chib adopt shop (soft opening)
xXPancakexx's Clan
Inhuman Teeth Gang
Clan Info
Welcome Traveler
Lore is always under construction.
Brand new art shop!!
Hey so about me!!
-I'm 22
-a girl (she/they/it)
-Heteromantic Asexual
-I don't lend out dragons, I don't breed other people's dragons, and I don't hold dragons
-My current fandoms are: Portal 2, Binding of Isaac, OFF, FNaF:SB, Deltarune
-I LOVE aliens and space!
-I have an Instagram and Tumblr, both of which are called Frozen Hi-Chews (Insta is frozen-hi-chews, Tumblr is frozen-hichews)
-To Staff: MacNCheeze is my brother. We share the same IP address but not the same devices (i just got a new phone, and I recently got a new laptop) he uses the house's computer.) I also sent him gifts. Cuz why not
- I am also starting college, so I'm logging in a completely different place
-Redo lore (a lot of it is outdated)
-Get the G1s gened
This is gonna take a lotta money, any donations are appreciated :')
Recent Comments
Your skydancer VELKAN is soo amazing! He made the front page!
RED (the veilspun) was on the front page!
SpaceCake was the random dragon!So so so so so cool!! :D
Rexaroni was on the front page!
Your profile dragon looks so cool with that vista :O
Thanks for giving Tobiko a home. Hope you will treat him well.
Kindle was on the front page!
Thank you so much! I also adore your lair! :o
I love bendy. The ink ant is a nice touch
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