Weirdest Name From the User Above You

ArkireonScholar's Clan
Your average speedreader.
Clan Info
You look around and see a slightly crumbling marble-constructed library. Its doorway... wait, it's so elaborate! Can you even call it a doorway? It's more like a temple entrance. Life scenes are carved onto its arches and columns: hunting, fishing, reading scrolls, and the like. In the middle of the filigreed columns and the arches that top them, an ornate rosewood door stands slightly ajar. A minuscule head pokes out of the grand door. You almost didn't notice it.
A female veilspun greets you. "Welcome to Clan Librum!" "My name is Summerfate, and I hope you have a liking for scrolls." She zips into the library, and calls out, "Vyrin! I think someone wants to join the clan." Even for a small dragon, Summerfate has quite the lung capacity.
A fae in steampunk spats flies down to meet you.
"Hi, I'm Vyrin. I guess you're the new addition to the clan. You should probably choose a scroll genre." Her crests tell that she is pretty happy to see you, even if her voice suggests otherwise. She flies back to the higher level of the library.
"Anyway," Summerfate says, "what Vyrin is saying is that you should find a topic that you're interested in. Otherwise, find a nook and start reading!"
I'm ArkireonScholar, or Arky, for short. Here's some info about me:
Random picture things:

For devs (because why not): I play on mobile, PC, and laptop, at school, and home. I use data and WiFi interchangeably. ZZZIIPP is my sister.
A female veilspun greets you. "Welcome to Clan Librum!" "My name is Summerfate, and I hope you have a liking for scrolls." She zips into the library, and calls out, "Vyrin! I think someone wants to join the clan." Even for a small dragon, Summerfate has quite the lung capacity.
A fae in steampunk spats flies down to meet you.
"Hi, I'm Vyrin. I guess you're the new addition to the clan. You should probably choose a scroll genre." Her crests tell that she is pretty happy to see you, even if her voice suggests otherwise. She flies back to the higher level of the library.
"Anyway," Summerfate says, "what Vyrin is saying is that you should find a topic that you're interested in. Otherwise, find a nook and start reading!"
I'm ArkireonScholar, or Arky, for short. Here's some info about me:
(But I'm hoping to become one after I get one coli team to lv 25). I probably bought your dragon bc it was pretty. Lair space is needed!
- Ancient lair achieved 3-16-2023!
- Dragons with a familiar, bio, skin, or apparel are not for sale. Buut if they don't have anything listed above, please feel free to shoot me a message.
- FR time +3; She/her
I'm currently attempting to scry all of the playable Genshin Characters!FINISHED (02/04/2025)!!! :O We've got everyone up to 5.3! PM me for more info. Ganyu holds the list for my completed scries.- I speak Shakespearean English sometimes.
Random picture things:

For devs (because why not): I play on mobile, PC, and laptop, at school, and home. I use data and WiFi interchangeably. ZZZIIPP is my sister.
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Writing is so hard(SO hard) but knowing 1 person took the time to read freetrain wip makes me want to finish it, you're awesome & I hope you're having an amazing holidays