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Moonstone191's Clan
The Moon knows somethings but the stars knows all things
Clan Info

Join our art shop we're looking forward in making our shop boom!

Warning the only dragon's you will mostly find here are guardians and obelisks With our lovely koi genes that we have been blessed with. ^v^ you might see a few others here and there also!!
My boy Hati the Obelisk

THERES NOW A WISHLIST: plz click on the dragon below to view the wishlist

Swordsinger my warrior

My beautiful star Moonfire

Artwork by Aisheyru

WARNING: this is an exalting lair but I only exalt if I need the room. Most dragons will be held in my sale tab for 74 hrs before exalting. How ever my sale tab is also used as a storage holder for dragons until they are organized to there proper tabs. If you see your dragon that I got from you in this tab plz ask me what I'm planning to do with it before demanding it back in fear of exalting. I would really appreciate it thank you! ^^
If you see one of my dragons on the random dragon spotlight on the front page don't be shy let me know I always love it whenever one of my dragons are on the front page heck letting me know might even save one on from the exalt row!. ^^
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and that Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Welcome to the Galactic Nest please join us for free project Dragons. ^^

My favorite dragon I ever gotten this year Mirror art work was done by me on sketch and deviantart:

Doing a element portal signatures please stay toon for the forum. If you wish for one and want details on the prices just private message me or comment on my page wall.

(Outfit project)

Star queen 2.0
HELLO! And welcome to Clan Moonstone I'm Crystal the Mascot of this clan. Please keep in mind that I have projects on the way. So pay attention to my adoption tab. Thank you and continue to the clan bio down below.¥
The Lore.
(Warning this lore has disturbing parts for some readers. if you are one of those who get easily sick with serten blood or gore content then skip over the gore or leave ^^ ).

My Dragon: DancingShadows
Long ago when the clan of the Moonstone was young, there lived a newly young Queen named DarkWhisper. When she first set claw on the arcane territories she was excited to start her new clan. But what she did not know was that her leadership might soon seal her fate. For years she ruled her clan in peace and harmony. She was known to her Clan as The Great Mother, A Queen with a heart of Gold and Silver. When her first hatchlings was born she never thought her life could be better with her to hatchlings Stellaris and Cygnus. Her first hatchlings was born healthy and beautiful she couldn't have been more prouder mother. She raised them and watched them grow into adults and loved them both as the grew in to strong warriors for the clan. But when second batch of hatchlings was born an evil mystery Dragon came and killed Newly hatched son and daughter. Fearious and angered she chased the mystery dragon off not knowing that it was carrying her second son in there claws. As she Looked back at her nest soaked in her daughter's blood, pain and sorrow filled her heart thinking that both of her hatchlings was murdered in there sleep. It Made her rage and it filled her heart with hate. This was only the very beginning of what her future held. As her rage slowly grew every second of the day and every hour of the night, until her rage turned in to madness. But what really sealed it was her 4th batch of hatchlings. On the day her 4th batch of hatchlings was born her daughter WishingRunes was born alongside her brother Corrupted Soul. (See corruptedsoul in the exalts)

The moment Corrupted was born he bared a dark substance that growed on his body. The moment DarkWhisper saw this substance it made her tremble in fear as he almost resembled the mystery dragon from before. Thinking that this child was cursed by darkness and not sent as a warning sign sent by there god Arcanist, she reacted before she had a chance to think and in an instant she found her teeth sunk deep into the hatchlings neck her mate GalacticFire and her daughter WishingRunes froze in horror as her son's blood dripped from her mouth staining the nest below. As The Queen snapps back into reality she roared in fear as she looked at her son blood staining her claws. As she staired at the lifeless corps below her, her hatred finally grew into madness turning into what's now known as the mad mother's disease. As The Madness continue take over DarkWhisper she launched at her mate GalacticFire ripping him from Limb to Limb killing him in the process. Scared and swallowed by fear her daughter fled to an elderly dragon named StarshineQuartz. A dragon that been in the clan for years. And soon to be one of clans main warriors.

WishingRune being a hatchling at the time, burst into lady starshine's den while she was a sleep and trys to hide under her wing. Shocked by filling something shoveing itself under wing while sleeping, she quickly lifted her wing to reveal a tiny frightened mirror hatchling shoveing her tear soaked face in her side. Confused by this discovery she didn't have time to ask why before she herd GalacticFire's roar in agany. Lady Starshine Quartz got up and looked to see what was happening outside, as the tiny young mirror hid in her nest. What Starshine saw was great horror right before her eyes. GalacticFire was shredded to pieces by her Own beloved Queen. She quickly glanced at the hatchling's corpse in the Queen's nest and froze in fear. She then rushed back to her nest with young mirror to hide her in fear the young rune hatchling will face the same fate. Shocked to what she has seen, Starshine heart sunk as she realized there beloved Queen had fallen in a Dark horrifying Madness. As days past, DarkWhisper had fallen more into madness. starshine raised WishingRune herself and even gave her a name but as she grows up, starshine kept the child away from the queen so she to won't perish in same fate as her father and brother.
Several more years had past and Queen DarkWhisper's Madness had worsened.

Every hatchling she had with the Corrupted gene was killed some had survived and remain hidden in the clan of the Moonstone trying to live. A few other hatchlings had fled to other clans seeking refuge from the Mad Mother hopeing they will protect them from DarkWhisper. In fear that there hatchlings would be next, Mothers were forced to put there beloved hatchlings up for adoption. The rest of Queen's hatchlings was forced to fallow DarkWhisper into darkness and tread down dangerous paths in order to keep her happy as soldiers, slaves, or minions I. Order to keep the Queen happy. no matter what they do if they anger there Queen they will be killed on sight. Those who had chosen to fallow her are forced to fallow her lead. Even at the stakes of war. StarshineQuartz stayed in her den, watching all the chaos unfold around her. WishingRunes had grown and remain hidden deep within the caves below the territories of the clan. With along side a few others that was once fallowers of the Queen until she fell in to madness. On the 8th year of this chaos, StarshineQuartz had enough of this violence so she created army of her own to try and take down the Queen DarkWhisper. With her determined attitude, lady Starshine had chosen three other's to help her raise and train this army. The 4 of them together were called
The Galactic Mothers of Peace. They would pick and choose guardians born from the grate Mage Chrisilis the dragon that was born from the Moon who was Aligned with the stars. (The mother and father of Moonblade check the image below to reveal parents.)

To there belief Lady starshine and the the Galactic Mothers believed That those who bared the color of the faded moon blended by it's light was sent by the arcane God and were more powerful then any mage combined. And threw this belief a young prophet was born. A Hatchling that was born covered in stars, That was bathed by the colors of the faded moon blended by it's light. Her father Moonblade and the Galactic Mothers gave her the name Crystal. They believed that she was a recarnation of the great Mage fallen in battle Crisilis.

After Finding out the guardians was creating an army and were plotting war against her, Queen DarkWhisper
Was Filled with Rage and roared with hate. The valley below her clan trembled in fear under her cry. If the Guardian demanded war against there own Beloved queen then she will paint the valley red with there blood she thought. Knowing they didn't have a chance, the guardians and the Galactic Mothers had sent Messengers to all corners of the World, to every clan in existence to help defeat this evil Queen of madness. As For DarkWhisper she to Has sent Messengers as to distant clans to aid her in this battle of darkness. In fear of not succeeding in this battle, DarkWhisper summon a god well known, a god that she knows will help her but getting him on her side will be tricky. But before she gets him on her side she must first awaken LordHavoc and try to woo him in order to get the god to aid her in war but it won't be as easy as killing a hatchling but with her determined Madness she has no choice but to try.

Recent Comments

Thank you so much, this means a lot :)

Thank you for the profile comment!!! I love Foxtrot so much, he's so cute and I was lucky to find a really nice accent for him too :D!! Will take care of him for sure :33

On second thought, I'd love to have one! Once I get space, I'll purchase a baby. All depends on me saving up!

Heheh, maybe? I'm pretty much gonna get 5 new dragons upon lair expansion and hatchling selling, XD. Very interested though!

Here's a few honorable mentions: GlowingGemStone, Wisteria, Zodiac, Bellatrix, CelestialRose, EmberDust, Ethereal, Ammit, Novaseed, Nightsong, Solaris, Skoll (love permababies), Willow, Fleshrot, and Calipso!

She looks amazing in it!!

Thanks for giving your love to Iauges on the Prettiest Dragon thread! The skin is a 2017 fest skin called Spatial Aberration and is not that expensive on the Auction House.

Left likes on Solarflame, Vergo, and Eyestrain!! And I have some copies of Boneforge on the AH, the price is 500g but I also accept treasure and willing to consider specialty items! Feel free to message me :)

awh thank you!! clan lore is always difficult to figure out, so it really means a lot!! <3

AAA Thank you! She is my beloved OC <3

Ahhh, I getcha!! I just don't want the kid to get exalted!! If you like, I can keep her listed on my rehoming thread and if someone is interested I can ping your sister! (: I'll send her over!

Hi friend! I adopted one of your Fire Mane hatchlings a little while ago, but now I'm maxed out on space! Would I be able to return the baby to you?
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