
Level 4 Imperial
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Lux Spectre
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Glowing Gold Clawtips
Simple Gold Bracelets
Simple Gold Wing Bangles




23.57 m
22.21 m
9282.44 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 10, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Imperial
EXP: 3077 / 4027


Patriarch of Clan Bruma
patient • resolute • pensive
Gold Ore Winterbelle
Aged Tome Stag Figurine
Aesthetic: Morbi sapien nulla, dapibus et blandit finibus, semper quis augue, morbi ornare facilisis luctus.
Likes: Quisque, neque, turpis, gravida, vel, est at, tincidunt, elementum odio.
Dislikes: Duis, eu ligula, elementum, nisl tempor, tincidunt.
Venya is a ruler that puts his people before himself. He had sworn to protect them and even in the most dire of situations he has kept to his word. He would lay down his life for any member of his clan without hesitation, and though the likelihood of that possibility increases with each passing day, he remains just as determined to carry on strong. He doesn't get to spend as much time with his mate as he would like, and he doesn't realize how much she worries about his health.

Little is known about Venya’s past, as he isn’t one to offer up much on the subject when anyone asks about it. What is known is that he came from a very large family where it was typically hard to garner any amount of attention. However, as apparently only the third imperial amongst all his siblings, he received more attention than he cared to possess. Venya left home the moment the opportunity arose to escape all the doting and pampering his parents placed upon him.

Venya, instead of dredging most of this up, will often state that his life didn’t truly begin until the moment he met his mate. He and the fellow imperial met after running into each other at a bustling market, and the rest was history. The two were young and ambitious and began traveling all across Sornieth, getting to know one another. By the time they reached the Tangled Wood, they knew they were in love, and, by the time they reached the Southern Ice Field, they knew it was time to settle.

And so, amongst the harsh tundra the two imps found an area by the coast to call their own. They spent the following weeks building up their home into something just as grand as their plans for the future were. The great hall that the two had built was so great that, in fact, the structure was visible to dragons traveling out at sea, and provided an excellent waypoint for ships approaching to properly find the shore during a snowstorm. In order to accommodate this unexpected turn of events the team of imperials next set about building a port, and with it came trade and even settlers, and in almost no time at all, the two had found themselves the leaders of a steadily growing band of dragons from all across Sornieth.

As the years past, Venya found himself the king of a clan called Bruma, for the storms that surrounded the area and the shelter the clan provided from them. Venya had never dreamed of ever gaining such a title in all his years, and it was certainly not his idea when the time came. Instead, it was the peoples’ insistence that he take the role, not only because it was he and his mate that started the colony, but also because Venya had been there for everyone and was always there to offer advice and did not rest until even the smallest issue was resolved. Because of his amazing leadership over the years, the dragons of Clan Bruma had no doubt in their mind that he was fit to take the official role as their king.

Things continued on peacefully for the clan and word of its wise ruler spread, drawing in more alliances and trades, bringing forth more prosperity for the clan than ever before. However, word of this spread too, and the peace Clan Bruma always knew would soon be disrupted.

No one knows why the infamous Razja emerged from the depths of the Scarred Wastelands after years of no word of his endeavors. The word of a brand new, port based clan meeting with such success must have been too tempting to the dragon, and was enough to finally draw him out.

Venya had made the unfortunate mistake of taking advantage of the clan’s peace, and had not properly prepared any sort of guard or army, so when Razja and his warriors arrived, they made quick seize. Threatening to raze homes and kill innocents without an unconditional surrender, Venya and his mate were forced to flee, leaving their home but not without vowing to return and aid their people.

The two set out into the stormy tundra, without any supplies, and knowing that Razja would soon be sending search parties in order to ensure the two met their end. However, with the help of some charitable beastclans and their dragon ambassador who somehow found it in herself to offer them aid, the two learned how to use the local climate to their advantage, constantly moving along and following the weather paths to remain located in the harshest of storms in order to avoid detection.

Along the way they have gathered a following, some having stumbled upon the two leaders by chance, others who had heard of their cause and have come a great distance to be of assistance. Though Venya appreciates all of his companions and the sacrifices they are making, he also knows that as their clan grows so too does the odds of being discovered. He can only hope that the opportunity for a counter strike emerges before the enemy closes in...
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