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SmolderingFlame's Clan

What is big, gray, and too precious for this world? KASMIR
Venerable Lair
of the
Abiding Boneyard icon

Clan Info

Memorial dragon in progress for our hamster Acorn. She passed on June 23, 2024 due to kidney failure, and we already miss her very much. Any help is welcome.
Coatl (female preferably)
Gloom Skink
Antique Blend
Black Contour
Earth Rare
Scroll of Eternal Youth

My Leap Day baby! ^-^ Please help me gene her!

Glowtail -
River Royalist Finery
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THAT TABLE.

┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THIS TABLE.

┻━┻ ︵ \(`0`)/ ︵ ┻━┻

ಠ_ಠ Child.

ಠ___ಠ Put.

ಠ____ಠ The tables.

ಠ_____ಠ Back.

(╮°-°)╮┳━┳ ....

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER!!!!'’
Keep scrolling to find WishList.

Priority WL items:
Mochlus x2
Riopa x2
Paradise x3
Rattlesnake x2
Firefly x2
Dark Sclera
Primal Eyes
Pearlcatcher Scroll: (TOP PRIORITY)x3


Hey. Hey you. Yeah you. You who just needs some uplifting feels in your life. Or even if you just want them. Or don’t want them. Watch this video. I swear it’s not a rickroll, cross my heart and hope to lose all my dragons.
Uplifting, wholesome memes.

Goals: dragon?age=1&body=141&bodygene=198&breed=23&element=7&eyetype=6&gender=1&tert=12&tertgene=188&winggene=191&wings=10&auth=6307f783b0975ae0aa040181d2b75342dc64dcf5&dummyext=prev.png

At some point, I'll clean this up. ':DAtjLL.gif
I support all flights. Yes, even Nature even though I'm Plague. If y'all wanna hate on me for that, just deal with it. ^-^


Dream dragon: dragon?age=1&body=56&bodygene=4&breed=4&element=10&eyetype=8&gender=0&tert=88&tertgene=73&winggene=26&wings=176&auth=3444878031f9cd2bf90d5e4de8af75624abb773f&dummyext=prev.png

XYZ Chocolate Speckle, Eldritch Edged, Hickory Koi… Nature or Plague Dark Sclera


Images credits(top to bottom, left to right): TheAceCase, Tanganika, Zoyki
TheAceCase wrote on 2022-12-13 07:43:48:
My impressions of you guys:

Can kill god but thinks they can't: @Tanganika @LumoInnIt @Giraffe4
Can't kill god but thinks they can: @Bloodfury
Can kill god and knows it: @SmolderingFlame
Accidentally killed god at 3 am in a Wendy's parking lot: @Zoyki

If I were any FR dragon, I'd probably be a Pearlcatcher. ^^ They're my favorites!

I'm totally cool to do lore commissions for anyone! Just let me know the dragon, and any key points you want in there, as well as your dragon's personality.

Oh, and shoot me a message if you're thinking about it.


For examples of my writing style, go to the Lore and RP page in my lair. Prices are discussed afterward, when the lore has been completed and you've read it.


Ways to Keep Your Sanity:
1. Sit in parked a car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars and see if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Every time someone asks you to do something ask them if they want fries with that.
4. Put a paper bin on your desk and label it "in".
5. Order a diet water whenever you go out to eat-- with a serious face.
6. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go".
7. Skip rather than walk.
8. Don't use any punctuation.
9. Sing along at the opera.
10. Five days in advanced tell your friends you cant go to their party because you aren't in the mood.
11. Have your friends address you by your wrestling name, rock bottom.
12. When money comes out of the cash machine scream "I won, I won!"
13. When leaving the zoo, start running toward the car park screaming "run for your lives, they're loose!"
14. Find a good parking spot at the mall, during rush hour, and park in it with your reverse lights on.
15. Type the last thing you did and add "Because I'm Batman" at the end.
16. Wear a shirt that says, "Life," stand on a street corner, and hand out lemons.
17. Make vanilla pudding. Put it in a mayo jar, and then proceed to eat it in public.
18. Buy a parrot and teach him to say, "Help! I've been turned into a parrot!"
19. Change name to Simon. Speak in third person.
20. Wait until there are a bunch of people, look in the fridge casually, and jump back, slamming the fridge door saying, IT'S MOVING IT'S MOVING!
21. Put this on your page and make someone else smile!


Meet my bee pets! Courtesy of LumoInnit!Screenshot-2022-05-25-11-28-10-AM.png Screenshot-2022-06-01-10-07-51-PM.png
......................................"Sorry buddy, you're not exactly a bee..."

Character notes for me:
Name: Erik

Age: 25

Voiceclaim: Colm R. McGuinness (Song writer and singer, you can find a lot of his songs on Youtube and Spotify.)

Height: 5'10

Hair: Straight, white-blond hair that's kinda shaggy, just long enough to be pulled back in a low ponytail.

Eyes: Silver, color like coins.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Family: ...we don't speak of them. :)

Back Story: Moved to (wherever this takes place) from Ireland, where he grew up. He lived there until he moved when he was 20 years old, looking for work. He's trained in hundreds of ways to kill, and utilizes them in his career as a hitman and assassin for a large underground mafia. He's relatively free to do as he pleases and to associate with whomever he wants, so long as he obeys the orders he's given, to the letter.

Piercings/Tattoos/scars: Multiple small silver loops along the outside of his ears, three on one ear and two on the other. Tattoo of a cormorant (bird) on the back of his neck, head touching his hairline and the body and tail feathers stretching down onto his back. Wings wrap around his neck and on his collarbone. One short scar across his lips.

Personality: Stubborn and hard headed, but follows orders without question if given by someone he respects. Aims to get tasks done as efficiently as possible, even if it's not quite morally... good.

Picture: Screenshot-2024-12-05-at-12-54-41-PM.png

ETC: He has a bad habit of stealing things, and is very, very good at it. Never intends on keeping things forever. He just likes to show that he can. Almost always gives the stolen items back quickly.

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Bloodfury's avatar
January 14, 2025 12:39:06
AspenCrow's avatar
December 29, 2024 10:13:08
Thank you! It's one of my favourite vines
KirantheFirst's avatar
December 25, 2024 18:20:01
Merry Christmas!
Bloodfury's avatar
December 11, 2024 09:16:37
*the fact I memorized it already*
Bloodfury's avatar
December 11, 2024 05:34:17
Bloodfury's avatar
December 07, 2024 11:35:57
I've got a little time ^^
ThatRussianCat's avatar
November 22, 2024 08:10:52
Happy to help :3
ThatRussianCat's avatar
November 21, 2024 18:11:57
Hiya!For youe coatl memorial, Did you mean Skink for the primary gene? Spinner is a secondary gene.
Evaria's avatar
June 09, 2024 19:23:52
Aaron was on the front page! What an amazing dragon!
IgneousReaper's avatar
June 09, 2024 19:23:52
Aaron was on the front page!
DevilsNeverCry's avatar
May 05, 2024 14:39:49
I’m so sorry for not seeing your comment earlier! Yes it’s a song reference but also my (someday finished G1) version of the Dragonborn :)
Zoyki's avatar
March 20, 2024 14:46:34
Loool <3 you can play with their long ears XD
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Sep 16, 2021

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ArcaneSong (#303587)

Bloodfury's avatar
Bloodfury (#598685)

Non e per tutti andare avanti...
Tanganika's avatar
Tanganika (#623800)

Tangled is the best Disney princess movie. fight me.
FoxFolklore's avatar
FoxFolklore (#562582)

My depression is chronic but my lore is iconic
InTheoryThursday's avatar
InTheoryThursday (#587453)

I?m not dead I just don?t have any food I sob
PigletsAreCute's avatar
PigletsAreCute (#629971)
C0y0te's avatar
C0y0te (#564656)

What no...I'm totally not a lizard person in disguise
CrowHarlequin's avatar
CrowHarlequin (#353914)

Haggle me. Cst fr+2. Idk what sleep is anymore.

Recent Activity

Sep 13
Became friends with MoonlitWolfPlayz
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 28
Became friends with 384fuzzyworms
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Apr 26
Became friends with Dragon1198
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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Jan 05
Familiarity (400)
Jan 05
I Bet it's Something Totally Cool (50)
Jul 24
Yard Work
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