Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!

Adeline's Clan
Looking for BEANS!
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Ping avisicarus for colleen/conri
Ping avisicarus for colleen/conri
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Stigandr (1050813) was on the front page!

mystic was on the front page!

I just wanted to tell you that Whirlwind is absolutely adorable!!!!! I saw your icon on someone else's page and had to come see him. So cute!

Anytime! c:

Hello! You got Celest from me aaaages ago, and I’m happy to see she’s still at her good home! :D

Saw Azura on the front page. She is gorgeous!

Thank you! He's vain, don't let him hear that >A>

Saw Cathode on the front page, very pretty! Actually, a lot of your dragons are really pretty! I especially like Beta~ very pretty Imps and Skys you have!

Your Jasper was on the front page, he's stunning! I absolutely love the fact that he's got Light eyes instead of the typical Plague for a red dragon, they contrast so nicely! *__*

Percy is cool.

Perfect, thank you!

Would you mind holding your triple red snapper hatchling for me for a couple days? I just need to train/exalt to make space, but I'd love to have her!
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