Dragon Leveling {open}
savvydergen's Clan
something wicked... this way comes...
Clan Info
Personal Quests and Challenges
Hibernal Den Task Tracker
Hibden Items by Location WIP
Color Wheel Project
Hibernal Den Task Tracker
Hibden Items by Location WIP
Color Wheel Project
- For hoard sorting purposes
Hib den items are locked until fully collected, then moved to vault. Then they are unlocked and starred
Swip items are always locked. If starred, you have enough of item for all things applicable.
Chests and openables are the exception. They are not locked or starred
If an item is locked and starred, it means that the hib den collection is complete and it's being saved for swip purposes
Brewing items are not locked or starred Leveling and Coli Drop Shoppermanent hiatus- Coli team for Golem Workshop and Forbidden Portal here
- Proudest moment in coli
Personal Challenges
- Reach level 26 cauldron [26/26]
- Breed XXY, XYX, XYY, and XXX with Cepheus/Cassiopeia
- Breed XXX with Namiri/Kaelym
- Sprite Purchases
Nature for 2,800,000t (currently w/ CrownedEagle)
Water for 3,000,000t
Recent Comments
Hey, just a quick comment to check in. Hope you see this soon and that you're doing alright.
Sorry for the delay in posting. I'll try to get something up by the end of the weekend for you.
I saw your creative corner post and SAME! wrt the Swirly Bois & Girls. I can't believe how good Wish looks on Boulder/Myrid! I gened one of my progens, Sykion, with Wish as soon as I scried it because he just looked so good with it ;_;
Still can't wait! ^.^
Okay, I can't wait!
Hey, I'd love it if we could get back to our Harry Potter rp.
i absolutely love the white dragons i was able to buy from you!! :)
Of course! They’re beautiful and my first undertide :)
Of course!! I fell in love with a scry and had to bring her in to the family haha :) And thank you so much!
Ultimate was just the dragon I needed for a breeding project, he's off enjoying himself in an arcane nest! You've got some lovely dragons as well, I especially love the Wildclaws!
Thanks! I've worked hard on my lair :) The undertide I bought is a near clone to an important lore dragon in my lair (Mephyst)
Thx for buying Ike^^
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