Baldwin's - Sort By Currently Brewable

MillieBee's Clan
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Time Zone: GMT (8 hours ahead of Flight Rising)
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Thank you so much for the sweet profile comment! Your dragons are all super lovely, and so well dressed. Also, FYI, your username usually makes me smile because I love bees.

Whoops delayed reply because flight change business but thank you for the well wishes!! and worry not, sleep happens :) we shall definitely keep in touch!

Celairel is breathtaking!

I think Bar/Seraph/Underbelly would look great on her! She'd look gene-wise, like her Mother, and it lets that weird Banana tert shine without overpowering everything, hahaha

Can I just say how happy I am to see Relarn is still happily a part of your lair? I'm all smiles because of it! :)

Thanks for the comment and the wishes friend !! I'll miss you too ;v;

yess exactly and i want my lair to represent arcane ouo
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