Level 25 Spiral
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Energy: 47
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Personal Style
2.39 m
2.39 m
81.1 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Spiral
Max Level
뜨거운 여름해와 서늘한 겨울밤의 딸, 아직 땅거미가 남은 밤과 낮의 사이에 나오는 장난기 많은 요정으로 보통은 반딧불로 알고 지나치지만 영감이 약간 있는 몇몇은 도깨비불이라고 하기도 합니다. 바람과 같이 날아다니면서 수다떠는것을 좋아합니다.
The daughter of the raging summer sun and the frigid winter night, this mischievous fairy appears during dusk, the time between the day and night. Most people think of her as passing fireflies but those with a bit of gift of sight think she's the Will o' Wisp(neither is correct, of course). She loves racing with the wind and chatter on and on about this and that.
object head AU
There was still blue in the heavens, but as the sun had set and dusk had settled in, only the dark side of the clouds that blocked out the horizon could be seen. Nam’s wings served as sails as she twisted through the evening sky, riding the air currents that whistled over her scales and between her horns.
A black forest spread out below her. Nam dove, her wings beating as she neared the treetops, and she tucked them swiftly against her body as she entered the forest. In the darkness, her markings could be seen as intermittent flashes of fluorescent color, broken up by obstructing branches and the trunks of trees. The scattering of light as color was nearly drained from the forest, gave her appearance a spectral or surreal quality. She looked like a collection of many moving, independent creatures, a current of fireflies shifting in twisting patterns. Or she resembled a phantasmal fire, snaking its way through the trees.
Nam’s eyes flashed and her direction became more certain, as she made her way to a broad old oak and coiled about its trunk and between its branches. She clung to the bark, facing downwards so that she might watch the solitary figure she had spotted. The dusk steadily deepened.
“Are you here because you mean to be here?” she asked. Her voice was soft and yet expressive, like a clear, bubbling stream. “Or are you lost?”
The figure had started up from the stump on which it had been sitting in a slumped and dejected posture. Iridescent toadstools gave off a faint blue light from where they lay cradled within the roots of the stump.
Nam looked at the figure closely, and then twisted silently about her oak, slipping over the cracked bark until she had climbed a good ways higher, and was no longer facing downwards.
To the figure, she did not appear as a dragon. His thoughts did not even go to dragons. He took her for a fairy cluster, or some ephemeral collection of sentient dust. Or else a spirit.
Nam spoke again, her tone more questioning than before, and now it carried the lilt of innocent curiosity, “Are you lost? Were you gathering mushrooms when you lost your way?”
She had spotted a bulging satchel at the figure’s feet.
“Y-yes,” he replied, his eyes moving with the lights that seemed to swirl and crisscross over the oak.
Nam would not remain in any one position for long, but her attention stayed with the figure. “Do you come here often?” she asked simply.
There was evident hesitation in the figure’s response, “Well… Well, no - not exactly. No, I've never come this far before. You see? That's why I’m lost - or came to be lost.” His voice trailed off.
Nam rested her cheek against a branch for a moment, viewing the figure, before she began to turn about the tree once more. Sometimes she did not even pause when she spoke, “Is being lost fun? I rarely know where I am going, so I suppose I am always lost... in some ways, and never lost, in others.”
The figure was quiet, and then asked, “Can you help me?”
Nam turned thoughtfully about her tree. “I won't be here for much longer. My time is ending already.”
The figure’s head sank slightly at this, but he said nothing.
Nam spoke again, her tone somewhat different than before, “If you pick those blue mushrooms, they'll continue to glow for a few hours. And if you stick them in the trees, you can mark your way.” The figure was already looking about for the mushrooms. Once he had stooped to pluck them from the roots of the old stump, Nam went on. “The sun set… to your left. Over here,” she said the last as she appeared on another tree in the direction she had intended the figure to look. She swept back to the broad oak, and turned about it for a time. “So that would be West, or just about West.” She twisted over the length of a thick high branch, and came to a stop. “Does that help you?”
“Yes! Yes, thank you! This is wonderful!”
She smiled at the energy that had suddenly animated his voice.
With his sack slung over his shoulder, he stood a dumpy-looking mushroom up on the stump. Nam looked at it curiously, and then followed the figure as he made his way West. Each time he left a mushroom in a tree, she perched on that tree and touched the mushroom with her snout, or else looked at it wonderingly. Eventually she again spoke from the deepening darkness, “If you are still here tomorrow, perhaps I will find you.”
The figure laughed heartily after having been startled for a second time by her voice, “I hope not! I really hope not.”
She watched him test one tree and then a second before placing a mushroom. “Are mushrooms tasty things?”
He chuckled, waving a blur of blue before returning a mushroom to the collection he cradled in his arm. “Not these. I wouldn't risk these. But the others- They’re very tasty. My mother will be making a stew. Do you eat stew? I could give you a bowl, if you have time?” He looked about with an expectant smile. But his smile faded as he heard only the sounds of the forest and the awakening nighttime creatures that called it home. The glimmering lights had gone; true night had finally come.
by Schingiuire and orchardofstone
땅거미가 세상을 빠르게 기어가는 그런 시간이었다. 실바람은 어제나 그제나 다를 것 없이 오늘도 한량처럼 천지를 흐르고 있었다. 느리지도 빠르지도 않은 속도로 유영하고 있던 실바람은 귓전에 불쑥 다가온 소리에 놀라 돌아보았다.
좌우를 둘러봐도 허공에는 자신뿐이었다. 실바람이 영문을 모르고 뒤도 한번 돌아보았을 때 목소리가 실바람을 다시 불렀다.
“얘! 위야, 위!”
실바람이 위를 보자 거기에는 웬 빛 덩어리가 똥알똥알 구르고 있었다. 자세히 보니 단지 빛 덩어리가 아니고 어엿한 실체를 갖추었다. 머지않아 그 빛 덩어리가 무엇인지 알아차린 실바람은 내심 질색하여 도망가려 했으나, 불청객은 이미 실바람의 몸에 또아리 틀 듯 달라붙은 뒤였다.
“실바람아, 안녕! 나는 남이라고 해! 정말 반갑지 뭐야. 아까 전부터 한참을 날아다녀도 바람들이 죄 어딜 갔는지 코빼기도 안 보이더니, 이제야 너를 보네! 하긴 네가 오늘 처음 보는 바람은 아니야. 아까 뭉게구름을 몰아가는 바람도 한 번 보았는데 걔는 부를 새도 없이 재게 가버리지 뭐야? 바람들이 전부 바쁜가봐. 이제 겨울도 다 저물어서 삭풍도 잦아들 때인데 뭐가 그렇게들 바쁘담! 하긴, 봄 아저씨가 그랬는데 봄에도 겨울 못잖게 바람들이 바쁘다곤 하더라. 갖가지 꽃이며 나무들이 일가를 이루게 도와주고 벌들의 날갯짓에 힘도 실어주어야 하고, 아저씨를 도와서 세상을 돌며 봄이 왔다고 고루고루 알려야 한다고 했어. 이제 조만간 봄 아저씨가 세상을 도시니까, 바람들이 바쁠 만도 하겠다! 난 봄 아저씨가 바빠지는 게 정말 좋아! 그럼 우리 아빠한텐 휴가철이 되는 셈이거든! 참, 너는 우리 아빠가 누군지 모르겠구나? 우리 아빠는 말이야…….”
안다. 실바람은 수다스러운 빛 덩어리의 부친이 누군지 잘 알고 있었다. 이 빛 덩어리는 남이라는 요정으로, 여름해와 겨울밤이 만나 아무도 예상치 못한 열애를 한 끝에 얻은 결실이었다. 귀여운 생김새와 물방울 구르는 듯한 음색이 기꺼워서 요정 남이와 동행하였다가 귀에 피가 나올 뻔하여 도망친 바람이 대체 몇이던가. 그 수를 샐 수가 없을 지경이었다. 뭉게구름을 몰아 그야말로 바람처럼 사라졌다던 그 바람도 요정 남이의 소문을 익히 들어서 도망간 것이 틀림없었다.
“……그래서 나는 지금 아빠를 마중 나가는 중이야! 얼른 아빠를 만났으면 좋겠어! 아빠는 나를 안고 단숨에 날아서 엄마한테로 가겠지! 그럼 우리는 내가 제일 좋아하는 꽃밭을 보러갈 거야!”
제발 겨울밤이 요 앞, 바로 요 코앞까지 와 있었으면. 그래서 이 쬐깐한 수다쟁이가 나를 풀어주고 제 아빠에게로 갔으면. 실바람은 한숨을 쉬었다. 한숨 또한 바람이 되어 멀리 흩어 사라졌다. 남이의 명랑한 말소리는 땅거미가 모두 기어 밤 너머로 사라질 때까지 재잘재잘 울렸다.
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뜨거운 여름해와 서늘한 겨울밤의 딸, 아직 땅거미가 남은 밤과 낮의 사이에 나오는 장난기 많은 요정으로 보통은 반딧불로 알고 지나치지만 영감이 약간 있는 몇몇은 도깨비불이라고 하기도 합니다. 바람과 같이 날아다니면서 수다떠는것을 좋아합니다.
The daughter of the raging summer sun and the frigid winter night, this mischievous fairy appears during dusk, the time between the day and night. Most people think of her as passing fireflies but those with a bit of gift of sight think she's the Will o' Wisp(neither is correct, of course). She loves racing with the wind and chatter on and on about this and that.
object head AU
There was still blue in the heavens, but as the sun had set and dusk had settled in, only the dark side of the clouds that blocked out the horizon could be seen. Nam’s wings served as sails as she twisted through the evening sky, riding the air currents that whistled over her scales and between her horns.
A black forest spread out below her. Nam dove, her wings beating as she neared the treetops, and she tucked them swiftly against her body as she entered the forest. In the darkness, her markings could be seen as intermittent flashes of fluorescent color, broken up by obstructing branches and the trunks of trees. The scattering of light as color was nearly drained from the forest, gave her appearance a spectral or surreal quality. She looked like a collection of many moving, independent creatures, a current of fireflies shifting in twisting patterns. Or she resembled a phantasmal fire, snaking its way through the trees.
Nam’s eyes flashed and her direction became more certain, as she made her way to a broad old oak and coiled about its trunk and between its branches. She clung to the bark, facing downwards so that she might watch the solitary figure she had spotted. The dusk steadily deepened.
“Are you here because you mean to be here?” she asked. Her voice was soft and yet expressive, like a clear, bubbling stream. “Or are you lost?”
The figure had started up from the stump on which it had been sitting in a slumped and dejected posture. Iridescent toadstools gave off a faint blue light from where they lay cradled within the roots of the stump.
Nam looked at the figure closely, and then twisted silently about her oak, slipping over the cracked bark until she had climbed a good ways higher, and was no longer facing downwards.
To the figure, she did not appear as a dragon. His thoughts did not even go to dragons. He took her for a fairy cluster, or some ephemeral collection of sentient dust. Or else a spirit.
Nam spoke again, her tone more questioning than before, and now it carried the lilt of innocent curiosity, “Are you lost? Were you gathering mushrooms when you lost your way?”
She had spotted a bulging satchel at the figure’s feet.
“Y-yes,” he replied, his eyes moving with the lights that seemed to swirl and crisscross over the oak.
Nam would not remain in any one position for long, but her attention stayed with the figure. “Do you come here often?” she asked simply.
There was evident hesitation in the figure’s response, “Well… Well, no - not exactly. No, I've never come this far before. You see? That's why I’m lost - or came to be lost.” His voice trailed off.
Nam rested her cheek against a branch for a moment, viewing the figure, before she began to turn about the tree once more. Sometimes she did not even pause when she spoke, “Is being lost fun? I rarely know where I am going, so I suppose I am always lost... in some ways, and never lost, in others.”
The figure was quiet, and then asked, “Can you help me?”
Nam turned thoughtfully about her tree. “I won't be here for much longer. My time is ending already.”
The figure’s head sank slightly at this, but he said nothing.
Nam spoke again, her tone somewhat different than before, “If you pick those blue mushrooms, they'll continue to glow for a few hours. And if you stick them in the trees, you can mark your way.” The figure was already looking about for the mushrooms. Once he had stooped to pluck them from the roots of the old stump, Nam went on. “The sun set… to your left. Over here,” she said the last as she appeared on another tree in the direction she had intended the figure to look. She swept back to the broad oak, and turned about it for a time. “So that would be West, or just about West.” She twisted over the length of a thick high branch, and came to a stop. “Does that help you?”
“Yes! Yes, thank you! This is wonderful!”
She smiled at the energy that had suddenly animated his voice.
With his sack slung over his shoulder, he stood a dumpy-looking mushroom up on the stump. Nam looked at it curiously, and then followed the figure as he made his way West. Each time he left a mushroom in a tree, she perched on that tree and touched the mushroom with her snout, or else looked at it wonderingly. Eventually she again spoke from the deepening darkness, “If you are still here tomorrow, perhaps I will find you.”
The figure laughed heartily after having been startled for a second time by her voice, “I hope not! I really hope not.”
She watched him test one tree and then a second before placing a mushroom. “Are mushrooms tasty things?”
He chuckled, waving a blur of blue before returning a mushroom to the collection he cradled in his arm. “Not these. I wouldn't risk these. But the others- They’re very tasty. My mother will be making a stew. Do you eat stew? I could give you a bowl, if you have time?” He looked about with an expectant smile. But his smile faded as he heard only the sounds of the forest and the awakening nighttime creatures that called it home. The glimmering lights had gone; true night had finally come.
by Schingiuire and orchardofstone
땅거미가 세상을 빠르게 기어가는 그런 시간이었다. 실바람은 어제나 그제나 다를 것 없이 오늘도 한량처럼 천지를 흐르고 있었다. 느리지도 빠르지도 않은 속도로 유영하고 있던 실바람은 귓전에 불쑥 다가온 소리에 놀라 돌아보았다.
좌우를 둘러봐도 허공에는 자신뿐이었다. 실바람이 영문을 모르고 뒤도 한번 돌아보았을 때 목소리가 실바람을 다시 불렀다.
“얘! 위야, 위!”
실바람이 위를 보자 거기에는 웬 빛 덩어리가 똥알똥알 구르고 있었다. 자세히 보니 단지 빛 덩어리가 아니고 어엿한 실체를 갖추었다. 머지않아 그 빛 덩어리가 무엇인지 알아차린 실바람은 내심 질색하여 도망가려 했으나, 불청객은 이미 실바람의 몸에 또아리 틀 듯 달라붙은 뒤였다.
“실바람아, 안녕! 나는 남이라고 해! 정말 반갑지 뭐야. 아까 전부터 한참을 날아다녀도 바람들이 죄 어딜 갔는지 코빼기도 안 보이더니, 이제야 너를 보네! 하긴 네가 오늘 처음 보는 바람은 아니야. 아까 뭉게구름을 몰아가는 바람도 한 번 보았는데 걔는 부를 새도 없이 재게 가버리지 뭐야? 바람들이 전부 바쁜가봐. 이제 겨울도 다 저물어서 삭풍도 잦아들 때인데 뭐가 그렇게들 바쁘담! 하긴, 봄 아저씨가 그랬는데 봄에도 겨울 못잖게 바람들이 바쁘다곤 하더라. 갖가지 꽃이며 나무들이 일가를 이루게 도와주고 벌들의 날갯짓에 힘도 실어주어야 하고, 아저씨를 도와서 세상을 돌며 봄이 왔다고 고루고루 알려야 한다고 했어. 이제 조만간 봄 아저씨가 세상을 도시니까, 바람들이 바쁠 만도 하겠다! 난 봄 아저씨가 바빠지는 게 정말 좋아! 그럼 우리 아빠한텐 휴가철이 되는 셈이거든! 참, 너는 우리 아빠가 누군지 모르겠구나? 우리 아빠는 말이야…….”
안다. 실바람은 수다스러운 빛 덩어리의 부친이 누군지 잘 알고 있었다. 이 빛 덩어리는 남이라는 요정으로, 여름해와 겨울밤이 만나 아무도 예상치 못한 열애를 한 끝에 얻은 결실이었다. 귀여운 생김새와 물방울 구르는 듯한 음색이 기꺼워서 요정 남이와 동행하였다가 귀에 피가 나올 뻔하여 도망친 바람이 대체 몇이던가. 그 수를 샐 수가 없을 지경이었다. 뭉게구름을 몰아 그야말로 바람처럼 사라졌다던 그 바람도 요정 남이의 소문을 익히 들어서 도망간 것이 틀림없었다.
“……그래서 나는 지금 아빠를 마중 나가는 중이야! 얼른 아빠를 만났으면 좋겠어! 아빠는 나를 안고 단숨에 날아서 엄마한테로 가겠지! 그럼 우리는 내가 제일 좋아하는 꽃밭을 보러갈 거야!”
제발 겨울밤이 요 앞, 바로 요 코앞까지 와 있었으면. 그래서 이 쬐깐한 수다쟁이가 나를 풀어주고 제 아빠에게로 갔으면. 실바람은 한숨을 쉬었다. 한숨 또한 바람이 되어 멀리 흩어 사라졌다. 남이의 명랑한 말소리는 땅거미가 모두 기어 밤 너머로 사라질 때까지 재잘재잘 울렸다.
by yomnea33
adopt by IIIIIIII
adopt by Reumang
Cobras leave repetitive, winding patterns in the sands as they slither along the quartzy dunes.
adopt/text by miirshroom
adopt by alagasianflame
adopt by illusolite
adopt by ColoradoBlues
adopt by zeguk
adopt by balthy
adopt by chfhxl
adopt by juunebugs
adopt by reumang
by Kadaj
adopt by pickpocket
adopt by lumea
adopt by willow37
adopt by odias
adopt by tunatuna
adopt by UserOfShadows
adopt by Unyko
adopt by anon
adopt by OnABadBet
adopt by KaijouKitty
adopt by KaijouKitty
adopt by tnwldi3
adopt by tnwldi3
by bloondie
adopt by bloondie
adopt by bloondie
adopt by bloondie
adopt by Myndris
adopt by Hellan
adopt by anon
by kanglook
adopt by SamSan - shop
adopt by humerussin
adopt by Kogosama
adopt by Mobian
adopt by Exaltier
by WalinL
adopt by Hawkfeather
by KukaOka
adopt by KukaOka
by drownedtv
by DeathTheAshen
adopt by Seijuurou
by akiri (from 2017 april fools)
adopt by kennythedoomer
by rangsky
adopt by spotnn
adopt by duiilcet
adopt by duiilcet
adopt by duiilcet
adopt by Akesari
adopt by fallowtail
adopt by CyclopSeeker
adopt by Signight
adopt by asnirre
adopt by asnirre
adopt by nogsix
adopt by yuhanrax
adopt by yuhanrax
adopt by rauzen
adopt by rauzen
adopt by rauzen
adopt by zeguk
adopt by zeguk
adopt by hayum
adopt by hayum
adopt by nockyong
adopt by Greetings
adopt by NorthKorvus
adopt by pinwheelviper
adopt by Nebulady
adopt by Nebulady
adopt by mama280
adopt by Reumang
adopt by melvistle
adopt by Unyko
adopt by owlrot
adopt by platypus
adopt byysm78006
adopt by Sehti
adotp by hyzo
adopt by Hyzo
adopt by Hyzo/Ecaflip
by SkyJumper
adopt by spassow
adopt by spassow
adopt by ylylhl
adopt by nonaline
adopt by Fianna
adopt by arcanabean
adopt by Serpents
adopt by Holysnacks
adopt by Jeana
by sueno
adopt by Rabies
adopt by Laeyein
adopt by Hexephra - shop
adopt by RJWolf
adopt by novalane
adopt by avianannihilator
adopt by flyingladder
by Tlaloc
by silverein
by Omelas
by Liisx
by Fuffeh
adopt by galaxanova
adopt by Shocklee
adopt by ThirtyOne
adopt by thirtyone
adopt by StygianForm
adopt by SterlingKat
art by Ligos
art by Liktar
by hanmonster
by FoxehCraven
by FoxehCraven
art by w1ck
art by brightbird
art by TSwimmy
art by SleepinqWolf
art by Kaldwin
by RuHyang
by AkinlySoleil
by Sphinzz
by sapphiix
by monorail
by ghxy
adopt bydr090909
adopt by dr090909
adopt by dr090909
adopt by dr090909
adopt/art bydr090909
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Feed this dragon Insects.
Meat stocks are currently depleted.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Nam to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
Do you wish to continue?
- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.