
Level 1 Tundra
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Goliath Mountain Beetle
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Tundra
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Personal Style


Ebony Filigree Wing Guard
Marksman's Quiver
Black Highnoon Hank
Silver Steampunk Gloves
Teardrop Citrine Pendant



Scene: Autumn Clearing


3.13 m
3.54 m
187.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 22, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


tumblr_ouay5x4gqR1rag9z8o1_1280.png ATHA
The Shade Killer
The Shadeborne
Goliath Mountain Beetle

ATHA (ah-thh-uh)

Atha is truly her father's child. And with her mother's boisterous attitude mixed in, she's a force to be reckoned with. The Shade in her father's blood was passed down onto her and, after some intense magical rituals, she learned how to contain it, so she wouldn't be fully Shadetouched. Since then, she's been training herself hard to fight against the Shade, when and if it should arrive. Despite being a Wind dragon, her own magic can help detain the Shade in a whirlwind, or even a vacuum, before ultimately ending it with her claws or weapon. From her mother, she learned the art of combat and, despite being a Tundra, Atha knows how to throw her weight around, and trump even the most buff opponents. She despises the Shade, and everything to do with it. She doesn't blame her father for the Shade leaking into her, though. It was thanks to him, that she was able to help quell it inside of her. How could she hate him after that?

Atha is a rough an' tough gal, but is kind to those around her. She enjoys a bit of rough-housing, and loves to spar during her spare time. But her intense hatred towards the Shade causes a few to be uneasy around her. Especially when the markings on her body start to move, as if having a mind of their own...

Unlike her sisters, or many other hatchings born around her generation, Atha stayed with the Windcurrent Clan into her young adulthood. Perhaps out of lack of interest in leaving, perhaps out of an internal fear of not being accepted anywhere else, due to the remnants of the Shade that ran through her veins...

...Perhaps because she felt the uneasy change in the air that many others did, but couldn't quite place their fingers on, and she wanted to be able to be there to defend her family, if need be...

However, back with the clan of the Strain of WyrmWound, their mute Seer, Gabriel, was now getting many, many frantic visions.

Even if he couldn't tell Tamose or Atari about what Azurri and Jenx were up to, or Cerise's plans, due to there being no Draconic words in his known existence to sign to them, there was one phrase he could alert them to:

'The Shade'

And so, the Strain found themselves advertising their need for a Shade Hunter.

Atha's parents were quite happy to hear this, and heavy encouraged Atha to take the job.

She was reluctant, she couldn't help but feel like her parents were just trying to nudge her out of the clan, to shield away from the danger she could feel coming in the air... She didn't want to run, didn't want to leave them behind...

But then her father pointed out that Fahri, another "young straggler", as they've often been called, was also heading over to the Strain to become their Maren Ambassador, and that it'd be nice if they had someone familiar around for awhile, at least until they got used to being in a whole new clan...

...Alright. Fine. Atha relented. She'd take this one job, get it done, and then be back before anything bad could happen, and be right there, in the front line of the action.

Unfortunately, it turns out that this "one job", was going to be much more complicated then she ever imagined.

For one, the clan didn't know where the Shade problem was, just that it was either coming, or was already here in hiding.

For two, there was some sort of energy in the area that set off her Shade senses, even when investigation showed there to be no Shade presence around at all.

And, for three, that loud, annoying third-generation princess, her Tundra friend, and that weird Mirror that randomly shows up and follows her around like some lost Hainu puppy, all constantly blundering in the way of her investigations...

Okay. This job was going to be MUCH more of a handful then Atha expected, but she's already in for the long haul.

So, for now, she'll just focus on her job, while faithfully keeping an ear to the ground for any news on her family on the side.

If any harm where to come to them, she's ready to drop everything to run to their aid...

Or so she tells herself.

...Her inner Shade Killing obsession may have other ideas...
GOLIATH (go-lie-ah-th)

Even though Atha is definitely a papa's girl, that doesn't mean she didn't have good, quality times with her mother, too.

In fact, from a young age, whenever Atha wasn't struggling with the pain from the Shade, or going though rituals, her mother was helping burn off that extra energy by teaching her how to fight!

She often provided Atha with little training dummies she could chew up and tear apart, and give her poor father's tail a break, and often kept her busy for hours.

However, at one point, Atha apparently decided the stuffed doll wasn't fun to chew on anymore, and toddled off to find another victim target.

Said target, happened to be a paw-sized, shiny beetle she found crawling around. With a mighty pounce, Atha pinned the beetle under her paws, and she proceeded to chew on it for awhile.

Thankfully, the beetle's tough armor made it so her tiny hatchling teeth couldn't do any damage, but young Atha still considered it a victory, as she happily trotted over to her mother to show her her defeated foe.

Of course, her mother was ecstatic about her daughter's "First hunt", but after awhile of Atha just... continuing to hold the beetle in her mouth, she had to teasingly ask what exactly she planned to do with it.

Atha had to pause.

She couldn't really 'beat' the beetle, since it was covered in armor, she was a Tundra, and Tundra's don't eat bugs, so she couldn't eat it, and she didn't want anyone else to eat it, cuz it was hers, sooo...


She decided she was going to keep it as a pet.

While most wouldn't consider a baby Goliath Mountain Beetle the best companion for a little hatchling, seeing as there was a real enough risk that the beetle end up outgrowing and hurting Atha, her mother thought it was a wonderful idea. A faithful companion, with a strong enough shell to be a sparring partner!

Though... yes. Her parents DID keep an eye on them, once the beetle started having a growth spurt, but, luckily, no 'accidental charging beetle' harm came to little Atha, and once she hit her own teenage growth spurt, she stared to win the 'growing race' with it.

At this point and time, the beetle is still small enough to sit on Atha's back, and look like some kind of backpack from a distance.

She knows its only going to get bigger though, and she is gleefully waiting for the day when she can start riding it into battle~

"HEOLSTOR" (he-owl-stir)
(They/Them, We/Us)

With the arrival of a Shade Hunter in the clan, Azurri and Jenx REALLY had their work of keeping secrecy cut out for them now...

ESPECIALLY when COAL, the LITERAL SHADE, kept following them home and trotting around her!

When Azurri managed to pin them down and ask if they had a DEATH WISH or something, Coal simply responded that she "Has part of us with her".

It was then when Azurri and Jenx realized, the reason why her markings sometimes seem to move on their own... She was touched by the Shade herself!

Coal informed them that they could, just barely, speak with the Shade inside her, and that, unlike most Shade beings trapped within non-shade beings, this Shade wasn't infected with 'The Madness Sickness'.

Jenx simply ordered Coal to drop it, and to stop prancing around the Very Deadly And Dangerous Shade Killer, but Azurri has other ideas...

In the middle of the night, behind Jenx's back, Azurri asked Coal to enter her, and let her talk to Atha's Shade. Coal complied.

Like Coal had stated, this Shade being wasn't ravenous and mad. It was kind and playful, much like Coal was when she had first found them.

And this Shade being seemed to be VERY happy to be able to have someone to talk to.

When Azurri asked for a name to refer to them as, since just calling them 'The Shade' would get rather confusing pretty fast, they gave her the name "Heolstor", since in all their memories, Atha's previous clanmates kept connecting that specific name to the Shade.

When asked how they'd managed to avoid getting sick, they informed her that they, in fact, used to be sick, but after being born again within their 'sister', Atha, her father had put them through 'trials', and by the end, Heolstor found themselves cured of the sickness, even though they were still trapped within Atha. Though, the memories of the exact details of what the 'trials' were wiped away as well.

Azurri was ecstatic! There was a way to cure the Madness in the Shade! And the proof was right in front of her!

If she could just show the others this, then maybe, MAYBE, she could convince everyone that they could live in harmony with the Shade, and they could save so many Shadetouched AND Shade lives!

...The only problem being, none of them knew what exactly Atha's father did to get this result, and Azurri's proof was trapped in the body of an obsessive Shade Killer...

Azurri promised Heolstor that she'd talk to them sometime again, and thus, began her planning.

Jenx would probably call her the biggest idiot in the world for this, but her mind was made. Some way, somehow, she was GOING to find a way to free and get Heolstor the ability to make his own body, like Coal could.

Not like "Lil Miss Shade Murderer" would miss them, after all...

50.png Relatives





49.png Coli Team

hoard_active.png Belongings
Everyday Wear (always worn)
Black Highnoon Hank Teardrop Citrine Pendant

Typical Wear (not always worn, but very often is)
Silver Steampunk Gloves

Battle Wear
Ebony Filigree Wing Guard Marksman's Quiver

Shred Jar of Vapors Worn Pincushion Behemoth Lance Lightweaver Marble Bust Windsinger Painted Vase Disorient

67.png MISC
Top portion of bio written by JediCreed #153657

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