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Personal Style


Sky Blue Wing Silks
Gilded Rose Thorn Wing Tangle
Mage's Sapphire Gloves




1.23 m
1.58 m
1.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 04, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 13 Fae
EXP: 15806 / 45676




  • none


Haunted One | Professor | Mage



"Never give anyone the power to hurt you."



Many regard Selwyn as a dark dragon, someone with secrets, shadows that follow him but that no one can quite put a name too. For his part, Selwyn hides his past like one who fears for his life, though the cause of those fears has long since departed the world. He was born under a different name, one he chooses not to remember, but that piece of his identity is buried beneath every layer of protection he could throw at it. Selwyn serves Clan LockCharge as a mage, training the aspiring fledglings in the use of magic. Many would question why a talented mage like Selwyn would immerse himself in elementary education on magic, but the wiser ones are able to define Selwyn’s true purpose. He is an excellent telepath, and one who is able to identify quickly if a dragon would use their powers for ill. It is rare anyone escapes Selwyn’s detection in this regard, but if it does happen, that dragon does not remain a threat for long. As those who succeed in fooling him shortly find out, Selwyn is an excellent battlemage and capable of decisive action in the heat of the moment.

Harsh and occasionally brutal in his teaching methods, Selwyn is not well-liked by his students, but he does form some of the best mages through his instruction. If any of them knew what lies in the shadows of Selwyn’s past, they would not question his dedication to his art for even a moment. Born to a single mother, Selwyn never knew any father in his life, and as is common in such cases, his sun rose and set on his mother. As a child, nothing brought him more joy than watching her place a fresh-picked bouquet of flowers – mostly weeds he found on his walk home – into one of her beautiful handmade vases with a smile. Like all mothers, she possessed a secret magic that made pain disappear with a kiss, and her embrace dried all tears, or it had until the new tears came, the ones of grief that only come when a mother is lost forever.

Selwyn was still a child when he came home to find all the handmade vases smashed on the floor of his home. The intruder was yelling, saying Selwyn’s mother had cheated him, and the dagger she held in her shaking hand did nothing to lessen his threats. Still, the dagger in her hand was nothing to the ones in his mother’s eyes, as she hissed at the drake to leave or forfeit his life. Unfortunately, the intruder had seen the panic that flashed in those eyes when they had passed over her son, standing in the doorway, a sharp crack coming from the shard of glass under his small foot.

In a second, a hand was pressed against Selwyn’s mouth, and harsh words were growled in his ear. In his terror, he only saw the dagger after it had impaled the intruder, and the warmth of the drake’s lifeblood soaked Selwyn’s coat. The immediate danger was gone, and his mother showered him with tears and kisses, but another kind of danger was just beginning.

The intruder had been if not well-respected, than feared in their clan, and with only her son’s testimony to defend her, Selwyn’s mother was sentenced to death for the murder. Self-defense was never brought up. As the light faded from her eyes, so too did it fade from Selwyn’s world. When the hirelings of the dead drake came for Selwyn, no one stopped them. The cries of a child, beaten within an inch of his life, were regretfully blocked out by those who had too much to lose. Left with broken bones and deeper scars that would never quite heal, Selwyn took the last whispered advice of his captors: run, or by morning there won’t be enough left of you to even think of escape.

Bleeding, Selwyn ran, and he didn’t stop until the pursuing footsteps had faded to the rhythm of his own pounding heartbeat. In a moment of irony, Selwyn discovered his magic on that road. His wounds healed enough to keep him alive, and over the next few days, even the pain muted to a dull throb. Still, it had never been the physical pain that hurt him most, and the hollow grief of loss couldn’t be touched by the magic. At least, not yet.

He began to study magic whenever he could, with an orphan’s determination to make an asset of anything fate cared to toss his way. He stole food to sate his hunger, and stole moments in classrooms to learn snippets about magic. No matter how fiercely he was beaten for the theft of knowledge, Selwyn was always willing to try again the next day and the next.

Eventually, he was caught for the last time by someone, who at the time he believed to be kind. She beat him just as soundly as the rest, but in the end, she took him on as a student rather than tossing him back to the streets. Under her tutelage, Selwyn was broken down and stitched back together. She taught him all the tricks of magic, the kindest and the cruelest, the latter she taught by applying them to his own body until he could understand how they worked. Afterall, when his body healed through magic, how much harm could truly be done to him?

As he grew to adulthood, Selwyn created one of his own forms of magic: a spell to seal memories behind a door so heavily bolted and secured, it was hard to tell if even he could retrieve the memories once they were removed. Before he took that drastic step though, there was some unfinished business to resolve. A swift and permanent revenge was meted out to those responsible for his mother’s death: the judge who took the bribe, the ones who threatened the families of the jury. Those who had beaten him, he spared, for it was not his own hurts he avenged, only those of a dragoness whose only crime was protecting her son.

When the task was done, Selwyn committed his memories to the deepest part of his being. For the first time since that fateful day, he slept without nightmares. He kept the memories of his mother, and while he knows that she is gone, her death is the faintest memory. He knows only that he loved her, that she passed away, and that whatever circumstances led to her death, he made them right in the end. He locked away the names and faces of those who beat him, including his teacher, so that he would never be tempted to the path of selfish revenge.

He settled down in Clan LockCharge some years ago to become a teacher, remembering that magic can be used cruelly and stopping the education of those who would try that course. The blood and secrets of his past still follow him, but they are now buried so deeply that even Sprocket, the truthseer, cannot unearth them wholly. If the blanks in his memory tell her just as much, she has the wisdom to keep silent about it.

Although he is a solitary dragon, Selwyn has a close friendship with some of the other mages in the clan. Barty is a good friend of his, since the archmage will never pry into his secrets, and perhaps one day, Selwyn will share some of them of his own volition. While one of the mage’s arbors a secret attraction for him, secret enough that Selwyn’s telepathy would never know to look for it, the truth is that his heart is too broken to look for love. He finds himself mildly repulsed by the idea of someone knowing him with no shield between them, but more than that, his only true love is his work.

Selwyn has sworn himself one last promise: before the end of his life, he will unlock his memories again, or find someone who can, and submit himself to justice for his actions. In the meantime, however, his research is not yet complete.







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