Clanbound Everlux Eggs for Sale

StrayMoon's Clan
Clan Info
All lore is a work in process.
I have no clue what I’m doing half the time.
A bit about me: I use he/him and I'm 23. I'm an artist and a bit of a nerd. I love to watch anime and play video games, I also do a lot of reading in my spare time. I also play Genshin Impact, if you wanna chat about it feel free to send a message!
IRL friend: SpectralRose (also introduced me to FR)

Name: Espeon
Name: Leafeon
Name: Sylveon
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

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PS. Sorry I made a mistake when I wrote the previous message lmao, I had to rewrite most of it because I accidentally deleted one of the the phrases, and it just so happened that I wrote it twice without noticing lol.