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Personal Style


Studious Healer's Mantle
White Aviator Scarf
Frostfinder's Arctic Bags
Leather Aviator Coat




15.83 m
18.19 m
6465.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 29, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level


T H E -H E A R T L E S S
Sister | Liar | Murderer



"Death spared my soul, but battle devoured my heart."



Oldest of three Nature Flight hatchlings, Komatora came from a difficult path. Her brother, Chinthe, was automatically entered into training to be a warrior in the fight against a Plague clan. Her sister, Komainu, elected to follow Chinthe on his path to becoming a warrior, but Komatora suspected that she only did so for fear of being left out. For her part, Komatora thought long and hard before setting her mind: she would not kill in a senseless war. She would become a medic or a hunter, but not a murderer. It was a hatchling that changed her mind.

Eyes wide and innocent, belly swollen with hunger as he nudged his mother’s leg for more food, the little one couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old. Komatora’s heart ached for him as his mother, a matron and warrior, pushed the first food she’d had in days towards him. Barely a few morsels, but the little one gobbled them up. Days later, Komatora would aid the mother in burying his tiny body. She learned a hard lesson that day, but she also learned the meaning of war. It was not about honor or senseless slaughter; it was the ritual sacrifice of many lives for the hope of saving more. Within the week, Komatora joined her siblings on their quest for blood and victory.

She displayed a talent for fighting that was seldom seen, although it didn’t come with pride. Repulsed by her ability to kill, Komatora forced herself to continue with the memory of the starving hatchling that she could have helped. She fought in battle after battle, and amassed scar after scar, but it was her brother that scarred her the most. When the sickness took root in Chinthe’s body, it was Komatora he begged to help conceal it. She forged his signature when he could not write, and she dutifully lied to the clan when he could not raise himself from his bed. She ensured that any dragon who suspected the truth or threatened to compromise the war found themselves reassigned, far away from her brother. Her doubts seemed endless, but Chinthe was good at putting them to rest. He always reminded her that the war had to be won, and he had to be a leader for the clan to follow.

She hated the lies, and especially, she hated deceiving Komainu. Her innocent sister had followed Chinthe’s lead in becoming a warrior, but she was smaller and weaker, and with Chinthe unable to defend Komainu, the task fell to Komatora. She drove Komainu harder in practice, urging her to fight vicious and dirty and do whatever it took to win. Komainu pretended she didn’t see the ever-growing sorrow in her sister’s eyes, or the doubt that flashed in them whenever Komatora sold another lie about Chinthe. Komatora’s life became an eternal game of manipulation, of controlling who believed what about whom, and of concealing the life-threatening truth of her brother’s illness. Little did she know, it wasn’t just Chinthe’s life that was threatened.

Decades later, dragons would speak of the horrors of the battle in legend. But few came close to the truth. Bodies of the fallen trampled beneath the feet of those still fighting, the ground and air stinking of metallic blood, and hundreds of dragons dying with each breath; all of it was seen in appalling myriad that day. Still, it was not until days into the battle that her heart would break. On the fateful day when she saw Komainu fall to the enemy only for Chinthe to fall hours later, Komatora’s heart broke beyond repair. The loss of her siblings, the loss that she felt responsible for, might have destroyed her if it had truly happened.

When the battlefield rang only with the cries of the dying, Komatora was summoned to the medics tent. She felt sure that a mountain of wounded warriors were begging for the presence of anyone who could reassure them of their victory, dear bought though it was, but when she arrived, she found a miracle. Although she was bandaged and wounded, Komainu had survived. She had been pulled out of a mass grave before being buried alive, and Komatora wept to see her sister so brutally wounded, but they were both breathing and that was all that mattered. Through her tears, Komatora confessed the ugly truth to Komainu, the great lie that she had allowed to go on, the warriors that were endangered, and the many that died protecting Chinthe. The sisters went out to find his body the next morning.

Komatora was sure he was dead, but Komainu insisted that he was alive. As she carried him on her shoulders, Komatora felt the puffs of air on her neck as he breathed, and anger rose up in her heart. With Komainu’s help, Komatora smuggled Chinthe away from the camp and transferred him to a Lightning clan. There, Komatora left her siblings while she went to tell Chinthe’s family that he had died honorably, defending the clan. Even if it wasn’t true, it would stop Chinthe’s lies once and for all. When Komainu sought to heal Chinthe, Komatora dutifully brought her any research materials she required, even going so far as to volunteer as a test subject for any experimental potions.

In truth, she had hoped that he would never wake up, never hurt anyone else, but she never anticipated how different he could be. When he woke, she yelled at him, chastised him for making her lie, and in the end, she wept for all that she had done wrong. She never could have expected his forgiveness and compassion. He urged her to move on and forgive herself, and although she could never accomplish the latter, she did try to move on. She harbored a small love for the court scribe, Jensen, and she shared a few nights with him. Quickly though, she realized that he held no great regard for her, other than as a way to pass a lonely night. Thus, when Komatora laid a clutch of eggs, and Jensen proposed, she turned him down. Though it broke her heart, she understood he only asked out of duty, and she could not bind herself to one who did not love her. Instead, she gave the eggs away to other clans, and to this day, she has never met any of her children. Years later, she deeply regrets that forgiveness for a one tragedy only led to another, but she knows that accepting Jensen's proposal would only have brought both of them more sorrow.

This failure at moving on convinced Komatora to draw closer to her present and her past. In Clan LockCharge, she refuses to be a coliseum fighter, despite her experience, but she will consent to hunt game for the clan, though she prefers the bloodlessness of fishing. She brings food to Komainu and Chinthe every day, and although she knows Komainu resents her, she hopes to one day be reconciled with her sister. In the end, Komatora is the one dragon that Komainu can always rely on, and that will not pass unnoticed forever.




Komainu (Sister)
Chinthe (Brother)



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