Level 25 Guardian
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Personal Style


17.04 m
19.73 m
10988.07 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level

- Quicksilver
- Maruna
- Enis
- Firefly
- Platinum
- Burn
- Maroon
- Steel
- Brilliance
- Atlas
- NeoJr
- Suriel
- Ember
- Raphell
- Iron
- Flint
- Charcoal
- DeepBlue
- Glowworm
- Aeron
- Reputation
- Silverquick
- Shimmer
- Current
- Eggplant
- Svetlana
- projectmtwo
- Syra
- Sula
- Nula
- Arustic
- Duskgrief
- Lumi
- Doombringer
- Oceana
- Grace
- Farstrider
- Hyro
- Basil
- Wavecrest
- Valen
- Flint
- Parmina
- GoldenBronze
- Siegfried
- Cyo
- Cya
- Angel
- Sicova
- Usi
- Kire
- Siloon
- Wather
- Warran
Backstory: Umira’s mother, Shyxada had fallen in love with the guardian dragon, Krieger. However, Krieger had never truly loved Shyxada. All her wanted from her was the dirtiest form of pleasure. Once Krieger had gotten what he desired from Shyxada, he beat her and left her to die in the Abiding Boneyard. Although, Shyxada did not die. She crawled through the Abiding Boneyard and made it to the Rotrock Rim, where she fed on tree roots to stay alive. Whispers about Shyxada reached the Plaguebringer and made the goddess curious. When the Plaguebringer did find Shyxada, she was impressed. The Plaguebringer made Shyxada to be one of her elite assassins. When Shyxada layed the three eggs Krieger had given her, the goddess allowed the imperial dragon to raise her young by the Wyrmwound. This exposure to the Wyrmwound caused both Shyxada and the three hatchlings to get sick very frequently, but this allowed them to build immunities to nearly every disease. Shyxada raised her three daughters like soldiers from the moment they hatched. She trained them to believe love was a deadly disease that only the weak could be taken by. Shyxada rarely showed any affection towards her daughters because all three of them reminded her of her most fatal mistake. Both the Plaguebringer and Shyxada taught the three hatchlings how to kill before they could fly. The three sisters were killing in the name of the Plaguebringer long before they reached adulthood. To many creatures in Sornieth, the sisters were known as the Devil’s Trinity and for good reason. Although, the sisters were not equal in the eyes of their mother and the Plaguebringer. They both favored Umira because she could beat both of her sisters (even when they teamed up against her) in claw to claw combat. And Umira never ever failed any of her missions. However, the bond between the sisters was strong or so Umira thought. Heilyn fiercely envied Umira and all the attention she got from the goddess. When the Plaguebringer sent the Devil’s Trinity to the Viridian Labyrinth “to give my little sister (referring to the Gladekeeper) a little scare” as the Plaguebringer put it. Umira had been raised to hate the the Viridian Labyrinth and the Gladekeeper who ruled it. The Plaguebringer claimed that was where Krieger had come from the Viridian Labyrinth and that the Gladekeeper was a hypocrite who never acknowledged death, but killed many in her day. So Umira was more than happy to carry out tasks like these. The Devil’s Trinity raided the border of the Viridian Labyrinth. Prior to the fight Heilyn had told Umira she had her back. In the mists of battle, Heily showed her true colors when she literally stabbed Umira in the back. Umira had nearly died that day, but to her complete and utter shock, Neo, a worshipper of the Gladekeeper healed her. Shortly after Neo healed Umira, the guardian dragon was taken to a prison to be questioned. Although, Umira was interrogated by Neo. Neo dragged the out interrogation for an entire year and eventually the questions had nothing to do with Umira’s crimes. At first, Umira thought Neo was stupid, but once she learned Neo was prolonging the interrogation to push her execution back, Umira started to get infected with a bad case of love. When the day came from Umira’s execution, Neo helped her escape. The two lovers swore never to return to their rivaling goddesses. The Plaguebringer and the Gladekeeper sent soldiers after Neo and Umira. Fortunately, the star-crossed lovers found refuge within Nira’s clan. Although, something strange happened to Umira once stood in Nira’s den within the Tsunami Flats. The guardian dragon remembered she had felt a hint this strange sensation when she saw Neo for the first time on the battle field, but she had simply blew in off then. Now, that strange sensation burned deep within bones and was following beneath her scales. It was so overwhelmingly powerful that Umira could barely breathe. It was in that moment that Umira realized that Neo and this place was her charge—the place and the dragon she was destined to guard at birth. From that moment onward, Umira began to live, not struggle survive like she had done for most of her life.
Personality: Umira is usually stern and serious, but around Neo she’s been known to throw in an occasion smart-alec comment. Umira isn’t the friendliest of dragons and usually prefers to chill one on one with her friends rather than in a group. Naturally, Umira is slow to trust and treats newcomers very harshly (especially if those newcomers get close to her clan members or the den). Although, all of Umira strictness and harshness is all out of love for her clan.
Clan Position: Warrior/Combat Trainer
Soul Mate: Neo
Familiar: Ember was actually a gift Neo gave to Umira for her birthday. At first, Umira didn’t like the idea of having a pet and never got got along Neo’s chipskink. However, once Umira learned how to train Ember to spy on other dragons and fight with her in battle, the guardian dragon grew very fond of the chipskink. The male chipskink, Ember, is also mated with Azul, Neo’s chipskink.
Personality: Umira is usually stern and serious, but around Neo she’s been known to throw in an occasion smart-alec comment. Umira isn’t the friendliest of dragons and usually prefers to chill one on one with her friends rather than in a group. Naturally, Umira is slow to trust and treats newcomers very harshly (especially if those newcomers get close to her clan members or the den). Although, all of Umira strictness and harshness is all out of love for her clan.
Clan Position: Warrior/Combat Trainer
Soul Mate: Neo
Familiar: Ember was actually a gift Neo gave to Umira for her birthday. At first, Umira didn’t like the idea of having a pet and never got got along Neo’s chipskink. However, once Umira learned how to train Ember to spy on other dragons and fight with her in battle, the guardian dragon grew very fond of the chipskink. The male chipskink, Ember, is also mated with Azul, Neo’s chipskink.
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Exalting Umira to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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