small little berries before I go we her tomorrow(I hope my paws won't be too big to hold them, lucky Faes).
Day 8:
Today is Whirlwind’s birthday, everyone celebrating it by pretending it’s not today. I think it’s something called Surprise Party? Either way, he’s been wandering this path people set up just for him. They made little oragami sweetheart swans for him to follow! I would have stayed and helped make them but Lavender has been calling everyone for a meeting excluding the founders of the clan, they must already now! It’s a long list of information so it has to extend into tomorrow. So far it’s about new lair spaces, appareal packages, and the Thanksgiving plans for this year. Tomorrow’s about the new defenses and dangers(must have wanted Whirlwind to have a good birthday before everyone hears about these “dangers” in the forest). At least it gives me some time to heal my sores. P.S. Ice doesn’t exactly work.
Day 9:
I can’t believe the announcement Lavender gave everyone, glad she didn’t give on Whirlwind’s birthday. Apparently the announcement of the Jackalvine came out today and some dragons weren’t exactly happy with the Plague dragons dragons. You can tell it’s not their fault, in fact one has been living here over a year. Why would she doom herself. It’s a good thing the lodgers were around as poor Sonya’s house was demolished by some strong dragon. I don’t know the time frame just yet, so I hope it wasn’t for a supposed revenge. I noticed that it is getting colder out, winter time, though it is very hard in this warm climate to get snow, though not impossible. I used to like sleeping in the trees till I fell off one. Well I don’t know how I fell off, I still had five feet on either side of me. I don’t even roll in my sleep. Did I fall through?
Day 10:
I really can describe how I feel today. I wanted to bring a present to Willowshade and finally meet her but I couldn't even touch the box. The same thing happened when I tried to help the Lodgers rebuild Sonya's house. The asked me to pass them the tool kit but I couldn't use me hands, legs, or mouth. It was so embarrassing because I had to use my whiskers. It was like anything that possessed the crackle just wouldn't let me touch anything! I tried to help build Ghostpetal's and my house but I just ran off. This is such a disaster! What if I can't touch things again. I started flying in the trees but all I found is that none of the branches got in my way because I went through them. I'm glad no one saw, they might think me odd. I want to ask Ghostpetal but I don't think you can help what you can't control, that and she's been up all night and she just wants to sleep, just like her hatchling self. I don't even know what started these powers. Is someone toying with me? Maybe someone is using spells in the forest and I'm falling for their tricks! It started right before I got to the Lodgers place, I remember these purple wings and a lapis along with a weird dark purple wind and next thing I know my crackle genes are lighting up! Who was that? Why would they want to activate my powers?
Day 11:
Now that the meetings are over, I finally took that package and visited my older sisters. Apparently, I can't just visit Willowshade since they live together like what Ghostpetal and I are doing. Now I'm regretting ever going. When I arrived, their entire lawn was covered in weeds. Loads of Dandelions. Do they know how to weed? I walked through the flowers towards the door when my other sister, Nightbloom, jumped out at me and started yelling at me to get off the lawn. I was so startled I dropped my package on the flowers squashing on of the dandelions. She was so stunned and grew angrier than a rampaging Ashfall Ophiotuarus. I tried to apologize but her cape wrapped around my face. It was one of those times when you wish your powers would work. Hearing the loud commotion, Willowshade came outside and told Nightbloom to calm down. They argued a little bit but Willowshade stood her ground(so cool!). I got to my feet and started to introduce myself as Charcoa's son/ their younger brother, but Willowshade said she didn't have a father, just an uncle. However, Nihtbloom(who went back to her cheery state) stated that Willowshade and her were sisters and her dad was Charcoal. At this point I was confused. Were they my older sisters or my cousins? Either way, Willowshade was happy to get a blueberry pie(even though the fall gave it a little smush). She had to return to her nest, but asked me if I would like to hang around their house for dinner. We had a lovely dinner, some Oarfish and dandelion salad, even blueberry ice cream for dessert. It was probably the best time I ever had, but when I finally left, I noticed that my powers were active. HA! I was glowing the entire time!
Day 12:
My sister, Ghotpetal, is so pesty. I finally got the house fixed up and was enjoying my day when I find myself on the floor being dragged out the door. Seriously, how'd she even get me out of the door. I was too tired from finishing up the house to bother to stop her! I was deep into reading my bestiary that I didn't even notice that I was already at the Lagoon. She wanted me to help her find this weird purple-winged creature near the waterfall. She began searching the place, I wasn't so interested. I merely leaned against the waterfall and continued reading. Though this weird bobcat origami flowed over the waterfall and interrupted my reading. Then I heard this weird laughing, like it was coming from behind the water. I decided to try out my power see if I could see behind the water. I got a little wet but found this weird cave behind the waterfall. It apparently was a hideout my dad's neighbor uses, so then why did I see a whole lot of purple feathers?
Day 13:

Why is it that Ghostpetal is always trying to drag me off on these hide-and-go seek adventures? Though this is probably the only one I have ever been interested in! The note I got yesterday stated that we needed to go to Diana's house, well inside Diana's house! I'm only excited that it's near RiverChaswr's house not by the chance to get caught and busted by Diana. I want to be a Lodger, I love planning and building models, heck I even made a model of the bestiary! O would really love to be one, so I hope I don't get in trouble today! We couldn't just barge right in with Diana in the way so Ghostpetal used that good old Shadow Flight charm(smashing garden gnomes). While Diana was shocked, I managed to open the door with my powers while Ghostpetal did a look out job, never thought it'd be as a Shadow! As the note instructed, we opened all the doors and turned off all the lights. Ghostpetal entered in after me and as we stood side by side, a whirlwind of origami bobcats came swooping. All I could see in the blur was green eyes and purple wings before I felt something restricting my powers until all the bobcats dissipated leaving only one behind on the table. It was that moment Diana returned, Ghostpetal apparently lost the grip on her powers like me. We were almost goners, Diana couldn't see us yet but threw a gnome that hit my cheek! Ouch! She had almost hit the light switch when a bundle of vines entrapped her. We were surprised to see these flowers eyes glowing in the dark watching us. We all ran out of the building and regrouped outside in our house. That flower-eyed dragon followed. Her name is Aloe, I met her on my last day as a hatchling! She got us laughing, even healed my cheek. Funny she was the dragon I said I'd protect, and here she is saving me!
Day 14:
I feel like we are just following the bobcats than finding the creature. I've been thinking of a way to track it! I'm wondering if my nightfall imp can manage to conjure up a shadow trap to catch the being the moment we fulfill the attack. It was all set up perfectly. We even had Aloe hide it a bush to use her vines to trap her! I drew up the diagrams and plan of course while Nightbloom did the task. I thought it was weird that it asked us to go to Whirlwind's house and Sirius's house to grab a specific plant. Whirlwind was of course with his extended family, so we easily snuck in! Next we waited. Before, it came, I decided to view some plants on display, when I came across these experimental honeycomb trays. They were perfect for holding ice cubes but also popsicles! I was about to eat one when bobcats started flying around the room! We sprang into action. We used our wings to knock back the papers and the small creature. It was stunned but adapted quickly, throwing these smelly orchids at us! They tasted like rotten meat, Bleh! Though it gave just enough time for my nightfall imp to perform some of its illusions. The creature became disorientated and crashed into the honeycombs, yet picked them up and stuffed several of them into a bag of sorts. It was still hard to make out its face, like our powers were on the fritz again. Bit just as we were about to grab it, it launched a potion at us that made these vines red vines spring up and block our path. It panted then jumped out the wind where Aloe was waiting. Though I couldn't see much, I could tell that power on the fritz trick affected Aloe too! However, the creature couldn't stop that primal-eyed wonder, not completely. Let's just say, it's missing a few feathers and an amulet?
Day 15:
If I am ever to become a builder, I will have to stop raiding houses to catch a creature. I'm initiating round 2 of catching this creature. I used some of my sister's gear to begin my plan to catch the creature till Aloe 's familiar comes up with a plan! I have been wondering about this being's power and knowledge on our powers. Strange as it is, it can be used to our advantage. We may like our powers but that doesn't mean we have use just them. I can use my planned out traps while Ghostpetals can use her agility and on the spot decisions. Aloe doesn't seem to have to much problems with her powers being blocked though we decided not to take the chance. Aloe actually knows several battling techniques, finally I don't have to be strong! She bides her time to launch quite powerful attacks, something she learned from this one dragon, Rosali. Everyone who has lived her for at least a month knows her(maybe sooner, she always goes on long trips but sometimes wraps up her job earlier). However, the trap won't be set up till around midnight, apparently the letter was specific to say midnight so I'll be staying up late. It's kinda fun hanging out till then, Aloe brought everyone pumpkin seeds because she is relate to the one who makes them, Casandra. She lives next to dad. After that we played several games rounds of mad libs, dress-up, and Beasts vs. Dragons. I was the beast all ecause I was big and had horns. That and the want to take me down! I'd like to see them try! XD
Day 16 well technically a continue from day 15:
It was about midnight when I started this, that creature hadn't come quite yet more like around 12:30am. So I was up till 2 writing this! The creature came like it said it would in the note, we did our job opening up the door to Snowflake's house. Strange how they call that mirror snowflake. She's a lightning mirror, not ice, maybe her personality is just cold. Whatever the reason, I wonder why the creature wanted us to break into her house. Maybe it's the gadgets my sister and her friend, Vulture, make in the forest ruins. I know Snowflake is second in command of the Steamed Stems with Puma being the leader of the guild. I only wonder why it wouldn't want us to break into Puma's house, being the one with all the gadgets, not to mention she's not even home! Some mission to the Starfall Isles, homeland of the Faes. Imperials used to have a home but that's a story for another time. The creature showed up looting several gadgets, one was this light up material. She easily dodged the net we had that was triggered by the movement of the gadgets, that was our decoy. As it began to leave, Ghostpetal jumped out to grab the bag, the creature had. It dodged and splashed another one of those potions. However, it was only smoke. I used my wings to quickly clear it away. I could tell it was quite frustrated but we continued with our attacks. The wind knocked it towards another trap of mine, but it nearly escaped the caged off area by blinding me with the light powered device. Something straight from my old species' homeland. It burned. Then it grabbed onto the curtains, pulled them off the rack, and threw them at Ghostpetal, who dodged them and grabbed onto the creature's wings. It whiplashed its tail into my sister's eyes, but she refused to let go. It managed to blind Ghostpetal again with that device only Aloe jumped in and knocked it out of her hands with several breath attacks. The creature countered with her own, somewhat the same level of power as Aloe's, like it too had been training. It pulled out a different gadget, that potion of red vines. Aloe was separated from us by them and the creature bit Ghostpetal who still held onto its tail. Aloe managed to destroy the vines with her own. Like they dissolved to the touch of Aloe's. The creature forced its way towards the new hole in the vines getting Ghostpetal stuck in some and pulling itself lose, but not without us grabbing a few feathers. Surprisingly, it wasn't hurt by the loss of a few feathers. I wonder if they are really apart of the being. The creature did get one last surprise before it escaped, one of my other traps scraped its leg. I checked it later to find a scale, dragon like or snake. Though it did escape, I feel like we did a good job with our newly assembled team. It didn't leave us a note this time, so finding it will be hard but not impossible.
Day 17:
Snickers has yet to find that creature we are looking for, and Aloe's vulture has not had much luck either. We are thinking about sending our other two familiars, but then who would guard the house from Tricksters while we are gone. They love to bother Shadow dragons. So until further notice, Ghostpetal, Aloe, and I are searching up possible suspects. I am searching through the Bestiary to see if we have a possible monster on our hands but all I have so far are the flying snakes my dad's friend-enemy's neighbor has as a pet. Though I do not think Helena would do this, it wouldn't hurt to see if we can find anything. In the meantime, I still think the thing with Puma should be looked into. While that happens, Ghostpetal is healing from the light directly to the face. Apparently the device uses light elemental powers. I don't see why the creature would want that. We practically live in a sunny forest. I mean unless it wants to light up the dark corners. Either way, Ghostpetal will be continuing the search from the house. Since she has a ghostly form that she can travel in, she can sit in doors and heal while looking for the creature. I'll be at Helena's if ya need me!
Day 18:
The note, those weird bobcat origamis, lead us to Moonstone's place. Her and her brother are celebrating their birthdays. It's strange how the creature wanted us to break in during the day, but Moonstone and Mystic will not be home all day, celebrating with everyone. After-all, they are the last of the leaders who made the clan. It's seems strange but I think I'm figuring out something common with all these tasks the creature is giving with us. All of them are amongst the leaders, well Snowflake is an exception- well she is as old as the other leaders- I believe she came in as a trade between allies. Both loved where they ended up, I even think she was to come sooner. Somewhere called Thunderwire. Whatever that place is, all I here is bad things about that place. Whirlwind, Moonstone, and Rarity extremely hate that place the most out of any other member in the clan. All we did was open the door like always, only the creature never came. Literally, we stood there for two hours and nothing. We had to leave once Moonstone's party ended and she came home. So I decided to go to Helena's place for a little interrogation. She wasn't too thrilled that I broke into her house and made a new window, but she did offer me some info about those scales we got off the creature. They actually do not come from flying snakes. So I broke into her house for nothing. So the question remains, are they dragon or a new species?
Day 19:
I can not believe the creature sent a fake note to get us out of our house! Smart yet annoying! It seems like I just finished designing this house and it is already ruined by a bunch of stupid stickers! I had hoped we would get out and look for the creature but we spent the day cleaning. It wasn't exactly a waste of time, unless you are Ghostpetal. I swear, if I wasn't around, she'd be sleeping in a hole in the ground or in the bushes- worse dandelions of Nightbloom's house! Yikes! Aloe, apparently found both copies of the Master plans this creature has been working on. I notice that whatever it needed was made to shine a big light! Strange, I wonder if it is just to see in the underground path or if it plans to use it for another purpose. I know the light it used a while ago was elemental and temporarily blinded Ghostpetal to the point she had to shield her eyes from the sun, so she wouldn't make it worse with natural light! Whatever this creature plans to do, it will most likely come back to get that light device. I'm entrusting its care with Aloe. Aloe is actually going to spending the next few days with her mom Lavender but will still be around to help us with work. She just has to be there to celebrate her older brother's birthday, and nieces'. I wonder if there will be cake. She said if there was she would bring us back some. Aloe is a real sweetheart, a powerful one too! I don't think anything could stop her. I hope I'll see her before Thanksgiving! Gathering around a table of food is one of a dragon's favorite past times. Just a few more days. That should give me enough time to fix this house.
Day 20:
Aloe has not come back today so our work is at a standstill. I wonder if she is learning anything on her side, I'll I'm learning is that plaster is hard to get rid of! I let Ghostpetal sleep in, like she always does. I wonder if she needs it or does it to get out of work. But I guess I wouldn't be in the mood to be up and working if my eye sight was shot because of a little flashlight(okay it technically is the equivalent of staring at the sun at noon in the middle of the summer for five hours straight)! Though, she woke up and instantly went through my bestiary pamphlets. All she did was wake up, pour a bowl of oats, grabbed my pamphlets, looked at me without saying "hello" or "good morning", yawned, and went to read them in the hammock I built FOR HER! I am starting to think we have switched places. Like I became more active and she began a stay at home in the dark dragon! Wonder how long this will last! I continued cleaning while I wondered where Father has gone. He sort of left in an odd manner. I've known him for some time and know there's always this secret life my father has but I think it's deeper than just him and mom's dates! I wonder if I'll see him before Thanksgiving, probably not though. I though dragons were to get together, but many Explorers and dragons on missions won't be around in time for the turkey. At least most will! And maybe we won't have the disaster of tipped over tables or smashed fine China. I pray for the gnomes, they definitely wouldn't make it!I hope not too long. She did come up with a theory after about 6 hours of staring at that book(Does she sleep with her eyes open?). The theory makes me question if this is a dragon we are up against. Green eyes! Dragon Scales! Knowledge of the clan! Knowing Draconic language! I say we have our culprit, well its species.
Day 21:
I decided to head over to that very confusing place ,because I could not tell how we are related to save my life, known as Willowshade's and Nightbloom's place. Willowshade is part of the Steamed Stems so she has many gadgets and gizmos laying all over the place that I could use if need be. SHe of course wasn't home. She actually was out with Adams. That Coatl is a big hot shot around these parts. In that sense, you'd think he'd go out with Cynthia or Leora! At least it makes the other dragons jealous of someone I'm related too. Though I wouldn't know how to say! Either way, I started messing around with that gadget, and I think I might be able to use it to nab the culprit. Well, a device to put on the gadget, Aloe is actually doing a good job protecting it! It is extremely dangerous because of the light elemental material it holds, which lets me know that it was most likely a Nature dragon who made it! I added some jars of vapors and chipskink tail to make sure I was able to track it, but do not ask where they came from. Let's just say the Coli more helpful than just finding turkey!
Day 22:
It is the day before Thanksgiving so practically every dragon is home trying to make the best food they can for tomorrow's meal! I finally fixed the trackers, the house, and got to making my food. I doubted Ghostpetal was capable of not being lazy, but apparently we are all full of surprises. She actually made a tasty dessert, I know it's tasty because she made EXTRA just for tasting! Since she put in all that effort, I decided to go all out for mine. As a hatchling, I'd constantly have to go to Glimmer's place because of DOM practice. While I was there, Glimmer would be visited by so many patients, including the ones the Tricksters pranked via food poisoning(good thing that prank is out of the way of Thanksgiving would be a disaster)!Though they were graoning in pain while strangely eating sand, which we call upset tummy go bye bye medicine(nasty sand! Bleh!), I overheard them taking about the food that Tricksters messed with, complaining how it took them forever to forge in the meadows or find special seasonings by the river. In other words, I made a recipe. May Dad's training isn't so bad, but don't tell him I said that, I actually do not want to spar with him again. His boa staff hurts!
Day 23:
Talk about a series of unfortunate events! My sister sure knows how to make a mess! To be fair, we were chasing a dragon in the middle of a dining table, not room , table, as in on the table. I'm surprised Lavender didn't bust our chops! Well, I don't want to jinx anything. I'm just glad Orchid is related to us or else we'd be so dead right now! I'm also glad Lando is on our side, as a guard to tell Lavender nothing went wrong. I am also glad that Sparky is related to us and I wasn't the one who broke the table(because I want to be a Lodger like him) to fix the table halved in two! I am also quite glad that Skylar is our grandma or grandaunt so we could replace the food we wrecked. A lot happens on my side of the family, mostly in the Imperial perches! Though I wish that we could have caught the dragon! Weirdly, Tricksters seem to want to help them so I guess I'll be watching them from no on, like a guard! Maybe it was just to cause mischief, but then, why? Normally Tricksters wait till the Midnight Leftovers Feast to cause mischief, or else guards lock down their perch! So why help that dragon?
Day 24:
I can not say how much I dislike that dragon! I tried my best tonight not to embarrass myself and here comes that purple-winged jerk! They wham my face full of dessert while I tried to impress Sparky. I really want a spot on the Lodgers. It even got its hands on the light device I tried hard to keep from it! Sis and Aloe did their best, but I guess our mystery dragon got away this time! Without another clan mandatory gathering, I'm afraid I have no idea where or what else to do to find them! It didn't even leave one of those notes this time! If only we had some clue to where it could have gone! How could I have messed this up?
Day 25:
Now that the day is over, I can finally be honest with you guys. I actually had several clues to track down Bobcat! (Yes we learned her name) Do you remember my tinkering with chipskink tail and jar of vapors, well it causes a steam gyre to be reborn like the Phoenix you never asked for! It would actually hit the chipskink tail ink and leave a trail of prints for me to track! I actually tell you today because I think Bobcat has been reading my journals. I noticed because she left it slightly out of place and bent one corner just a little too much! Good thing I have a good eye for organization. SO, I began searching in the forest where my tracker gyre was set off! I followed its glowing dots (only visible to Shadow dragons, so the creature wouldn't say although you could use a normal chipskink ,the orange ones, if you want a Nature use dragon tracker but anyway) to the fork in the road to where the Behemoth lay! There she was, hovering in the air. I took a quiet step forward ,but she knew I was there! She turned and faced me. "Guess my secret is out! You caught my glow handed!" she chuckled and smiled at me. I asked her to stop, I didn't want to hurt her! Imperials shouldn't fight Faes despite who is stronger! It only looks bad on both sides. She shook her head and said she had a job to do! I asked who gave it to her but she responded with this," Those who are told what to do never accomplish anything NEW!" I decided to try and stop her despite her confusing riddles. She dodged easily of course. She said I could use my powers this time, she wouldn't stop me. I knew I shouldn't trust her, but I used them anyway. I passed through the trees, her breath attacks, and chased her down the path. Just when I was about to grab her tail, she dove into the ground! there wasn't a hole just solid dirt. I passed through the ground to see if it was a hidden cave when she blocked my powers. I half-surfaced while my body remain stuck in the ground. She fluttered by me and perched on my antlers. I was ready for her to mock me but she whispered this instead:"I'm sorry I had to play unfair, but I don't want you getting hurt! You have done well to find me and upgrade this device, but I can't let you stop me nor can I let you get hurt because of it! Stay safe Orchidspectre and get a padlock for that journal of yours!" She flew off! I tried to pull myself out of the ground while I thought over what she said. If she wanted to destroy the clan, why would she not want me to get hurt?
Day 26:
I took the path on the right once my friends freed me from the ground. Bobcat was still out here somewhere! I looked for more of those glow drops but she must have known! I flew probably for several minutes when I heard a scream! I quickly turned around and followed it back to its source. It sounded small so I knew it had to have come from Aloe or possibly Bobcat(though I doubt Bobcat would scream). I made it to the middle path and flew down it as fast as I could to find Ghostpetal hovering by the edge of a cavern. Her eyes looked watery as she held up the bandana. It was Aloe's. I had no time to ask for vines protruded from the ground a knocked Ghostpetal down. I hit it back with my tail and used my powers as its friends passed through me. I tried to keep my powers on but the vines sprayed this gas that made me cough to hard and my eyes water. I felt myself hit in the head and I fell down barely conscious. I saw them surround us and swoop in for the kill when a beacon of light shone from above us. Bobcat! She burned the vines to dust as I managed to get back to my feet along with Ghostpetal! She was quite furious that we almost died. We told she could be mad at us later because now, Aloe was down there and needs our help!
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