Winter Egg Trade 2024!

abeeinshoes' Clan
I exist
Clan Info
Currently working on clan lore
I love dragons
and breeding them
I also keep running out of space :|
If there's a dragon you really want in my lair feel free to message me!
I don't generally exalt dragons, if I no longer want a dragon I offer them to my friends and then sell them (if you'd rather I send them back to you, just tell me!)
If you're interested in a hatchling from one of my (many) breeding pairs, send me a message and I'll nest them the next time I can!
If I have the space I'm down to breed dragons for anyone!
I try to message back asap!
I'm online at weird times due to my schedule

I love dragons
and breeding them
I also keep running out of space :|
If there's a dragon you really want in my lair feel free to message me!
I don't generally exalt dragons, if I no longer want a dragon I offer them to my friends and then sell them (if you'd rather I send them back to you, just tell me!)
If you're interested in a hatchling from one of my (many) breeding pairs, send me a message and I'll nest them the next time I can!
If I have the space I'm down to breed dragons for anyone!
I try to message back asap!
I'm online at weird times due to my schedule

Recent Comments

Poofy was on the front page!

Oh hey, apparently I previously let you know of another dragon being on the front page too lol

Cowl (#66579678) was on the front page!

Your PC lady Elda was on the front page!

Chano was on the front page!

Saw Xavven on the front page. Love how he looks :)

Northern (#84063331) was on the front page!

Floral was on the front page, she's gorgeous:)

Frosteal was on the front page!

damian was featured, what a cutie!

Bubbleberry was on the front page!!!

Tulipano (#55134207) was on the front page!!
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