CLOSED For now for season reasons will open back up in November
Welcome to the Galaxy Nest.
Here we have a project going on called the Kingdoms of Glass were dragons of all types bares the dimensions within there wings. There shiny appearance almost looks like glass mirrors.
What are Glass Dragons?
Glass dragons are fragile Dragons with a shiny surface on there bodies and sometimes wings. Theses dragons must have exactly one type of any Galactic genes.
Far beyond the outskirts of the starfall isles lies a kingdom of glass. Surrounded by water this kindom is massive. Here there are three types of Dragons in this kindom. The first type of Dragons are called the Crystal statues. They say These dragons have bodies of Crystal and bares Genes like no other. The second type of Dragons in this are known as the Glass statues. Theses dragons are so Majestic that travelers have claimed that these dragons carries the universe within there transparent bodies. The last but not least Type of Dragons within this kindom Is The Glass Dragons of the 7 dimensions. Theses Dragons have some type of Metallic body who carries the Stargate to The Cosmos within there wings. Theses Dragons are known to be very powerful but very wise. Some say these dimension Dragons knows about every Knowledge known in the universe.
They say that These dragons of the glass kingdom are very well known and trusted by the Galactic mothers (see my guardian tab for more details on the Galactic mothers) And that they are the Galactic mothers Main weapons of operation to put an end to the rage of the mad Queen DarkWhispers. Not much are known of these Dragons of glass. but one day there secrets and knowledge of these dragons are soon to be revealed. For King Glass has hatched Glass dragons and he wants to send them out to the world to protect your clans.
**~Glass Dragon reach data~**
....………………Searching....…………………..................................... Data found. New Glass Dragon Detected.
Hidden Deep within the glass kingdom lies a pair of glass dragons with Shattered wings but still with a body of glass...... personalities unknown.... Place of Orgin unknown.... intentions unknown....... visual appearance looks corrupted......entities could be hostile twords other Glass dragons. All guards Plz keep an eye on these two broken winged glass Dragons....
If you wish to be a part of this project plz ping me and will send you a url to post on your clan wall or signature so others may find the Galactic Nests.
Welcome to the Galaxy Nest.

Here we have a project going on called the Kingdoms of Glass were dragons of all types bares the dimensions within there wings. There shiny appearance almost looks like glass mirrors.
What are Glass Dragons?
Glass dragons are fragile Dragons with a shiny surface on there bodies and sometimes wings. Theses dragons must have exactly one type of any Galactic genes.
Far beyond the outskirts of the starfall isles lies a kingdom of glass. Surrounded by water this kindom is massive. Here there are three types of Dragons in this kindom. The first type of Dragons are called the Crystal statues. They say These dragons have bodies of Crystal and bares Genes like no other. The second type of Dragons in this are known as the Glass statues. Theses dragons are so Majestic that travelers have claimed that these dragons carries the universe within there transparent bodies. The last but not least Type of Dragons within this kindom Is The Glass Dragons of the 7 dimensions. Theses Dragons have some type of Metallic body who carries the Stargate to The Cosmos within there wings. Theses Dragons are known to be very powerful but very wise. Some say these dimension Dragons knows about every Knowledge known in the universe.
They say that These dragons of the glass kingdom are very well known and trusted by the Galactic mothers (see my guardian tab for more details on the Galactic mothers) And that they are the Galactic mothers Main weapons of operation to put an end to the rage of the mad Queen DarkWhispers. Not much are known of these Dragons of glass. but one day there secrets and knowledge of these dragons are soon to be revealed. For King Glass has hatched Glass dragons and he wants to send them out to the world to protect your clans.
**~Glass Dragon reach data~**
....………………Searching....…………………..................................... Data found. New Glass Dragon Detected.
Hidden Deep within the glass kingdom lies a pair of glass dragons with Shattered wings but still with a body of glass...... personalities unknown.... Place of Orgin unknown.... intentions unknown....... visual appearance looks corrupted......entities could be hostile twords other Glass dragons. All guards Plz keep an eye on these two broken winged glass Dragons....
If you wish to be a part of this project plz ping me and will send you a url to post on your clan wall or signature so others may find the Galactic Nests.
Primary genes needed:
Metallic -(any color but Obsidian is the most likely)
Iridescent -(any color)
crystal -(must be obsidian colored only)
Starmap-(any color is allowed)
Shattered primary genes needed:
Metallic (obsidian colored only)
Iridescent (any color)
Starmap (Obsidian only)
Secondary Genes needed:
Shimmer-(any color)
Alloy-(any color)
Constellation- (any Bright colors only)
Facet- (rare Gene only for Crystal statues)(any color)
Shattered secondary Genes needed:
Constellation (any Bright colors)
Tertiary gene needed:
Runes -(any color)
Counter -(must be obsidian colored only)
Circuit -(rare Gene very few are allowed with this color)(bright colors only)
Glimmer -(any color)
Filigree -(any color)
Shattered Tertiary genes needed:
Crackle (any dark color but Obsidian is the most kannan)
Vained (any color)
Hatchlings giving away for free:
(Waiting for nest to hatch)
Hatchlings in the Auction house:
None at the moment
Hatchlings on Exalt row:
(Waiting for the last nest to hatch)
You can claim any Dragon on exalt row if it sparks your interest. Plz breed them at least once or twice before exalt if you claimed a dragon on Exalt row.
Again if you wish to take part of this project and breed your own dragons plz pm or ping me. And yes ancient breeds are allowed in this project. Thank you. And stay tooned for updates
Metallic -(any color but Obsidian is the most likely)
Iridescent -(any color)
crystal -(must be obsidian colored only)
Starmap-(any color is allowed)
Shattered primary genes needed:
Metallic (obsidian colored only)
Iridescent (any color)
Starmap (Obsidian only)
Secondary Genes needed:
Shimmer-(any color)
Alloy-(any color)
Constellation- (any Bright colors only)
Facet- (rare Gene only for Crystal statues)(any color)
Shattered secondary Genes needed:
Constellation (any Bright colors)
Tertiary gene needed:
Runes -(any color)
Counter -(must be obsidian colored only)
Circuit -(rare Gene very few are allowed with this color)(bright colors only)
Glimmer -(any color)
Filigree -(any color)
Shattered Tertiary genes needed:
Crackle (any dark color but Obsidian is the most kannan)
Vained (any color)
Hatchlings giving away for free:
(Waiting for nest to hatch)
Hatchlings in the Auction house:
None at the moment
Hatchlings on Exalt row:
(Waiting for the last nest to hatch)
You can claim any Dragon on exalt row if it sparks your interest. Plz breed them at least once or twice before exalt if you claimed a dragon on Exalt row.
Again if you wish to take part of this project and breed your own dragons plz pm or ping me. And yes ancient breeds are allowed in this project. Thank you. And stay tooned for updates