A tool which draws family tree?
Narlord's Clan
Just chillin' on the Icefield...
Clan Info
Welcome to my lair!
___.It's freezing here, so please sit down by fireside and have
___.a hot drink.
He/Him FRT+15 yy/mm/dd Casual Player Hoarder Rhythm Gamer | _ | _ |
I can read English, but poor on using it, so please forgive my wrong spell and inappropriate words. I use vpn sometimes and use 2 devices, my phone and my laptop.
I had left FR after several months of playing in 2021, and returned on December 2nd, 2022.
4334g --> 1634g
I had left FR after several months of playing in 2021, and returned on December 2nd, 2022.
4334g --> 1634g
红goo , 紫goo
夜曲蛋g , 夜曲蛋t
Den Slot Task
Auction House - Activity
Aborted Thread Management
__thread 1_post 1: Useful Notes For Playing Flight Rising
__thread 2_post 1: many stuff
__thread 2_post 2:
__thread 2_post 3: G&G棋盘代码
Familiar Gathering Quest thread
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Den Slot Task Familiar Wishlist [Not Updated]
- _
- 已完成的元素石系列任务:
地 火 雷 自然 瘟疫 风 - Prefered breed and gender: Skydancer females, Wildclaw males/females (and so on)
- 其一,我是dmb,
其二,我是全收集逼,其三,我是 呃 我也不知道 那就多了解点这个游戏吧 - 开窝(Hibernal Den)
- 买开窝所需的卷,种族卷和基因卷。
- 买低价宠:1-10图的宠/30+级的收集宠。
- 算我求你了去把盲盒图存了吧
- 正在思考宠物库存整理事项
- 在ah刷三群青相关材料龙
- Periwinkle Flaunt/Flair紫 Hex淡蓝 Noxtide翅尖粉
One patch of note
- I'm not an expert in giving names, most time I use random names provided by FR. But at the same time I'm also picky about them. So you can see many unnamed dragons in my lair. It's not because I don't like them or I'm lazy or otherwise; I just don't want things like giving a dragon name, immediately regret it, and then hurry for a renaming scroll. It's both bad for mood and treasure.
Something to say
- 5.1 好无聊好无聊。其实回坑以来一路玩下来,我不停探究赚钱的方法(虽然也他妈没探究多少),其实是因为我不懂贴龙。无论如何都搞不懂!感觉实在是太复杂了。最近一段时间我再次尝试系统学习如何贴龙,但是几乎一无所获。我会对着自己3basic的龙发呆,或者在scry里面瞎摆弄,但是最后几乎都是摇摇头,叹口气,然后退出页面。感觉只有刷ah的时候,才有找到在这个游戏的目标的感觉。但是群友说,这游戏迟早会关服,但你约的art可以一直保存下去。我觉得这也包括你贴的龙。所以我也希望能够不仅是收集宠物、赚游戏代币,而是能搞出一些能够让自己能够一直保存的、真正的艺术。
Frost & Aneira这条线(下简称FA吧)我称其为飞大色Line 1-FA线,这条线可以有多对并行,飞出来的小色必须找其他线的,不能 呃 骨科。
草,我甚至可以给FA再另找配对的,但是那样的话就乱了,还是算了吧- 这个游戏如果说是捏龙的话,我不会。就是普通囤囤鼠捏
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Thank you for letting me know Shield was on the front page ^^
yooooo that's awesome!! thank you for letting me know :D
Thank you for the nice comment!
I’d love to rent a nest from you when you’re free!
Thornbane (#84523614) was on the front page today!! She looks super pretty ^^
Thornbane was on the front page!
Vick was on the front page!
Thank you for letting me know- the notification managed to catch me in time to see her on the front page myself! Haven't managed that before ^-^
Oh how cool! Thank you for letting me know! :D
我三个月白天在线,龙都不动,只有我一次早睡觉后她才上首页 orz 谢谢你告诉我!!
Thanks for selling me the aether too! I found a scry I loved and couldnt resist, its in his bio if you're interested :)
Thank you for telling me!! Arzch and Lux are beautiful :O)!
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