Show me ur purples

Nixie071's Clan
You've abandoned your flight and Hoshido
Clan Info

Former artist, I just kinda vibe now. Absolute sucker for Veilspun

hopefully this profile can look better in the future
Clan Lore: The Forgotten Clan
A clan of misfits founded in an attempt to heal the pain of abandonment. They are very reverent of Shadowbinder; led by Malykris and his queen, Lethe; and considers Shadow Primals as the most powerful/special dragons below the gods themselves.
Avatar and Fav dragon:

Keeper of my scries and project notes:

Recent Comments

Ardath (#57399607) was on the front page!

calixto was on the front page, i love the colors!

jasmine was the front page dragon! what a beautiful veilspun!

Lightbloom was on the front page! Very nice colors, was he your dustcarve dig reward obelisk?

Jinx was on the front page! She looks gorgeous.

Valentia was on the front page!

Sunstream says hello to his father Icarus!! Icarus is a handsome dragon!

Ruby was on the front page, super pretty!

Two eggs! I got it before rollover, so no day wasted ^^

Is there any way we could dragon trade for Gerda? Just not my Banescales.
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