
Level 1 Mirror
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Death Seeker
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Teardrop Pastel Spinel Armlet
Battlescale Wing Guard
Pathfinder's Gloves
Pathfinder's Treads
Silver Steampunk Goggles
Crown of Bones
Shadowscale Chest Guard
Contrast Aviator Satchel
Simple Darksteel Wing Bangles
Black Linen Wing Wraps
Black Linen Chest Wrap
Black Linen Leg Wraps
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Pendant


Accent: A Betta Experience


Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


6.53 m
4.69 m
684.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Jan 15, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245


Calvus is Charcoal's closest dragon friend in the clan(sorry, his Smoky Bantam Fangar takes top spot-who could stay mad at that 'lil cutie?). Calvus technically has no "real" parents. Cupid merely gave his fake parents an egg to care for during the whole Caretaker vs Trickster riots, though Rarity treats him as if he were her son(her daughter, Violet, was taken from her making her a tad overprotective of Clavus). Calvus was the only dragon that Charcoal ever allowed to stay near him. Calvus can keep up with his training schedule and likes to help Charcoal teach the kids of DOM! He was also there to help Charcoal get the courage to meet Wispwillow face to face and tell her his true feelings. Though not many dragons know about Charcoal's secret mate(they assume he still hits on dragons from other clans), Calvus knows and keeps it a secret with his bud!

Over the months, Calvus's fake father returned to his clan and he became more inventive. Calvus
likes to explore and test inventions, though he is not the best Steamed Stem ever (cough cough many explosions). Nevertheless, Calvus comes up with all sorts of out-of-the-box ideas and is the best blueprint maker. Where he fails in the building he makes up for in knowledge and art skills. The only thing Calvus really manages to build are things that help out Charcoal(maybe that's how Charcoal got his scar but you'll find out about that soon enough). Charcoal enjoys his company though shows it discretely. Plus, being friends with a Trickster makes the other Tricksters jealous and keeps them away. They think Calvus is lucky and that one of their own has already gotten Charcoal to join them(that's what Calvus says to keep them from bothering Charcoal- seriously like the nicest Trickster to Charcoal ever!).

After Lavender gave her speech warning the clan of the proven rumors of Jackalvine spreading into their territory, and Naomi's discovery of how to destroy it, Five Faes went off to collect the items to allow them to defeat it. Not long after, Charcoal left the clan, not to go to Shadow to see Wispwillow, but for a stranger purpose. Calvus mistakenly bumped into a cabinet, when he wandered into his house looking for him, to find an envelope filled with letters, photos, and trinkets to and from a dragon named Charlie. Calvus knew no dragon in the clan with that name; so like any Trickster would do, he started reading through them. (I guess he wanted to know if Charcoal really had more friends).
Calvus looked over the following giving his own comments in his journal!

Item one:
The letter is addressed to Charlie. It is a group photo of four dragons. They include three imperials( two of which are hatchlings) and one male adult Coatl. They appear to be smiling, the two imperial hatchlings are goofing around giving each other bunny ears. Listed below are the names: Skylar, Spyro, Charcoal, and Charlie. On the back it reads the following: Aug. 20th, 2017. Last time we were together! Good luck out there champ! See you soon! From Skylar and Spyro.
Below, in dark blue ink, another note stating: Don't forget to write brother. I'll train so we can battle when you get home. I want to see who gets the biggest mussels(portion was crossed out and replaced with the word muscles in dark purple ink).

Added to the photo was a scrap of paper, also written in purple ink, stating: Charcoal, I think you're mixing up our favorite food with your arms again. I think you should see that Mage to get your grammar checked XD.

Item 2:
A letter addressed to Charlie titled First Day:
Dear Charlie,
I followed mom out to the pond today. The banks were coated in mussels, you should be getting one if I put the stamp on right! I can't wait to hear what Flight you went to work with, I hope it's Nature. Then I could come visit sometime! Write back to me soon!

Attached is a response to the letter re-First Day:

Hey Charcoal,

It's so crowded at the sorting gate! There are at least 1,000 dragons getting transcripts or filling out documents, but I just found out there is an opening for a dragon like myself! Unfortunately, It's not in Nature, but it's in Arcane. They are going up against the Light Flight for the next month ,so they are looking for a Nature Imperial like myself. Score! I hope all goes well, I won't be able to write till I get there. I'm hitching a ride on the back of a ridgeback along with this Fae Scribe. Apparently the last one transferred out. Shadow scribes tend to stay out of light fights. This Fae is from the Earth flight. He is unnamed so far but we are talking about nicknames now!
By the way, the mussels tasted great!
- Charlie
Item 3:

Dear Charcoal,

Sorry I haven't written in a while. It's been hard trying to figure out this whole mail system they have here. It's not like I have that much time either. All we have been doing is battling practice dummies and going over commands. I feel as a fighter I am strong, but they teach this course like you should have already learned it! Boring. We spend so much of our day working, I'm using my sleeping hours just to write to you. That Fae I told you about, I call him Creed, though the High Commissioner calls him #1357! A number! Most of the dragons aren't even fazed by it, I thought I heard some say Creed wouldn't last a day if he was thrown into the fire(not literally). Some said just be lucky he's a Fae, Arcanist will go easier on us. I'm not too worried about anything they'll say about me; I've been acing these practice runs and even broke a practice record today. I can't wait to get out there and fight, defeat monsters and prove my strength.

Stay fresh, Charlie!

Item 4:
Dear Char-char,
You wouldn't believe life after training! Every week, the loot bin from the marketplace comes around and everyone is given items from familiars, apparel, to battle gear. Since it is my first week, I got a Lapis pendant, but maybe blue will strike fear into my enemies eyes. Creed got a citrine leg band. As for the higher ranks, they get matching scarves to tarnished helmets. Apparently we code scarves to keep up with who is who. It's like fighting three all white coatls, all from the same flight while trying to keep another all white coatl safe, from the same flight, from your attacks. The last Coatl who made that mistake had to leave. There's no room for mistakes amongst this team. And to think they requested me! I already bested the practice courses. Guess I'm going to be the stronger brother huh Charcoal. Hope you didn't forget about our little bet. I will see you when I can bench-press like a Snapper. I can practically do it like a ridgeback.

---Anyway, this is your super strong brother signing out.

(Attached is a letter from Charcoal:)

Dear Big Bro,
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. You know mom has had her doubts about sending you there but I think she's warming up to DOM. She has just left for a fishing expedition, but I made sure she will be looking for mussels to eat when you get back! True talk, I wasn't sure DOM was even good. All the Solarcellians sort of hate that kind of thing, but hearing you having a good time lets me know they're wrong! I can't wait for your first fight! You should tell me everything, well not should, must- you must tell me everything! Oh, and don't think I'm slacking back here! Lavender has proof of my training. Don't think you could send me a replacement aviator scarf? Let's just say, training in the Coli gets rough when you accidently cause a rampaging beast to shred your leader's favorite scarf. Let's just say I lost my pair of Chasmcrawler gloves today! At least it was a fashion improvement! Oh, I had Luna snap a photo for the Nature's glow! Let's compare muscles, unless your scared!
-Lil bro signing out!

Stapled to the letter is a double photo of Charcoal about to attack a Wendigo with a scarf wrapped around its horns. In the distance, is the leader running after it, while Naomi and Blacksun laugh. The second clip shows the scarf in shredded pieces on the ground with the Wendigo nowhere to be found. Lavender is yelling frantically next to Charcoal's face pointing to the scarf. Charcoal is awkwardly smiling while Naomi and Blacksun are gasping at what had just happened.

(Calvus looks at the photo. Charcoal doesn't have his scar. Does this mean Charcoal hasn't gotten his scar yet? When did he get it? And what was this about having doubts about Dom? Did Charcoal have a brother!?!)Calvus closed the envelope dated from Aug. 19- Aug. 26(the first week his friend was born in). He looked at another envelope that had been under the first and opened it.

Item 5:
(Attached is a letter from Charcoal, the date shows it has been two weeks from August 26th):

Dear Charlie,
I have gotten myself into quite the predicament! It seems that destroying your leader's favorite scarf makes them quite mad. It's gotten to the point where she eats all of my mussels! She's like a speedy Gonzalez up in here! Anyways, dad recommends that I get to work on that house model that we made since it'll on be two more weeks til you move in! I can't wait to show you! But anyways, I was looking through an old box and found those scarves we wore as kids when we went treasure hunting! They don't fit us anymore, kinda a problem with our species, but with your permission, I'd kinda like to give it to Lavender so she'll stop trying to sabotage me! I'd hate for her to mess with the house next!
-What do ya say?, Charcoal

Dear Charcoal,
I can't believe you found that box! Haha, and I can't believe you got yourself in trouble with the leader! This one is going in the record book! And don't worry about holding onto that scarf, I got a better surprise for us when I get back! I can't wait to live in that house! I have one thing I do want to request though, think of it favor for favor. When you give Lavender the scarf, remind her of the DOM scores. I might have helped a Nature dragon beat up a light on the battle field, throwing them down to third. Trust me, you'll win second this week. When you do, tell Lavender to expand East toward our "secret" hideout! I can't wait to officially be allowed to dig up that treasure chest we found! I wonder what's inside?!
- Anyways, smell ya later you goofball!

Calvus thought to himself, wonder what their hideout was?

Item 6:
(Calvus notices a jingling noise coming from a small sack with a letter loosely attached to an untied string. Upon reading the letter he notices that there is also red writing along with the purple inked words.)

Dear Charcoal,

I convinced Creed to help write my letters and in return I promised that I would teach him how to play Fae Football as well as keep him safe during battle. He also leaves after a month of work like me, though his clan loves DOM unlike ours so he will be recruited somewhere else. He has been on this for a few months now and plans on doing a whole year before going back home. I can't imagine being away from home that long. Man I miss playing Fae football with you and Leora. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks, I'll be practicing for when we play again. Hello Charcoal, I wanted to let you know that your brother is doing really amazing here and is truly a great friend to me. I know your clan does not enjoy DOM that much though the rewards for doing so can be stupendous. He talks highly of you and this fantastic game called Fae Football. I would like to join the two of you in a match after the month is up-I have a few days off before I go back to DOM. I could even share a little DOM wisdom with the two of you- so you can share it if any of your clan is interested of course. DOM isn't for everyone and there are a few tips I've been sharing with Charlie that I've picked up so far. Nevertheless, Charlie seems to be a dragon that embraces the true heart of a DOM battler. I hope the package your brother sent comes to you safely- just remember to attach a white lily when sending fragile packages and the courier will be sure it won't get jostled around. Just one a many trade secrets I have to share.

I hope you don't mind Creed listening in on these conversations, Charcoal. He is a really nice Fae that is helping me keep track of this mailing system as well as helps make sure I can write to you more often- after all you demanded I write EVERYTHING. I plan on properly introducing you to Creed when we meet again.

Signing off- Charlie and Creed

Calvus opened the sack to find an old, dusty pearlcatcher's pearl decorated with weapons and white lily petals and drawings of mussels. It seemed to be in perfect mint-condition. Calvus wondered about this Creed person. Why had Charcoal never mentioned him before? And what pearlcatcher would ever just hand over their pearl?

All the items in the cabinets had finally been looked through at this point except for a scroll case that belonged to Charcoal's father, Spyro. The map on the inside looked hand drawn in a very childish manner, unlike the artistic writing style Spyro was famous for. Calvus looked over the map deciphering its random colored scribbles of color meant for water or trees and pictures of landmarks like the Cliffs or lagoon. Near the edge of a map was a red X with a small house icon. Calvus thought over the map for several minutes before finding enough landmarks to find his way to this location. If anything was going to give him answers to his questions, then this would be a great place to start.

Calvus tucked the map back inside and threw the scroll case over his shoulder. He closed the cabinets, placing the items back on the shelf, and made his way toward the door. On his way out, he noticed Charcoal's familiar had come out of hiding and purred at him softly. Calvus gave it a pet on the head and closed the door behind him. The smoky bantam fangar hopped down the window and landed next to Calvus. The familiar rubbed its head against Calvus with persisting eyes. Clavus understood and picked the cat up and let it nestled in his bag. Then the two set off into the woods to find the X.

An hour of searching later and Calvus had almost given up on trying to find the X for the map had lead him to a bramble of thorn plants that scratched up his body. He had pulled out the map once more walking around aimlessly until he noticed the familiar had jumped out of the bag. It ran off into the bramble with Calvus chasing behind thinking of how Charcoal would kill him if he lost his familiar in all this debris. Suddenly, the ground seemed to disappear from Calvus line of sight leaving him to tumble down through the bramble until he landed flat on his back. The Fangar stood over his face and purred. He sat up and the fangar turned and then ran down a stony path way of decorative shells with a variety of beautiful flowers from lovely marigolds and lilacs to pristine daisies and lilies. Calvus made his way down the path noting jewelry hanging from the trees as well as colorful bottles that shimmered in the tiny rays of sun. He turned the corner of the colorful pathway to find a marvelous huge rock shelf that had a small streaming waterfall that lead to a tiny brook flowing nearby. A wooden sign hung over the entrance of the cave that was covered in vines and dried flowers that stated The Cave of Two C's.

The fangar hoped up on a sunny stone and curled up to sleep. As it hopped up pit knocked over a rock with a key underneath. Calvus opened the door to the cave like structure. He began to look around the room. It appeared as if no one had ever been hear or at least not in a long while. He turned to face the other wall when his tail hit something metal. He pulled out several vines in his way and found a large metal trunk that was jammed into the wall thanks to falling debris. The lock was old and rusted on the trunk and nearly crumpled as Calvus yanked on it. Calvus opened it to find many boxed stacked neatly and labeled with the dates dating starting from September 3rd.

Item 7:

In the first box that Calvus opened, which was dated for the next week after the last set of letters, Calvus found a photo Charcoal sent to Charlie in a worn frame with a cracked glass. The photo was a picture of Charcoal with Leora who had just won a game of Fae Football and was holding the pearl Charlie had given him. He and Leora wore golden medals with red straps around their necks. An angry looking imperial was kicking up the grass while several Faes tried to calm him down. Several spectators were throwing flower petals all throughout the air.

Calvus had not known Charcoal to play many games, much less Fae Football. Tamako was the only that hung out with Charcoal other than Calvus and Charcoal's family, though the two usually did so to share stories. Charcoal always treated games as exercises usually with the hatchlings that he taught though whenever Calvus offered to join, Charcoal always found some vague excuse.

Item 8:

A letter back from Charlie and Creed was found underneath the previous letter.

Dear Charcoal,

I can't believe you and Leora took down that snobby imperial from Clan Crimsons. Ya put a big olé' dent in that win streak of his. Speaking of beating records, I finally got my time down on the obstacle course we have set up for training a earn some rankings doing so. I now get better picks from our rewards bin and now Creed and I have started starting a stash to bring back with us. We have all sorts of goods now that we keep hidden so none of the others tried to loot us when we are out training. The general out here is going on a witch hunt to find the guilty party. Hopefully, it's soon and just to say, I'd hate to be the dragon that gets caught by that ruthless Ridgeback. She takes things quite seriously and runs a tight ship. Though I'm sure I'll be fine, after all mum taught us to follow the rules right, not like those crazy Tricksters we got back home. Hey, Charcoal, It's Creed. I don't know what a Trickster is but I do hope it's not like the troublemakers we have back here. I'd thought I'd share what we have got to show with your clan when Charlie returns. I have a copy of the list since I was on inventory detail. We have: Several one Copper Filgree armor set, several sets of capes, several pelts, and a cutlass-Charlies personal favorite. I only know because he won't stop bragging about it. I will make sure that these letters will still be able to get to you even though Charlie and I will actually be heading out to the front lines soon for a field test, though Charlie will send you something of his he doesn't want stolen while he is away. By the way, congrats of sticking it to that snobby imperial.

Talk again, Charlie and Creed

Item 9:

Dear Charlie,

I'm so glad you finally get to be in the actually fight, I know how excited you were to learn how to fight since we wanted to be part of the Glade Guardians. We couldn't wait to finally get the inside scoop to what Grandpa Lando was always whistling about when we went by. So cool how Coatls can talk through whistling though you would have wanted to plug your ears after I had to visit dad's whole family and man are we related to a lot of Coatls in this clan. By the way, Cousin-uncle Ash says hi and that he can't wait to rumble and test strengths when you get back. Can you believe he's ranked one of the highest in the clan or at least that's what his sister, Fuchsia is spreading. By the way, Mum got back from her trip through the water flight which definitely made the Coatls happy, man they love seafood. We took a group photo thanks to great-grandma Luna's assistant Electrum's camera(again we have a crazy long bloodline of Coatls in this household). Mom packed you some dried anchoives, dried jerky, crimson jadevine, and some rainbow mussels. Those last two are delicious as well as great for making pigments like war paint or if you need any more ink. I also sent some Charcoal Crickets and a few darkwood titans specifically for your insect loving friend, Creed. It still confuses me why anyone would eats several of these nasty looking bugs like that palefoot slug but alas mom did pack you several noxious caterpillars because she wanted to make sure you got a well rounded diet. So glad she isn't giving them to me. I wish you the best of luck in the battles to come though I know you make your own luck.

-Write back soon, Charcoal

Calvus found several broken stems and white, dried-up petals on the top of the return letter to a package Charcoal sent Charlie.

Item 10:

Charlie had sent Charcoal an item in the same box he had previously been sent with a note attached that apologized for the reuse of the box due to a shortage in mailing supplies that were needed by the troops more. In the flip-box was a pillow that had been shaped around some sort of apparel. An inscription on the inside was in beautiful blue handwriting that stated: For the brother who always speaks the truth and in delicate purple handwriting: and for the brother who can keep a secret.

Calvus looked at those words and wondered what they were talking about. Calvus also noticed that the dates on the boxes were far apart in terms of how often they sent their letters. Where were the missing ones? What was the secret they were keeping?

Item 11:

Calvus opened another box in the trunk dated several days after the flip-box he found. Many more letters were found though the decorative aspect had improved.

Dear Charcoal,

I can't believe what you said at the Tavern to that Snapper chick. Dude, you really don't need to come on so strong or fake some flashy job. Just be real and find someone who isn't just hot. Though I can't say I blame you for trying so to rush it. The Starfall Celebration Cotillion is coming up and it would be EMBARRASSING if you didn't get a date by then especially since, "you know". Anyways, I haven't told Creed yet since he is super swamped since we finally won a whole ton load on inventory during our last crusade. Luckily, we haven't run into any dangerous groups yet so I don't have to actually fend for anyone's life just yet-though that is mostly because Gretel always ensures our victory in battle by scouting out the terrain and informants ahead of time. As such it's mostly been the newly formed groups or recon squads we have encountered on our treks- it's hard to have great battlers when you don't have a lot of street cred if you catch my drift. We are actually soon going to team up with another team for our final push into the heart of the territory. I am actually a bit nervous yet excited for meeting this new group. Apparently, their "leader" is a total intelligent psycho who runs a tight ship like the tightest of ships you have ever seen. He makes the Stormcatcher seem nice. Though as long as Gretel is in charge of me, I'll be fine. Oh, and make sure you don't let the big three find out any part of the plan until I get back. Anyways, I just wanted to wrap up by saying, be yourself and take it easy. You'll find the one right for you someday where or not before the BIG dance. Listen to the older twin when I say that you aren't an arrogant bother like that crazy chick said, you are loyal and by far the most amazing bro I know. Who else could plan such a revolutionary idea like yours? And don't stress, when we get back in a week we are going to rock that dance and rock this clan's mind.

-Your Bro, Charlie.

Calvus knew Charcoal had hit on a few dragons back before Wispwillow and noticed those changes in how his personality had begun to change when they met. Of course, it was Calvus' not-father that had opened up the can of beans to Wispwillow discreetly, though he wondered if Charcoal bothered to take the advice of his brother. Though Calvus wondered why Charlie and Creed had never even be made heard of by this clan. He remembered Charcoal start teaching Calvus how to flirt with other dragons using his old methods and not the cliché genius that was Charlie's words. What would make Charcoal forget about these methods until Wispwillow?

Item 12:

A letter from Charcoal was addressed to Charlie.
Dear Charlie,

I have all the preparations set up for when you and our "secret" arrive to SolarCell. I've kept everything on the downlow like we should and honestly say I'm a master of stealth or something 'cuz I found the best places in the woods to hold our operations. It's all stocked up and ready to go. I am pleased to tell you I have a date with a Vaher dragon, Crucia though I don't think she's the one. Though me and her get along quite well and she saw several points in our argument that she helped me improve. I think the Firsts will definitely be proud of this. I can't wait for you to get back oh and just so you know the theme of the dance is wild so it is much like a rave but it is still dressy. So I guess wear a neon tux. You should see what dad is wearing to the party, we just spent several days getting the materials for Diana but wow, dad is going to be the star of the Starfall dance.

See you soon, Charcoal

Calvus remembered little about the big party they had that year though it wasn't a rave like party but rather a classical theme. Was he trying to prank Charlie or did the theme actually change?

Calvus at this point had been sensing an eerie vibe from all these letters to some facts being different than they actually were. Though, through his mind he wondered about who he thought Charcoal really was. Calvus had seen better sides to Charcoal after hanging out with him for so long. There were times where the Charcoal he knew sounded like the letters he sent with a more mellow presence of joy than in these letters. All the while Calvus noticed that Charcoal never really visited his parents despite for the letters making them sound rather close. What was really the root of Charcoal's reserved nature?

Item 13:

Calvus noted the last letter in the trunk. It wasn't in a box but underneath the pile. Calvus held the letter in his claws and noticed the wrinkled note, stained with watermarks. As Calvus read, he felt the hope in his mind for sake of Charcoal be drained out of him.


Gretel is dead. I . . . I couldn't save her. Our first real mission hit us out of nowhere when the rest of our strongest were with the other group. It was a total ambush but that doesn't matter now, what matters is that she's gone and I couldn't save her in time. A bogsneak from Ice and another ridgeback from Shadow, well. . .. The new general is on a warpath now and I am not sure if I am safe here any longer. The new general is especially not too kind to Nature dragons since he believes we are merely pacifists at heart. And that's not all, the general is Gretel's father. I am not staying here for the rest of my time but I will still try and bring the others with me. I'm leaving when the moon is dull after Gretel's service so wait by the border for me.


Item 14:

Calvus found a discarded paper in the envelope. All starts to a letter written with the intention of going to Charlie but was never mailed.

Item 15:

The trunk was now empty but Calvus knew there had to be more somewhere in the house that might finally reveal the truth behind Charcoal's secret past. He found no more boxes in the room. Calvus started rummaging through drawers by a bulletin board covered in red yarn. Calvus noticed a tucked way note in the back of the drawer. He pulled it out, nearly ripping it in half as one side was caught on its end to the drawer. Calvus noticed that the letter wasn't from Charlie or Charcoal this time but from Creed.

Dear Charcoal,

I don't know how to pass along this information but I'm so terribly sorry to be the one who has to say this but . . . Charlie . . . is . . . dead. I know the last place right now you'd wanna be now is here but you'll want to come here quickly. This wasn't an accident.


Calvus hadn't even realized that the he had been staring at the letters in utter astonishment. Charlie was killed? Intentionally? Calvus could tell from the beginning from the state of the Clan that something dark had occurred between Charlie and Charcoal for no one to utter a single word about it. A secret buried by the master of secrets himself. All these artifacts within the dark cave echoed times that were once hopeful and lively but were encased in an ever-shrouding gloom of forgotten walls of ivy.

Calvus was drawn back to reality but a light tear that fell on his paw. The tear was not his but of the furry cat perched on a shelf above him. It jumped down onto Calvus' shoulder and nuzzled his neck before curling up there. Calvus gently scratched the cat's ears. It leaned into his paw until it suddenly gazed at the door.

Suddenly it pounced onto the shelf and zoomed off out of a hole in the ivy wall. Calvus gathered the letters into their box and glanced behind the ivy;, pulling it back as he stepped through, he saw a towering shadow blanket the court yard that had been lit up by the setting sun. Calvus looked atop the cave to its source: Charcoal and his Smoky Bantam Fangar cozied up by his feet.

Calvus gazed up at his friend, Charcoal and tried to speak but couldn't. His body was totally frozen from bother panic and grief. "I'm s s so " Calvus tried to speak but felt tears rush to his eyes instead. His eyes closed as his head drooped to the ground. Calvus felt Charcoal's arms hold up his body as he let out a long sigh.
"I see you found this place, huh." He said, though the voice felt clear yet sad.
"I'm sorry" Calvus spit out, taking off his goggles to wipe his eyes. "I shouldn't have come here, I didn't . . ."
Calvus felt terrible about what he had read and for snooping around in Charcoal's crestfallen past. He betrayed Charcoal's trust. He was only suppose to watch his house but instead he had just fallen into his old Trickster ways even though he swore to Charcoal he was different then the rest of them.

Charcoal interrupted him. "Calvus, I don't blame you for finding this place. I've known for a while that I can't keep it hidden forever and what happened many years ago can't be undone. In fact, I've been meaning to let it be known, thus why I've packed up all those letters I'm sure you've unboxed know."

Charcoal let go of Calvus and walked into his hidden hideaway. He wandered over through the house toward the boxes and began to repack them up. Calvus joining him. "So, you're really not mad, cuz, I really am sorry I read through your private letters with your. . . brother."

"No, I am not . . . mad, personally I don't know how I feel. It's only been until recently that I've even want to share this with anyone." "Like Wisp?" "Yes." Charcoal said, "she is the one who helped me track the others in the Southern Icefield as well as Gretel's father." "The general?"

Charcoal held the cover to the trunk open as he spoke, "Yes, the very one who killed Charlie." Calvus dipped his head for indeed this day had not turned out as he expected and all the while felt a wave of guilt surge persistently throughout his body. Charcoal turned and glanced to a spot across the room and then to Calvus. "What happened the night my brother planned to leave the Starfall Isles was the night apart of me died and I've been trying to fix what I thought to be my mistake for years Calvus." "What did you do, when you found him?"

"The truth," as Charcoal spoke he handed Calvus a bundle of yellow letters, the very ones that filled in the missing pieces. Calvus glanced at Charcoal for permission and he extended his arm toward the letters as indication that he could proceed.

Item 9 and a half:

Dear Charcoal, I know I've haven't talked much in a while but it's all thanks to this new Imperial from the Hewn City as joined the team today and I do believe she is the one. Her name is Cecilia and she comes from a long line of DOM clans. She is even better than I am at all this (and that is saying something). Her clan has this amazing training program that I believe would totally compliment the idea that you had to build a DOM training ground at Solar Cell. She really would love to help out and will also be my date to the Coalition. So, you know, you should get a date as well or else awkward. But all fun aside, I talked to Gretel about the idea when the month is up and she promised to do everything in her power to help us return home with some guidelines about rules of engagement and battle manuals so that we can send more fighters our way to her guild. She is just about the most amazing Ridgeback ever. I also can't wait for you to meet both of them when they return to the clan with us. I'll be counting on you though to butter Lavender up so no more breaking scarves. When this is all over, you and me are gonna run the Dominating Dahlias! I'm so excited. Commander Gretel even says she will gladly have me back as captain or broker. I know you've been working hard to keep the secret but it'll all pay off in the end.

-Hang in there Charlie.

"I don't understand, you left after this man murdered your brother. Why?"
"Think Calvus, about that last line for a minute Calvus and think about what my brother has mentioned about Gretel because I promise you that my brother wasn't the only victim."
Calvus swallowed the lump in his throat still jostled by the fact of Charcoal's plan and Charlie's demise. "Gretel's father had his men murder his own daughter to gain access to her guild and Charlie was his scapegoat to cover up her death. The last time I met with Creed he told me all of what he figured out from the attack and Charlie's death. Gretel and the guild itself were the only ones who knew of their movements except for the guild they were intercepting for the planned alliance." Calvus realized this was true, no way Gretel would ever leave a battle to chance. "Gretel thought she could trust her father and wanted to help strengthen his guild though in his morals had began to deteriorate along with the very guild that had once held quite honor. And who better to blame than the one that let her die, though as Creed told me, Charlie couldn't save her as he saved Creed's life."

Calvus could see sparks of rage flicker in Charcoal's eyes that slowly soften down as he finished," Charlie loved how honest everyone was about DOM to him and I have wasted to many years making his final wish to me fail through my hatred regarding his death." His paw felt the wound on his eye. "Though meeting Wispwillow has opened my eyes to my state and that revenge only leads to wounds like this. Instead I made a pact to her that when I faced him again, this time I would walk away unscathed."

"You mean your scar is from him?" "My scar is a reminder that I need to let my hatred die if I am able to truthfully see the path that is mine, and the path I choose is to honor my brother's legacy and not taint it. He chose to live truthfully, even when facing his enemies so I told his truth to Jerimiah and the rest of Gretel's guild." He took back the letters from Calvus and smiled as he placed them in the box. It wasn't a beaming smile like you would have from winning a bag of Casandra's pumpkin seeds though it was enough to light up Calvus' heart with hope that Charcoal was alright. "I wish I could have helped you Charcoal."
Charcoal looked at him with his light smile, "But you did, I know I haven't been up front with most of my past with you, or much less anyone, though the fact that you saw through what I let most dragons see on the surface and stuck around even though you could have returned with Nacreous or back to the other Tricksters reminded me of what life was like with Charlie even though he is no longer around. It was like I could be myself for the first time in a long time and it just so happens that Wispwillow was around to see it."

Calvus remembered back to when Nacreous left him at the border of Crowtalon to rejoin his clan with Charcoal where Calvus had told him he wanted to stay with SolarCell and hung back with Charcoal. He remembered talking to Charcoal the whole time while Nacreous went off to return the SolarCellian dragons back to their group. It was the first time Charcoal had responded when Calvus told him that Nacreous had a crush on Raini but never followed through (though just about any of the other comments he had asked him too) and Charcoal decided to past the time waiting for Nacreous to return by showing Calvus how to use pick up lines only for him ending up getting politely laugh at by Wispwillow when she saw him fail. He had disregarded it at the time though it was yet the only other time he saw Charcoal smile for real.

He followed Charcoal as he took the trunk full of letters outside. "Let's say we give these to Tamako, I don't need them anymore." he sighed as he dropped it at the end of the stony path. He glanced back at the house. Though, Smoky here probably won't like me just getting rid of this place, kinda has a liking for it. So you better fix it up for 'em." Calvus looked surprised. "Wait, are you giving me this place?" "What, of course not, I'm giving Smoky this place" he smirked at Calvus ". . . no but seriously" his smirk returning to a genuine smile. "You already went through of finding the place, it's not like I could stop you from coming here again." Calvus happily stared back at his friend who patted his back, "I know you don't take DOM as serious as I do, it's not for everyone though I could use your help in fixing this place up as a hideout from the Tricksters when the guild really does become a reality. And if I am ever to show you how to properly paint with mussels or teach you what Lando is really saying when he whistles then we better have a place away from prying eyes. Think you can keep this place a secret?" "Not even a Trickster will catch whiff." Calvus beamed.
Final entry:

Item 16:
Today I went to see Vixen about a little Trickster problem- backfiring slime balls. She makes the best anti-sticky potions ever. At the same time, I also saw the rest of the Disciplining Dahlias teaching the hatchlings during a round of Pascal's paintball course. Many of the hatchlings were dressed in war paint and launching slingshot paintballs through the course. It was truly an act of colorful chaos especially once Draco got hit in the face with one. While Vixen fixed me up a potion, Velma and Charcoal showed how to properly gear up for the paintball battle as well as ended up dying Charcoal's wings pink from all the paint they shot at him. Amazingly, Smoky moped it all up with his tail though it'll be pink for quite some time. As for the class, they got chased by Charcoal throughout the forest "in an effort to practice camouflaged skills as he put it" but really was him finding an excuse to water balloon them as payback. Later, I got a free ride back on his antlers as I used the leftover potion to unstick the rest of the berries and paint from his antlers and of course Smoky too. We hung out at the cave for a while finally replanting the black and blue tulips that Smoky ate. Luckily, I cleaned up the old beaver dam so the water could flow in and give Smoky a snack. We also added some climbing branches for both me and Smoky as well also made Charcoal several new trophy shelves for Fae Football, a bookshelf for the books on DOM, as well as used the ivy to hang up some thriller lighting throughout the cave. Definitely much better than the old crumbling walls from before. Later, we plan on attending the Bugleweed Blues rave down by the lagoon and I can't wait to rock my light-up goggles. Charcoal is even going to wear the glow-in-the-dark
sweater. Oh what I wouldn't pay to have that memory forever.

In the the diary, a picture taped to the back of the page shows a picture of Calvus and Charcoal dancing while wearing glow in the jewelry. It's hard to see either ones' face in the dark though both look like they are smiling.
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