Baldwin's - Sort By Currently Brewable

MillieBee's Clan
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Time Zone: GMT (8 hours ahead of Flight Rising)
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Scratch was on the front page! Pretty.

Thank you! I was looking at your lair, and your dragons are very pretty. I especially like Lumina and Morgana!

Thank you! <3

Snap was on the front page!

Hello! :D Just came by to say I saw your dragon, Relarn, on the front page! :D She's very pretty, I love what you've done with her! That is all, hope you have a fantastic day :)

Berethiell is so pretty, she made it on the front page : D

Berethiell was on the front page, she's luminescent! :)

Merisell was on the front page and I love what you've done with her! Very pretty C:

Thank you ♥ Amortia's my baby!

Morniell was on the front page and WOW what a beauty!

Your Gildir was on the front page. He looks really cool, epsecially with that accent *o*

Thank you! :D Sylgrace #211063 is the one who made my signature. I believe her shop is called 'Majestic Dragons'.
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