
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Nocturne
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Marksman's Tail Twist
Tickled Hyacinth
Blue Birdskull Armband
Black and White Flair Scarf
Whisperer's Cowl
Silver Steampunk Tail Bauble
Silver Steampunk Spats
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Wing Loop
Tarnished Steel Gauntlets
Simple Iron Wing Cuffs



Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


5.12 m
5.52 m
681.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 31, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245


Despite what others say, I have no parents, just a really cool aunt and a very rad uncle.
Day 1:
Don't call me WillowShade. Call me Shady. I like it? It's what Mosspool called me when I went searching around Crowtalon. I'm not really into hatchling play, but if my father offers it I won't refuse. He's got enough things to worry about. Nightbloom, she's cool, but gets in way over her head. A cape won't protect unless from the cold. Jumping out of a tree to fly isn't smart either. Just lucky for her the wind is in her favor.(I can't say so much for Komodo sculpture though) I'm worried about my brother. I think he'll miss us but I promised to find a way to visit no matter what. When I met my first Trickster, I knew that they could sneak to and from with a cloak of Marva or something. I was excited to see Nightbloom receive a shroud ( thinking it was a cloak ) but I guess it has no powers of invisibility just mischief. Anyways I'm met some Nocturnes who (to be honest) aren't my style. Don't know what it is but if you think you're an imperial, when you're really a Nocturne, something is up. I don't like being the youngest around here either, everyone is too cheerful about it! Saying things like cute, adorable, sweet! Bleh! Why can't anyone around here think you're mature? At least my tracker obeys me, my familiar I mean. Best skeleton hound anyone could ever ask for. Though, other dragons think it's weird that I hang out with the "undead." Guess being young is fun in that way when you can say you want to be an archeologist and go digging for treasure with my pal. I had a good day, I won't lie, but if I see one more dragon make me a flower crown, I'm a lose it!
Day 2:
Never thought I'd see a moon without looking through a hole in the ceiling. You could only see a sliver of it but it was still beautiful. I met a fae ,Artemis, she was making star maps when I saw her. I thought it was cool watching the stars but I don't think I could fly to the top of one of these trees to see them clearly just yet. I wonder how my aunt is on night like these, when the stars sparkle like her wings. One day I'll see Mosspool again too. He would like Nights like these too. In fact, I bet he's watching the stars now. I think I'll name a constellation just for us. And Nightbloom of course. Being in a cave is fun for hideouts but the trees are fun adventure and wonder.
Day 3:
I met a new dragon today, actually a hatchling. She was a Tundra named Vulture. She enjoys the simpler things here like pranks and eating pumpkin seeds. She's one of Ravens great grandkids so I guess there's more of that bloodline in this clan. She seems interested in this one mirror, a gem thief. Funny, you'd think he'd be a Trickster. I decided to pass on the whole hang out with Nightbloom and Uncle thing, I just watched from a distance, Vulture and me had fun together instead. I sometimes wonder if Mosspool would recognize me when I visit him again. Will we still play like we used to? Sure i was always drained from watching over Nightbloom but I'd also find some energy left over to play a good game of tag. I think I'll teach him a few pranks I've picked up around here. Wonder if he'll like a bleached mane.
Day 4:
Vulture is fun to have around. Especially when it's cold outside and you don't have fur. She'll put any arm around me to warm me up when we're watching the night's sky. However, an arm isn't exactly the best way to stay warm, especially when you have to use them to climb trees. I hear that my species like to mimic other dragons. If I did, I'd mimic a mirror. One, I like meat and two, mirrors and tundras just seem like the bestest of friends. My friend was nice enough to have Diana make me a sweater. It's really warm too. Now I won't have to worry if the winter's breeze catches me off guard. Just if Nightbloom decides to litter the whole den with dirt and dandelions. I think I'll request for a broom next time.
Day 5:
I decided to plant those flowers Nightbloom brought home. They look pretty nice next to the chest I found buried this morning. After several days, I've noticed my familiar circling one spot in the ground, so we dug in that spot and found a rusted chest. ,it's weird cuz Nightbloom found hers under her bed with her cape sleeping on top. I guess that's just something I'll find over time, or so others in the clan say. That's cool and all but Weird cuz when I did open it, I found a familiar inside. I find that just a wee but strange. A buried familiar, still okay? There's something suspicious involving these chest, but the money is fun.
Day 6:
Yah I know I shouldn't have done it but when My uncle said I should watch old sis today, I just had to. I know I know, leaving her that money and telling her to go out and use it to get her out of my way today may sound bad, but the little sprout loved it. Couldn't stop telling me about till 3 in the morning. I'm excited for tomorrow, mainly cuz I'll be able to fly, but also because I've asked Smokey help me send Mosspool something I made. Inside contains a locket of both of us, and Nightbloom. I even wrote him a message: Only a river away. I know it's only been a few days but I wonder how he is. I hear Eldorado say his sister will be around maybe even become friends with him. I told him I was glad he had a sister who was nice to keep him company. Maybe Mosspool would make even more friends too. I can't wait to see him again. But first I'll have to try to make it through one more night of Nightbloom's excessive story telling.
Day 7:
How is it that my uncle and aunt are so humongous, but I'm the size of a Fae. I blame my uncle for his disproportionate wings. At least 10 meters off than what they should be. I'm like 1/5 my mo... ,aunt's size. It's insane! But being incredibly light and small will only help me sneak better. My light weight kinda counters my wings ,so I can still fly well. Not as fast as a full on Imperial but enough to be faster than a Fae. I'm almost done with my present to Mosspool. I gave one to Nightbloom. She is my sis after all, though as show-offy as ever, but still fun to watch. Unfortunately being smaller than her means the other familia still thinks I'm cute being littler and all(imperials make up my blood line with a couple coats and like one or two wild claws). That's why I like Vulture, she's still a hatchling and is considered more cute. Even though she practically has the same size wings as me.
Day 8:
Nightbloom, that crazy little imperial. She brought home so many flowers, I couldn't find my bed. I feel bad for any dragon that stops by and has allergies. Then again, why live in a domain full of flowers if you have allergies. Guess that means Plague must have allergies or they just don't like flowers much. I'm probably one tenth Plague, or I just don't like yellow flowers and pollen. My favorite color's Black. Or an extremely dark Blue. It's like the color of blueberries. I like them actually. They taste good, dark but sweet. On a new note, everyone has grown up and Vulture has been kind enough to remain the near same size as me. Guess Faes aren't the only small dragons anymore. I'm still a little taller though. ;)
Day 9:
I think I'm gonna go crazy! I tried to get outside the door, and wouldn't you know, i smacked my head on three hanging gardens. I'm starting to think of spraying some weed killer on those weeds. But they make Nightbloom happy. Gah! I'm at least going to move them onto some the outside posts. Or just start giving them away; however, Nightbloom might think otherwise. Well, other than get hit in the head, I've decided to take up Scavenging. Vulture heard of this place that was destroyed long ago in an epic battle. It also has loads of blueberry bushes by it too. So win-win! Vulture wants to be a techy so we've decided to call ourselves Shady tech! We're also wanted members for the Tricksters to build prancing contraptions. I'm not sure yet because there's still this lingering feud but maybe? Anyway, my new contraption is going to be building something to keep those flowers out of my hair.
Day 10:
Today so much snow has been falling from the trees at the strangest times and places. Right on dragons backs. Almost as if someone was had knocked it done just then. [OKAY IT WAS ME AND VULTURE]. Then wouldn't you know, the caretakers and Tricksters had a snow rawl in the middle of the meadow. I've never seen so much effort behind throwing a snow ball. I certainly didn't use any effort. I simply help Vulture load up a giant snowman, made by Nightbloom, and cut a rope to launch it right into their fort. It was all fun till I realized that the snowman was wearing a dandelions everything. Sometimes tricksters get a little carried away. It wasn't till later that I realized that she planted more flowers and stuck heating packson their stems to make sure they stayed warm. I simply just brought them inside. They maybe a nuisance but she still loves them. That and they soak up all the water that drips when the snow melts. I really don't want water soaking up the place[well more than usual considering she drags the water in with her in the form of cold snow on her feet. Why does she think I laid out a rug].
Day 11:
Today, I decided to go down to see Smokey. He travels between clans and all and I really wanted to deliver something. Vulture helped me add the finishing touches so now it's perfect, but wouldn't you know, snow. A stupid blizzard and you can't send anything. He wouldn't even let me try. Vulture had some meeting Lavender called her to that day too. Eldorado was spending his day with the other imperials or maybe it was about an apple. Either way, everyone was busy today. It made me think of home. I know I have shadow eyes, but why do I live in Nature? Right now it felt like Ice. I didn't want to think about home though. Gosh, I missed it. I know Da. . . Uncle Charcoal and Nightbloom are here, but seeing Mosspool would be great again. It was then I decided to hang out with Nightbloom. She always needed help with her dandelions. She would also be alone, eldordo was only around when he found apples. So I made a snow blob[not quite an angel but to her it was perfect]. Then I hung around to remind her sledding from trees was dangerous ,but I couldn't say it was. So I made a snow hill under it to land in. After that I just said it was getting cold and hot chocolate would do. I even made the marshmallows yellow for her. Later that night, I just couldn't take the cold. I loved it too much. I told her to shut the windows but I couldn't help but want it open. I don't know why ,but I felt like we were siblings. That we were more than just cousins. She was nice enough to let me sleep with my blue blanket after all. I don't know why she left her yellow one behind. As if it weren't as great as blue. Maybe I was just too tired to notice, but she didn't even talk about her dandelions till three like she usually does. I dreamt of lapides that night.
Day 12:
I totally feel better after sleeping, but I still want to go to Crowtalon. This blizzard is starting to get on my nerves. But hey, I decided maybe I could bring along some food like a picnic sort of thing. So I've decided to catch some bugs today. It's actually really easy. Just sit in Nightbloom's garden for a few minutes and these bugs will just sit there easy for the picking. I mean it would be easier if it was all quiet, but the rangers are out patrolling and Nightbloom just had to start bothering them. I felt bad for this one named Valkyrie. She's one of the highest in her class (graduating to flag bearer and all) but eating one dandelion has left her without a sword. But hey, no everyone's looking out for Nightbloom ,so I can enjoy the silence I need to catch these crickets. *Cricket cricket
Day 13:
Well I can't say I haven't been enjoying myself and this peace and quiet without Nightbloom around, but I'm getting quite concerned. Not exactly for Nightbloom, but because of these rumors of wandering beastsclans coming through Earth, Nature, and Shadow domains! Everyone is spending most of their time fortifying or training or patrolling. In fact, Valkyrie has been training and now is pretty much a strong Tundra at the top of her class. So, it's going to be fun when she figures out Nightbloom is in her tree. I mean her uncle is the leader of the Tricksters, she's going to find her eventually. That and dandelions might rain from the sky onto her house, that might be some sort of clue. I wonder if Electrum can take video.
Day 14:
So it's been a while since I've seen Nightbloom, no literally, she's hiding under a Marva Invisibility cloak( probably her smartest idea yet). Anyway, the whole clan is either patrolling or looking for Nightbloom(considering she stole something from the great granddaughter of the leader, Lavender, this is going to end very well(for me and that video tape)). Oh the joys of that roommate! So recently, I've been planning some games to play with Mosspool. One, I hoping to show that video, and two, I planned a little game of Smash Nacreous' Garden Gnome(still got to ask Calvus why) or if they're all destroyed, I'll buy him one then smash it in the night! Three I was thinking of fae football but I'm no Imperial(unless you talk to Rudolph, muy loco para mi), so I might just play tag or try curling one on one. Either way, I just want to spend time with my bro. Shady's coming Mosspool!
Day 15:
Holidays are weird. About 40 dragons stopped by my house looking to buy flowers cuz Demeter ran out(so in other words, I'm loaded). Then they all left and returned an hour or two later asking for Valentines. Wouldn't you know, Uncle Charcoal keeps a stash of pumpkin seeds under this floor board under the fur rug in the guest room. Yup, those went like hot cakes(whatever a hot cake is). But now I've got enough dough to make hot cakes of my own ,even enough to buy a recipe to make 'em. Anyway, I've packed my basket with all the candies I got, got the most from this one fella Electrum. He's a neighbor I guess but he's not like my other neighbors. He actually comes over occasionally to see how I've been doing, he also takes pics of the flowers for this article. He'll even be nice enough to have full on conversations with you(real outgoing). He says I could even come by and check out that video of Nightbloom I was talking about. He's a real good friend. So is Vulture. She knows him too, says he's nice, says he likes Shady Tech and would like to try making some camera devices with us some time. Maybe we'll invite him and be part of the be our own engineering group. Wonder about the other two, Snowflake and Puma, maybe I'll introduce myself one day, but not now. I've got to stay focused on Crowtalon!
Day 16:
I know I'm supposed to be a Trickster, but I think Nightbloom is beating me to it. Literally, the girl just returns a sword and smashed everything in the process. Like wow! I think the little goofball is half crazy! Anyway, all the patrols are out and about. Apparently, they found tracks. Hoof-prints or claws I believe. For some reason, Adele and Nightshade are worried and have been talking to Lavender for a long time. On top of that, Lavender then ordered all scouts, seekers, and warriors to take back to back shifts. I really am getting worried. They even stationed one at all the sectors in the clan. I feel my place needs a bit more protecting though since average dragons on this end have less skilled fighting training. I think I'll take my cousin Neptune's offer a train with him just to prepare., just in case.
Day 17:
I'm hoping today isn't so crazy. First off, you have a still missing Nightbloom, though has returned that cloak of invisibility[ I think]. Next up, the Caretakers and the Tricksters are all upset over the scheduled activities for the Trickmurk Circus. I think I'll use that as a day to slip out. People party, I go to my own. I finished packing all that I think is required for any case or emergency, now I just need to sneak off. I'm still debating on whether or not to bring Nightbloom, she might help me start a conversation, [or end one]. I'm not sure if she remembers him either, Mosspool that is. We were all young ,but I still miss him the most. The weather is getting better too so I'll have no problem flying[if it stays like this preferable forever. If only weather didn't change so much, then I'd be returning from across the rivers instead of going. I am starting to want to find a schedule someone shares with me. Then, it wouldn't be so lonely and weird over here. I hope patrols do their job.
Day 18:
I was working on some techniques with Neptune. He's a pretty good fighter. And cousin. We were battling in the moon light by the lagoon. Well not that much moon light, considering there's two days until you can't see it. I here Torch is finding a date that day, that crazy coatl neighbor. I didn't even realize he lived next to me, that guy really did need to get out more. Then again he's new to the clan like none of his family lived here before him. Olive was nice enough to share the apparel. Anyway he says his girlfriend is a hottie, so why am I telling you this? Well, these flowers give me loads of gossip trouble(Gosh I feel like Fuchsia). This coatl won't shush up about her. Apparently not many like this either, I'm mean it's cool to date but stop telling me every detail about your "secret dates". Anyway he bought a whole bundle of flowers(despite them being dandelions) apparently she loves the color yellow and Demeter didn't want him around her place anymore. That crazy fool, he thought he could take he hydrangeas without her noticing.
Day 19:
So I'm still up, it's what, wait WHAT! I'VE BEEN UP FOR 20 HOURS! Gosh it's almost 8 a.m. I guess I didn't realize how long I'd been waiting. Is it bad to wait for Papaya otherwise known as the mailman. I ordered something to watch the house cuz I'm tired of waiting on Bightbloom to get home. She takes forever! I know she's playing rogue, but that's no excuse for not taking care of your own flowers. Normally one hires a house sitter, but I don't trust them. Not even buff cousins. Family may seem like a good idea but depending on who is available, you might just want to set up traps in the house, like me. I mean some of my relatives are working on patrols or fishing. It just seems like everyone is so busy. That and I would trust Neptune, but he'd probably break something acccidentally and I'd really hate for it to be Nightbloom's vase. I guess the only one I'd ever trust my house with is Vulture. She's really nice but she's coming with me and so she can't guard the house. Man, what's taking her so long?
Day 20:
So I've packed a few essentials and supplies I might need when I leave today. YUP! I have on good rumors that Nightbloom is on her way back home, so I'm headed out. I don't know why I'm even leaving this night. It's the worst night to be out and about, even to see anything. I guess that's why only Mirror's love it outside tonight. Apparently they can see infrared so they stay out later and hunt. Anyway, I'm with Vulture now. She wants to visit her sibling too. Condor. I visiting, well you already know by now. Last time I was at this river, I was leaving him. Early that morning, we flew over that river. The water was so high that I could skim the water with my hand. It felt cold and warm at the same time. I don't know how that's even possible but I also remember trading that pearl earring Skylar gave me for a few lapises she had lying around collecting dust. She found them in the river. I gave one to Nightbloom and myself but I still have one more. But now it's getting dark, I don't see the sparkle of the water anymore, but a little in my wing loop. But what am I doing, it's time for me to get going. The water is low enough to walk across so I just might.
Day 21:
I remember it clearly, how could I not? My plan was to sneak out when the place went a little before the sky went dark. That way I could fly just fast enough to make it to the path beyond the river that leads to Crowtalon. It's pretty secret. Vulture was right next to me when we jumped out of the bush and were crossing the river. The patroller left the area giving us time before we'd see him again.. I know we had a bit of time but man did Vulture take her time. Then I realized she had slipped over the tree roots and spilled her bag into the river. Luckily it was quite low so I could easily wade into it and grab it for her. No one likes a wet Tundra. Unfortunately, that patroller took his time and the sun was setting. Everything was getting pitch black so I grabbed Vulture's wing so I could tell where she was. We walked through the water, but just as we were about to cross, I felt Vulture stop," Did you drop your bag again Vulture,"(I was only playing with her). Something was wrong. "Hey, Vulture, what's ..." my voice trailed off when I heard the snap of a branch. Not like a twig but an actual large branch. I felt the ripples in the water, something else was there, Vulture knew it and stopped real low. She meditated while I stooped down ready to attack. I heard voices, something burn, then two grunts of agreement. Then i was splashed on my arm as the walked by. Whatever it was stopped there next to me. It reached down to grab its weapon but I saw this as my good moment. I slashed it hard, making it fall to the ground. Then howling. The whole river splashed and rumbled as dozens of these monsters ran across it. A few stayed behind, I believe 7 + that one on the ground making eight. Two ran at me in the dark but Vulture launched breath attacks at them. I hit the other one across the face but it retaliated and slashed my tail. It made a ping as it hit the metal on my lantern. I punched it, knocking it back. Then it tried to grab my tail again but as it did I turned on my lantern and blinded it for a moment and kicked it hard. It toppled to the ground and lay there. I turned it off but saw two breaths whoosh past me and hit an enemy archer. Vulture hit one of the monsters into the tree. I didn't realize but the other 5 had circled us. Just as they were about to charge us, five breaths hit them from the tree line. "Who's there!" I said. "Howdy neighbor," he said. Gosh I love this neighborhood. Electrum came flying towards us. To his side was this Coatl, Adams I believe. He often patrols this area. "Man, Looks like we came at a good time." We grinned, said we kept them distracted for 'em and all but we all decided to follow Adams back. He knew this place better than all of us. I wish I didn't know the rest. I went back in to the clan but it was crazy. Everything outside was trampled, smashed, obliterated! Warriors fought against these monsters, I even saw my uncle take two out. Go Charcoal! I remember fighting off four more myself but at least 10 with my posse. I think familiars are good side buddies in battle. I certainly was helped by this little skeleton dog of mine. My only wounds were a scratches on my tail but Electrum ended up with a bruised wing arm but we ended up okay. We didn't get the worst of it. Unfortunately, it took an hour to get rid of them and by then they smashed practically everything not in a tree all the way till Gatsby's place. They couldn't fly so we had advantages. All breath attackers got to high ground and attacked while warriors regrouped and cut them off. I fortunately didn't lose any of my stuff but poor Vulture, well not really poor just she chucked it at this one guy. Sheesh! I told her that definitely made them retreat. It was a well thought out attack except for the fact we were ready and stopped them before the even breached the main buildings. We are going to be informed tomorrow on further details, so we all went over to Electrum's place and slept over. I don't even want to give the bad news to Nightbloom yet. I would have slept but I could only lie down for 30 minutes before I woke up and took a walk.
Day 22:
Vulture and everyone probably wonders where I've gone, leaving in the middle of the night. But I don't care about that right now. Gosh, those flowers. Why they so fragile. I can't believe they're all gone. I never meant to say I wish they're gone, I thought they'd stay alive longer. They survived winter for crying out loud! I had to get it over with, tell your sister. I couldn't even find her. Gosh I was so nervous and tired. How do I even tell her they were all destroyed. I felt like punching something I was so irritated. Why did I leave the house. I know I was going to see Mosspool, but I left my own family behind and if I wasn't here, well I wasn't even home. I left the place totally unguarded, cuz I couldn't even trust anyone to watch the house. And even so I should have waited. I stopped at a tree and just leaned back and watched the clouds pass by. Nightbloom where are you?
Day 23:(an extension of Day 22)
I sat there just thinking to myself. My familiar put its head in my lap and let me stroke its head. It made me feel a little better. Oh, what would aunty do? She's so pretty. She has these wings that look like stardust. She's nice too. No wonder uncle loves her. Even has this place that he wants to take her one day. It's a peaceful, beautiful, secret little place that only we. . . know . . . about! I know where she is. I took off and flew as fast as I could. Towards that willow tree we played at a long time ago. It was in the middle of this pond. The sun's light streaked in small holes in the canopy to light it up even at night but with the moon. The vines were so big and strong that even I could swing from them. I thought about that as I flew. Swinging from branch to branch. It seemed like fun that I should have tried when Uncle took me the first time, instead I met Vulture. Hmm. I should have just invited her to the tree too.
Day 24:(an extension of Day 22)
I touched down next to the tree. I looked up and saw some purple colors. Nightbloom. I climbed up an sat next to her. She seemed like she didn't want to say something so I started. "Hey, how are you doing?" Oh gosh why did I say that? She started to tear up. "Hey there's no need to cry, just tell me what's wrong?"she told me about losing that pendant I gave her. I told her it may mean a lot but she means more than me. "It's not like I've been the best sister either." I told her my plan to leave and visit Mosspool with Vulture and about leaving the house of dandelions unguarded. Nightbloom that angel. She said she was just glad I was okay. She just gave me the biggest hig you've ever seen. I almost tear up. I hugged back. That all seemed to quiet down after we started talking about traveling. I talked about ambassadors like Adele who travels to Shadow. "Is that what mom does?" She asked me. "Yes, that is exactly what mom does!" We went on about all of them, I even told her about Bolt and Balthazar and she told me about Cornelius and Kevlar who are also ambassadors. I asked her if she wanted to come with me. Oh my sis is the best. She nearly fell out of the tree she was singing and saying yes at least one hundred times! So I guess I'm going to have a mini posse of my own to bring to Crowtalon.
Day 25:
So the best thing I could find I found today! I never thought I'd say that about these. But I hit my head on those hanging flower gardens right by the door so many times that I remember I hid them and said the wind knocked them over or was it that the snow man took them? Either way, I found them and some other flower boxes that I also hid. I planted them all over the the front yard and hung them on these posts beside the walk way as to give my head a break. I'm mean the ones ,by the door, that wasn't the smartest move. The real question is how she never head butted tose. And she has antlers! Anyway, she spent the whole day in the backyard when I did. Now I may have still planted them but that's just so I can scheme against them later. Those dandelions won't know what hit them(:3). I even found time to fix her anklet. I made it into a scavenger hint(no not hunting scavengers, that's completely different) and hid the clues in the dandelions. She's going to love this.
Day 26:
Man! You know, I know planting those dandelions was the right thing to do but I still scheme against those things. I once had a nightmare about them too so I'm not really a fan. But I can like Nightbloom's face when I told her they came back from the dead. Though something was off about them, like they were about to change or something. Hmm. Anyway, I heard that this Carnival started so I went to see what was up. Apparently,it's called the Trickmurk Circus for all of Shadow Flight! I think it's one of the funnier activities. I even saw these shimmering pinecones on their way to Jozar. I so am ready for this!
Day 27:
Vulture totally loves the new apparel she got from her boyfriend. Oh they're in love. The man is so obsessed with Shadow and Vulture loves her royal lineage that it just seems right. Next thing you know we're off to see these Wildclaw neighbors of ours. They help fix Nightbloom's jewelry and were really nice about it. They even bought some flowers for their tuxedos. I have to say, I think Nightbloom nailed it with those hyacinths. I really do like them. These two bogsneaks will even watch them when we are gone. Tania will watch the house too, I trust her cuz I'll know where to find her if something is missing.
Day 28:
So Vulture finally showed us her new outfit and really hit it off with her boyfriend, you'll understand later. Anyways, she even set up this party for every Shadow dragon in Solar Cell so I'm glad I'm Shadow. I played a few games with Nightbloom and Vulture and even Electrum and Shadow showed up to join us. We all liked Curie's face paint booth, especially Nightbloom. She got a giant butterfly on her face while I chose something a bit more familiar and cool. However, Sis being Sis totally starting reeking havoc as she started asking Curie for dandelions as well. Not that she meant to knock paint over and drench Vulture's cousin Clove, but apparently accidentally hooking your antlers while asking a question can do that so yeah!
Day 29:
I really love the Carnival! It has the funniest games and foods! I ate some kettle corn and blue-berry flavored cotton candy. Vulture had a blackberry and red banana flavored shake, apparently those are her two favorite fruits especially blackberries. Electrum tried to impress us by eating these chocolate covered raisins but apparently those were snails. Like ew,Tricksters just ew! Adams just stuck with Swedish fish, thank goodness for that! The rest of the day we watched the Fae Football tournament and cheered Nightbloom on. She's a natural. Something about always crashing into things just helped her here. I even sat under this tree and found a Shimmering pinecone! I won a lot of tickets for that, Mega prize! Mega Prize!
Day 30:
Nightbloom and I won the Mega Prize. I can't believe it, a hyacinth! Sis let me take it saying she loves dandelions more, so I let her take a whole barrel's worth of cotton candy with her as her own Mega Prize! I don't think dandelions will ever give me a break! Sure you can help kept them alive but the next thing you know they are spreading their seeds all over the place. Actually it was kinda pretty. Now everyone gets to see them all over the place. I actually am looking forward to it too! Just as long as they end up in the right place, with people who love them as well. Vulture said there were practically millions all headed towards Crowtalon. Guess that's the wind for ya. One day it's sending you here next it's taking you back. The breeze was nice. When I reached the river bank that crosses the river, the wind was still blowing towards Crowtalon. I kinda felt nervous for a second. I almost felt like I didn't want to cross the river. That was until I saw the moon. It was just a little sliver in the sky but it relaxed me. I turned back towards the river and crossed. Seeing the moon again reminded me that I wasn't going anywhere. I was just seeing the other side of my house.
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