
Level 1 Imperial
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Centaur Berserker
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Imperial
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a witch in winter

The first to join Marth and Caeda’s band was, in fact, not from the Lightweaver’s domain. The Ruins were entirely unknown territory to her, a traveller from the Southern Icefield.

Her eyes looked as if they’d been frozen over. Imperials were no uncommon sight here, but dragons who carried a deep coldness in their hearts like she did were a rarity. The two were curious, of course. Blake didn’t mind much.

But her behavior was quite different. She was excitable, cheerful even. She’d introduced herself as a witch, a master magician like they’d never seen before.

And they hadn’t. There was little need for specialized mages in the Ruins: there were a few who had taken it upon them to research the arcane writings on ancient tablets and perform long-forgotten rituals, but that was about it. Everyone was a mage, to some degree. Dragons of the Ruins held a great amount of magic within them, but when such becomes the average, it stops being special.

Dragons like Blake, however, were built to survive.

What good does conjuring up a snowstorm do when the risk of freezing to death already is omnipresent? In what way do sudden freezing temperatures deter wildlife that has long been used to it?

Perhaps she was lucky to be born an Imperial, then, and have the physical presence to worry less about such things. Yet Blake’s fascination for that mystical force which had been buried both deep in the snow and within the memories of those who lived there grew ever steadily, as did her worry of what the others would think.

Inevitably, however, the time came when she would try to harness the power for herself. She did manage to find out quite a few things on her own: there were hardly any ancient spellbooks to consult, and so she was to improvise instead. For example, she found that what little vegetation her frozen homeland knew was, although a rather unorthodox choice, as potent as anything else. Things were going well - Blake simply had to figure out how to make them keep going well.

And yet, suspicions kept growing and growing, while Blake desperately fought to keep her interests - or was it an obsession at this point? - hidden. Of course, you may have noticed this is a story with a foregone conclusion.

Before even one stern word was uttered, Blake took whatever she could with her and flew away.

m7ZTYcw.png Dainsleif's Pearl
This pearl hums with potent magical energies, but is otherwise cold to the touch. The memory contained within is as follows:

"Suspendisse potenti. Proin consectetur ex ut nisi vehicula, a sagittis ante hendrerit. Ut feugiat finibus tellus. Vivamus quis vestibulum purus. Vivamus metus tortor, sagittis eget nunc vel, sodales semper mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec mollis, quam et elementum lobortis, risus orci volutpat libero, vitae molestie sapien orci vestibulum ligula. Duis condimentum justo ut sem tincidunt rhoncus. Suspendisse turpis ante, vehicula non porttitor quis, tempus ultrices ante.

Curabitur porta bibendum ornare. Nunc in lobortis magna. Sed tempus orci elit, et posuere tellus volutpat ut. Sed at nisl vulputate, egestas nisi at, consequat velit. Duis blandit dignissim auctor. Vivamus quis arcu lacus. Mauris sed arcu ultrices, fermentum ipsum non, facilisis tortor. Suspendisse eleifend porttitor nisl, nec pellentesque sem aliquam vel. Duis sit amet turpis quis purus pulvinar viverra vel nec ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi sed porttitor magna, ac dapibus libero."

16238751p.png "Nullam mollis ipsum ut commodo rutrum. Quisque rutrum, nibh nec commodo congue, velit ex tincidunt risus, vitae sodales lectus dui id nisl. In accumsan aliquet mi id maximus. Maecenas posuere dapibus porta. Donec eget tempus magna, at condimentum lacus. Quisque sit amet consequat lorem. Praesent at elit eget libero sollicitudin scelerisque. Ut sodales commodo nisl."
46525646p.png "Nullam mollis ipsum ut commodo rutrum. Quisque rutrum, nibh nec commodo congue, velit ex tincidunt risus, vitae sodales lectus dui id nisl. In accumsan aliquet mi id maximus. Maecenas posuere dapibus porta. Donec eget tempus magna, at condimentum lacus. Quisque sit amet consequat lorem. Praesent at elit eget libero sollicitudin scelerisque. Ut sodales commodo nisl."


Head of the Glass Order
Member of the Gilded Circle
Honorary Member of the Wooden Order


Etiam finibus diam vel dolor aliquet imperdiet in a ipsum. Duis in ex urna. Quisque bibendum, metus iaculis euismod aliquam, lorem quam egestas metus, at lacinia est diam vel lectus. Nulla vel mattis turpis. Nunc euismod, ex sit amet egestas semper, eros mi convallis tellus, a volutpat risus enim ut justo. Donec tempor, mi vitae sollicitudin eleifend, tellus lectus bibendum nisi, a lobortis urna elit in mauris. Aliquam ac tellus in est eleifend porttitor sed sit amet arcu.










Grouse Basilisk Field Notes

Unicorn Dust

Dwarf Shelf Fungus
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Exalting Blake to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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