Private RP w/ Cackling

cackling's Clan
Everyone is Gay. Some just don’t know it.
Clan Info
Fave Song Rn: “Heal” by Tom O’dell E: ”Take my heart and take my an empty sail takes the wind...and heal...” / F: “Prends mon coeur et prends mon péché...comme une bouteille vide prends le guérit...”

Please message me I’m hella lonely. (Painfully and recently single as well. Please tread lightly.)
Status: Online
You can message/follow me on these as well!
Please check these out! It’d be really helpful!

Currently saving for/Wishlist:
- @beanbun ‘s art!!
- Charming Sage Set
- Ferocious Set
- Shattered Serpent Skin (Spiral Female)
- Warped Accent (guardian female)
- Ancient Radiance Accent (guardian male)
- Mana Relic Accent (Imperial Male)
- Dawnbreaker accent (coatl male)
- Feathercrest Accent (fae male)
- Lair expansions
- Ghost genes
- Arcanist’s Accomplice Skin (fae female)
- Baby Universe accent (fae male)
- little lion skin (fae male)
- Hungry caterpillar skin (fae female)
- Freezer Accent (tundra male)
- Extra Fluffy Accent (tundra male)
- Mandala Drip Accent (coatl male)
- Omg somebody PLEASE get me this skin!!!

Please message me I’m hella lonely. (Painfully and recently single as well. Please tread lightly.)
Status: Online
Heyoo Wassup. I’m Cackling. But you guys can call me Xinny. ;P (like “Zin-ee”) If we’re ever talking on the forums or via PM and I suddenly disappear, I’ve got class (I’m in high school, 16 y/o grade 10/Sophomore), and lunch ends at 9:10 FR time. I’m also 3 hours ahead of FR time.
All dragons in my lair without a familiar are up for grabs!
I prefer they/them pronouns, but they change, so ask me which I’d prefer if you’d like. (Today I’d prefer if you used They/Them) I’m also HELLA GAY. If you’ve got a problem with that then MOVE ALONG.

My dragons are always available for loan to breed! So long as you send them back right away! Also started a hatchery! I don’t have special links bc idk how to make those, but it’s called the Iambic Hatchery for anyone whoks be interested! (Mango is the first hatchling from this group!)

I also love dragons. Drawing them, playing games with them, etc. My FAVE FR Dragon breed would inevitably be tundras! THEY’RE SO FLUFFY!
I’m young, and pretty chill so I’m not a threat in any way. XD I was born in Quebec, so I can kiinda speak French & English? (Better at English than French ;D)

Check out my DeviantArt! Commissions are open! I will take treasure and gems for them! And send me friend requests, I’ll accept anyone. I’m obsessed with Star Wars, Death Note, and, Voltron, Yuri! On Ice!
All dragons in my lair without a familiar are up for grabs!
I prefer they/them pronouns, but they change, so ask me which I’d prefer if you’d like. (Today I’d prefer if you used They/Them) I’m also HELLA GAY. If you’ve got a problem with that then MOVE ALONG.

My dragons are always available for loan to breed! So long as you send them back right away! Also started a hatchery! I don’t have special links bc idk how to make those, but it’s called the Iambic Hatchery for anyone whoks be interested! (Mango is the first hatchling from this group!)

I also love dragons. Drawing them, playing games with them, etc. My FAVE FR Dragon breed would inevitably be tundras! THEY’RE SO FLUFFY!
I’m young, and pretty chill so I’m not a threat in any way. XD I was born in Quebec, so I can kiinda speak French & English? (Better at English than French ;D)

Check out my DeviantArt! Commissions are open! I will take treasure and gems for them! And send me friend requests, I’ll accept anyone. I’m obsessed with Star Wars, Death Note, and, Voltron, Yuri! On Ice!
You can message/follow me on these as well!
Please check these out! It’d be really helpful!

Currently saving for/Wishlist:
- @beanbun ‘s art!!
- Charming Sage Set
- Ferocious Set
- Shattered Serpent Skin (Spiral Female)
- Warped Accent (guardian female)
- Ancient Radiance Accent (guardian male)
- Mana Relic Accent (Imperial Male)
- Dawnbreaker accent (coatl male)
- Feathercrest Accent (fae male)
- Lair expansions
- Ghost genes
- Arcanist’s Accomplice Skin (fae female)
- Baby Universe accent (fae male)
- little lion skin (fae male)
- Hungry caterpillar skin (fae female)
- Freezer Accent (tundra male)
- Extra Fluffy Accent (tundra male)
- Mandala Drip Accent (coatl male)
- Omg somebody PLEASE get me this skin!!!

Recent Comments


Autumn was on the front page!

Sage is super cool and was on the front page!

"Everyone is Gay. Some just don't know it." - SAME. *High fives*


Still not gay! XD

Hey, friend! I assume you're a friend, anyways, since you're on my friends list. May I ask how I know you, or was your request random? (I apparently added you this month!) I do have severe memory problems, so I'm not sure. Have a great day!

I hope you're okay friend! :c Sending lot of positives vibes in your way!

moisturize me

you're welcome! just wanted to say you have some lovely dragons with really unique color combos, sage especially!

Thank you!^^ Your dragons are also very pretty, especially Reaper's colours are a very nice combo!

Daria is so adorable!
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