
of the Bloom and the Wilt
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Infectionist's Emblem
Spiderlily Sickle
Mysterious Cowl
Hunter's Cape
Skulking Wing Segments
Nature's Charm
Nurtured Cluster



Scene: Titan's Fall


4.39 m
5.53 m
546.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 02, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 12660 / 34264
Irradiated Scratch
Jungle Slash
Natural Might Fragment
Natural Might Fragment





"But I survived. Is that not all that should matter?"

Unlike the others, Kahoku's true nature went unnoticed for much of his life. The lime tint to his bright crimson gaze was mistaken for one of the rarer plague eye mutations, and thus he was treated no differently from any other dragon in his flight.

The pearlcatcher's upbringing was unremarkably pleasant-- or about as pleasant as a plague dragon's could be, at least. In his adolescence he began his training as a flight soldier, and through a hard work ethic and a healthy commitment to his ambitions, eventually earned himself an apprenticeship under the Plaguebringer's Boneguards. By the time he had graduated into the ranks proper, Kahoku had settled down with a partner and fathered a clutch of two eggs. The new Nature ambassador had arrived, and peace continued to prevail between the two flights. To the proud and happy pearlcatcher, all in the world was well.

The day the armistice died, life as Kahoku knew it unraveled with it. He was one of the many dragons fighting with all their might to stave off the First Seed's chaotic overgrowth, and it was there-- in the moment that he was sure he'd meet his end-- the young Boneguard's dual nature was awakened. While his allies perished in the surge, the flora that bound and threatened to impale him instead suddenly shrank from his flesh. Shaken but grateful to still be alive, Kahoku considered it a miracle.

His comrades, on the other hand, saw it as a curse. The pearlcatcher's newly burning emerald eyes, combined with the flowers now growing from his flesh, seemed in that moment a horrific affliction. Wisely avoiding them and heading for home didn't provide any reprieve either. His mate was terrified by what he had become and fiercely forbade him from coming anywhere near their nest. For all he knew, she was right that he could be a danger to the eggs... but it didn't make her reaction sting any less. Shortly after, he was relieved of his Boneguard duties. And after that, ultimately escorted out of the Scarred Wasteland.

Without a family or a home to go back to, Kahoku still did as any plague dragon would. Through his lament, confusion, and unsurety over his future... he survived.

He didn't meet Galdho and his companions right away, nor were they the first Remnant of Harmony to cross his path. That honor would go to Aeolian-- a skydancer who had recently left the Southern Icefield in search of something he could not yet put a name to. The two had run into one another by chance while escaping a flock of Roc birds, and after saving one another's skins, were stunned to discover how similar they were in their predicaments. They travelled together after that, swapping stories and overall finding solace in their shared difference from most dragonkind.

They would meet the rest of their destined companions roughly a year later. Galdho's reveal of the true circumstances of their birth was a major turning point for the wayward pearlcatcher. Having been granted a second lease on life and a new sense of belonging and purpose, Kahoku intended to not let any of it go to waste.



  • Is polite and agreeable, but perhaps a bit too averse to assertiveness of any kind. He's still a soldier at heart and is more comfortable taking orders than giving them.
  • His favorite past-time is stargazing.
  • Is gifted with both plague and nature magic.
  • As much as he strives to move forward, Kahoku still harbors melancholy for the life he left behind. He wonders of his old friends, his old mate, and especially the children he never got to meet.
  • The circumstances of his exile has left lingering wounds, and it especially shows when Kahoku tries harder than necessary to prove his usefulness or his worth to the others. Aeolian has to tell him to take things easy now and again, though that's not to say that the rest of the Remnants haven't done anything to help. They're a supportive group of friends who care for Kahoku's wellbeing and do their best to remind him that he's valued beyond his skillset.
  • Aeolian's friendship has played a key role in the pearlcatcher's healing process. The two are somewhat aware of their mutual attraction, but Kahoku's got some baggage to come to terms with first before they can ever become anything serious.
  • Kahoku was bred as a surprise gift for me from friends of mine back when Starmap and Constellation had just released on the site. For that reason he remains a very special baby to me.
  • Default Familiar is a Dire Hyena.


*Offspring semi-canon.
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