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Cthonian's Clan
Clan Info
Hello! Welcome to our lair!
Interested in a trade? See a pair you'd love an egg from? Feel free to contact me!
Due to more messages, I have to reiterate Kalama and/or Kualus are not for sale
Favored Pairs:
Kolga and Wayfarer
Takua and Baragon
Bloodflower and Balta
Hello! Welcome to our lair!
Interested in a trade? See a pair you'd love an egg from? Feel free to contact me!
Due to more messages, I have to reiterate Kalama and/or Kualus are not for sale
Favored Pairs:
Kolga and Wayfarer
Takua and Baragon
Bloodflower and Balta
Recent Comments

Rajah was on the front page! I love their colors!

Lhikan was on the front page!

Kopaka was the random dragon!

Kopaka was on the front page!

I saw you bought Coriolis (#77671646) off me! So happy to see another Tide as I love the breed!

bloodflower is on the first page what a cool skin!

Also just realized that Surtur's ID is 2022. this is HIS year!!

I love your bionicle dragons!

Chaofeng was on the front page!

Phiphus was on the front page and he's gorgeous!

all of ur bionicle dragons are so beautiful :)

Haunted was on the front page!
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