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RoeDusk's Clan

I'll be back if the winds take me...
Venerable Lair
circling within the
Twisting Crescendo icon

Clan Info

Many clans are planned groups, gatherings of family and/or friends who decide to spend their lives together.

This one is no more, or less, than an intersection of the winds of chance, for as long as it keeps us here.

If the dragon/hatchling is still Unnamed, it might be available for trade/sale/giveaway.

If it has no familiar it's almost definitely available for trade/sale/giveaway. (Give me an offer, I'll probably take it.)

All I ask is they get names and are allowed to grow up before you decide you didn't want them and exalt them.

Recent Comments

curiousCalembour's avatar
December 28, 2018 15:26:11
alma was on the front page!!! very pretty!!
BluDevil's avatar
August 03, 2018 14:57:59
Just thought I'd drop by and say that Verbena looks amazing!~
Wizjonerka's avatar
March 26, 2018 03:33:51
Verbena was on the first page!
Parsley's avatar
November 26, 2016 00:52:44
Galatea was on the front page
Asphyxia's avatar
January 28, 2016 02:25:18
Saleir is so beautiful!! I love her apparel as well!
SafiraThePanther's avatar
November 22, 2014 14:08:15
Can I request a ping if Doriath has a son with the same colors as him? I'm trying to surprise gift a friend with an ivory/chocolate male imperial :p
Shian's avatar
June 08, 2014 16:17:56
Oh, thank you so much! :D
FrostSkyder's avatar
May 17, 2014 21:13:52
Thank you! I'll probably not exalt him though...he's adorable. XP I will make sure he's named if that does happen though!
FrostSkyder's avatar
May 17, 2014 17:59:59
HI! I was wondering if the gold/blood/maize baby boy mirror you have that's unnamed is up for sale. He's really close in range to an orange/blood/maize dragon I'm trying to breed. :O
huntyourveggies' avatar
March 15, 2014 12:34:43
Ahhh thats alright, I've only got about 9,000 left to go. You keep her to get yourself some money. ^^ Good luck to you too!
huntyourveggies' avatar
March 15, 2014 12:21:05
Sorry I was only able to take one at the moment. I am now officially full and might just turn my attention to the games at this point haha. Thanks though.
Bellafelis' avatar
March 12, 2014 07:21:41
Yay, I'm so glad to see that you were able to get the little maize/magenta girl :D
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Morguetsen (#4499)

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SqueakyFrancis (#32841)

Testing, testing, one two three.
Isidarth's avatar
Isidarth (#63056)

Argyle is just italic plaid.
haru8moon8's avatar
haru8moon8 (#129594)

We Are Explorers Willing To Help Dragons In Need!

Recent Activity

Jul 30
Earned: Level 40 Hunting
Reach a level of 40 in the Hunting skill.
Apr 17
Earned: Level 30 Foraging
Reach a level of 30 in the Foraging skill.
Jul 27
Earned: Wind Egg
Find or obtain an unhatched Wind Egg.

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