[H] The Zoologist

Redwinterafr's Clan
How'd I become a G1 lair...
Clan Info
Hey! I've done it!
This is my educational animal hatchery feel free to leave a message below on any suggested animal you would like to see scried and produced.

All the Credit to CupcakeCass for doing fantastic hatchery art for me. You can find her forum at this link below!
Whatever does not sell as a hatchling will be exalted.
PM me for any hatchery requests.
PM for nest rentals.
This is my educational animal hatchery feel free to leave a message below on any suggested animal you would like to see scried and produced.

All the Credit to CupcakeCass for doing fantastic hatchery art for me. You can find her forum at this link below!
Whatever does not sell as a hatchling will be exalted.
PM me for any hatchery requests.
PM for nest rentals.
Recent Comments

@ferspnai i'll toss them on again

if you breed your tiger pair again, i'm extremely interested in getting an xxy female with maize or cream tert - the antique i ended up with doesn't quite do the trick

Scorpio was featured on the frontpage!

Xol was on the front page! What a cutie!

Hello! I think we might need to become best friends . . . I'm a zoologist, too (in the game, and IRL)! Almost all of my dragons are named after some species or another, and eventually I want to include conservation information, like you've done with your dragons. LOVE IT! Anyhow, I picked up a Whale Shark today, and OMG the Black Sea Nettle is so cleverly done! I couldn't resist. Anyhow, cheers! And yay for zoology!

@LadyCrofts I don't know how I missed your message, buttt she's been awesome. Definitely apart of one of my favorite pairs. I currently have that pair in the hibden on breeding cooldown. :) hope you are doing well.

Heya! It's been ages since we've spoke, how have things gone with the nocturne female ya bought from me a while ago?

Yo! Arven made the front page, he's pretty!!

Thank you so much for the pretty Nocturne lady!! I didn't notice the bio until now but this is all such an amazing theme/idea! Thank you so much ♥♥♥

Your hatchery is so lovely!

Each pair in your hatchery are all simply gorgeous!

thank you!! your hatchery project is fantastic!! i love zoology! i was a zookeeper for a while and i would have loved to make a career out of it!
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